The Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-02-21, Page 2BOX 2 7 3 Writes From England Dear Sir: Will you please scud a copy of tht Wingham Times. 1 should like to know how the people of Wingham N 4 getting . on as I am one of the men who joined the 101st. during the 1144 war, as a young man, 25 years of age. 1 alit now 58 and getting •Oii in life, Mr. Smith wits manager of the ROLLS ON CASTERS NO INSTALLATION USES LESS HOT WATER ONLY ONE CONTROL 5 YEAR GUARANTEE on FLEXATUB WASHES CLEANER BiANIiHES WASHDAY COSTS LESS SEE IT ON DEMONSTRATION AT WALKER HOME FURNISHINGS S. J. WALKER Phone 106 Wingham, Ont. 140 THE GREATEST WASHER OF . ALL TIME • n U • n • n • a n n n a a a THE FINIS INC TOUCH MA S SO MUC for INTERIOR FINISHING, in your NEW HOME, for REMODELLING, to give you LASTING BEAUTY: MOULDING and TRIM from the WEST COAST MIGHEST QUALITY, GREATEST VALUE! This week's outstanding value Short length Casing tic lineal' foot WHAT you want, WHEN you want it! CLEAR REZ PRIMER SEALER Telephone 66 TODAY! TAX PROBLEMS in large estates receive special- ized attention in our Estate Service Division, CONSULT — F. C. HOPPER REPRESENTATIVE Canada Life Assurance COMPANY WINGHAM PHONE 462 -11;11•10111ii•MOPRIMIN. Here's the only way to get ready-to-use paints that match or blend with the colors in your drapes, rugs, wallpapers. No hit-or-miss mixing! Just pick the exact shade you want from samples in Colorizor Album at the store. FLO-GLAZE Calorizer paints are available in all interior fin. ishes1 JigMatlitirigleinreamsiii.i.•ItQw ksii no moh, &RIZ PAINTS and ENAMELS The Wallpaper Shop ELMER WILKINSON DECORATOR PAGE TWO THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, February 21, 195! i REMINISEINti ; ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,a.,,,,,,,,am,,,,,,,,a.nilianiennononiimioi FORTY YEARS AGO ,,Mi. h,arl 1)rLt01111!)fid Q i .rAt ssid..m. '' ‘ "ting 11 lilt '116 l'atk%th, •NL% loot tAtimmiwinnotwilomsioawmitIon,ifinnototlftuitmortat: • 5CQTTt5 SCRAP. -8Q0K Reports in MadICal Journals. 'state 1)UKE., FIN GARD: -.„ Inhalation Treatment has had btfell since Sunday afternoon breaking its way through the snow- drifts from Clinton to ingham. it was ' exactly two weeks and four hours since the plow left here for Clinton to open the road and it is two weeks last Sunday since a car or, truck operated on this part of Highway No. 4, ed the Howick Lions Midget team in the Delmore Arena, It was a hard fought game throughout and was tied at the end of tlw 3rd period 4-4. In 1.0 minutes overtime both teams scar- BELMORE Mr. and Mrs, Crawford Martin and children of Toronto, spent the week- end with Rev. and Mrs. 3. 1-1, Mar- tin. Miss Mary Coupland, of Wroxeler spent the week-end with her aunt, Mrs, Harry Gowdy. Air, and Mrs. Lyle Fitch, of Clif- ford, spent the week-end with the former's parents, Al r. and Airs, Ar- thur Fitch. HAMILTON OPTICAL CO. R. Hamilton, R. 0. Optometrist for Over 25 Years. Telephone 37 for Appointment. Airs, Litos, Drummond . S. A. $3.00 per yLar Foreign Rate $1..50 pit' yea -) r A A ; 1.1% 4.1114 ..1,kr.S. I 1 1, A*1.1SMAtri aliAL Advertising Rates on ap iheation left this IVL'vk lot J:k4v.I.W), IVliCrs; they /MORI 1.1141:114; thvir h.411%% • ana Mrs. -\ndrot, Lurk, •(, Have You Noticed that the 'World Is Changing? East Wa \Nanosh, 1Nov 'Ow syin panty vf a large circle of friends in th e Oiiee there \vain a blacksmith. l.1e \\ as. a past master ant death. last Thursday of th e ,r Lamle, in the art of putting shoes onto the feet of the horse' widen Mottes La were led through the gaping front doors of his shop. lie h'rm i 1 .`11 ,Y".` ...orrasn, W110 hitt, lnAlt i3idnt have to take a back seat to any blacksmith in the ll'AC ‘, o 'inghant ior Mil:LW time, nas l rettuaed to his farm near Laugsnie. and, his \vork was ‘Ve.il done. Ile made a ilitnieSt Lis children were provided with Aviratevvr they needed for a . ▪ limry last wtek mo+tal ids e,cure but unpret onions upbringing. When the smith alkeil under his own roof at evening tittle he felt that (;;ii. and Elmira. hep and complete satisfactitm which come, (mil Twl-N nt-elviz YzARs AGO anmitztut 4,iutx$ Published at Wingham, Ontario Wen,.;er Brothers, Publishers, W. Barry NVenger, Editor AI umber Audit Bnr,au r,i I. i Authorised ay secorot 'C Mss mat: v,no: !lent. Subscription Rate — One. Year $2 50, Mouths $1,2:3 in ,foresight could scarcely foresee the miracles within the human grasp. If you and I should make the same error the fault is our own. We have lived in an age when the things of today are never those of the morrow. .Once a famous hymn-writer struck the lines, "change and decay in all round I see." In our age there is not even time for decay. There is but change--change without ceasing. We are never faced with the boredom of shoeing the same horses year after year. We do not have to spend long -Mtn's' ea-eh - faR the. same HO ''.4ach week and each month bring new problems and new tas1;!s. Are we mentally prepared for the incessant changes which arise? Do we face each fresh situation with keen foresight and clear vision— or do we take the blacksmith's hindward view and look back to all those things we have done so well in days gone bye? Our welfare, and that of our entire nation is bound up in the direction of our vision. The past is of little mom- Ent, except for the education is has provided. It is the fut- ure that counts. Shall we look ahead or backward? Ours is the decision—ours the solution. * * * Who Pays the Shot? At the recent conference of municipalities in Bruce County on the subject of industrial expansion, James Turnbull, trade and industries branch of the Ontario De- partment of Planning and Development, pointed out that the initiative lies with the municipalities if new industries are to be secured for the towns in this area. There is much talk at present of the "decentralization" of industry; all speakers are ready to mention the inclina- tion of the big industrialists to move to the smaller centres. Our town is one of those smaller places, and we who live here would like to dream that an important branch of some nation-wide industry could be persuaded to set tip shop within our boundaries. So, naturally, our first thought is, "What can we get out of the provincial or dominion gov- ernments to place our town in the limelight." So few people seem to realize that a grant from the governments is not it handout at all. When a government makes a grant ol this kind, who pays the cost ?. The people of Ontario, of course, or the people of Canada as the case may be. Since everybody immediately jumps for the grant wagon the grants hecome fairly widespread and we all pay SO fond of demanding help all through the year and then howling about our income tax come spring. We seem to like the music bin we don't want to pay the piper, If We are truly anxious to see this place expand, why don't we settle down to the hard facts of what we need if .such a dream is to be realized? 141rst we must have hous- ing-. Would it be entirely out of the question for our own corporation to finance a few units each .year on th state basis sae basis as has. been done by the federal authority? With new homes available the industrialist would have sonic hope of interesting labour in jobs here. Similarly we should be and in many instances are attending to our own problems of transportation, recreation., etc, Our governments have done: the people as a Whole to great favour by providing. a grant or subsidy for every conceivable want, We are likely to grow soft under such treatment. • .„ tl charge of the service in the after- noon, Ile was assisted by tlw super- intendant of the Moorefield Sunday L C. Jorgensen of Iltteston, Miss., or formerly of 13olmore and 151nevale will ri lite many friends of Airs, (Rev.) ),c School, The choir sang "Father Lead i „ with Miss Lillian Darling at the Euchre Party be sorry to learn that she underwent quite a serious operation in December, A euchre and dance was held in Airs, Fred Johann is spending a Lanes school on Monday night last, few days with her daughter, 'Mrs. when 17 tables were in play. The Wilfred Walker near Belg-rave. prizes -went to Airs, Eldred Cathers, Mrs. Jas. Doig, Mr: Boyd Marshall mitt: a numbmer froin here anoint- ed the funeral 'of the late Mr. David and ,Air. Tom, AleGlynn. Dancing was then enjoyed to the music of Tiffin's Vogan, who was buried in McIntosh orchestra, A similar, evening is plan-cemetery last Monday. ned for March 4th., to be held in the Annual Library Meeting Belmore Community -Halt Proceeds The annual mecting of the Delmore for the Arena Fund. Library was held at Mrs. Harry Press' last Wednesday evening. Airs. Press wished to resign as Librarian, so Mrs. McNee was appointed in her , place and it Was decided to move the' books to, iteF 4041,„, The following"-directors were ap- pointed for a 3 year term, Rev. J. FL Martin, Henry Johann and Mrs. E. Zinn, Airs. Barry Press was appointed for a year in Airs. Abram's place to complete the term, Mrs, Harper and Mrs. K. C. Press were me, appointed auditors. A hearty vote of thanks was tender- ed ;Mrs. Press fOr her willing, and very Capable service cueing the last 11 years. A,t the 'board ,.inkting afterwards, 'Rev. j. 14, Martin • was re-Clected chairman, Mrs. E. Zinn, secretary and Alr, John Stokes, treasurer, The Library had 41 members in 1950 and 714 books were read, Total receipts were $205.27; expenses, $93.05 leaving a balance On hand of $111.62. Them-o are over 1000 of our own books in the Library now, and the Huron County Library loans us 100 books, chaliging• them every 3 months. These hooks are on many and Varied subjects, including sewing, quilting, conking, gaideniin,-, flowers, hobbies, parties, games, carpenter work, farming, etc., as well as fiction, juvenile and class books, The Library Board would like the community to make more use of this service and also recommend any book they would like to have ordered. • Air, and Mrs. James- Dickson, Mr. alaniMSEEMSZMUMIra.IMM.MM Asthma; Bronchitis, Allergies, Sinusitis, Etc,. It 11. Tho saute medication used in the has. pital treatment, referred to above, is now available with the new INHAL-IT • Electric Home Inhalator, It banishes All symptoms of Asthma, )3ronchitis. Sinusitis, Head Catarrh and Comnfori Colds, Ask for DUKE-FINGARD • .1 guNsimumnsigNimainummumaiNG N • • • n N a .• • • n n WI a n n a a n a ' n BAVER LUMBER CO, n LIMITED Telephone 66 Wingham ratonamounnimmumnommignmumme 13y R. SCM, . . . Airs. 'rho• s, AbralTain and Mr. and at..r i~t r:ili ;11t motorist begged for the assistanc,.. he tieedied,.C,0%-.'" novK wh•-mt ; ; pota,Il, proprit.I.,,r 0.1 in grimy, Inn Ilnir hoc keV his Mrs. Elmer Jelfray. she HAL. kS1111.1.11 ;,11tn I ed in disdain and sent hi,: "-.urk,, ha, improved wonderiziii.:... This waspj, watt of Li,rrit uhhhicd church, ,-..1.1s .tonier to the next. village and so to :t wtirkinan who lut ,l:r‘turnoi ivott a uVUis."S i.ne,iness trip r e al v ictory for as it is ow addressed the in th e p rrs hy_ :;‘,41111cui PkitusylvaMa told first time this p.a:. the How.ick terian church here last Sunday even- • the vision of the impossible in his foolish braill---and _• ing, RUN'. Mr. Munroe o f Moorefield, grasp of a growing business within his feeble hold, The; mr. .Baby has purchased the Lions team has lweit defeitted. new man knew less than nothing about an automobile, but 1G-t.u. Gannot farm near Blucvalc. he had the foresight to be interested. lie could glimpse thei prospect of ,a changing world and made some effort to; FIFTEEN YEARS AGO :XI a ). or John \V, Hanna, has pur- Iake his claim within the unknown. elia ,,cd. the Robertson (image and also You and I are well acquainted with the man who was has taken the lord Motor Agency for so sure of his ability that he refused to recognize changes • \\Ingham and district. -when they came to his door, lie is still respected, and at \•'\il‘,1:;„Itunst \, ii i, celebrated then ' 5th vv'ed- `che same time pitied, because he just failed to make the ding anniversary, '.!'Here was considerable excitement in town on Tuesday evening, Mien a The blacksmith can easily be excused because he lived big ca"i-,,rpillar slum plow arrived front in an age when everything changed so rapidly that human Clinton. This tinge gasoline monster ., ho loll 1:0 good effect. ,. I k iln .. •;i21;,. • .1. I: Lt r i1 /4 .; :" wen: Ti ter e e.a m, a clinAdie,•,:. morning mhen our Islael pi. ...,iiiii I), sue.. ...,,,, ,.., ,.„,,..!,;„, „i; ii,. -„,;., ZLS 12:!rfl. : ' 1,'L'i %,.. .\:1.-1.',..'2" !Ito; i he lortikitICI. of lliNL iianfi;I: i,._,22, .M.Let...-: fc,,p: y at hitieai•di.,- .,,,, ,orc t.),;•;:i....,•-,!.. t •Nz 4,•••i„17,1„1,1, : in nu hi, ,,,a1-,,, i i i,, 1‘.„:„.!,,7 II:l.,1 ...p,„.i i...:,1 ,-.,.N. 1,a ri;:ii, Sva.••• 4, •;•.2, • k 1 , ii ..,..i l'. Lail .. a , IA . .1$,„ Ali.,, 7. i Ik Kit ...........* ::..v,....I. at,V,`,..0 ..1., ......,..'4i1:., 110tH il,r:,...i.. 10 ;111.v ii. i ,its.' " 'i ,'" l',..°1 ; I', .,.la: ,„ Id '1\ . zs. AluiLett. i-el Wiiii, i,i! 'Alt' 1,:;11...s1 of his a ln;,)rptioli. a sow i t; !•,1 4 ,;,i.' V. .. 1 .4..r int i ..it'. ... li,L.i.. ac,:.:- ed. 1., it Nadi it ., .,, but a t k.vs,' juin.. t:i •17101Sc7 .1011SZIL:',•:. 1.11i,...! hiat'ii.S1.11itt'l il'i, ,...,t. r t,,,,•,..i.o..-1,,i ! ,11. ' 1,e " " ' ' 1".i ,'"":" 4"1", "1 - "`• ';'" Iitt;, littAT Pet.]: -V:ii.TIS. in ti lone , !,..n - ' '. 'kv! N- t".•‘.,`, ".“:%'"•• A lin:aka:A.1)- faith , : , V.i ,a1 kei1iii .illing of hi., oo. it ,it.toirt. ..,.... vs: ..;,4 1,:i.' L. ,iS til ,..1.'hilt, trio-K.:it i c. iinpletel, , att6 i ed the vt inning Tile 110i.si "i.I.Lit.;,. tti1::1 ilia ,l. of a ...vho.......:..i.ig, ir.iIC ali ,.., pvt 4,,. ',1 ,,,;:i.:,;.. ,:, ,1,8L..".";.1.,,,i, ..,,,..,81 ...,..41 2....., nclin.w... . ..;;mi g it 6-5. Lloyd •.:-)11-'0.01 or. it eottged to his door alit! diel Nv;.'.11 a .1.-Asi ..!sili , '''' "": '".•'.1, I"" .";.: '' "'"s:' "111•':' r''` N ii ,,„1 ;„..,a, ti,„., ‘‘ right „,„..,1 • 8., -tii.,,,,. ...tali: ;,;;;.v.p. Tbi: iir2.st.er Iii..'!'. tit' of his dzty fail•ed tit 11Clar , ..,,,. ,„, i. ;;,„. .:..,, i i. ,i 1:,... Alor ;.,.4.0a1S 1,'; ',. Ilivri:. Our iMid in those radin t.t• n ,•,,tei, th e ri l alial gt: of a i-jev,,' a,i,,,,:f_ \\11,„..,1 j, .0 ,• irj,,,,. -;,, 1,1,•,•,•,;,..t ,, ,-. .,,,,, iii,,t , 1 'mt., till' gel team has ID ' ..,, %%eight of the A benefit dance for tic Midget team in the Community I1ail, followed the. game and was well patronized. 'fWO AFRICAN. . ,1/41`F iSli ct Eill R 1t4 AN AcL2t.LARialA ANA CrAtER• ONE. IS 1< • S'rEE.L WIRE. HAILS co Nt MERc ILL NAER.ic.A 9. C. '875, qC ADS J .4140 4/i'k ox '61E, PF...kuvtAS CORIvIORNA-r IS SNIPPED AS .;E.p.-to-tzr.i?„-Co ALL PART'S c, 1(.8 rcirarve Synth°, ..pt, met. ,Nlooee and Miss Jean Inglis, spent last wevk cud in Toronto, visiting ^i•••••••0•-••••• •r - oFFIcE ,(1).4.ALAYA.s. ALS° SERVE AS 22•tFoR.-tvtA.2- CLUBHOUSES fait. ?1St MA.I.E. POPULA.1-1014. ri Mr. and Mrs. John Fitch Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Montgomery, of 13elgrave, and Mr; and Mrs. jack Pitcher spent 1'111.11'8day evening with Alr, and .Mrs. Clark Renwick, the' oc- elision being the latter's 29th wed- ding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs, Howard Nickel and family sPent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, Robert Nickel, A fr. and Airs. Robert Sadler, Suif- fa, and Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Tuckey, Exeter, spent the week-end with Mr. and Airs. Nelson Hunkin. Hockey The Merkley Goodyears played Iwo games lids past week. On Tues- day night the Kinloss Rubs won the game with a score Of 7-3, On Thurs- day night the Fordwich Leant came to Delmore and a real thriller took place. At 'the cud of the game the score board read 4-4. The game then went into ot.ertime, and the veteran player, kenneth Dickson, Miss Mildred bleu Johnston, of Fordwich, really turned On the and at the end of ten minutes the score was Fordwich 8, Balton: 5, This put the Good- years in thitd place and they now ad- -•ance into the playoffs, The next la equal proportiori. In other words, when we demand a !4 ,,tnie in nehn,„., oft Tuesday night grant we must sign our own cheques. with the Kinloss Rubs. Now paving our own hills is a good idea. But let's not. ey team, the 13elmore Canucks, play- on Friday night our Midget hoc- -fool ourselves by thinking some one else•is paving. We are key Lenin, 1111111111101111111111110011111/111111101111111111111, AFTER Tough, Long-Wearing HEELS Don't let run-down heels cause your shoes to iOse their shape and fit. Come in any, time for Ouick tow-cost Service, Browne's Shoe Repair Times at that -time. .11 was. ill the year 1908 that I came to Winghani and worked on a farm at Fordyce for a number of years, If any of the people are living they will know in,. 1 also was a member of the Method- ist church and sang in the choir at St. Helen's, 1 expect Wingham has grown by now, as it is nearly forty years Sinai 1 was there, but 1 thought I would like to be remembered to all the kind people, who in those clays the W;ii. Si.) good to us. \VillAilalki :old I rf ,allik.loiCV6 k.! t r3 inch it and it )was a very nice town, .1 am still N'urking oil a 'farm stud have Ali,: ..y .1 /41urchs, rs. M cRob- been iqL , frr., Mr ,. I.. :".1t,kW(101. Viola 1.1.1%"(.• 1:iy and my %Lau . and Victoria Champion,. Misses Nellie \IL Dichsol.'s mother, was Pi ghter, la nd Janile!,,4J• and Fl,rlit.-nt yettrs 121.11. 'Al r. Jawc6 Ii st i, Iii I,' me, my 117t•icif ston e Warminstur, Wiltshire, if it is please remember addrt,s F. trchar,l, 22 King- few days. Air. and Mrs: jolitt NV.,rden 114i1":N t;-‘1:11..00' i: Stratford, scut Sunday with Mr. and Nowt Complete! only $795 Keret; Drug Store diideatioit