HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-02-14, Page 8Is He Redly a Goat? No. The mountain goat is not a true goat! The mountain goat is more closely related to the antelope family than the true goats. He has some features of each. The mountain goat is one of Canada's most colorful game animals, Intelligent hunting by conservation minded sportsmen has helped keep him from extinction. Nature unspoiled is yours to protect. YOURS TO PROTECT YOURS TO ENJOY THE CABLING BREWERIES LIMITED ONTARIO 2-14 WROXETER MisS Agnes \Yearling Toronto, ". sprits the week-end with her parents, Mr and Mrs. G. A, NVearring, Airs. J. li. \\ is visiting in Ilrantf.,rd, the guest of her sister, ' Alrs. Mel, 'Martin. Lenten In services tine being 'Lehi each Wednesday evening in the 1'1:mud ci;u1-.:;11 at S vt ith Rev, t', E. CI...LIM...Mt in charge, all," ii v, VI' varin4 1,4 the third ,,,,,ut c st cone,rt t o be Mkt in F.,rdwicit Frid.ty. Feb, won tirst place in EGGS 1. ANTED HIGHEST TORONTO PRICES PAID. Accurate Grading Complete Satisfaction Pick-up Service at your farm. Wroxeter Produce Phone 36 r 2 Wroxeter held in Gorrie, on February .Gprrie third. In the second contest Wroxeter .pliteed first„ Gorrie second. and Fordwich third. The coming .con- cert will complete the series, Th e concerts have been of interest to the whole community and are a ineans. of developing home talent, ',1'he commit- tee in charge are to , be commended for giving their time for such worthy prom']. Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Dustow, of lidmore, w ere recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs, John Wylie and Mrs, Geo., Wylie, Mrs, Charles MeCutcheon was a Toronto visitor last week. Miss Eleanor Sanderson, Toronto, spent the week-end with. her mother, Mrs, Frank Sanderson. night to .chariVari olle of our popular young men,. Bid Newton and his bride,. who were recently married. Everyone in the community will join in extend- ing best wishes for a long and happy marriage, Mrs., Harold Hamilton, former resident of Wroxeter and now of J,31nevale, was the speaker at the World Day of Prayer, which wassheld its Bluevale United Church. MemberS of Salem United Church are planning to re-decorate their church building before spring, Air, and Mrs. Allister Green and daughter, Lynda, of Wingham, spent Sunday Avith Airs. Thos, McMichael. Mrs. \V. E. Weir and Miss Edythe, also Miss Gerty :hush, were Snildny visitors will, Mr. and Mrs, W, A. Dane at 001Tie. Airs, Reg, Newton and daughter, at Nancy, spout d Brussels. with sseis.Mr. and Mrs, Bill N wind Mr. and Mrs, John Colwill, Ford- wick, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Lyle Brothers, Newton - VanNornian At the United Church manse, Gor- rie, on Saturday, January 27th., Rev. 5. R. Watt officiating, Margaree Iso- bel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. VanNorman, Brussels, became the bride of William Newton, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Newton, Wroxeter. Attending were Miss Shir- ley Newton and Airs, Thomas New- ton, .sister and brother of the groom, On their return front a wedding trip An excellent paper on the subject. of "Al0Sie," written by our local music teacher, Airs, Lyle Brothers, and given at the local Institute meet- ing, t‘ ill be placed in the loan library, .1.'itroeto, where it will be available to any Institute in Ontario. Members of the Young People's Union, arc now practising a three-act comedy which will be presented later :in the season, Friends here will be .glad to know Airs. T. C. flemphill, who-is staying with Mrs. J. J. Allen, in Toronto, for the past sei era] weeks, is much im- proved in health. I , A group of friends from the village eriVigliagaMTATINADEMItaaratrasoisamr! to Brussels late Saturday first contest, NVroxcter second and WIDE SELECTION Of BODY STYLES SMAR T CONVERTIBLE •'' DASHIN G MODELS RIVIER A A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE • FLOORS REFINISHED Rintoul & Miller 'Phone 251 'Phone 210 RAGE. 'WINotiAg AWAKE-Tams Wedpeaclay, February 14, 1951 • • • Custom Deluxe 4Door 6-Passenger Tourback Sedan AUION031C IRANSMISSiON 6)(CLUSIVE '0 BUICK", 'les ale smartest thing on wheels • die silky' octal drive tht's fay atttnate, that has Ito clutch pedal to pusb and no gears to shift. its eioy on pan, 0 tl t!tres, on tlic 'Whole car .,„ and it's available on every [Iola; Anil only onl3niel;.1 tf)yriailaie itiviildrit equip Poonatti,u,stotemei optionut at e .014/0,e1/ M-751A Air, and'Mr • Newton will take up residence in Mussels. Wroxeter Telephone AnntP1 Meeting Fred Dottblettee was . re-elected pre- sident when the Wroxeter Telephone Co. Linnted held their annual meet- ing in the Public Library, town hall, on January 24th. Charles (lathers was also re-elected as director. Three new directors were appointed, Wm. Dett- man, Fred HYndrinta. and Gordon. Wray, replacing directors Les Doug- las and Richard Carson who .resigned, Philip Durst is secretary-treasurer, lu view of the rising cost of materials. .and operation the company have made application to the Railway Board to raise the rates of subscribers, Young People's LJuioit. Ronald McMichael, president, pre- sided the weekly meeting of the Young People's Union, United Church on Sunday evening, In the absence of Tony chitovis, convener of Christian Culture, Rev, l.'. E. Cronlitelm -con- ducted the worship service. He gave a talk on Chinese writing, showing ex- hibits of same Mr, Cronhiehn spent some years as a missionary in .China and his talk was most interesting. Members were urged to attend an Officers' Congress in Hackett's Church, Ashfield Township, on Fri- day night of this week; February 16th. Howick Farmers Insurance Company Annual Meeting The 78th annual meeting of the Howick Fanners' Mutual Fire insur- ance- Company, will he held in the Township Hall, Gorrie, Friday, Feb- ruary 16th,, at 1.30 p.m., to receive the annual statement, elect directors, appoint two auditors and sucb other business as may be properly brought before the meeting. World Day of Prayer Mrs, C. .Is, Cronhielm was the speaker when the women of this dis- trict gathered at the United Church on Friday for the annual world clay of prayer. Speaking on the theme, "Per- fect Love 'Casteth Out Fear," the speaker said we were living in an age of fear and stressed the value of Prayer to overcome fear. She told of a group of Christian women in Korea who prayed all night before the war started in their country. The need for reading, material in overseas countries is great especially for those who have just learned to read, and urged Can- adians to choose their reading with care, as that is one way in which the Communists spread their doctrine, Misses Thelma. Denny and Gilbert:a Howes. sang a duet. Airs, Lyle Bra- crs was pianist. The meeting was led by Mrs. Allen Munro and Mrs. 1). S. MacNaugliton, representing the Unit- ed Church; Mrs. George Griffith, St, James' Anglican Church, and Mrs. Gordon Gibson, the Presbyterian Church. Others taking'-'part in the service were, Alrs, Harvey Timm, Mrs. Vern Denny, Mrs. Leslie Doug- las, Mrs. Frank Sanderson, Mrs. Charles Lawrence and Mrs. Robert Evans. Mrs. R, R. Hunter and Mrs. Alvin Moffatt . received the offering. The service was divided into five parts, Adoration, Penitence, Assur- ance, Dedication of Self, Intercession, and was prepared by Christian women of Germany and the Central Day of Prayer committee, New York. For use in our country it was adapted by a committee of the Women's Inter- Church Council of Canada. Family Night on February 16th The February meeting of Wrox- eter's Women's Institute will take the form of Family Night, and will be held in tlic United Church School- room on Friday, February 16th, from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. there will be games and contests for the children. A pro- gramme will follow and the commit- tee promises it will be full of sur- prises. Contests will be a feature and refreshments will be served. A full attendance of members and their fam- ilies is hoped for, Progressive Euchre and Bingo Owing to unfavourable weather, the crowd attending the progressive euchre sponsored by the Women's In- stitute, on Tuesday night, was not large, but those present report a very pleasant evening, Mrs. R. R. Hunter received the prize for the first person paying admission. The couple having highest score in the 5th game of the play, Mrs, :Vern Denny and Mrs. G. A, Wearring, were awarded prizes, Mrs. Ken Webster won the prize for having a birthday nearest Valentine's Day, Ladies holding highest scores Were Mr's, Yeats Petiny; Mrs. Harvey Reidt, Men's. prizes. went to Allwrid; Wearring, Carl Smith and R, :Knitter tied for second, Mr. Hunter winning the draw, Refreshments were served and: the Usual few Baines of bingo played. Farm Foram "Should Production he Controlled." W4S the subject for discussion when the Fourth Line of Tnrnberry Farm ,Vorma met at the home of Mr, and Airs, Eldred Nichol on MQ1104,Y. even- ing, Progressive euchre followed, Mrs, Eldon Kirton held the high score for ladies, J. ,J. Elliott for men, Mrs, J. .1. Elliott and Mrs, Raymond Elliott were awarded consolation PriZeS. and Mrs, John McTavish invited the group to meet at their home next. The Hostess served refreshments, Miss Rona Vanvelsor spent a day last week with Mr. and Mrs, John Colwill and Miss Beatrice Wade, Fordwieh, and with .the latter' attend- ed "The Gondoliers" put on by the Listowel High School. ST. HELENS The World's Day of Prayer was observed on Friday at the t>onte of Airs. W, I. Miller, with 17 ladies pre- sent. The theme of the impressive worship service which was prepared by the christian women of Germany and the Central Day of Prayer com- mittee of New York, was ,"Perfect Love Casteth out Fear." MI's, W, I. Miller, the president, led in the wor- ship service and was assisted by. Mrs. Chas. Af cDonald and Mrs. Will Ruth- erford, Prayers were offered by Mrs, G. MacPherson, by Mrs. Lorne Due- nin for Mrs. G, Stuart, by Mrs. W, Miller for Mrs, H, Webb, by Mrs. T. J. Todd, Mrs. W. A. Miller and Mrs, S, E. Hayward. Mrs. E. W. Rice sang, "Have You Been in the Garden with Jesus?" Miss W, D, Rutherford spoke on the work around the world which our gifts help to make possible and showed the rela- tions of the theme "Perfect Love Casteth" out Fear," to these projects, TAXI DAY or NIGHT Phone 65 JIM CAMERON All Passengers Insured — 1 SNOW PLOUGHING, and SNOW REMOVAL from SERVICE STATIONS DRIVE WAYS FARM LANES, ETC. Fraser Forgie Phone 38 - - Wingham or Wroxeter 12-17 PACKED World". . new in structure, new in power, new in dimensions, new in thrift. See the lordly Roadm as ter ... exuberant with power and action ... with in tenor richness that sets new standards of elegance in motor cars . . luxurious in every detail, spacious in every dimension! Learn about all the magnificent engineering fea- tures hidden under Buick's rich fashion styling Dyna flow, the completely automatic dream-drive . . flashing Fireball Power from new, higher compression, valve-in-head engines . , the Push- Bar Forefront ... rugged Torque-Tube Drive famous 4-Wheel Coil Springing . alt-weather comfort from Dual Ventilation.... large, safe Self-Energizing Brakes! So much is new, so mach is desirable so much is thrilling! Come in and see the on Buieictodayi Yes. Buick days are here again! And this is your invitation to see for yourself all the wonderful improvements that have come to Buick since it was available in Canada. See the gay and spritely Custom . . which can accurately be titled "The Newest Car In. The von,mw.-s.iimm•?4,Vek•kiVIailait.5 REAM MOTOR SALES. PHONE 241 SEE THE NEW BUICKS AT YOUR DEALER'S TODAY ' A new and different blend with a mild and pleasing flavour. Firm and smooth to chew. Never crumbles.