HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-02-14, Page 5YOUR LAST CHANCE TO CASH IN ON g THESE EXTRA SPECIAL VALUES Ibex 0 Flannelette Blankets o size 70" x 90" 11 FOR $5.79 Usually $6.50 0 0 II n water o Size 20" x 40" Usually $1.29 FOR $1.00 .EACH i o Usually $1.98 $1 88 Each Special $1.49 Each Special O O 11 1 REMNANT TABLE 11 Do not miss this table just piled full of Remnants all marked so low in price you should at least buy o. several. 111 When in the store "look" for the Many Unadvertised o Values we have to Off en Wailse4 Amos, .2ioakci 0C101===l6=0) 401:310) 101Ct0 <0=10e White FLANNELETTE 27 inch Usual Value 39c yd. SPECIAL 29c yard. 11 They just lap up the CANNON Bath Towels LACE CLOTHS Size 70" x 90" $8.95 Value FOR $5.95 O p O 1 RayonlCrepe Slips Full Straight Cut two gore with dainty lace trim , "Hit - and Miss" RAG MATS Size 24" x 48" Special $1.39 Each RAYONIGOWNS' Soft Knitted Striped Rayon with dainty lace trim Sizes M. L. with $250 PLASTIC CURLERS Kerr's Drug Store Berlou moth-protection for a man's suit costs only 20 cents per year. Berlou guarantees i n writing to pay for all moth damage within 5 years C. Templeman & Son CLEANERS Wingham, Ontario D1 ft I:0 u • tvii011:11 P RO:tit Optometrist for Over 25 Years. Telephone 37 for Appointment. .1/10211NWHINNAINEWINININIIIIL You're in for a treat when you get your new-looking old shoes back from us. They look smart feel comfortable too. vance, The Time is Now:" Mrs. Nint- mo's paper dealt with the wonderful r"*. work of the W.M.S. in the foreign S n ess fields, Mrs. Nimmo gave a most interesting account of the annual meeting of the W. MI. S. Presbyterial, Professional held recently. • The Glad Tidings prayer was given Eby Mrs: W. Hammond, The president, Mrs. L. Fortune, .eave a brief summary of the history and beginning of the W.M.S. in Wes- tern Ontario, one of the members of . this board being a former Wingham resident in the person of Mrs. John Dobie, formerly Miss Freda Van- Stone, who was well known to this town. Mrs. Dobie is press secretary of the Synodical of Hamilton and London. The offering was received and Mrs, Holmes gave the offertory prayer. T.he treasurer's report was read and adopted and the meeting was closed with prayer by Miss P. Wilson, and Directory apian....11M•101.1.11141KINWRO Frederick F. Hornuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. HomuthR.O. Mrs. H. Viola Honiuth R..0. Registered:i0plometrists Phone 118 Harriston, Ont. RONALD G. M CANN J. A. FOX Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. RADIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT CLINTON, ONTARIO Office: Royal Bank Phones: Office 561, Res. 455. sill 11/P TIADE FTC S. J. WALKER Funeral and Ambulance Service MODERN FUNERAL HOME 'Phone 106 Night 189 WINGHAM ONT. t.1•1,p1Miq•qugt,i. WELLINEFON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office - Toronto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham W. A. CRAWFORD, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON If. N. fliactENNAN Veterinary Surgeon Office Minnie St. PHONE 196 ()hid 11,,urs; !.-, p.m, daily Stmd.ty ielid a ys Wingham, st- Ontario • ...1.<.,:i7,r.=:RVINVe.12 MIOnTr,ftp.P.ontiliti.,128r.406121.110111.0.1 onn.c....ywarest.nerrenta lonmwargrapomernmsortommooe A. H, Wednesday, Februaty 14) 1951 T17IE WINGI:IAM ADVANCE-TIMES. PAGE FIVII Coat Clearance Usually $29.50 • 1 FOR $24.95 O 0 O il he ,...-em)=0 1=lcOrl77',-747=104;0 I Collar led prayer, Mrs. Wiltmw inunber of familiar choruses, Mrs, F. 0 11 WALKER STORES February 'Clearance SALE CONTINUING o with Added Specia O O ls NEW HIGH Sc AREA WORMED IN WELLINGTON A new type of setup in high school areas will be started at Palmerston, Harriston and Clifford, hegitning with the schun1 tern, ill September. Tile school area wilt now be called the North Wellington High School area, The system will be operated ul DRESS CLEARANCE 1/2 PRICE We still have a Good Selection to choose Usually $11.95 FOR $5.95 Usually $15.95 $7.95 FOR same principle :as. city high schools with one board of 10 members gov- erning the three schools ragnr locat, ed in these towns. Besides servicing Palmerston, Har- riston end Clifford, the area will take in parts of Mint°, Wallace, Marybor- ough and Howick Townships, and possibly part of Arthur Township.. --Listowel Benner, from which O The regular monthly meeting of the Catholic Women's League of Sacred Heart Church, Wingham, was held at the home of Mrs, J. Brent on Mon- day last week. The meeting opened with prayer led by the President, Mrs. F, MacDonald. The minutes of the last two meetings were read by the secretary, Mrs. T. Rafferty and the financial report on. the euchre parties was given by Mrs. W, White. It was decided that a collection of used clothing be made in the parish to be packed for needy areas. A ban- quet will be held for members of the League after the Lenten season at the Brunswick Hotel. The corres- pondence was then read and discuss- ed. An article of interest ' entitled "Saints for Our Times" was read by Mrs. Rafferty. The next regular meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. T. Rafferty. The grand prize winners of the series of euchre parties held in the parish hall were Mrs. Morris Fitzpatrick, high ladies' score, and Mr. Joseph Brophy, high men's score. The exec- utive of the Catholic Women's League wishes to take this, opportunity to express their thanks to those who helped make his series a success in spite of inclement weather. 1Iercourt favoured with a very well known solo, "I Will Not Forget Thee." A ,very. informative quiz coil- sisting of questions about the Bibie was conducted by Helen Louise Po- cock, • Mrs. Wm. Aitken read the Scripture taken from 1-16. Following the singing of the hymn "Shining For Jesus," Mrs, Merrill Cantelon gave a short talk entitled "How Far Can We Go With Jesus." Although Lazarus never preached a sermon, his death bore a great testi- mony of the miracle power of the Lord Jesus Christ, The hymn "Sweepiog Through the Gates of the New Jerusalem" was sung and Mr. Coyle closed with prayer. C.W.L. WILL COLLECT CLOTHES FOR NEEDY APT= YOUNG .42%O.FIsH The rinssilar meeting of the Baptist Vuung People was held on SUildaY evening. Following the eingime cal 7Ie °Awe e .9 OffrOF /0 NAWIN# WNW WHITECHURCH amid one daughter, who lives in Bow- rem of fielgrave, visited on Sunday monbers of the eLoh. and ghter of Goderich, visited on Sunday The funeral was held to the • , with his .pareuts Me. aril Mrs John fmrknow cemetery on Saturday after- with their pa.rents, Mr. and Mrs" teachers, and officers of the Semi t} School of St. Andrew's Presbyterian c. I{ytin Birth John Purdon. II,t}tva"d ryas unaldc t+, 1. ,•' of and .Mrs. Ralph Center, , effort cued be be maile to distribute 6.30 in the Sunday Scho,,1 een C=hurch met on Thursday cycning at g et to <1 ...;;11,72u,ti. Cal neesed it Wingliam Hospital. t.:111 agreed that same S rdav, February -10th., tO, Mr. '4414.liteen Pres" a Wilsey supper served by the men,- count l'r et , (In ions and Rev. W. Ladies' the Aid, f. Watt had charge of the syl-vi c ,.;;, . Isurpluses uccily Ties. Mrs, Robt. IL V. Pym took the chair for an Mrs. J."' Fr"" . is again a Pat - sin s Belfast,, impromptu progrses winch f oll owe d, !lent Wingion Hospital, Purclon and Mr. Jas. Falconer held John Megibbon led in a sing-sdng of high points at euchre. Lunch .was sqr- Some favorite songs and Mr. Gilbert Beeeroft has been very 'flie regular monthly inceting of the veil and all enjoyed .thewisirlicibael timeh choruses, 'ill during the past week with a bad Women's institute was held this 'Puce- together. Next meeting Mrs. Piekell and Miss Leona play day attack of the flu, iday at the home of Mrs. Albert Cold- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. john Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft left on ed a Piano duet and 11Srs. Ross Hata- tes, when Miss Munroe, the Health `Purelon. with solos. George nderson, choir unto, where Reeve Beeeroft attends gave an interesting report of her Nurse iltott and Gordon Leggatt f avored Tuesday to spend a few days in Tor- for Bruce, was Pre}t'll t and president, and A. g J. H. MadDonald, the annual convention of the Ontario work in the Township of Kinloss. Agricultural Council in the Parliament superintendent of the. Sunday School, expressed appreciation to the ladies B u i ld in gs on We dnes daY and T il rS- M Orville Tiffin and Mr. JUL HAMILTON for the supper. day. Tiffin and children have been very ill for some time with a bail attack of OPTICAL CO. whooping cough. Mrs. Fred Nctvinan was called to W. R. Hamilton, R. 0. Hamilton last week to be with her sister, Miss Emley Hendershot], who had fallen on ice, and broken her arm. There was no school at S.S. No. 10 last Thursday and Friday on account roads. The cold, stormy weather and the ad The 9t4' concession folks held their euchre at the home of Mr, Clarence Chanmey with eight tables playing. Mrs. Lewis Stonelmuse and Mr. John Mason held high points, and they will gather this Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Mark Arm- strong. Mrs. Jack Siebert of Toronto, spent Monday and Tuesday this week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Thompson. The Brick Church ladies held 'the, Day of Prayer" meeting at the home of Mrs. Alex Robertson, on Friday, with an attendance of ,nine, and fol- lowed the program, the theme of which was "Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear." Mrs. Lawrence Taylor, presi- dent, presided, and Mrs. Norman Coultes, was pianist for the meeting. Mrs. Alex Robertson, Mrs. G. M. Shiell, Mrs, Chas, Shiell and Mrs. Les- lie Wightman assisted in the program. Lunch was served and all enjoyed the social time after the storms and cold weather of the week. Mrs. Wm, Bremner returned to her home in Ethel last week, after spend- • Nearimailwarma ffarammismisr BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswater WROXETER-Every Wednesday afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment. J. W. ENFIELD, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Phone 150 Wingham I Office Meyer Block, Wingharn *sr.. r ANN= CRAWFORD HETHERIMITON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Wingham, Phone 48 J. H. CRAWFORD, K.C. R. 8, HETHERINGTON, X.C. Usually $35.00 0 FOR $22.95 O STATION WAGON COATS 4 Only. Full Length Usually $24.95 I FOR $19.95 SLACKS REGULAR and DRAPE STYLES Cold weather time is Slack time get yours now. Checked Worsted $7.95 FOR ... $5.95 Gabardine Worsted $9.95' FOR ... $7.95 News .from Our Churches 'yeers he bad 'been a councillor of of Prayer ines tin which Kin- The Da loss, and on the. school board at S. ; es , • S. No. 9 for many years, and had was postponed from Friday last, oX1 guars account of the roads and eold. weather he did considerable plowing with his a new Ford sedan,. lie, anti Mr, ammo and sielcness, will be held this Tburs- • '' - team of horses. He leaves to mourn Mrs. Kenneth Zinn and children. M. CHOIR AND. SUNDAY SCHOOL day in the United Chueelt p.m him, his wire, and soar, Fraser, at borne and Mrs. Clifford Purdon and child,- OFFICERS AIM PANQUEITD Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ryan' ;Ma dlut- ing month at the home a her nieces Mrs. Leslie Wighttuan. Mr.. Kenneth Purdon has purchased ST. ANDREW'S W.M.S. MET LAST TUESDAY The regular monthly Meeting of the Womens' Missionary Society of St. Andrew's . PresbYteelan Church, was held on Tuesday afternoon of last week, at three o'clock, with a splendid attendance. The president, Mrs, L. Fortune opened the meeting and the secre- tary's report was read and adopted, followed by the roll call. A very interesting letter from Miss Marion Williamson, who thanked the Society for the Christmas parcel they had forwarded to her. The scripture. reading was given by Mrs. C. Whitfield and the meditation by Miss A. McBurney, the text being ,"Mending Our Nets." Mrs: A. Hastings offered a prayer, and Mrs. Aitchison favoured with a lovely solo, "If Jesus Goes With Me." The first chapter of the new study book, "Our Share in the World Mis- sion", was very ably given 'by Mrs. Alex Nimmo, her topic being- "Ad- L. Hiseler and Mrs. N. McLaughlin being in charge. At the close of the meeting, lunch was served by the social committee. FEBRUARY MEETING UNITED CHURCH W.M.S. The Women's Missionary Society of Wingham United Church met in the school room for their February meet- ing. This .was the feepaying month, and several new members were receiv- ed. Mrs. W. J. Greer had charge of the meeting and spoke on the theme, "Beginning the next quarter century in our Women's Missionary Society and sharing our missionary conviction with others." Telling of the advance which is expected id the eext twenty- five years. Mrs. Greer pointed out that the idea must commence in each individual' mind amid heart, then it would extend through all the different activities undertaken by the The scripture was taken by Mrs. \V. J. Adams and Mrs. Roulston offer- ed prayer for continued advancement. a talk on "Stew- ardship" and urged all members use the monthly envelopes. A solo, "The Lord's Prayer" by Mrs. Ken Kerr was much. enjoyed. It was decided to have work meet- ings to make quilts and clothing for overseas relief, Mrs. C. Blythe, Mrs. Larry, of Londesboro, and Mr, and Mrs. Jim Reid and Ronald of Black Horse, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ewart McPherson. There was no service in United Church on Sunday. Mrs. Herson Irwin is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Nether), in Hamilton and with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Irwin, Guelph. Mr. David Currie, Wingham, cele- brated his 80th birthday on Saturday and his family gathered there to wish him many more happy birthdays. Mr. Edward McClenaghan purchas- ed Mr. Roddy Inglis's farm on the 2nd, of Kinloss last week and intends to move there in the spring. Little Jimmie Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ross, has been very ill with pneumonia. Mrs. Andrew Kirk celebrates her eighty-sixth birthday this Thursday, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. D. Beecroft. John Purves Mr. John Purees a lifelong resident of the 2nd. concession of Kinloss, passed away at his home last week at the age of eighty-one. For several Mrs. 'Wm. Field gave that Mr. James Dow received word last week that his sister, Mrs. Albert Wight and Mr. Wight, of Arkona, were both in hospital with pneumonia, Mrs, Mason Robinson spent last week - in Wingham Hospital, sufferine with pleurisy and pneumonia, Mr. Albert Stein of Craik, Sask., is in this community this week, visiting with his nephews and nieces, of the Purdon families. I Mr. R, H, Purdon, Mr. mild Mrs, Henry Purdon and Pat, from Wal- pole, Sask., who have been visiting with the Purdon relatives here, left on Saturday to visit with Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Henderson and family of Listowel. -.Mr, Fred McGee went to use 'the tractor on Saturday and when it wouldn't start, he cranked it, and it back-fired, giving him a nasty crack, which broke a bone in the wrist. His hand is now in a cast. \l,'. and Mrs. Jas, Coultes and children of Belgrave, visited at the liorrLe of his brother, Mr, Albert Coul- les on Sunday. Mrs. Lance Grain spent the week- end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orton Grain of Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Snell and Brick COMMUNITY ICE CARNIVAL in the BLYTH COMMUNITY CENTRE ARENA Friday Night, February 16 at 8 p.m. sharp Featuring the Stratford Skating Club $200.00 in PRIZES Blyth expects Wingiham to furnish the Carnival Queen for which one of the prizes is a beautiful necklace. Prizes for largest family-410.50 Dinner Ham, Cry-O-Back Turkey Fifteen other Classes with Equally Good Prizes COME - BRING YOUR FAMILY and FRIENDS .4•111111111111111•1111111111111rialmusin=11111M000k, Browne's Shoe Repair DR, W. M. CONNELL DR. B. N. CORRIN PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS Phone 19