HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-02-14, Page 4REAL ESTATE .FQR SALE Three dwellings in Town of Wing- hatn„ all in good condition and at- tractively price.l. Possession ar- ranged. For 'WI particulars apply to HARVEY K.ROTZ insurance 311,i Real Estate Astowel Ontario 1421b oivaga" 0Yeno NOW 11COW1Y110 U U U U U U iUi • n I U SEMI - F1NA'L SERIES, Goderich Lions Vs. Wingham Stainton Spitfires • 2 Gars Wingham Arena Wednesday, Feb. 14 Monday, February 19 Winners of Goderich.Winghain Series will meet Listowel for Group Finals. • WATERLOO M.M. TRACTORS & MACHINERY SELL YOUR POULTRY the Op. way. Call 271 for Prices trucking service. Qur prices good. Co- and are SKATES SHARPENED—We have just purchased from C.C.M. a Flem- ing Parallel Skate Grinder, Bring Your skates to us for expert servic- ing. 25c per pair. Stainton's Hardware. rr, WHY HAVE MOTH DAMAGE in your clothing: Hat v them BER- LOI.' moth-proofed with a 5-year written guarantee at a small addi- tional charge. Odorless and stain- less. Templeman Dry Cleaners, \\Ingham, phone 323. F7r20 CHIMNEYS WITHOUT BRICKS! David Crompton JEWELLER Certified Watchmaker 'Phone 59 Winghar, ss7:7.!sem If It's Electrical We Can Repair It Whether it's a Large Refrigerator or a Small Appliance you can always depend on us for quick, convenient repairs at Reasonable Rates. For Full Service,-Call us KELVINATOR and PHILCO SALES and SERVICE T. DARLING Next door to Wingham Motors Phone 549 Wingham • ."" offir Important Notice Motorways Announce Revised Schedules Revised Routings Effective Feb. 12, 51 DAILY SERVICE WINGHAM - TORONTO via PALMERSTON - ORANGEVILLE This Trip operates along Highway 87 Extra Bus Daily to Lonchin leaving 11.40 a.m. CONSULT YOUR AGENT AND AVOID MISSING THE BUS, THE WESTERN ONTARIO MOTORWAYS Lt d. "15,kk ILE " 4111inaillate Marboleum TILE Equipment supplied free of charge to anyone wishing to lay their own tile. PHONE 251 For estimates, samples and immediate installation Linoleum, Marboleum and Rubber Tile. Por Stores, Offices, Kitchens Baths, Sink% Stairways Recreation Rooms, etc. IN ALL COLORS No one can touch us on workmanship, price or design. LARGE STOCK OF MARBOLEUM BY THE YARD IN A FULL RANGE OF COLOURS. NORMAN RINTOUL PHONE 251 'WINGIIAM 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111.11111111111111111111! LINOLEUM ▪ ed. Further particulars may be ob- g tamed from the Road Superintendent, Mr. A, Galbraith, Gorrie, Ontario. P. L. DURST, Clerk 1421b Wroxeter, Ontario NIXON'S SCOUREX WILL "SAVE" YOUR CALVES Scourex Works Fast Removes infection from the in• testinal tract overnight, The "combined sulfas" in scourex work fast. Promotes appetite for rapid re- covery. SAVE EVERY CALF Tim SEASON BY ASKING ABOUT SCOUREX AT • U • • U • U U U • U WE ARE AGENTS for COUNTER CHECK BOOKS PRINTED GUMMED TAPE MADE By (..cpplcfc„, pApril ppm:RicT s 3 Stylus for Various colors and dpsigm, 5.mples . :uogr•cttons and priers without obhqat,ons The Advance-Times Phone 34, ks DATED this 12th clay of February, A.D., 1951, CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingbarn, Ontario Solicitors for the Administratrix 142128b NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Andrew Wheelens, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 18th day of January, A.D. 1951, are notified to send to the undersigned, on or before the 3rd day 9f March, A.D. 1951, full particulars of their claims in writing, Immediately after the said 3rd day of March the assets of the said testator' will be dis- tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims Of which the executrices shall then have notice, DATED this'12th day of February, A,D, 1951, CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrices 142128b PAGE' FOUR THE WINOHANI ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, February 14, 195i BIRTHS CAMERON—At the Warsil,tui Gen- eral Hospital, on Saturday, Frbru- arx 111th, 1951, Mr, mid. Mrs. RApl. Cameron, R. R. 7, Lucknow, a son. 11.BERT--111 llosPital‘ o n Tue,day, February 13th, 1951, tc .Mr. and Ross 1:filbert Iluslifieli1), a son. During this sason when fish is "on NOTICE I . parade", we believe it is time to review IN .1Y4ENIORIAM • a few points about fish which you may Remember, decorating, done nosy 1 l • W DUsT wA NT ED. Apply 4 bo oks supitlied. ,Mr.s. Henry (Is.- avoids delay ed housecleaning. pavel r 1 THOMPSON—In ovmg memory of have been forgotten. SA Mrs, Elizabeth j. ThompsOn, who 1, alib TAKE A TIP W .—..„,------.,_ H ' ut should be bought like beef 7 Cameron's Billiards. ' 14* braith, phone 7371. rrb I passed away one year ago, Febru- steak; too thin pieces of halibut C.D. LAUNDRY, Cioderich, pick-up : • - ..,. became dry in cooking-1 to 11,42. aml delivery service to the people FOR SALE—Purebred Collie pups, FARMERS Be sure to get your help inches is a good thickness to so- fa memory's lovely garden, 10 1,veeks old, Beauties. Arthur in time. Small and large Dutch Where remembered joy blooms fair, lect for grilling or frying. Lewis, R, R.. 1, Wingham, 14b families are available for next Your memory,. dearest Mother, 2, Frozen halibut should not be Is the brightest blossom there. thawed before cooking, —Always remembered by Verna 3, There is no waste in fresh or and Ken Currie and Family. * frozen fish fillets, and very little waste in fish steaks. One pound serves four, 4. Canned fish is also, waste-free. For instance, the bones in canned salmon are good fur you and the skin is easily digested, (For the sake of appearance we remove the skill when using salmon in a cream- ed dish). 5. To freshen dried, salted fish, wash under running water, then soak ip Quid water 12 to 18 hours with the . ...,,...._ CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mr. Levi NOTICE TO CREDITORS Galbraith, of Howick, wish to express their sincere thanks to all who Were Ail persons having claims against 6, Do not cut or shred fish with it steel sii11 (i71,e_itt:.::.„ u s, a silver one, 7. Pc aunt oil is used in many its'', inn, chip Alui n.s for deep trying and is also recommended for home asks 8. It i. 1.:Coll,111.iicial lu buy als.a.11. 011c pound extra when purchasing fish so that if any is left over from. the first meal ,it clot be combined with salad dressing to make enough filling for lunch-bus. sandwiches, 9, To store fish wrap it in wax paper to keep the air from drying off the cut surface, Place fish in casserole and cover closely when storing in affecting outer'e fientrigeato foods. 10. to preventodors 10. 13efore cooking fish, wipe inside and out with a cloth rung out in cold salted water, Never leave fresh fish soaking in water, nor even place in water to clean as the juices 1, os Ilv3ialikeb oTli bl;o.Cil°Ofis4h scitiIiScl-iklyi allow- ing 8 to 10 1111114te$ per inch thick- ness ...#f - fish, with a temperature of 450 to 500 degrees. Juices set out contact with high temperatures and long slow cooking is not required since there is little connective tissue in fish to soften. For thick whole fish lower the temperature after the first 10 minutes. For dry- meated fish, such as salmon, sprinkle with cooking oil to pre- vent the outside from becoming dry. 2, Allow 15 minutes per inch thickness of fresh fish fur boiling. Allow 30 minutes per inch thickness of frozen. fish for boiling, 3, Steamed fish is easily done in a eollander ur in parchment paper. Time required is usually 20 minutes for fillets or steaks; about 30 min- 1 lays for a whole fish. Baked Kippers 4 kipper herrings 1 ),, cups oniontoato juice 8 '2 slices sal half slice canned it and pepper pimento Prepare fish, removing the head, tail, etc., if not already prepared. Place in a greased baking dish, add pimento and fried onion to the fish; pour on the tomato juice and add salt and pepper. Bake in a moderate lenlei Iclitirtiecs. oven of 350 degi-ees for 12 Salmon Cutlets 4 salmon cutlets 2 tablespoons peanut oil 2 teaspoons lemon juice 't cup fine bread crumbs celery salt pepper Wipe salmon cutlets with a damp cloth, sprinkle with lemon juice and oil, pat on crumbs and season lightly. iliig.yh.. 'A in a deep skillet with peanut oil to a depth of inch. Cook 10 on electric element turned 2 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge o FOR SALE ary 19, 1950, All sizes of New Tractors, Manure Spreaders, Tractor Double Discs and Cultivators. Tractor Power Mowers Side Delivery Rakes Four and six-foot Tillers. Stock of 'Used Tractors and Mach- inery at all times:— Case S.C. Ebersol "Wonder Electric Hammer "Mills with the new type hammers. PHILIPS ELECTRICAL APPLI- ANCES si Radios and Radios with Record Players, Electric Ranges, Refrigerators and ing operations for the coining sea- TWO ROOMS or one large room son. Information as to ,details may wanted for couple with one child. be had from the Reeve or Clerk. Ap- Washers, Electric 8.ria.V6fs? etc. Call W. J. (Curly) Hill at 760, plications to be in by February 28, Used Electrical Appliances. Wingham. 14* 1951. ,GEO MERKLEY'S GARAGE AND MACHINERY SALES & SERVICE Belmore Ont. Phones: Belmore, 4 Wroxeter 7r7 11111111111111111•11111111.11111111.111111•111.1111111111/ FOR SALE—Harriston heater in good condition, step ladder, nearly new, crowbar, 2 pitchforks, china cabinet, oak barrel, steel barrel, box of tools, boys' bicycle. Apply to Wm. Salter, Phone 608W2, 14;21b, Economical and safe chimneys are ANYONE going to Kitchener Sat- yours when you instal the Selkirk urday evening with room for one Metal Fire-Insulated Chimney. Cus- passengrr call 49, Wingham. 14* tom built for your house or cottage. You' will save many dollars over the old-fashioned brick stack, Con- tact Linus Schaefer, phone 44r31, Mildmay. 7:14*. of \\Ingham. Fur a complete laun- dry service and further particulars call 456W. 714* GEO, T. THOMSON, Clerk DATED this 12th day of February, Ajax Oats and Barley; approximately 1421b A.D. 1951. i 250 bus. Ajax Oats. This grain is CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON I suitable for seed as it was harvested early; 3 bus. Alfalfa Seed; 5 bus. Red Tenders will be received by the Wingham, Ontario Clover Seed. undersigned until February 24th for TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK Solicitors for the Executor 142128b I IMPLEMENTS—I.H.C. Fertilizer : Disc Drill, 13-run, 5 years old; Mas- sey-Harris 13-hoe Seed Drill; rubber dens for Gravel", until 12 o'clock noon NOTICE TO CREDITORS tired Wagon and Rack, 4-section Drag at the schools by June 15th, 1951, Saturday, March 3rd, 1051, for the All persons having claims against Harrows; 2 Walking Plows, Scuffler, Durst, Sec.-Treas., Roller, Buggy, 2 Cutters, Root Pulper, Wroxeter, Ont. 1421b crushing and spreading of 12,000 the estate of Jennie McEvers, late of Hoes, Forks, Shovel, etc. yards more or less of gravel, three- the Town of Wingham, in the County Quantity of one-inch dressed Pine; quarter inch screen to he used. ,Gra- of Huron, who died on or about the 150 cords of body hardwood, 14-in. long, to be delivered to nine schools in West Howick Township School Area. \Vood to be delivered and piled - the estate of Levi Galbraith, late of so very kind and helpful and sym the Township of Howick in the Coun- Pathetic in many ways during their recent bereavement, 14* ty of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the 30th day of January, A.D. 1951, are notified to send to the un- ironing in own home. Phone 1123. reactors found. Our prices are rea- 14b, dersigned on or before the 3rd day of . wish to express my sincere thanks sonable and chicks are sold with a to all my friends for all the cards and M21-day livability guarantee. For . . p cu particulars o f r emembrances sent to me while I was writing. claims in Immediately HELP WANTED—MALE circular and price list ,,write, Addi- their in the hospital, and also to the staff after the said 3rd day of March the NOTICE—Parties wanting Rawliegh son Fisher, Ayton, Ontario. for their kind attention. it was much Products in Wawanosh and Turn- F142A26 f id r will appreciated, berry, Call at Rawleigh Sign, Vic- tributed amongst the parties entitled toria St., Wingham, also Everyday thereto, having regard only to claims 406-j. Robt. A. Engel 7-14* AUCTION SALE Greeting Cards, Hasti-Notes, Phone TENDERS of which the executors shall then have Tenders will be received by the un- notice, WANTED this 12th clay of February, dersigned to supply Diesel fuel oil, No. 1 gasoline, No. 1 motor oil and hy- A.D. 1951. draulic oil, applicants to supply CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON pumps and containers. Tenders to be Wingham, Ontario in the hands of the undersigned not Solicitors for the Executors later than 12 o'clock 110011, March 3rd, 142128b 1951, Lowest or any tender not ne- cessarily accepted. ROOM WANTED in private home. Anson Galbraith, Downstairs. Apply Advance-Times. Road Superintendent, 14* Township of Howick, Gorrie, Ontario. TELEPHONE OPERATOR Want- ed for Wroxeter Telephone Co., TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY Ltd. Apply to P. L. Durst, sec.. ' INSPECTOR WANTED treas., Wroxeter, Ont. 14b WANTED—House wanted to rent Applications will be received by the or buy, Six rooms or more. Applv undersigned for the position of In- Box 2, Advance-Times, 14* Spector and Assistant for cattle spray- LIVESTOCK WANTED CASH—Up to $10.00 for Dead or dis- abled Horses; $10.00 for Cows; Hogs $2.50 per cwt.—at your farm. Prompt service. Phone collect, Wingham 5613. William Stone Sons, Limited, Ingersoll, Ontario. rrb spring, Apply now. L. del-loan, Bel- FOR SALE—Beach Stove with high grave, Ont. shelf, reservoir, good grates, water front and hot water tank, $35.00, "SLICK CHICKS"—That is what Phone 547J. 141) the Department calls the chicks be- ing produced by Hatcheries co-op- FOR SALE—Underwood Standard crating with them to turn out good Typewriter in good working con- chicks, Kitchener Big-4 Chicks dition. Yours for $49.50. See it at are Canada Approved, backed by The Advance-Times Office. rr, Hatchery's own intensive breeding program. Order them thro agent here, \\'ilbur A, Bugg, R.R. 4, Wingham. 14b NOW IS THE TIME to have a permanent floor in your kitchen and bathroom. Drop in this week or phone for an estimate on the "HOMESTEAD FARM AND „HAT- lovely durable Marboleum Inlaid. CHERY"—Our bred-to-lay, fast- Welwood's 414. 14:21b. PERSONAL TENDERS FOR WOOD P. L. n U vel to be delivered anywhere in the 4th day of January, A.D. 1951, are no- quantity of one-inch Hemlock, E9 ection of the Road Superintendent. or before the 3rd clay of March., Al).. Harness, Circular Saw and mandrel, tit Pits to be stripped and maintained by , 1951, full particulars of their claims and Sp the Contractor with shovel or bull- in writing. Immediately after As said Township of Howick under the din- rifled to send to the undersigned r».1 • Set D(u lbs. Harness, 100 four-inch tile, Sap Pan, 40 Pails Cs' „,iles Fanning Mill, Set of Seal- Set Single a dozer to the satisfaction of the Road 3rd day of March the assets of the , '000 FURNITURE— Cupboard, Settee F2- Superintendent. A certified cheque said Intestate will be distributed is:: Set, Bathtub, Kitchen Range, Wood ii for 5 per cent of the contract to ac- amongst the parties entitled thereto, Heater. i company tender. Contract to be coins # having regard only to claims of -which ; pleted by October 1, 1951. Lowest i the idininistratrix ,shall then have ▪ or any tender not necessarily accept- notice. TENDERS will be received by the undersigned, plainly marked "Ten- WOMAN would do washing and CARD OF THANKS feathering Barred Rock and famous Rhode island Red-Barred Rock cross, Canadian approved chicks are known for their meat and egg- pro- ducing qualities. We buy no eggs, All chicks are hatched front eggs produced from our own flock, which was again Pullorum Tested with no TENDERS FOR GRAVEL NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1 314 miles south and 41/2 miles west All persons having claims against of Belgrave the estate of Margaret .Campbell, late On 1421b of the Town of Wingham, in the WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21st. County of Huron, Widow, who died I at one o'clock • notice. on or about the 23rd day of January, 1 CATTLE—All T. B. tested. No re- A.D. 1951, are:ratified to send to the actors: 4 Cows due in April; 4 Cows undersigned oti7:6r: before the 3rd day milking, 5 Steers, 1000 to 1200 lbs; of March, A.D, 1951, full particulars of 7 Cattle rising 2 years old; 6 Spring their claims in writing. Immediately Calves; Fall .Calf, Winter Calf; after the said 3rd day of March the HORSES--Black Horse, 14 years; assets of the said testatrix will be . Grey Mare, 8 years; distributed among ,the parties entitled I POULTRY— Approximately 100 thereto, having regard only to claims Rhode Island Red Hens. of which the executor shall then nave 1 HAY & GRAIN—Quantity of Hay; approximately 1200 bus. Mixed Grain IN MEMORIAM BOLT—In loving memory of Nath- aniel Bolt, who passed away four years ago, February 1.6th, 1947, God gave us a garden of memories:— Where'ere we may wander at will, To gather the fragrant blossoms, Until we too, pass over the bill. —Ever remembered by his Wife and Family. 14b TERMS OF SALE—CASH E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer of FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, FURNITURE At the farm of JOHN E. TAYLOR LOT 32, CON. 6, EAST WAWANOSH —.Eliza Procter