HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-02-07, Page 8ECONOMY and BEAUTY 7 everlasting bright Durable finishes. Congo Wall for the Kitchen and Bath Free Estimates. Bennett Casemore Phone 447 Wingham You will be delighted with this fragrant tea LADS :sr,t4:,sitiy. •••••••• ••••••• NINE. ohs Wow= Mimaft. Man al 0,1 - mammy Ewa isina EMI 15® 41--wir -°*(1!7 eW ClACK9 •1110.1201.1, "WV171216 ENO 11111111 &km PROUDEST NAME IN Otaiscard4 The Bridal Wreath name is your guarantee of perfection in colour, cut, brilliance and flaw. less quality in the diamond of your choice, ELLEN ., A beautiful solitaire. Engraved shoulders. $142.5° SWEETHEARTS Feature Lock for perfect positioning always. $110.00 ELCO SWEETHEART An appropriate gift for Valentines. Accurate 17 !ewet mo,ement, pitiable cord bracelet. $36.73 BROOCH 82.414 nano $2.2$ !IRRITANT SET EXPANSION BRACELET OSA* HAMILTON'S WINGHAM ONTARIO THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednegieyi February Itht 10$1 WROXETER ;Miss,Jeanne Moffatt, Kitchener,• spent the week-end with her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Moffatt, E, cronitielm. w as in charge -ut church of the air ,,, er GK-NN . on Monday morning last. Mr. ;ind Mrs. Lyle Brothers and daughters, also Mrs. Vitcuria. Pao- thers, spent Snottily with friends it iFergus, guests of their etrusins, Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Ruler. _Nit s, it. S. Mac.Naughloil sp e nt a day last week in Toronto awl attend- td the Ice Follies. Commencing Wednesday of tint week at eight o'clock. a weekly pray- er Servis'e Will be held in the United Church throughout the season of Lunt. The Fourth Line Turn'. )(Tr y met ;lt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ate\ Al .cTavish, on Monday night. it was review .night with Rayonntd El- liott leading the discassion. Progres- sive euchre was enjoyed, Eileen Hen- ning and John McTavish holding the high scores. Rayt nond Elliott anti Mrs. J L'111111: Walker true the ClIISOla- tiOn awards. Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Nichol invited the group to their .Curlers Win, Trophy election of officers, anti gooductO A. local group of curlers attended short Worship service, "Unto the Hills" was sung The hymn, the bonspiet at Harriston on MondaY of last week, succeeded in winning Taylor and Glenn \N illitts won hon. file .0.0fre,lufill .4.1%441y, Which is now ours .for men, Refreshments were tl di spl ay in m inim 's store w i n d ow, last in the Ma$00.1C Club rooms, gressive euchre 114s enjoyed. Mrs. \A Hart and Airs. _Ken. Wobster held highest score for ladies, Win. the scripture lesson .and prayer, miss ?Mary Gibson, secretary-i.reits- ftrer. read the minutes of 1950 meet- ing. -HarveyAl'.' AI(lticltael, chairman of the .board of sh wards gave th e treas- urer's sta tem( Hi, showing: amount raised for the general fund and Mis- sionary and rAlaint enrolee 'Was $4,227,- 52; Sunday School, $94.38; W ont . en's Association, $957.07; .Alission Band, 524,82; Wo,men's Alissimnary Society, $232.22, YOung People's Un- ix,n,.$205.90, The minister .'.pressed thanks to the church which Wits heartily endorse ed by all present. Officers for the coming year are as follows Session, .chairulan, Rey. U. E. .Cronhielm; George Allen. G. Haul Gibson, lt, J. gago, J. W. Doug- las, Allen Munro, Thos. Shearer, NV- A, SaWtt111, Alvin Moffatt, G. Allwrid. Wearring, Leslie Douglas, D. S. Mac- Naughton, Vent Denny, secretary, Committee of stewards, .chairman, Harvey McMichael; three years, H. Townsend, Wm. Hart, Phillip Durst, Gilbert Atones, Lyle Brothers.; .1'wo years, W. S, Higgins, Ronald M c NI ic- hael, George Gibson, Ira MacLean, Lean, Calvin Moffatt, Lyle Hart, choir 1c4cler, Q. A. \Warring; Jimmie Wylie, Scott Hunter, John ist, Mary S. Gibson auditors, Leslie MacNatighton, 'Glenn A/011ie/Mel; Douglas, Thelma Denny, 13111101111Miliiilailinetri,11111111111111111MMUMMIIIIIIIMMIK • n • • ' • • N • • • • • • N n N N • n N U N n n N Pg N Pis Pis N ti • (IF • • n n N • U 111 a • • N • • • • • • • N • • • N • • • • • • • • Town of Wingham • • organ- son,: ed by the ladies. The winners who hold the coveted Mr. and Mrs. Carl Griffith and award are Gordon Gibson, skip, Al- Mrs. Ida Griffith of Wingham, were len Munro, vice-skip, Me 11 Grain- Sunday visitors with ,Mr. and Mrs. get, 1st.; Alvin Moffatt, second. Each George tiniffitl r, Mrs. Ida 144 fith, player received a desk lamp as until recently a resident of this dis- prize, Twenty-lour rinks took part ni brie t, leaves shortly to visit her dau- the l'Ainspiel. l ungratulahons. ghhr, Airs. Morton, of N.Vinuipeg. Young People's Union Friends here wish Mrs. Griffith it. Thk, yum i g pleasant trip. their weekly Meeting int Sunday even - -I, ing in the church sell, R.on r.,nuren. wni hold their February aid AlN. e m i e h a d, presid ent, wits i n meeting in the churcll basemon4 on 'charge rind the Meeting' WaS arranged. the afternoon of the 14th., at 2.:30 by Edythe \Veir, convener of Alis- o'clock. ..!$. hill attendance is rt4 t- sioas. Th e opcl l i ng hymn was es its ed. III;Shall Reign," followed by the Lord's ;pray er. w ng e period Women's Missionary Society ;lns erDe uri madeth bus to hold a iness skating Th e W om e n's Missionary Society, ; party on W edne: day, February 7th. United Church, will lurid their Feb-' Edythe NVeir read the Scripture les- ruary meeting in the church parlors son, Matthew, chapter 20, verses 20- on Tuesday', Feb. 13th., at 3 p.m, Mrs, 34, AI rs. H, Cronhielm led in Pray- Alen Moffatt and Mrs. Sanderson, , er, A poem entitled "Work," was will have charge of the devotional. I read by the convener, Guest spurt kin' Mrs. Munro will review a chapter lit was Mrs, Cronhielm and her subject home for the coming ineetnig, the study book. Aliss Hazelwood mil l "( ,mintunisin tersus Christianity," Mrs, George Griffith and son, Jack, speak on Christian Stewardship, The The meeting closed with singing of Airs, Hart, Al r, and Alt's. roll call to he answered by a thought Bishop II eb er's missionary hymn, Hyslop toil Nliss on prayer, All the ladies aro invited "From Greenland's ley ,AI (atilt:tins," sere in a. Friday, where to atitultl the inkintlily Meeting of the l and the Ali:Tali benediction, they attended funeral s e rvices a NV, ,S. I United Church Annual Meeting relati'. , the hue John flysi,,p. • ; World Day of Prayer The annual meeting. of the 'United yncwat lableq play, W I 'lot "as held in the church school ,,f St. Janie,' ( -timer ••,iani- The irimmd orld Day. of Prrryer ro,an ,at\v vdm,,,day Al 7 ,,rrct1 ;t tn. on Tuesday ser‘ te a ill be held .Friday "l th I cl, cl. supper was ,ere eel w ith rwLels:, p.m., in I, ii C11111%:It. „f vo,i nen 's .N..s R ocia t ion in 4491100 11204.41 0411.101* , ; 1 (Mita Ill chill ,r1 dB di 11.. • cuarge ot arrangements, 'Holt" Delln >• "Ett;ilbt i lit Rev. U. E. Cronhielin presided for f"ill sing' !he tire busitir—s tin et M.:, inciudim., the I husbands and families more than one ihundred are ex.ifected to attend. There "FAIRVIEW" .1ov-dlr.-an and Pre-by terniti i Nursing II orne , :,,b,,,,..1,,.., will lead the service. Women , of this comillltnity arc urged to att e nd 1 for the Aged : chi, stn lit' and j,Iill with 071$,t. 1,(•1•,,s, 1, '!17 11.! Wririll in prayer r"or peace. Will accommodate semi-invalid 'i Family Night For Women's Institute or bed patients, j .11, interesting programme full of 1 surprises is being plan 11,1 for th e PHONE 103 il..iniily Night, to be held in rid ted ! t. lurch ';ehoolrooin, on Friday, Fel)- ! WINGHAM, ONT. ruary 15th„ at. 8 p.111. Wroxeter 1 branch has forty members and with I will be one hour's supervised play mt. I the children from 8 to 9 o'clock, Pro- gramine and a social tune will follow, Committee in charge of arrangements are Mrs. Vern. Denny, President; Al Is. Lyle Brothers, Mrs, W. T. Al ac- Lean, Nil's. \Vi's. Newton and Airs. l i.S MaL.Naut;diton NAfroxeter Group Wins First Place Wroxeter Group won first place 00 Friday evening. when the Ilowick I-ions Club heldm I e,r second Mystery Contest Concert Gorrie won second place, while Fordwich group placed third. 'Hie programme arranged by ' 'I airman, Gortbiii I libson and Gilbert 11,:wes was a'. folic , \vs: Dancing, `Oghland Fling, Marjorie Moffatt, ae- cultipanied at the piano by- Miss J eanne M offatt, harmonica and piano, • old lime music. r‘mly and Art (lib- son; vocal ducts, "Silt Bells" and "Tennessee Waltz", by Misses Thelma Denny and Gilherta Howes, with Mrs, Lyle Brothers accompanist; readings by Al is. D. ,S. ,MacNaughton, "The , )rivinglesson" and "The Scotch I " Minister"; piano solo, Mrs. 13ro- ti le rs, 'Walki ng on Air Stunt" by F " d'rar and Crawford Gibson; " c"w1)( .3; songs wi th guitar a ccompan- intent by 'Tommy Parker, g chorus by entire caste, A nnouncem cot_ was made of the third contest c, mcert to be held in Fordwich Community rj • Hall, Friday, February 23rd. SA'VE MONEY by PR P yule R the congregati'fli for the co-operation R icha ' Hunter; one year,' Harvey Me- el Harvey Timm, .1. H, I received, He suoed that the Al. in 1)1. R., 'B. Palmer, Arthur Gibson; N1, also the Wom'll's Al ssiollarY .'-"oc- trustees, let)', had met their aUncttion, Mrs. sawten, (1, A, Wearrhaz, on behalf of the con- ushers, gregation, moved a vote of thanks to Michael, OM ESIE IPEE • A. Al Intro, W. A. J. Wylie, .1. W. Douglas; H arvey Ti mm . Rona ld e .. 1,10yd TOWIlSe11(1, fret Al ac- Taxpayers may make payments on account of 1951 taxes up to 90 per cent. of 1950 taxes. Interest at the rate of Four per cent. per annum will be allowed on such prepayments. Prepayments of taxes must be 'made at the Town Treasurer's Office, Town Hall, W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer, VH\ i:t5741 Town of Wingham RENE binnummommonmemnummusiti 1951 Taxes S YOU THE pil4.WMPHAS1 kk 4,14. In these greater-than-ever 1951 GMC's you'll get the constant dividend of GMC's greater pulling power . . truck-built horsepower with greater sustained torque than other engines. And with that power goes the greater stamina of GMC's rugged truck-engineered frame! You get extra-value features in every model. Underneath the brawny beauty of the new 1951 GMC, there's truck engineering that will pay off in operations—cut maintenance costs— step up dependability even higher. Drivers, get more comfort than ever before—owners get more power, with real economy. GMC gives you far more choice—models built to do a job on every kind of truck operation. Sure, they're the greatest of all trucks! See them today at your GMC dealer's! t rGgroeeonit aGspe,Cntml ivr.nie...cni en 4; :see daritoff4irthzteottmr amwoer re lop sowhpervi ri step 92 h,p, A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE MORE MODELS /449& aloidet/ * More modett, mato loge/ romo ot whoolbotog, MOP* cude de " mord) gear rangosi $194; 011,01,31A REAVIE MOTOR SALES Telephone 241 G C , FOR ANY LOAD ON ANY ROAD