HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-02-07, Page 6,almow. 'awe DAY or NIGHT Ph ail n ; rely z J JIM CAMERON All Passengers We realize our obligation) when we fill your order for a Mem- orial—and we provide only ma- terials of unending serviceability. Design and workmanship are of the finest, and our prices are most moderate. CEMETERY LETTERING Promptly Done .%11 MODERN EQUIPMENT ingh am Memorial Shop 'Phone 250 R. A. Spotton It washes, it rinses, it damp dries, it pumps the wash water out, cleans itself, shuts itself off — AUTO- MATICALLY. You put the clothes in and you take them out — your hands never touch the water. Here at last is the END of wash day. Because you can put a load of dirty things in any time. Set the control, and RELAX: It's so simple to operate that even a youngster could run it. Just ONE control to set and the washer does the rest. 'I a A MARVELLOUS INVENTION Come in and let us show you the marvellous "HYDROFLEX TUB" which enfolds the clothes when they are washed and rinsed and squeezes them "damp dry." See the "TOPFLOW" method of flushing suds and sediment out through the top so they are kept from resoiling the clothes. DOES 0 ,E Main. C STS LESS The Beatty Automatic washes the clothes cleaner and whiter and uses hardly HALF as much hot water as other automatics. It is MORE PRACTICAL in many ways. It does not have to be installed does not have to be bolted down -- it is movable on casters's° it can be run in and out of kitchen or bathroom. The cabinet is handsome as any piece of furniture and will "do you proud" in your kitchen,. COMES WITHIN YOUR MEANS Because of its simple, sound construction, the COST of the new Beatty Automatic has been kept down, It costs less than others. The cost will be greatly reduced by the generous ALLOWANCE we will make for your old washer. And you can spread the balance out in easy monthly terms so low you'll hardly miss the money. Sure you can afford itl You can't afford to be without it. PRACTICAL! Here's the most efficient washing action in the world — it's the patented Beatty "human hand" agitator. It was long ago proven to be the most PRACTICAL. EFFICIENT! The rinsing is ,one by the agitator, too, and many times more thoroughly than it can be done by hand or by any other method—gets clothes cleaner, whiter. SEE IT NOW ON DEMONSTRATION AT WALKER HOME FURNISHINGS WINGHAM, ONTARIO TELEPHONE 106 14.6 THE 'GREATEST WASHER OF • ALL TIME VAGV, SIX THE WINOHAM ADVANCE-TIMKS Wednesday, ,February 7th, 19$1 stun, 'Airs, 11c1 Taylor, ;M rs, J. Farrish, 'Airs K. •Hueston, ,NIrs. 'El- 11110 Giles, R. (01011111 and three 111e1nberti it' Women's. in. stitute. Tht• Fair gill '•, lit.1•1 in );aerie this v, Or 1111 Oct. 5!!: and C411. Ch: clef- Xitchen of liar trip by air tet Scetlaild last Miller as lieSteSSeS, TROPHY FOR TOP CANADIAN AIR CADET *Central Press Canadian Air Cadet Sergt. Graydon M. Wheaton, 18, of South Bay, N.B., first winner of the Tudhope Trophy, discusses modern jet planes with Air Marshal W. A. Curtis, chief of the air staff, following his arrival in. Ottawa for the presentation of the trophy. Trophy., given to the top pilot in Canada under 10 years of age, was presented to cadet Wheaton toe annual banquet of the Royal Canadian Flying clubs association at t'e;ti Chateau Laurier, Ottawa. \ \\ Plc's l• •-01, - 1%. I U. i •• i ,lo,....n• 4 r, • \\.,.,•-\\,•,.. , 'fl u\•• MI 11 1 11) , 1•I i 1 .0 /., 1.....ii i ..:. 3+1,1 IC \\ L. V.. iVil. it . I ,3 ,3 l'i c • t_ \V 1, 3%01 3' 11, '11 wri \\ ill It. 1 ) , I l'il Mill SiV. 'it ^ I :1. II , ftrfill'Ilt .{ •1, !V : 1 1;4, , , Ili ,' - lay ,1 i nh4. for t in ; Is....1,14., I er,...t. :,, ;II-. ii. kA . ,p11,,ls -e Fi ',la', ith.:111. was in , •net, ty. . the .maiai V. s• •-y Otecting of Si. N. 11.a•it... Women4s Institute SI ' l '''' "*... t '. di. "I' 4: lairell. 11' I.”- % .4" '41.1.:' .''' ' ' 7 -! ' . ' ' L'''' '0 i' ' ' "i .t Felo oars. nit etint; of the I ;orri, • '-':' ' ' ' '• V"l•!;1•11 •-,:as ill .::ntl'mv f;titii ,,:i syr, lit. e.,:- , ...., r...•,1 :in i _ ., „ , • , Ms ,...;!. \l r. II. V. Hohms. ..t•v. 1 , tits•ytyy, }h'. H. \. Holmes, ; ". i wilt Di in to .11 the lit.nw 1.4: \I N. Leietas.. 1 ,1 i •,..p 1 ,1 Ti ',lark ,. itl 1110 .0, 3.1,, 1,„, , I 0.1,:„ 1 41; ., ,,,.„, i ,: ,;...io, I. lo stela Al iel,. i on I to slay, bet). Bi, 'live '11.': oh ] ;It'olk'',I, itl' 'it, ..;fiat:. 'tppece .,,i-ii seas 0.:,., . ‘pross- al 2.4A) )'.ill. k-'-'w(licrs "i Public rda - 1 . ail:, . rt •:1 ....no - ,..1 -;,....am:-...ti,:• ;is ‘,1 t i. n l . ,.I !„ ,1 .01,1 ,e e .,,t ist. Ibt tiolis 01,4 e. a:outtnity aeti‘ ,ties, .M. t.,. NI. hich •••1 S. ' 'I 3, • '"' 1"11'"''''' "1 h.a1 I'l• ..1 ,,.: w 3. .31,' , , 1.1. 1 it : p!'13 or ',.., Ili'. 1V, 1 . king and Mrs, Cl. ,y tie Michel ti:,, • ha l _,od reports. 1,!,,etor inin ,. ,,,,,d;;1 !IIIL, ,i,j,.,:i ‘,1 hi n o Hi ., ill ctiar„,,e, of the program. The ':"11"IN ill:s; "ifi.,"--. I. ''''t al - ' serf a • Vil , acre1. sell ell 1.: Ilia marl- ' )told Coll, A broik I read and liked ,inted !or 1951i I, ot.cause. .1 s-o rtlial invitation is extend. Rect.:,r's ItVarden, l:.. H. Strong., i",, i ...,L r. atil \Its. i liti 11...bi,. .,i M. dd.:- 1 , People's Warden, /rrank King; See.-;1 eu to all, . tot, 0. ere. nit re s . u AI r. and NI rs. I Treas. and Vestry Clerk, If. V. Holm-i Frank King cm Sunday. ! World Day of Prayer r• ; 1.10 .)desalt ''' S-"i':'-i• ii- \.• ? our sympathy is extended to Mrs.: Women oi. this community will Holmes .itol R. W. N. Wade; Substi7. i ci li,...... 7ntes, 12.. ':- .--tron:-=. iiii‘l Go). Ku:- I ,Ints,:nuttl. Kitchen in the I I i I "'a" •••)- -11-'r .meet this year in St. Stephen's Ang- Iloard 4 Alatia;:n.ment, Roy St7.01:2:.:', Airs. Ida :\.sliwn. wk.: is spenditc.1., I lican Citurc,11 for the 1Vorld Day of 1.1eo. Kinc., Earl King, 101111 Ihns-1soule' ' Prayer Sers ice at 3 p.m. un Friday, time with her daughter Mrs, 1 - • COMPANY Call 276J, Wingham for Appointment Mrs, Russell Dilworth at Ethel. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Smith, Seaforth were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Cloyne Michel on Sunday. W N. , Mr. Ro y Stron g wasp in c linton on John Dan, a -form e r rector, Mrs. C. Tuesday of last week. ' Ritchie read a poem entitled "Stand George Wakefield Alone." Mrs. G. Underwood gave There papsscd away At Clinton on selections from the. "Log Book" of the. Wednesday, Georwe Wakefield, a Columbia Coast Mission," Roll. Call fornur resident of Howick aged 88 WaS a thought on Prayer. The scrip- lyears. Funeral seryiceovas conducted lure lesson was from James 5:13-2U. by Rev. S. Miner at the T. V. Edgar funeral home en Friday and interment and was read by Mrs. J. H. King. It made in Gt,rrie• Ce metery. Attending I was decided t. quilt at the home of the funeral was a nieee and her bus- I -,,,._ s, Taylor I mis, may on Feb. 15. Lunch band fr,,in Toledo, Ohio. i was served by ,Mrs. Holmes and Miss Levi ,Galbraith Perkins and a social hour 'enjoyed. lo-vi ( lalbraith passed away on W e dn e sday at the home of his (laugh- Agric. Society Annual Meeting ter Mrs. Bert Wright, where he had The Howick Agricultural Society 3 esided for ;some time. He suffered gathered for their annual meeting in a stroke a few days previous to his -, . the Orange Hall, Gorrie, on Monday, (Rath and did not rally. He was in January 20th, Three directors, Geo. 0111111U1111111211110111181ligillgillIVIECIIMIliallIgillIff1121111I1110111110UNI:PrINIM11021113111301t i Baker, J. Winter and W. F. Camp- il bell reported on a district meeting GTI ;:, v../ = which they attended in Clinton. Robt. = ,b t$1. do 1 ax is 1 re if ,41,, Gibson, president, was appointed dele- P! W gate to the annual convention in Tor- -- i onto, with Harvey Sparling as alter- , i Special Afternoon Lectures On i native. isi Officers and directors were return- rili- FARM lt.- ACHINERY i ed to office and are as follows: Presi- i dent, Robt Gibson; 1st, vice-Pres,, Will Take Place On i dent, Harold Robinson; 2nd, vice- lit , pees., Irving Toner; Sec,-treas., VV. ! February 12 and 13, 1951 ra E. Whitfield; auditor, M. D. Irvin; El Supt. of grounds. Roy Strong; Supt. as in the _ of hall, W. F. Campbell; Hon, Dir- i cctors, John Bryant, R. 3, Sanderson; i Directors, J. W. Strong, J, Winter, in Agricultural Office Board Room, Clinton .. = A. W. Keil, Robt. Hibbert, H, Spar- 011 • , ling, S. Robinson, Gco. Baker, Robt. i February 14, 15, 16, 1951 in = Graham, Glenn Johnston, K. 3, trues- t Afternoon lectures in the . h ton, Wes. Gans, N. Wade; Associate ii N Directors, Mel, Taylor, T. McInnes. Community Centre, Cranbrook F. - II Geo. Adams, N. Harding, W. Austin, ill j Stewart Strong, Cecil Grainger, C. W. II February 26, 27, 28, 1951 i Spading, M. D. Irvin, Glenn Austin; WI il Hon, Lady Directors, Mrs: A. Keil, ii Afternoon, lectures in the lei Mrs. Geo. Baker, Mrs. a Robinson, li . Foresters' 'Hall, Belgrave Mrs, J. Winter, Mrs W. Campbell, WI Mrs, N. Wade, Mrs. A. E. Toner, il z...-- ii Programme as follows: ! Miss Jean Sparling,,,Mrs, Glenn john, • 1 1st day—Pastures and Cereal crops i ii A 2nd day—Poultry and Poultry Marketing if! ii 3rd day—Animal diseases and Farm Ma. ± i Watch Repairs thinery si I (?ore GORRIE Annual Vestry Meetng n+i 3.1 1i 7 . '3n .,11,•"-,11 "'Pi ft- 10, 17, c3i 4t1 .ri 4•Wt 0'11.1111 'A 11 Ili e SCit 3 .11 ,,•I , .x.• Tticsday night there was a Identity pupils of Barrie and , 1.111 ,11e sehools. The sr. 0.4,1.. R. W..1:11. N ror i . 1;.,rrit• ,5 NVroxyler ltiS 90th year, Vimeral service wW livid on Friday from the home of leis• 'daugh•ter, Mrs, Wright and son-in-last' 11Ir. Bert Wright, COO. 17, llowick Withintermult in the Morrie Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Ken IlaStin 111111 1011114 rl itt d 1111 SundaY it itli Ile. nd Air ,. Frank Earls 01 NVii..xticr, lit', and Mrs. Robt. Harrisyn t.,i Sunday tit 11w 11131110 of Mr. aiel Mrs. Ilarrisot Fulton, Cliffoi•d, Miss Margaret Iloais of IiitiItiui. suet.! sotq-k-01.1 with in-r .!.forris. • M .,. Russ.-11 rctrienvil -ee.to.1:: atter vkltil,:„. Mrs. Mal. 4!"!, ;At, Masi. hoe bun • ill anti other relatirrs. Mr. ilia Nay of liitchencr s1't.n1 the with 1I r. at.d II rs. J. .Musgrove. Mr, rani Mrs. Earl Harrison idla SOW'. of Itlyth , 'Pent Thartida) with Mr. and Mrs. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. uurduin ,Mundell and family of 1..1oevale w ere guests of mi.. `i Hockey Gaines The Sandy Edgar 011 Sunday The ice and weather last week being I the best for hockey there were several Barnes. Monday night at Clifford .Moltke with a score of 8, Ginnie 7. Wednesday night (Morrie played Ayton in Clifford winning with it score of 4 to Ayton's 3. awa y at his b.... • 1; nrie, ,,n Thurs- 11: the, I.,thes of the o v.:m[111114,N tre (:` limr Y 1".'ids'" :%1 ". II' "''Ith" :'\I "' 1 sm;•:,:}st:::'i:t.111.-W.ent.. \Vold I lay tli PraYel at the home 'of 1. in% itIA 11 I tin. I 11.1S1TVallee Of the G. Stewart and Miss Jean Aitchison , Jay. Feb. lsi . , \\Tye mimed a noniblalinP; eolnlifillv,. +,. I, „.0, Nit e r ,,lane V.,..tugli, rua iy Ilth„ at 2.30 pan, I it 'Was la :, , f.11,llile as a piano solo. At the eon- .i \ \ Ilea a i.mao . .,,„ „,ii.. * 0. viiii hi, ..siv,... mm.Fariane of Luoknow, w, club 41 lunch was served with Alias was W D Rutherfbrd Ik e,' until in ei: •,.....i Gorrie in 1044. meeting of the Women's Institute, :1. 1 1,„ren i s t o -1:,,,, , ; 7. l',Ap.. whvre lie tlio :..tiv,:t si.val,,,r at the February . H. „,t,. r -mai.,,,ni c 1.,,d :x and Nva l.; a mon- with too uty-one ladies present. Airs. Ile was a past ::aster of thy Wro:,- behl at the home o f M rs, E. W. Rice, Mrs. \V. I. Miller, oll Friday, Feb- Mrs "Ill Illith ` ri"ra worth V. bet' of the Church, Al ac Variant• in her delighted the ladies Surviving arc '•,s wife, the f. Isabella ont, daughter, Mrs, Carl (Reita) jaelilin. Brussels; one sister, Afrs. \Viii, Wroxeter, and five gramIcillren. Funeral st ice gas held on Salon- I Clay at the T. V Fdgar funeral Name, with Rev. J. It V...tit oifiti:ttiug, 1'1111 bearers were, \V 31•4itcomery, 1 .ambert, 1•t ,.!. alasM attired 1 r • win, Lorne \\ and i fen. I ;r, nl u. Fhnverheope.. c Stanle:‘ . girt in ;01,1 11 r. %W in 1)etrOit. tier'the zionplay, ST, :HELENS Master Terry \Vilson is making 514111)Wr' 1,ruele ti.1701,...):11 at his home Pert, 11 was. decided to donate $5 fur a ion fur appendicitis gift to each of the fonr schools, also ;1 ;(tita tlitts.1.1t1I'liiiii:g41,iiiin Hospital \\:VdIlvs- I $u to the Cancer Food Ftind. Airs. C. 'McDonald, Mrs. Bar- 1ttul the T. 11.1 t Mr. ;nut rs. 'Phone are vim-) hour an 'i Mrs' Mael'ilers(ul wt cc aP- divir Mrs. pointed to ,arrange for the presenta- pleasing manner with her account .....1.a.nakaarmiarensser,..a.vattaimaxocsom Riratou'd8t lViiLer 'hone 251 'Phone 210 MI.SMOrteMervi......M.111•11•...132411MNI, nommirmew FLOORS REFINISHED 411 and Mrs. W. al • li All the above lectures 'Will commence at 1:36 p.m. sharp i IA _ Sponsored by the = Huron county Branch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture 117 El i ii Fred O. Vt/ilson, Assistant R. Cl. Bennett i Agricultural 'Representative Agricultural Representative a :€••_ to. Huron County, for Huron County, a ill :Et 711111111111ilillIMIlltilltili1111,111111111iltaillailii111.141illiillaillaillilllii11121111111111111,1filille C. Hobbs, at Monkton, yishyd Airs, ± Feb. 9th„ when fervent prayers for p ,------------------ ."---"Th !Elia Day- on Sunday. 'peace will echo round the world as MR. A. RUBIN 1 w, e:-.scut) best wishes to Mr. itic?hti. 1 Christian women of all denominations FAMOUS 4'UF." , .B. ,w;11 mark Ins 84th birthday. . ti lzi.:rguson who on Suplay, la. 1 I m,;,,, Marinn Kinn- is yisitino• ' -ld ijoin together in the service form pre- ' i pared this year by Christian Berman , , l {week with her sister, Mrs. Dub 1 women and the Central Day of Pray - / I Ft:otherston at Orillia. ler Counriittec of New York. 1950 Designs Now Being shown / Mrs. Archie :Miller, accompanied by Individually fitted and styled. Mrs.. Jean MacDonald, Listowel and Anglican W. A. Several fittings at no additional . i:• ' ' ' 1irs F l irainer, Jamestown went to I Ai rs, a v, ..... . . Holmes opened her , or /m il; M nt ri.3. Et /. \ 1, C. charge. i f ri,..11,-1.: /Ru n sin,,la y. Ti l ,.,. also I „:,„1, i home. for the February meeting of the 1 Women's AuNiliary un Thursday ai- l') the "ley F.-,4 -A number Of flOWiek Jr, Farmers ternoon, After the work period .le-cat- went Write .went to Sualorth t.. 0 noek e . ;.!.,,n'y foetal; . , , , , exercises were conuucteu oy the 508 Bathurst Street, Toronto I TImri.s,„day. itrigrlit between South Huron . 1 president, Mrs. N. Vy'ade, who also s., !aid isiortit inuron Jr. Farmers, ---- „ --- I Mr. and Mrs, Harold Ilyndman anal; introduced the study book, "The ,44.arluq,'vq,igfiat ;aniily spent Sunday with Mr. and f Cross over Asia," by Bishop Neill. "WEWIEMMITESSE•eittgmanniirgaraszig5," HIGHEST TORONTO PRICES PAID. Accurate Grading Complete Satisfaction Pick-up Service at your farm. Wroxeter Produce Phone 36 r 2 Wroxeter E G Mrs. R, Bennett .read a chapter of the book "Ways of Praying," Mrs, Holm- es read an article written by Rev. AT MODERATE PRICES Owing to tack of space, am com- pelled to confine my repairs to watches only. George Williams Located in MASON'S STORE FIRST CLASS