HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-02-07, Page 50=0 OftitO"' ik 40=101' 11 01:10 0II 0 0=01 -4 "Lady Betty" and itan auty" 46 an TO RENT 45.14 SOP ITC. The 99 Anti-Tank Battery, Royal Canadian Artillery (R), at WINGHAM, ONTARIO, has a very fine BRASS BAND, for which a few anLsmen are ee e Instruments and Music are provided. Every Parade and Practice is Paid for. GOOD RECREATION—Badminton, Volley Ball, Softball, etc.; good Fellowship, and profit to your- self are yours for the asking. Join the Canadian Army Reserve Force by be- coming a member of your Local Unit. Apply at The Armouries WINGHAM, ONTARIO Yo sical Ly a stru e O 0 0 Lt 0 • 0 0 0 Winghatn Three Day Service On Rush Orders Rubber Stamps and Stencils MARKING DEVICES of All Types We are Distributors in WIngham and District For these items which are *ma- ns'?" to e your business and regular routine. Also available are STAMP PADS, INKS, AND VARIOUS SUPPLIES ADVAINGE=TIMES Telephone 34 Wednesday, February 7th, .1.9$1. Wig WINGliAlg ADVANCE-MU, PAGE FIVE .0iP1 01.4.N;;19 ) °mop,iorgiorr'_---7-7.77.77r7701;107.777777710 11 O MUSSELS GUESTS AT LITERARY MEMO Miss L. Al. asksz Can you boil sug-, anal candy a second. time? Answer: Yon may add a little wat- er to sugared candy mud again. Miss B. S, asks: thaw can you t-st for soft ball candy stage!' .Nuswcr: Ilave a cup of cold wafer era°4 in readiness. Drop a very little of the HYDRO ate; ant. it. Wiwi! tht. THE QUESTION IIQX W, DMNCP MERGER URGED Consolidation of all Southwesters! ,Ontarlo into one closely-knit' Civil Dc, fence Organization is most important to the sue the program to re, neve -suffering in the event of attack,. Brig, J. A. W. 'Bennett, C. B. E., C. Da area army commander,. commented. Brig. Bennett said his staff was prepared.' to Ace the maximnutn • a O Stores r ary &Ara al We still have the same Wonderful Values that we offered to you last week and this will be your Last Opportunity to Save, so Be Sure and Take Advantage of these Outstanding Values when prices are going higher and higher. REPEATING ON THESE SPECIALS 0,exuart IBEX FLANNELETTE CANNON BATH TOWELS BLANKETS —BIG and THIRSTY— Size 70" x 90" • Size 20" x 40" Usual Value $6.50 Usual Value $1.29 SPECIAL $5.79 pair SPECIAL $1 • each 11..121•1•114.1•14,141, .sowww.wanuagwairwewasciamogneiwwwwwwrszawww.a.wews. NEW SPRING PRINTS 36 inch Lovely Crisp New Patterns Usual Value 69c SPECIAL 49c yard NOVELTY SLURS, REPS, BROADCLOTH 36 - inch 16 Lovely Pastel Colors 300 YARDS Usual Value 79c SPECIAL 59c yard DRAPERY SPECIALS Real Value Awaits You Here ROUGHTEX Regular 1.98 FOR CRETONNE Regular 79c FOR 9c Some of these have a Limited Yardage. MOIMMINI•1•=p1=0 11•16inffi• ANOTHE WALKER ST RES FEATURE 0 OUR OWN BRAND OF SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES A large manufacturer makes these up for our Stores, to our rigid specifications for Quality, Value, Price. "WE DARE THEM ALL" $7 95 $1.79 SIZES BEFORE HEMMING 11 tt 0 LI 0 11 0 O H 0 11 H Stir ingredients cy,er electric ele- ment turned low until sugar is dis- 0. pleasant re-union with her brother solved. Cook and stir occasionally H I and sister. Crur medium heat until test for soft ball stage (238 degrees,) Cool slight- 0 » ly and beat in peppermint extract and GIRLS' GROUP MEETS coloring, if desired. Drop Ii--iii it fr a t easp oon rink) Ina‘ y Wu:, paper. Marian Williamson Girls' Group vas I 11 The regular monthly meeting of the BUTTERSCOTCH Afield at the home of Marjorie Ann 2 cups brown sugar H Scottot. on Tuesday evening, j country 1,14 cu m p olitsaes 0 s The meeting opened with the call II 12 cup butter 14 cup sugar tbsps, water secretary and treasurer were read and allow tbsps. Vincnar Place ingtetlients in a deep Kettle to for fo.momi. Stir the s. in;. ..aaa' to worship and the Lord's prayer re- peated in unison. The reports of the O high heat until crack etaew (300 de-n Um roll called. Mary Frances Currie gives.) Drop candy from teaspoon g read the Scripture. The topic, "Old Style Chinese Homes and Present onto waxed paper, Day Homes" was given by Mrs. Ross POPCORN BALLS Htunilton. Marjorie Atm Scott read le cup popping corn O jle asp, salt but t‘,r ,2 Clip molasses Pop the corn (inake.s about ti cups) and put in greased bowl, Sprin- kle with salt, Prepare syrup by melt- ing butter and stirring in inolassca and sugar. Cook to the hard ball stage without too much stirring. Pour ot er popped corn and shape him balls with slightly floured hands as soon as cool enough to handle. VALENTINE JELLY 2 tbsps. gelatine 112 cup cold water 214 cup cherry juice 1/2; cup sugar candied pineapple Soak gelatine in cold water, Heat cherry juice and sugar to boiling point and add gelatine. Stir for 10 minutes, then Dour into a pan that has ben rinsed with cold water. Permit it to stand 4 hours before adding can- died pineapple that has been sliced thin. Mark this turkish delight its squares and make heart shapes on each with pineapple. Chill another 4 hours, WHITE FLANNELETTE 27 - inch Usual Value 39c SPECIAL 29c yard BLEACHED SHEETING 81 - inch Suitable for Sheets, Quilt lin- ings, etc. "Do not miss this" Usual Value $1.49 SPECIAL. $1.19 yard Of •••••111. CURTAIN CLEARANCE Cottage Sets and Regular Frilled Curtains 1/2 PRICE ' Regular 3.98 FOR.... L98 Regular 2.98 FOR . L49 .....M1111.11iM1103.11.11.•••••••• SHEETS r 81" x 99" Pair 4.101...11.•1•.....••.W.roiVV.1,...i,1 PILLOW CASES 42" x 36" Pair W A most entertaining `LW meeting was held on Wednesday afternoon in ' the town ball by the students of the '.:Wingliam District High Schui.,1, vatic IX students from liras,-e15 were guests and enjoyed the Priw'amme pr, stinted by the Wing-ham buys anti . girls. There %%as 4 variety of musieal numbers: a piano solo by Shirley Lradhurn; selections by the Glee Club with Barbara Gaunt accompany- ing; a scilo; "Harbor Lights" by Ken Holmes with Neil Ea& at the piano; a duet "Beautiful 011ie by jean Car- diff and is:aren Busehlen, accompanied' est to the eldest. The aroma loin the sancepan bringa the folks to the kit- ed without stirrite, over high heat —Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hawkins ;titer dissolving sugar. Th. n rem,.)ve and son David, of Loudon. were syrup gently and permit it to settle for 2 or 3 ininuttS before pouring it home for the week-end. Clarence and Eileen of Turnberry. ucltitoLcolate or molasses are apt to —Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Henning, 7. Candies containing- butter, milk, NdSiled. with Mr. and Mrs. Chester burn without stirring. Begin cook- Higgins. of J3lyth. ing these mixtures on high heat and —Miss Winona Stephens and Miss test for the soft ball stage frequently Lenora Higgins returned to London while stirring. Cool these mixtures on Saturday, after spending two weeks in Florida and the Bahamas. WINGHAM GIRL NOW IN AUSTRALIA W. F. .Burgman booked plane pas- sage to Sydney, Australia. for Miss Ona Titliute, of the lk:Saagham Gener- al Hospital Staff, and just received a letter from her giving particulars of her 12,000 mile trip. She left Tor- 1 cup pectms onto TCA Airport 2...40 p.m., Sunday, Stir these ingredients over high heat ' Dec, 24th, arriving in Vancouver at until sugar is incited. Lower heat and 11.35 p.m, same day, Left Vancouver stir slowly until soft ball setae c23$ CARAMEL CREAM DIVINITY 3 cups granulated sugar 2 cups light errant 1 cup light corn syrup degrees), Remove pan tnen electric element and let cool Beat un- !, til stiff and add 1 cup pecans. Pour 1I 12.30 noon arriving Honolulu 8,05 p. into buttered pan. Cut when cold. in, same day. She was delayed 24 PEPPERMINT. CREAMS hours in Honolulu on account of slight engine trouble. From there she (lcw I 2 cups granulated sugar to Canton Island, thence to Fiji, ar- 1,4 cup corn syrup riving Sydney on Thursday evening. 114 cup. milk Miss Titliute reports having a very 44 tsp, cream of tartar pleasant trip and her many friends 112 tsp. peppermint extract here will be pleased to learn she landed safely and is now enjoying Australia's summer weather after the 7.00 a, ni. Xmas Day, on a llrnish Commonwealth Pacific Airlines plane, arriving- San Francisco 10,35 a.m. Lc-ft a prayer. Following the meeting members spent some tinm knitting and making quilt blocks; after which lunch was served. to he most to help its own population by Delores Ilamiiton. • chen and as soon as 1s Lois Mason, in Scottish costume, danced the Highland Fling gracefully, while Delores Hamilton provided the music on the piano. A monologue, "Sir Galahad Jones" was well done by Raymond Bennett, and a skit, "Virtue Triumphant," with Clifford Coultes, Tont Webster, George Hall, George Porter and John Crawford. In suitable dresses or coats and whiskers, caused much laughter, ingredients used. Grease the top A good Journal was read by the of the pall (about tutu editor, Mary Ann Cleland, after which with butter. Mr. Aladill gave a brief critic's report 3, A cam', no the. meeting-, and "God Save the mc.meter registers an accurate test. 1:(),, prevent breakage King" was sung. A s the attendance of the school in- iiiiliacbeoiiliiinewaerYililan ater befm: placing eta ases, the number of pupils takma part in the Lit meetings grows. Thel.-(;, 10 present candy from sugarm, man Aletiowell. add 2 or inure tablespoons of corn is quite a variety of musical or dram- , ,„ Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boak and, sot alit talent. Parents or- friends of the 'yr"P to all reel l • James, of (...rCirk., .NR•StirS. Aaron slid school are welcome to a ttend. The, 5. Cook the candy mi-s, by stirring Doak, of Bruno, Sask., who date has not yet been set, but another over low• heat itutil sugar is dis- have beee spaniing the winter it soh ed. Cuter the pall Ion the first Lucknow, visited on Sunday with meeting- will be held sometime near the end, of February. two minutes of boiling t) pre:, vitt m i.s. F ro i crystals forming. If pen is not a Hiss m ama."' K n o x , „t hill l cii- drtp one, leave off weer and Avila! LOCAL AND PERSONAL away crystals tNith a wet cloth ..in-i,cAk l,r.sa:1-1,(11.,Mr\sv.i Wm. KIDIX, of Lint- arc spvndiu4 wrapped around the tines of a fork. —11r, and Mrs. Earl Bentley of com,l e of La . a t die in K it eitem.a., spent Woodstock visited on Sunday with 6. Fondants (candies that require the w,,t,k,,,i.,,,a with m i., suc h m rs, w. water) and hard candies are cook- A, (*in , ,ii, Air. and Airs, Edgar Pattison., , ,„ hady. • is In t ine lawn; and we are caalf..0.1ed irate Mr. IL, P. asks: Can we the "If the tleiletiem machinery is d eetrie u rix.v r f. a- h, alin e; ew e t., ruquiri .th, 'armed ft trees will be f.n. Swect." made candy seems to influence the .-kuswer: Candy mixtures in' am r;ilicr jobs and ate - activitieS in lionw from the voting- omit- listed in our' recipes ean .1-..31o1L1;t'ti liceansridt, The regional organization of civil difence is important because any cen- tre attacked front the air under mod- ern warfare methods would be unable do much said. He saw Windsor as probably the vital centre in an integrated plan, 'because of its proNintity to De- troit. one of the major targets in the U. S. TAKE A TIP kept in a shallow tin box ant i with was patter. 1. Use a heavy' ahnnimun Pitalkfl Anne Allan t's • ,L1 %nit. 1\1,0(1(11 spoon, to lier ill care The \‘'ini.diam Art- '2, Choose a deep saticepan--'till that bailee-ll'intes, Send in your sugges- latitts about 4 times .as much as the tions on homemaking- problem- and ;emel t this column for rkplic,.. beaten whit( hot in the large bowl of electric food mixer. I k at candy .t. high speed for about 5 or 13 :Mimics. df nuts are to he added, chop fine or bery begins. A little tut picks. up his add la-fore pouring into buttered pan, toys for a piece of candy and Grand- .1.\1„.. 1. R. asks: Wh y i t oes smoot h pa becomes his most charmine aelf, fudge become sugitry after 2 weeks? flotnematle candy can he delicious. Answer: Most candies should be Now ICONOM*2 eau gettered up in the firev-ri ;417„,ant a-d:tatfee awl a.P..ice to the 1°1491114",'"7"-,010r a s-it ball that ‘.151 j(.1"i .1....11don and. re,tional organizations, it lies Fon-died the right „ but did rot enter into the selione act:. likac.ntakersl Ft.fruary Mr. Wm. .McDoncll, Mr, and Airs. Norman Alellowell visited on Thurs- day with Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Stall, house of Brueefield. Mr, Harold Sprung, Mr. and Airs. Donald Sprung, lk-ter and Wayne, of Hullett "l'Ownship, visited. on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence• Cox. Mr, and Clifford Crozier and children, of Crewe, visited. on Sun- sl owl y aft " they r"ch the bulling day with Air. and Airs. \V. A, Camp- point, Do beat candy until al- I bell, most cold. 8. If candy curdles while cooking, do not be alarmed as it will probably become smooth when it is beaten. PENSION POLICIES Provide for comfortable retirement. CONSULT — F, C. HOPPER REPRESENTATIVE Canada Life Assurance COMPANY WINGHAM PHONE 462 Open or Glazed Sash & Prefit Window Units MADE TO ORDER Campbell & Gorbutt Sash Manufacturers Diagonal Rd, Wingham II • O O 11 O • fi O WESTFIELD ails. Ada Stackt!..us,, ' .4 lust,,;, ,, way, visited last week with ,Ma-'. Wm, McDonnell and Mr. and Airs. Nor-