The Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-01-31, Page 4MR. A. RUBIN FAMOUS FUR COMPANY FOR SALE—Three trios of grey geese; one trio white Embden geese Apply James R, Coultes, phone 743W2. 31* .1950 Designs Now Being shown EVERYONE loves Valentines. See Individually fitted and styled. the Rusteraft assortment at McKib- bon's. 5c to $1,00. 24b Several fittings at no additional charge. HELP WANTED—FEMALE Call 276J, Wingham 508 WANTED—Girl or woman to clerk for Appointment in store. Apply in writing, stating or Write education and experience if any to Bathurst Street, Box A, Advance-Times. All replies kept strictly confidential. 31b Toronto FirivaratroffNo , p NEW.. BETTER WAY - el ri„Lo f ,putrzczawolfwg-T5 AS try Aot, --,-- MEDICATED us SIZE SPECIAL ONLY 25?. LIMITED TIME ONLY Kerr's Drug Store Phone 18 - Wingham WANTED—Clerk or sales lady for ready-to-wear department. Exper- ience preferred but not essential. All applications must be made in writ- ing to Box Y, Advance -Times, stat- ing age, qualifications. All applica- thms to be treated confidentially, 31'b DAYS GETTING Longer. Early chicks grow tmyards the best mar- kets. Grade A Large eggs, extra body weight for broilers. Kitch- ener big-4 Chicks available in breeds and crossbreeds, dayold, started. Canada Approved, hacked by a breeding program on this large Hatchery's own farms. Price list. Agent, Wilbur A. Hoge, 'RR. 4, Wingham. Blb Cee. Walpole All sizes of New Tractors, Manure Spreaders, Tractor Double Discs and Cultivators. Tractor Power Mowers Side Delivery Rakes Four and six-foot Tillers. Stock of Used Tractors and Mach- inery at all times:— Case S.C. PHILIPS ELECTRICAL APPLI- ANCES Radios and Radios with Record Players. Electric Ranges, Refrigerators and Washers, Electric Shavers, etc. Used Electrical Appliances. GEO MERKLEY'S GARAGE AND MACHINERY SALES & SERVICE Belmore Ont. Phones: Belmore, 4 Wroxcter 7r7 Tt,E E F OCA- A Including Sales 8z Excise Taxes SASH GLAZED Rot-Proofed FRAMES I STAIRS PREFIT CABINETS with HARDWARE CUPBOARDS MADE TO - MEASURE TELEPHONE 403-w-12 WINGHAM WATERLOO M,M. TRACTORS & MACHINERY Available for immediate delivery is a range of rich effect patterni in this moderately priced, hard wearing floor covering, The kitchen is the most used room of the average Canadian home — it deserves a floor that is beautiful„ durable and economical, If your present floor is a felt-back type, the cost of replac- ing it every few y,pars would soon pay for a fine permanent job. FOR AN EXPERT CUSTOM JOB we recommend Mr.,Ken Baker who is well Qualified to Lay and Fit these PERMANENT FLOORS Have an estimate done on your room - without any obligation, phone : Drop in this week and see the wide range of artistic colours - you'll be surprised at the moder- ate cost of au inlaid floor. to our House Furnishings Dept, I MIME P1 P1 .16111a M P1 P1 N N WELWOOD'S 414 - KEN BAKER 560 Ingham Concert Series WEDNESDAY, FEB. 7, 1951 Town all, Wingbarn RAY DUDLEY, Pianist MARY FOYS, Violinist SELMA YETMUNDSEN, Coloratura HENRY BIALUSKI, Baritone Admission by Membership or Single Tickets $1.00 RAE'S HARWARE — TOWN HALL i 1 N "QUALITY and SERVICE" 'PHONE 414 WINGHAM at EE OM ME NON= OMB= IZEINKINIMPUREIN OCKEY PAGE. THE 12 VIN ADvANce-Timgs. 'Wednesday, January Stott 1951. c14AS.51FIED AD5, . i FOR SALE—a5o vinitiu sv,litn, 8 LOCALS., AND PERSONALS. BIRTHS Al TCH ISON—At the Winaliant SK \11." S1L1,RPENED—We have I cylinder, brand new, Undercoated. j(3„7,11eiar:,1).1. 2ItsIll'iii.,,t11." t(o)ilm INY. V11,1116/41?7s', . ---1,Mr. and Mrs. W. 13, :McCool just" purchased from e•C•M• ;4 Flew- I Beater, Pre.ston, tank of gas, 'Met- Douglas .aitchieon, \\ Ingham , a spent thc Past steel. la Detroit Mg Parallel Skate Grinder, Brine !attic ii ii h 1 ; 1 _,I..!..... „,( ., rt:atik,ri fin' sell- I, .1i-- 31.,, DENTim.a....,x_At the wi ughatu I.. ----„\liss Judy Deyell of Soulliamp- your skates to us for expert sect/'(- l• Mg. Apply Alt Lockridge. ing. 25c per pair. Stainton's 'Lee ._ . Hardware. ---- rt. 1ZOOMS WANTED - - - - 1 Hospital,. on Thursday, January ton, spent the ewek-cud. with Miss e i Dant i„ger, T„, water, a daughter, ! I 1 qt. 1 . ,, 1 , 2o, ;L. .0.v., to ..,1.! . and Mrs, J oho Vi v km _Ernest, pfi FOR sm...,E,„_.s et of sloop sleighs in wANTEi)—R.in in NV,Vill home. ' aleDONAL1)--At the, Wingbant ' —Mr, and Mrs. Robert 1:lowbr4y 11 .goad condition. Apply to. Gordon. No meals, 11 wtshing. Kindly H os pital, 0n, Tiareday„lanuary, 25, and Mr. told Mrs. Fred Dttvidson left P1 MeGia nor, ohmic 297, .Wingliam, state rent when an'AVtlth4:". A N'l ' 1051i 1,0 Mr. ;Oat Ales. Clitlind on MOnday- to spand. met months in nv.. to Ilea; 9, Post Office, Wingloun. McDonald, Ti Yew Mei', it SOn, Miami, Florida. in 31.3 NELHERN.—At Ila• \\ Ingham tit=s - . FEED CORN FOR SALE — , Pita', on Frida•, January 20, 1951,; —Friends of Mr. Edgar Pattleou 'Priced reasonably. J. Re He.3.1113,', apartment,. la droom, living roost,! 1:1-'1.M11(.1 .1T.(1.4,"'ll ':;..I'ls;-•'‘Ll;x:, nailds((L, '''' th" t ltileearsto:i'trtyactko. lastiIlo \\vvetells-a,t he is e suffered ,iila tl. BIM Ily elderly couple, small Cob corn for ,alt* in truck leead. Iota. WA NTED-- Myth, phone 150, kitchen, toilet facilities and bath. NUR ajaN---At tee \\ tugharn Hos- , to dyed at his home, Ground floor preferred. Immediate 'dial, on Friday. January 26, 1951, . _Air, and mi,,,,. Lee Simper', .1„,,,.., aCCLIPalley Mt essential. Apply BON to aln ;•Ind Mrs, John Norinam Re L oco, 10.1, Advance Times. R. 3, \\Ingham. a son. it spent the week -m.1 with Mrs. onto parents Mr. and Al rs. W. CZERN1AWSKI—At the Wingham a - . ' - .' .. M. Reid Catherine Street. llospital on Sunday, January 28, j -- • ' ' 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles : —Mr, Frank Mills. of Corvuso, tigi Caerniawski, R. R. 5. Wingham, a ! Minn., is visiting with his cousins, xi daughter, Mr. George Kerr and family, and EINHART—At the Wingbam Gen la ' : Messrs. Frank and Russell Salter. oral Hospital, fill Monday, January ii R ill 1111 29, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman, —Mrs. Sven Noren and daughter, im Reinhart, R. R. 2, Mildmay, a son. ; Helen, visited for a few days last O'MALLEY—At the Wingham. Hos- week at the home of Mr. and Allurisu. : pital, on Tuesday, January 30, 1951, 'Alex. Robertson, Patrick Street, , Iii lie to Mn, and Mrs. Chas. O'Malley I ' —Sunday visitors with Mr. R, R. 2, Tot seater, a daughter. ,, Cecil • 1,,7 „, , , , . ,A. . , 0 i, MI TURVEY—In Brussels, on Tuesday, a-1,4.s. Na dipole were ears. S. G. Es 1 hompson and son, Harvey of Lis- is January 23, 1951, to Mr, and Mrs, t towel, Isobel Thompson, Toronto, to and 1\fr. William Townley, Windsor. IN —The CEILIDH met to sew at the Wingham General Hospital on Tuesday evening of last week, The I hostesses were Al iss Male41,4..1ft , Jctl n and Miss Yvonne McPherson, re r49 aria gka Mrs. \V. E. Gi e el ridge if Low ell, ill Mich„ attended the funeral of theiI- aunt, :Miss Marian Anderson. The tal ladies are spending; a week \.1 Hit fig their uncle, Mr, James Anderson 511 - -Mr. John Hanna, Al. L.A., arrived El home last Thursday after spending, the past three months in Florida, and Ili also visiting Cuba and the BalliOnas, 1211 'Mr. and Mrs, Hanna left early this IC week to attend the opening of theIC Legislature in Toronto. WOOD TENDERS EAST WAWANOSH SCHOOLS Tenders will be received until Feb- A••••solinetalilitellin.r.r...traMifinapISIMMayalt....11011110104111,10am ,v,..•••••.••••••• TENDERS Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the printing con- tract for the Township of Plowick for the year 1951, The contract consists of the following; 200 Voters' Lists, 100 Financial Statements, 1500 Tax Bills, and 1500 Assessment Notices. Tenders to state price, service, etc., and be in my hands not later than. 12 o'clock noon February 3rd, 1951. P. L. DURST, Clerk of Howick• Township, Wroxeter, Ontario. . 243111 Bukwa HER EXCELLENCY "A" 21 Jewels IIIIMIManlIMMINLIONMI.1011911L1 David Crompton JEWELLER 7c PER BOTTLE 36c PER CARTON 7c PER GLASS AT FOUNTAINS CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE—Quantity of light amber and clover honey. K. Mc Naughton, . - FOR SALE" FOR S.A,LE—Wingliant Brace range $2000; Small taiwbee heater, $3.00. Phone 654J2. 31'" 1U SIRE Tka SEE the quality sel- ection of 1.41vatine Greeting Cards at reaamiable priaes at Kerr's Drue• Store, 311) '1.)R S.A ion-se sleigh in good, condition. Apply to 13en Rich, phone 130, \View ' etta 2431* GUOI), DRY C01; CORN for sale. Apply to Lawrenee Copeland, St. Marys. 4.1nt,, R.R. 0, phon e 1' irk- ton, 10r8. 24317* PORTABLE Typewriter for sale. Used only a few hours. Like new. !lay be eeen at Advance-Tirnes of- fice. 17b RUSTCR:\F'T Cards have character. Buy them at McKibbon's. Cards for every occasion, 24b Inlaid Rraoieu.m ALL COLOURS We specialize in Laying Norman Rintoul LIVESTOCK WANTED CASH---Up to $10.00 for Dead or dis- abled Horses; $10.00 for Cows; Hogs $2.50 per cwt,—at your farm, Prompt service. Plnene collect, NVingliate 561J. Stone Sons, Limited, 11110 tale. ple•ne Wroxeter 15r3, Goderieb Phone 1135 Ingersoll, Ontario. rrb Mr. George Henderson, 40 NOTICE P.o: Turt-c.y RR, 2, Bleevale, Carline 'Terra: e, phone 1305, \\InghamR enean t „.r, deeorating done now s''n• j°111' 1`"I''''rt. a brother for 311) avoids delayed housecleaning. Paper 1 •Incla• 1 1.'( 1R S.-11.E--Noree enact. heater, a i.,.• 1 i erav 1 bc,oks su, plied. Mrs. Henry Gral:; • 4r ' '' .e a p.ione u f . ... 1'S FARM FORUM •;EI.I. YOUR POULTRY the Co- ()wine to ia.' .4erittue illness of Op. way. Call 271 for prices and 3,Ire. •I'hos. N's1,1*, either, the farm trucking service. Our prices are forum was held .at ILI; !:.*1110 o f Nelson good, Pickeli, with ao attendance of 22. l'he CARD OF THANKS broadcast was lean', and then, as it • was review niela Ale, meeting, was 1 trick It k 1 hallk h110 11 ci;_.:111101-S and turned rase' i.k I in. .1.Wakt'r 01 hilt' k". viiing, Lloyd I kitten, of Howson & H owson. 'Ile, thyme of his talk was managemere, breeding, sanita- tion and feedine of livestock, partic- LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE-27 pigs six weeks old. Apply to ,W t, VanCantp, phone 15r15, Brussels.. 31* SPECIAL We have received 3 only economy priced electric models. They have all the latest features such as reverse stitch, round bobbin, special mechan- ism for stitching over pills, etc. This model is in short supply, so act now. We also have used machines $10.00_ and up. SINGER SEWING CENTRE u se d only me month, .1;;', ir in for- math ei dill Mrs. Earl Hamilton, 430 J, IVinglettn. 3111 FOR. SALE—Two bower electric ranee! to atitll oven. A-1 oondii Annly Wm. Salter, phone 608\\72. 31* CARDS ARE G11-•FS of Sentiment. Send the best. Send Rust:craft front McKibbon's, 24b IN MEMORIAM CORNELIUS—In loving memory of our dear husband and father, James Cornelius, who passed away 19 years ago, January 29, 1932. The. midnight stars are shining Upon your silent grave; Beneath it sleeps the °tie we love, And the one we could not save. --Sadly missed by his Wife, Son and. Daughter-in-law. 31b IN MEMORIAM NEWANS—In loving meniroy of Le, viva Newans, who passed away Jan- uary 26, 1046. Sadly, missed by her Grand-daughter, Virginia Newans Smith, of Detroit, Mich. Five years have passed since that sad day, When one we therished was called ` away; Deep in our heads her memory is kept, For we who loved lien will never for- get. takes that time fur the life cycle of FOR SA 1" 14:—On '' a one half stet- the worm. He also strongly advised et/ eight room fraud me house in the that pigs be . _ Village of Belmore. To close the .s weaned at eight or nine estate of the late William Abram- weeks rather than at six weeks.' Mr. Hutton also sleeved two films taken this house is being offered at a rear at the Purina Experimental Farm at sonable price. For particulars ap- ;St. Louis, deimeJ,Ztrating the results ply to Crawford and Hetherington, 'of feeding experiments. Wingham, Ontario. 317b I A hearty vole of thanks was ex- t en fled to the speaker for his most CARETAKERS WANTED'interesting and instructive talk. by Euchre winners were: Men, Percy EAST WAWANOSH SCHOOL I Cashel< and George Marshall; ladies, AREA !Mrs. John Burcliill and Mrs. Ross Applications will • be received until 'McRae, The next .1r7ting will be February 3rd for Caretakers, duties held at the home 0'1 1,111 Caslick, to begin March 1st, 1951, at the fol-i FARMERS—Tie sure to get your help lowing schools. i in time. Small and large Dutch Union No, .3, East Wawanosh and families are available for next Morris, Uidon No. 7, East Wawanosh Apply now. C. de Haan, and West Wawanosh, Union No. 6, sPrin . Belgrave; Ont. East Wawanosh and West Wawa-1 re,sh, Union No. 10, East Wawanosh and West Wawanosh, Union No. 17 East Wawanosh and Morris (Bel- A.rave Sr.), S.S. No. 8, East Wawa- nosh, S.S. No, 9, East Wawanosh and rua•ry 3rd for a supply of Hardwood, S.S. No, 13 East Wawanosh, 14 inches long, to be delivered in the Particulars may be had from any indicated quantities before j one 1st, member of the board or at the following schools: A. D. Campbell, Chairman, lemon No, 11, 18 'cords; Union No, R.R. 3, Blyth, Ont, 16, 16 cords; Union No. 17, 20 cords; C, H. Wade, Sec.-treas., Union No. 7, 15 cords; S.S, No. 9, Belgrave, Ont, 16 cords; Union No, 3, 12 cords; Un- 2431b Kihhon, Al isa lannbertus and the Marty- hags, 'The f ac t was stressed. nurses at the \\Ingham General Hos- pital. that water is inest buten-taut. He ad- vised that pigs should be given iron Mrs. Evelyn Campbell, Wiarton. on their 4th, 14th and 24th clays after REAL ESTATE birth, They should be treated for a.._-. . ,... _ ,.. ..........._ , _ worms at the are of 12 weeks, as it friends of 1\11.. C, R. Wilkinson for being so kind to me during my recent illness. Special thanks to Or. Me- PALMISTRY and 'Teacup readings given by noted, experienced reader, For appointments phone Brussels 39r23, or write Miss I. Al. Sellers R.R. 2, Brussels. 31* TENDERS FOR WOOD Tenders will be received by the secretary-treasurer till the 14th of February, 1951, for 75 cords, more or less, of maple and beech body wood, 14 inches long; also 10 cords, more or less, of cedar. All wood to be de- liverled by 1st of June. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Alva Corrigan, Sec.-treas., Bluevale Ont., R.R.. 1. 243111 ion No. (1, 15 cords; SS. No. 13, 15 cords; S.S. No. 8, 15 cords, Any or all tenders not necessarily. accepted. East Wawanosh School Area A. a Campbell, Chairman, E,R, 3, Blyth, Ont, C. H. Wade, Sec,-treas., Belgrave, Ont. 2431b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATES OF MAR- TIN WELDON WEBB AND MAR- THA ELLEN WEBB. All persons having claims against the Estates of Martin Weldon Webb, late of the Township of Cuh•oss, in the County of Bruce, Gentleman, de- ceased, and Martha Ellen Webb, late of the Town of Orangeville, in the County of Dttfferin, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the Twenty- first day of December, 1948, and the Fifteenth day of September, 1950, re- spectively, are required to send par- ticulars and proofs thereof to the Un- dersigned before the Tenth day of February, 1051, when the assets will be distributed among the parties le- gally entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims which shall have been filed, Dated at Acton, Ontario, this Sev- enteenth day of January, 1951. C, F. Leatherland, Afton, Ontario, Solicitor foe E,.j.,11assard, Ad- ministrator with Will Annexed of the Estate of Martin Weldon Webb, and Administrator of the 'Mtge of Martha Ellen Webb, 24317b, EGGS WANTED HIGHEST TORONTO PRICES PAID. Accurate Grading Complete Satisfaction Pick-up Service at your farm, Wroxeter Produce Phone 36 r 2 Wroxeter SNOW ROUGHING and SNOW REMOVAL from SERVICE STATIONS DRIVE WAYS FARM LANES, ETC. Fr ser Forgi , e Phone 38 - - Wingham or Wroxeter 12-17 Certified Watchmaker 'Phone 59 Wingham —GOOD TASTE at a GOOD PRICE INGHAM ARENA ef "New Floors for Old" II • P1 Et We have recently added the popular MAREOLEUM , an!" "41 ' '4,40A,1411:i44,1", 14, ,_701j Don't miss this Fixture. Kitchener will guarantee fast action from first to last. Wingham PHONE 84 WINGHAM o you ilk to SEE iiG S 7 If not you should take a look at the SKYLINE LOADER in action ... Attached to the husky FERGUSON TRACTOR it ends your worries as far as snow is concerned. Deliveries take time - and you Want to be Ready for the Spring Work this year. DROP IN TO-DAY WITH YOUR ORDER FOR FARM EQUIPMENT. ME Y A t fi T S "Stainton Spitfires"