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PAGE ',SEVEN THE WINGHAM ADVANCE--TIMES Wednesday, januali. 74th„, 1051
Howiels Jr. Farmers, Score was
Gorrie 7, Dungannon 2.
:United. Church News
W. Siroug led in Prayer I .wo Poems
were given "To ',God" by Mrs. E.
Farrish hurl ''Al yself" by Alta. Glad,
F• 1 , • "W•l Fend we have in .
Missionary Picture Slides entitled Jesus" was sting and Mrs. Allan
"Jiro and Hanako of Japan" will be Ilyndintin president, had charge of the
shown .on next Sunday morniag at . business. Al iuntes were read and
19 4,M, in the S.S. Everyone wel- , auopted. There were twenty-four in
come, attendance. Cards of thank; were re-
Remember the "Married Coupler ' ceivi,d front mrs, R. 413rrisou. Mrs. C.
Club" on Monday evening. The 111" Elg-ar and Mrs. Norman Clegg;
Benefit Euchre and Dance a Success.
The spirit of community neighbor-
liness was, in evidence nit Wednesday
eveni4tg, when the Gorrie community
hall was filled to :capacity with How-
ick residents for a Benefit Euchre anti
Deuce sponsored by ;Carrie Women's
Institute for Dave Neilson, a popular
member of the Carrie Hockey team,
who was injured at a game at Tees-
water, and who was iu the hospital
for eighteen days. One hundred ion!
Robert .Watt was ehaieman for the
meeting and reports were read by the
different organintions showing the
church to have met all expenses tint.-
ing the year, and to have a substan-
tial balance lt ,it over to start the
New Year, after having redecorated
the entire auditorium tot'i made other
repairs t ,, the pars,
A hearty vote .of appreciation watt
extended to Rev. J. R. and Mrs. Watt
for their anitiring efforts during the
past year, after which. the following
were elected to the board of manage-
ment, Mr. le Mutton and Harold Rub-
inson to the session, and 'Messrs. W.
E. Whitfield II, J. nyndman,
Black, W. C. King, Irving Toner,
Geo. Dane Jr., and E. J. Fattish to
the board of Stewards. Lunch was
served by the ladies and a social half
hour was spent after the meeting.
sixty-eight dollars was cleared and
one hundred and eight dollars eat,
lected previously by subscription for
1111' injured player, Brown's Orches-j
tra, who played for the dance, gave
their services free and euchre prizes,
were donated by Institute members.
For the ladies euchre prize, Mrs. Tani,
Parker and Mrs. T. L. lkicinnes tied,
Mrs. Parker whining ill the draw.
Gordon Underwood WaS winner of the
men, lime. Twenty tables were in
teresting film "The Romance of Two'
an outstanding agricultural A and the "Lord's Prayer' 'in nuison. A
Hemispheres" will be is 1"Come let u„ing of wonderful Love"
meeting" closed with the singing of
cordial welcome to all married deliciooi lunch was served by the
couples. hostesses, M rs. Andy Edgar and Mrs. Family film night is Wed„ jam Fergus,M. 31st. Two first class colored films
entitled "Out of the dust" and "'Shin-
ing Mountains" will be shown: "Out
of the Dust" is a picture filmed in S.
America. ited Church was held in the Sunday
Group 4 of the W.A. will meet School romps with a large attend-
Thursday, Jan. 25th in the evening at -mice of the congregation, Rev, J.
the home of Mrs. Mulford Irwin.
Will the ladies please come early as a
quilt is to be quilted,
The Y,P.U, will meet next Sunday
evening, Jan. 28th at 8 o'clock at the
home of Miss Audrey :Elastic,
Woman's Association
Mrs. Gordon Edgar entertained the
Woman's Association of the 'United
Church on Thursday afternoon. Mrs.
W. Strong presided for the Worship
Period, The meeting opened with
Hymn "Take time to be Holy," The.
Scripture reading was taken front
Mark 4:1-0 by Mrs. S. Edgar. Airs.
Wingham, anti Mrs. George Foster,
Elmira, were guests of Mr. and Mrs,
W, C. King on Saturday afternoon
and evening.
Mr, and Mrs, Donald Leader, of
Hespeler, spent the week-end with
the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Farrish,
Miss Betty Howse, nurse on the
staff of Brantford General Hospital,
haS been awarded her registered
nurse's certificate from the Brant-
ford Hospital. She is the daughter of
Rev, G. G. and Mrs, Howse, of Al
vinston, formerly of -Gorrie, Betty
was a graduate of Wroxeter High
Mr, and Mrs, Dan Kester, of Mild-
may, were recent visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Jos. Woods.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Death, of
Weston, visited with Mr. and Mrs,
Harry Ferguson,
Dave Neilson returned from Wing-
ham Hospital on Thursday of last
week and is able to be up and around
the house.
Mr. •Bill Thornton has purchased
Mr. Ben Maguire's farm on Conces-
sion Four.
Miss Kathleen Ford was home
from Hespeler for the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Whitfield and
Donald visited with friends in To-
ronto last week.
Miss Esther Harding, of Mactnt
Forest, spent a few days of last week
with her aunt, Mrs, Robert Graham,
and Mr. Graham.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jackson, of
Harriston, spent Thursday with Mr.
and' Mrs. Norman Wade and with
Miss Alice and Mr. Fred Edgar.
Mrs. *Mabel Stewart was home
from Ethel for a few days last week.
Reeve E. H. Strong was in 1Goder-
ich last week attending Huron Coun-
ty Council.
Mrs. Earl King and children are
spending a few days with Mrs. Kingls
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Adams,
Miss Thelma Stafford, of Kitchen-
er, spent the week-end at her home.
Mrs. Vera Gregg is spending some
time in Toronto with her son, Mr.
George Gregg, of Victoria College.
Mrs. George Foster, of Elmira, is
a visitor in town with Mrs. Mel Gil-
kinson and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Spalding, of
Harriston, spent a few days last week
with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ferguson.
Mr. Ferguson is recovering from a
heart attack he had on Tuesday.
Guests at the home of Mr.. and
Mrs. E. H. Strong on Sunday were
Miss Donna Arthurs, Harriston, Miss
Isabelle Wiseman, Neustadt, and Mr.
George Pennington, Mildmay,
World Day of Prayer
On February 9th the first Friday
in Lent, the World Day of Prayer
Service will be held in St. Stephen's
Anglidan Church at 3 p.m. • Com-
mittees from the three churches have
met to arrange for this service and it
is hoped every woman in the district
will plan to attend on Friday after-
noon, Feb. 9th.
Annual Meeting of Red Cross
The Annual Meeting of the Gorrie
and district Red Cross will be held
on Thursday, Jan. 25th at 3 p.m. in
the Orange Hall, Everyone interest-
ed in the work of the Red Cross is
asked to attend this meeting,
Gorric team played hockey on
Monday night with the Mildmay team
at the Carrie Arena. Score was
Mildmay 4, .Gorrie 2.
On Thursday - evening in Gorrie,
Dungiumon Jr. farmers played with
United Church Meeting
The annual meeting- of Gorrie tin-
Due February 1st, 1948-52
February 1, 1951
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Diagonal Rd,• Wingham
Thin, rundown wife
Gets New Pep,
Steady Nerves .41 was very much under-weight also rundown, ner-vous. f took Ostrax. Gained Id lbs. I felt fine, tired feel-Las and nervousness wero gone."—Mrs. L. Bayard, Mat-gogrtrni lloh ig, Ont. at a thill!ts Thin limbs Mrs. I.. Savard Sound out; hollows 1111 11P; body looks healthier, more attractive.' Thousands praise Oates, weight-building Coale. Enriches blood, aids appetite, digestion so food gives more pep, nouristunent,• puts flesh ott bars bones. Don't tear getting too fat, Stop taking when you reach desired weight. Introductory or Tables she only COO. Sty Ostrox Tonle Tablets for how sounds, new pm today. At 01 druggists.
It seem to me dint keeping yourself when you get up in
Years t i something like keeping up a car,
You can't run a car on just o'as. Tt's .got to have
plenty of O il a lid gr:TI w too, And 'I figtue.‘ the same idea
works with in, ' and the motley I'll need someday.
Suppose I get paid some kind of old-age benefit, the
same as everybody else., be mighty glad to get that
money, But I'm going to want more money coining in.
And that's just what I'm saving for seam with my life
Even then I won't bellying the life of Reilly. But at
least I'll have most of the comforts I want, And tight
now it's mighty good to know that if anything happens to
me, my life insurance will take care of my family.
Anyhow, don't you Oink a man should help provide
for . his Own seentityl I do. And millions of other
Canadians are doing it now--with their own life insurance.
and their' Representatives
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wonderiul new 1951 Advance-Design Chevrolet trucks now
— and get all the fads. Come in and see us today.
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a Chevrolet's low
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Villieeebases from 110°' to 212"
Gross Rotings up to 14,00 nit..!
351 Too should look
ge3i r8 v this WA
Mrs. James Magoffiu, Mrs, Atehe-
,t41. Wallace' and Mr, Maurice Wal-
Jace attended, the funeral of Mrs,
'Chester Brooks, of Thedford, the for-
;ger Jean Magoffin, who passed away
on Thursday at her home in Thedford
;following a sudden heart attack.
Mr. and Mrs, Eight Fulton and
wort, of Holstein, spent the week-end
-with Mr. anti Mrs. Robert Harrison,
Mr. and Mrs. +Gordon Edgar attend-
td the funeral of Mrs, George Black
Ayr on Wednesday,
Mr, ,and Mrs. Hugh' Smith, Moles-
;worth, visited Thursday with Mr, and
Mrs. Edgar Dane.
Mrs, Ken Hastie, Mrs, Archie Mil-
,tcr and Mrs, W. C, King spent a day
liast week with their sister, Mrs. Jean
MacDonald, of Listowel,
Mr. and Mrs. G, N. Underwood, of