HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-01-24, Page 6Fewer Colds for Young and Old When Home Heat is Uniform 9 The even, slow-burning flame that 'blue coal' makes is its big secret as a healthful fuel. No up-and-down temperatures from off-and-on operation. Just a steady level of warmth that's nice to live in and eco- nomical to pay for. Millions prefer it—you'll like it. Phone us today for 'blue coal'—the finest hard coal money can buy. . . • SAVE UP TO 30% ON FUEL BILLS The 'blue coal' TEMP-MASTER Automatic Heat Regulator ends the overheating and underheating that waste fuel dollars. Saves steps. Saves time, FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION CRAWFORD & HETHERINfiTON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS Wingham, Phone 48 J. H. CRAWFORD, K.C. Phone 19 R. S. HETHERINGTON, X.C. DR. W. M. CONNELL 8, N. CORM r. 1:Ve realize our obligation when we fill your order for a Mem- orial—and we provide only ma- terials of unending serviceability. Design and workmanship are of the finest, and our prices are most moderate. CEMETERY LETTERING • Promptly Done MODERN EQUIPMENT Wingham Memorial Shop 'Phone 256 • R. A. Spotton ECONOMY and BEAUTY 7 everlasting bright Durable finishes. C ongo - Wall for the Kitchen and Bath Free Estimates. Bennett & Casemore Phone 447 Wingham Chevrolet Trucks • TANK DRIVERS a. • GUNNER OPERATORS • VEHICLE MECHANICS si Take your place in the growing defence forces of Canada. 13e a member of a close knit fighting crew by joining the Armoured Corps — the spearhead of the modern mobile Army. To enlist you must — 1. Bea Canadian citizen or British subject. 2. Be between 17 and 29 years of age. 3, fie tingle. 4. Meet Army test requirements. 5. Volunteer for service anywhere. Room 2218, "C" Building, tisgor St., OTTAWA, Ont. No, S.PerSonnel Depot, Artillery Park, Bagot St., KINOSTON, Ont. No. 6 Personnel Depot, Charley Park, Douglas Drive, TORONTO, Ont. No., Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barrotics, Elizabeth Street, LONDON, Ont. Depots open 8 A.M. to 10 P.M. doily. A161g.,0 1.. Bring of-Witt/Ns of age and education with you Go Active—Serve Your Country by strengthening Canada's Armed Forces today to build up the defences against aggression everywhere. REPORT RIGHT AWAY TO - Be FIRST with FERGUSON In the famous FERGUSON line you get Maximum Performance at Minimum Cost. The original Ferguson Hydraulic System guarantees ease of operation with Mower, Power Saw, Crane, Manure Spreader, Skyline Loader or any one of. the many other labor-saving devices we have to offer. DELIVERIES TAKE TIME — ORDER NOW .1r ERKLEY MOTORS PHONE 84 WINGHAM PAGE SIX ThE WIN-GI-1AM ADVANCE-MIXES 'WednesdaYt January .24th., . 1014, Business and S. J. WALKER K. L1. MatENNAN Professional Directory Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homut:IR.O. Mrs. H. Viola Ilmtat'a R. O. Registorati Bii,orutrists Phone 118 I Iarristun. Ont. 11/11141.411.11611211114 RONALD 1 KANN PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT CLINTON, ONTARIO Office: Royal Bank Phones: Office 561, Res. 455, .00.11M ...,//./..litZte.,41•4.14,1.A.WW-41(.. Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. RADIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191. JUNI•9•10611.0.212•RiVire.101w • SM11.21.S.lai—J,,Jaka Memorials World Day of Prayer The. Wn rid Day Praye r service will be held on first Friday in Lent, February !lib., in Unitcd ‘.,Aeltd,J16 ':A% IV COAL 'Ii e 4 FOR THE URE C Y re t, it Telephone 23 Teeswater Head Office — Toronto WRO XETER—Every Wednesday 1f a,keune s• "24' din•• iulluwc•d. Rcv. U. E, Cronhielin Ii. C. MacLewaninsInbsanrnrance Agency n ..11 ')""1 "lib ! was Eippuint beCi etary, by appointment. •, holding • the V Elifrud Nkl")] the Itish.iry of the church. The . . ) Funeral and Ambulance Service MODERN FUNERAL HOME 'Phone 106 Night 1149 Ontario oNT, Wirighvm. WINGHABI le WELLE'roN FTE A. c 111VISH Insurance Cornony BARRISTER, SOLICITOR Est. 1810 and NOTARY PUBLIC An all Canadian Company TREswATER ONTARIO has served its policy holders for over a century. . Ao GRAWFORO, I'lia7SICINN ;114 ':•:1 .10i14..).N' Phone 150 Wingham %Ka ,TrAS9 fl and _Mks Ife'q... \Valko. , ! women's association report, given by won tlie cun- J, 1,41. • BusilFIELB, Kli ,..ii. prizt..i. Mr. and Mrs. )"11 1AIrs. Joe 6inunupds, president, show-:111(1,1i( j..ittiwiliaitt.c•:ill !,,'1. utty;til](1., 1,..(1)1i111161,7.1,1,T, 1 eb,zitn .0 e t s to the wroxaor Masons ,L. • • iiil ,,i. , active ear harm ,. se veal Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. :freshmentn wi:r iq.rved. 'and Howick Lions Club as well as A recent cop , -; a Western Ontario their usual activities, iii- 1. Money to Loan , I daily paper -Ii••,.‘,.d the picture of i The church trustees and the Wo- tIl Office — Meyer Block, Wingham babyi,: lohfostil)lic -"" ,till;).. 3,11,..n. She barn ill Miss Lenlra l IL „lit.; with the first `men's Vi er !ly make arrangements for the redee- .,..-= Association members will joint- -Erd Wes Am- 'orating of tine church. '5 ,..--,=‘,-,...*".-----,,..,-,--mm-P,,, ehia TIrmnie l!i 11.-1. a pounds 11 , .4.1,,,,T4 4 = The following officers were elected lat veterinary Surgeon Office — Minnie St. Opposite and South of the United Church. PHONE 196 afternoon, ?.-4 p.m., or mond Elliott in the dkcu,sio . Was chairman and Mrs, Stanley Cal- Nyill, until rt ••,.1•`'v , if the sixth linc . Stanley Gallaher., V1 „,.. ,, ,,,ill him Loa; „I rus- oi Turnberry, is sOlitelS,,r Of 01)St et- 1 . . tits' '' • •.; I i ' 1 I. 'tees. N'1 . :l. Gathers, chairman, Stan- 10 f (.- i l .t i ,t. .v Taylor, , ,. . -- ,,,,-.N;,,,riiiidni,A,i...i....i:‘,21..4i.e:,iil•lg t.A.1,0(1,;i13.1,.1.iais isQt)(‘ \‘tj:11.(1s..:'1,(*c'hz\iril(1,1::: (...:1t i iirs,..\-\e'lliial'irIn'tualitt: ill 1 mi,. and Al r „. mrin Moffatt ,,peat .,„Wttatiliti::, \'‘-‘i.ial il ii:iti sle, r1,,Viii.n.:v.F.e31.7ertiitig,t(c)na,t11:\01,1 ,1-, ' a few days la'' v\ ,v1, ill Toronto.. - I 1,....iam , Alv1,1d,e,Y, Eldred Cathers, Mrs, W, I. Plan Family Night Edgar Dane; Secretary-Treasurer, The February meeting of th e W,.,- ,William Taylor; Sunday School Sup- men's Institut( will take the form of ' orintendent, Mrs, Ira Neil, assistants, a f am il y night 1 ,„„ty an d w ill b e h e ld ' Mrs, Gordon Wray, Rev. G. E. Cron- in, the United church schoolroom. hielm; Organist, Miss Berea Gallaher, From eight to nine o'clock there will assistant, Mrs. It an cry Copeland; be games. for tl,e children followed i Choir leader. Airs. Morrison Sharpie; by a programme r,..ire ,danents and a lassistants, Airs. Walter Williths, Airs, • social hour, Pel.ruary -16t1i is the date. !I':lcired Gathers; Ushers,' Everett There will be no reLular meeting in Cat hers, William Gallaher, Gordan February, Wray,. Al orrison Sharpi a ; Auditors, W. A. Gathers, Gordon Wray. i scores for ladies were held by Mrs. Women's Association Mrs. Leslie Douglas presided over 1,rti Mac14an, sequel, Mrs. harry n. , alltialy: nit cting of the 1.Vomen s Adams, Mn Justin Wills and ' Mr. 'Thos. Vittie won the honours for ., , Church at 3 p.m . This year tine ser- !Association. United Church, lone hands. Prizes were awardedhurch, and men, \Vim Hayes won the prize for ---- . :opened the meeting with the hymn, I ,„,,,____, "Standing at the Portal," - In keeping Wm. Aferkley and Mrs. Clarke Rem-1Douglas read a poem, AIrs. john Snell wick, the first couple to have no score at a game. In the crokinole section. FIRST CLASS withI the New Year theme, Watch Repairs led in Prayer, Mrs. Wm. Hart Mrs. FIRST ch ose fo r the scripture lesson St. and men. George Merkley and Daisy Mrs. Harvey McMichael and Ron McMichael won the fi r st for ladies Mottos for 1951. Miss Mina Ball ! Jolla Chapter 1., Eighteen members 'GibsonRei.Ieshill \i,lon:tst1,1\e\ellueckysenrt\ne)(11.7rbyprizt ehse. answered the roll call and two new Airs. Lloyd Magee, were welcomed. committee and their husbands, A few members, Mrs. Crawford Gibson and Plans were made to serve supper at games of bingo.'were played with Mrs. . the annual meeting of the church, also mg. ; Alex Courts of Wingham, winning there was a discussion in regard to HrtIlLed esPeolf‘iaal, cannister set. Announcement was a bread box with match- ?. • party to be held in the of the afternoon. was spent in quilting. ! repairs , for the manse. The remainder i club rooms on February 7th., sponsor- Pot luck supper was served at the , close and the meeting closed .with ed by the Wroxeter Women's insti- the hymn '''Tis Winter Now," 'tote also the For-Rest Les club adi prayer by the president. • Mrs. Les and on February 23rd, 'will hold -a euchre and ci'okinole party • Douglas and Airs, Harvey McMichael United Church Annual Meeting arranged tine meeting, I Promotion Sunday, January 28th The congregation of Wroxeter Un- ited Church will hold their annual United Church Sunday School pup- - meeting in the church school-room oit ils will join with the congregation at per trill ,ill evi(:eillilg served January da li(i ti( 3 , 1 business morning morning service, January 28th. It is Meeting and election of officers will annual promotion Sun day, Th e r e will follow, Ladies of the congregation are be no Sunday School session at 10 asked to bring refreshments. The Wo- o'clock., but a joint service at 11 a.m. men's Association are in charge of All are cordially invited to attend this arrant gen] ents. special service. Parents are asked to Miss Mary S. Watt church Council ,of Canada. `Pitt: llieniell "Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear." A 4ii. committee front the AngliCalt, TI TS-' --' byterian and 'Llnited Churches has at-1:±.• rang‘:(1 the local serl ice, Mrs. U. E. -..1'')Il. 'II in I's, ..o. ith , •d r. and Airs. 1 Cruilltieliit will be the speaker. All Pi N.A 'l l'i':. '*\atu°111-ijAv., ...' '''''\",\I;j114(L'ilila'181::11 . 1 ."11- 1.(..1.1 to att(tul., don. .% isnot! ',:•, l'ar el it'''. Mr• .null I.Sh:l'eln:'11,.1"nitucid 11:11::::111LHAllill: in:a Annual Meeting'il1i 111 : t'',111;i"t.,,,IV;i:,..1 .1..!y:::: '.' .1.iiii:'1,141..'iti `‘kail`.:1:1 :1 'i'i tn: .. 1. ht' titttt_1141 .1,1,1,(:ting0101Stalei\ILI.oild.'it,t.: :LI 1 1,,, ..,,an ... 1 Ii-.{;s . held ir, lat.i,liAeliist,,,i .,111\rlt..it., . : .-...... ‘‘....1.;.intrl,:di,fry l'arni in attendance, P. 1:t,rtult, Ill-iii , I r.t t Id) inecting al r w.hi e h wa ;, arranged by the Women's -,,'", 1 .eAvtcrisi(.1.1::'(..,t viot'lel louc\k"a libiliyinquei. Nvas held -- , tt hilrea 1 .101'21?11`'l.te"Ist':..' ' :1 41''''1.1(.1'1:1:\''1-17':"i l''ll'u‘'''''il''''t ;11,'klises()ecc intiLi:eug'.,itiisc.isliis.t(-)Itillebyluttsiii‘:ILLstailth'i''i,::)t-i • 017- W. T. Al ac ri :qr. and Al;s. 1: Mat:Kenny of .()rillia, form,' •( sideirts of this vil- lap,‘„ visited here 1"rid;14, Alr, and s. i'ciur 'CAR won't, let yOUf D visiting ttt of Alr. and Mrs. •••4 comm i ttee of t h e, wome ws in t er - 1950 Designs Now Being shown Individually fitted and styled. Several fittings at no additional charge. Call. 276J, Wingham Attlee,. Alis. ,• a I utehter of 'tor the coining year: St:ssion, Alor- Al r. and Mr, 'i,c r 1liggins (.1 • !lima] Sharpin, chairman; Greer = WROXETE.. vice was Int:pared by Christian wont- gliiimpripimitimicilimpoinoliamiciiiiii poinli11111111111111011•111ouppir, en in Germany and the central Day wp AT MODERATE PRICES' Owing to lack of space, am corn- -pelted to confine my repairs to watches only. .b:llit)t 1 ante r.. j eTavisli ;ports .indictited the best financial y. MR. A. RUBIN FAMOUS FUR COMPANY for Apppintment or Write 508 Bathurst Street, Toronto George Willi air s Located in MASON'S STORE MARIN “101561161/101..M3/0032.611711111 At the home of her sister, Mrs. \Vm. Cr, Gibson, on, Wednesday., Jan- limy 17th, there passed away Afis Mary S. Watt. In fail hug health for some months, her condition became serious a few weeks ago. I In her 89th year, Mary S. Watt was a daughter of the late George i Watt mid Mary Reid Watt, pioneers lof Hullett Township. She lived in that district until four years ago, I when she came to reside with her sister, Mrs, Wm. G. Gibson. . Miss Watt was a member of the United Chni•ch and attended regularly when health permitted. During the , year:5 spent iii this community she was Judd in high regard by all who came to know her. Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Gibson, and brother, Robert, of Millet Town- ship,whom deepest sympathy is ext e nded. to whom Funeral services were held on Fri- day afternoon in Burns Church; Hul- let Township where 'Miss Watt form- erly attended. Rev. U. E. Cronhielm, of Wroxeter United Church was iti charge. Pallbearers were six nephews, did r We have the Correct Factory Replacement Parts for your car in stock ! No waiting „ no delays , , Fast Efficient Service for All Popular Makes ! Chevrolet, Oldsmobile Cars. KEEP MILES AHEAD WITH CAR CARE wablautMr141.141..-..... WINGHAM NIPTORS Telephone 139 CALL 139 FOR SERVICE .0....1.1...163,11.20116•510s•• Mr W. A l "14"1"""ili StratI l• lot in Prayer Connnittee, New York, For claire, Maniteh.i. spent the past Week UK UM' eciuntry it waS adapted by HI S • 1T4 tk. I it t• ha Ft, lad hat I FRI I ,AHAINI11101131511114i1211i211C1111U111641111241110111111111211311111/111IXIIIMIXISilignni1411111101110;' have their children at the Sunday aKecitliGeoiut.gde School .room oo at 10.30 o'clock. and Watt, George and D {ats Euchre and Crokinole Party family plot, Berns cemetery. Gibson, Interment was made ha th, Eighteen tables were in play also three of crokinole when on Friday evening die ladies For-Rest Club held their second Euchre and Crokinole Party of the season. In charge of ar- rangements were Mrs, Les Douglas, Mrs. Wm. Hart, Miss Gilberta How- es, Mrs. John MacLean. Highest