HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-01-24, Page 5he or she will became proficient. -One : foundation : .of the Inetitute is to .0c. (Continued from Page 1) educational, and now has a library of eoene- very good reepOnsee, 'its own Toromo, where books may Mrs, Parker, converter, of Educe- .be secured on every subject and menie tion spoke. bringing some thoughts ,hers may get these, for two week Period to help in the preparation of formal education. Elementary and t „1,i„„ Th ere is some talk of higher forms of learning ar-e now Tweedsemir Home being established available to all and really cheap. 1.'or- at s trawy Cree k. merly failure in one subject meant i A beautiful solo by Miss voitho repetition the next year of to- Rapp "Annie Laurie," was enjoyed. twelve subjects, now credits are given Miss Kethleen Pringle gave a most for pelt one passed, and this shortens int,,resting, book review, the hook the courses, It is every parent's duty , I chosen being 'Thy Peonle-My People,' to give children the cry best tram- Mg they can. If a child is not adept Elizebeth Hoemberg-, a Canadian, at learning all subjects, there are thelwhe married a man who became an vocational schools now where a child . nfficcr hi. the German Army. Site has will be guided into a course at which I of their six years in 'Germany. Many facts written during that time in their letters are proving trite now end seem to prophesy things for its in the future, Life in the hands of the Allies as a prisoner was not what we \von ld like to think it was as told by Elizazbeth Hoembergts story. All were urged to reed this book. The • EDUCATION IS THEME BIRTHS HARKNESS-eAt. the Wingham Comerel Hospital, ort WW1-today, January 17, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Harkness, R. ft. 1, Clifford. a daughter. POLLARD —At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Friday, January 19, .1951, to M r, and Mrs, George' Pollard, R, R. 2, Brussels, a son, EW LI: RR the Wieghani General U-10srital, tin Sunday, Jan- uary 21, 1951, to air. and Mrs. Roy Dewberry, 'Nineteen, a eon, (The infant passed away the following day.) c111' EY—At the ee' Mullein Gen- eral Hospital, on Tuesday, January 2.3, 1951, to Mr. and ,Mrs. )(dm NIL-Burney, a son. Haselgrove's SMOKE SHOP - for - ,Smokers' SUNDRIES MAGAZINES SOFT DRINKS • Merkley Motors Chrysler and Plymouth Cars Fargo Trucks PARTS and ACCESSORIES Ferguson Tractors and Farm Equipment W..1\13, and W.A. on Wednesday, , fan, 10. There were. 14 ladies pre- 'sent and. Mrs. W. 1. Miller presided 'for the W.M.S., the theme of the worship service being "God working together for Us". .1 n the absence of the treasurer, Mrs, Bordon, and the secretary, Mrs. W. A. Miller, the an- nual reports were read by Mrs, W 1. Miller, The topic on "The United Church Re-enters Japan" was taken. by Mrs. MacPherson. The president, Mrs, Chas. McDonald, was in the chair for the meeting of the W.A. which was opened by singing the theme song, prayer arid the repetition of the creed, The roll call was re- sponded to by a verse from a parable. Mrs. Curran read the Scripture les- son and Mrs. T. J. Todd the lesson thoughts on "The Kingdom of God". The reports of the secretary were read by Mrs. Chas. McDonald and Mrs. Gordon. MacPherson, the trete- surer, reported a balance on liana of $191.63, A letter of thanks from Mrs. R. 3. Woods, now of Guelph, for 'the electric heating pad sent to her as a remembrance was read. Mrs. E. Bar- ham •contributed a reading. A •Plea- sant social hour was enjoyed when lunch was served by Mrs. Hayward, assisted by Mrs, E. W. Rice, Mrs. G. Stuart, Mrs. W. I, Miller 'and 'Mrs. C. McDonald. BIRTH ST. HELENS 'Airs. \\T. F. Gordon has been a patient in the Wingliam General Hue— pital suffering from double p nett- 11•10111'i Miss Zane Newton Rtee N., (laugh- tendency in these days seems to be .t er o f Rev. al. G, and Mrs. Newton, toward lighter fiction but a book like formerly of Si, Helens, has joined the this one is a wealth of interesting in- staff of the Woodeden Hospital, Lon- formation. don, F t is tits Ford Th e F e bruary meeting of the Wte, or curren even, T, ch ose t o rea d an a dd ress d eli vere d rc., men's Institute F.. will be held at the of Mrs, E. W. Rice on Th.urs- cently in Toronto by Mr. Sayle, who day afternoon, Feb, lst., at 2.30, Roil is the President of the Ford Motor Call,"How to beautify your Win- Company of Canada. This address had dows". Mrs; MacFarlane, of Luck- stressed the desperate state we find now will be guest speaker and will ourselves in with Communism so talk on her recent trip to Scotland. rampant right here. Program committee and hostesses, The meeting closed with the Net-Mis.,,s ,W. D. Rutherford and Mrs, W. ional anthem and the hostesses served -A• 'miller' . lunch.' W.M,S, and W,A, i Mrs, S. E. Hayward was hostess m ,....rm.•• for the January meetings of the all] is I I 1 6-17 TRAINED PERSONNEL' Henderson—At the Clinton 'Hospital • 1 Telephone-84 Wingham on Wednesday, January P7, to Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Henderson, (former- ly Jean Webster, Fordyce) of Rip- _ temeteeeriii as letuergeneeleetteeaM'ele'l eenellIIIIMIIIE111141111111111011111111101111011110111111131110 P e", a so n- 0=ito=====t0=0=1—......,:=0=01----,..=0=0==zoret0e— 0,1=10're''"1(1)=0 to in at 0 11 rf C ress S reS y dr y Lane" it r A • 0 1 "A To control mastitis (gorges') PEMOILLIN "B004EES" The practicei mastitis treatment Ready to use — no syringe or solution needed No, 2903-10,000 Int, Units Package of 12„ .. $3.00 Np. 2901-25,000 Int. Units Package of 6 $2.50 NEW LOW PRICES Tubes of 6 $1.50 Tubes of 12 $2.50 Tubes of 25 $4.50 Kerr's Drug Store IiBleMORE Mr. and Mrs. Oliver 'Death end sons, of Weston, spent the week-end with relatives here, Miss Mary Stokes continues quite poorly. Her frietids here wish her a speedy return to health. Mr. and Mrs. .Carlyle Cornish of ::;teiforth spent the week-end with air. and Mrs. Nelsen liunkin. -.Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Edger vieited at the uttc 1101111.' .011 Sunday. .0g1,4RAITE Mr. mid Mrs. Roy Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Mason Robieson enter- tained the 9th line enehre club at their home last Friday evening, nine tables played cards, High prizes went to Mrs. Cecil Chantey end Lewis Stone- house, consolation prizes to Mrs. Jack Mellurney and George Webster. The ncet party le ill be at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Caine- Newlyweds. Honored ed Front Grocery Free Our Prices Are Lower 'Phone Delivery We Keep Down The Upkeep 590 MeLAREN'S FREE4E-EASY) ICE CREAM MIX „ .........2 pkgs. 25c JELLO POWDERS (all fl avors) .. 3 for 29c Robinhood FLOUR, 24 lb. $1.59 Carnay TOILET SOAP 3 bars 29c VW.IIMIUMMIKIMMX01144.0.01,4111.11=11.Milli TIDE or OXYDOL . „ ..... Giant 81c Large 41c 1091... ure Clover Honey 8 LB. PAIL ...... ..... .$1.49 4 LB. PAIL 79c 2 LB. PAIL „ ,42c STOCK UP AT THESE LOW PRICES 20 OZ, TIN Aylmer Fancy TOMATO JUICE 2 for 25c .....x.moommowor•Asulbattwatrumemw, 48 OZ. TIN Allan's APPLE JUICE 25c 48 OZ. TIN GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 35c GRAPEFRUIT (size 96) 10 for 49c Florida ORANGES (size 250) doz. 35c ICE CREAM BRICKS (all flavors) 28c are in irn- two of which illustrated, a 11 shrink - resistant Telephone 36 Josephine St:, Wingham 0 U 0 Eight beautiful styles ported cotton fabrics, unconditionally guar- anteed washable . . . in lovely pastels and attractive print d e- signs, Sizes - - 12 to 20 O • U. 0 U 0 Rint0111 & Miller 'Phone 251 'Phone. 210 ii Maroon - Tone on Tone ti Blue - Green - Rust ii From $40.00 up ii • BEDROOM RUGS : Washable in all colours sizes and shapes 7,- From $4.95 I I C C McKIBBON Phone 475 on 1 Ea=; i is • • ,- _i:,--_ NiWt N I I RUGS - 6' 9" x 9' Suitable for Living and Dining Rooms N N FLOORS REFINISHED — FOR — FIRE - LIFE - AUTO INSURArk (E CALL Stewart A. Scott 'Phone 243 Wingham We Stand Between You and Loss All Yearl or a Small Appliance you can always depend on us for quick, convenient repairs at Reasonable Rates. For Full Service, Call us KELVINATOR and PHILCO SALES and -SERVICE T. DARLING Next door to Wingham Motors Phone 549 Wingham We400$1.1,ay.„. January 24th., 1951 T E WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE MVO rainialitnIS to Mr. and NI vs. Glenn Will Who were rut.rthi ono• '.ti nier tied. 1.-Vt, e,lium(' Mrs. Will to our in hont4- ,,f air. ant MN. Maitland. community. newly' wed s. I It ndereoce Locals Lose Twice ore hc,tra provided m usic ter dencine and durntg lunch p, tied the i e mered Belmor e NI erILley's Gt.POI ea r:, the Kfid ee, K e l e; play ed d ee,. c4ande 'e'er,- invited to the platform gime of hockey alt the uew minor, presented with a pur s e nte best Wkilet; of the commueitx Anna ott Monday Mein, Jan. 15, 0 v.. 1 Mr. and Mrs leltn.;ton, ‘N ht. arc residing in \\ inilser. manlier of ladies Were et a dent- enctratitin of Stanley Predetete field et the bow of NI N, Harry :'onto, rArt(e day last week. Miss Ruth Reyal, graduate nurse of Port Colborne, spent the week-end with Miss Lorna Dunbar. The regular weekly euchre oils held it is hoped that they will centnete te with nine tables niaalive'• Leslie II"lt do so, anti 'Alts, Bolt won prizes for high Points with the consolation twins Thiegs have been very quiet et the going to Mrs. Art. Scott an.1 Mrs. Arena tins past week, but if ice con- reueil, (Miens warrant this wet k promisee • • to he a busy mile. Choir Elects Mrs, John Inglis lets been suffering The organization of the l'uited iei flrolit o.tflu, this past week. but is on the Church choir ryas held Friday night, i Geo, Lune returned 1,, ticr I toi ff ftLi,cr choirerslvere practice, 'flee,}, 1,6,itic„f nol L ti,\:\viiirtse,• home on Friday after her recent Ross Anderson; Secretary-Treasurer, operation and is improving steadily.iMildred Cook; the music coMmitiee, The Presbyterian Y.P.S, held their 'Mrs. George Johnston, Mrs. Geo. Michie and Elaine Walsh, the gown committee, Mrs. T. C. Procter, Amy Smith and Jim Anderson; the social committee, Muriel Anderson, George Johnston, Mrs. J. C, Procter, A social hour of games and contests was con- cluded with sandWiches, cake anti ice cream. C.G.I,T. Meeting The regular c.c.i.ur, meeting was Rutherford spent last Thursday with 1 report and roll call. Marlene Mac- f ryas very ably given by ,Mrs, Melville Mrs. James Dickson and Mrs. Roy the last meeting and the treasurer's 'their sister, Mrs. Robert Jeffray, the Kenzie moved that Donna Anderson aylor. Lunch was served and the Au- occasion being M and Ila Pengelly Mrs. jeffray's birth- take the next meet- meeting closed with the National An- day. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold jeffray,1 ing seconded by Joan Wightinan. 'Flit' United Evening Auxiliary Joe and Margery and Mr. and Mrs, ! committee for the World Day of them. Elmer Jeffrey, also ,spent part of the Prayer were chosen, Mildred. Cook clay with them. and Donna Anderson. It was discuss- Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. ed that we get the Girls number of Bruce Harkness on the arrival of • a the torch, moved by Lorraine Hanna little daughter on January 17th. and seconded by Marlene MacKenzie, Miss Freda Richardson spent the Bernice Adams moved the business week-end with her mother, airs. period be adjourned seconded by Walter Richardson, Elaine Bolt, The thence for the wor- Mr. Harry Miller spent last week ship service. was "Followers of Jesus." in Chicago, attending-a Veterinary it was opened by singing hymn 2, fol-io lowed by a story read by 'Marlene Mr. Elmer Zinn and Mr: Kenneth MacKenzie. Elaine Bolt then read a MacDonald are busy this week audit- from the Bible and led in pray- , and treasurer were read and adopted, ing' the books of the South Bruce ' el% II 'Vmn wa` sung and Marlene followed by splendid annual reports Telephone Company. I MacRen sic led in brayer. Mission and Th the roll call. ma I tions for the . • . . study was taken by ,Mrs, Ross Antler- layette for E mote, Were reCeiVi'd, Mr and "Mrs Earl Halliday of "Protect What You Have" i I Whether it's a Large Refrigerator week ago Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ! ead a story and after cejnying a few Hodson Nickel at Exeter. Hodson ' games the meeting was adjeurned. has been promoted from Flight Lien- Institute Meeting „„, tenant to Squadreu Leader and is 'The expecting anew posting before long. J anuary meetin g- of the W o- , men's Institute was field in the Com- A very successful annual meeting enmity Centre in Tuesday, the 16th, was held in the Presbyterian Church with 42 ladies present. The president, last Monday afternoon. All depart- Nfrs. S. Procter in charge, openiuk monis of the work have been carried with the Otte and the I. trd's Pray...t- on as usual and good report, were I in unison. After the usual- beset, • given. Current Revenue shows a was dealt with, Mrs. Gco. Alichie gave substantial balance and $084.00 was the current events, Mrs. O. G. raised for the 1.3114-et - son spoke in the interests of the Hula Dr. MacDomild chose for his text ,on Co. Hospitalization, nutlinieg a -- lest Sunday afternoon James. 4-17 "" Am- changes which were necessary, him that knowetb to do gdod, and do- 'rite roll call was responded to• by eth it not, to him it is sin." lie seal giedne a recipe ft.r a hot supper disl ,. A debate -Resolved that living iii the good old days was preferable to im)d- C1'11 tunes." brought out many good points from both sides an,t llte had a difficult task to decide. low- ever the, decision was mil-en in fmo.or of the negative side. The affirmative Mfr, adowa t, Di rect or o f pu bli c., Side was upheld by Mrs. E. Anderson Library Service for Ont. called at the and Mrs. H. Wheeler, v, ]tile the 01)- Library here on Wednesday morning ponents were Mrs, II. Vincent and and met the members of the local Board. He was well satisfied with ,,,,gilmosmanowsameipeeageneeenegvire., the Library and the way it is being .77, NI managed Mrs, Press, who has so ably !e = , WARREN 0 .1 acted as Librarian for some years, would like a rest, so Mr. Mowat stig- " .,....6 ' gested moving the Library to the 'i new Community Centre. This will be 1-tii the Library which will be held short- I HOUSE ,,,, _, discussed at the Annual meeting of :t.:11- 1 y , so a good attendance is hoped for. it ii mg a quilting in the new Community FURNISHINGS ZZ W I • The Women's Institute are hold- Fe fa Centre on Thursday of this week. ei i i 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 the Kink's:, boys coming eut with elim win of 6 to 5. On Friday night the Nterkley Good-- years went to Kincardine t a play the return game with the Kinle.,ss Kubs. The Kinloss boys !scored 3 et.als, and although our boy, mad,. the game very ieterestive they were unable to score, Quito a number of fans front lure, followed the boys and regular meeting last Sunday evening in the church, with Tom Inglis, wor- ship convener, in charge, A fair sized audience enjoyed the film "The Second ,Chance" given in the Presbyterian Church last Monday evening, Mr, and Mrs, Ray Loutiti anti Carol and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 4.°mi-it 'visited with Mr. and Mrs, John Farrell last Monday evening. Mrs. Fred Johann has returned home after spending three -weeks with. her daughter, Mrs, Wilfred Walker :Belgrave. Kitchener visited friends over the!son. Matilyn Moores and Mrs. . 1 01 week -end. erson read a play and pictures were r ' -""'"' 4 '4 Mr, and Mrs, Will Nickel visited a I llmvn • • the Fact Finders. Lois Ce11 held in the basement of the. church, Thursday evening at 73ft p.m, The Mrs, AV. Scott, Mrs, 0. G. Anderson Mrs. Bob Grasby was in charge of meeting, ryas opened with die call to and Mrs, Ivan Wightman A demon-'the study book. 'Mrs. Willard Arm- worship followed by the minutes of stration on making a tufted bedspread strong told of Christian Education, Mrs, G. Michie, Vouth and rural Work; Mrs. Mel Mathers, Women's work and Mrs. R. J, MacKenzie Christian Literature, A prayer for Peace in unison followed. The next meeting will be in charge of group 2, The first regular meeting tit" the year of the Evening Auxiliary r Knox United Church was held in the Sunday School room, Mrs. Bob Gras- by occupied the chair and opened the meeting With a hyinu and reading by Mrs. G. Nicholson, Mrs. Earl Anderson conducted the, installation of officers for the new year, The president, Mrs. Ed, Wight- man was in charge of the business session. The reports of the secretary If It's Electrical We'Can Repair It Jesus preached a positive not a liege, Live Christianity. +mission can be as great a sin as commission. At this serv i ce De, m ac i ienald presented Charlie Darling ;tad Alice Dickson attend-ance, Bibles for regolar church attend- Mrs, K. Wheeler, The judges were; 1951--Ford 1/2-Ton Pickup 1951—Ford 1-Ton Express 1950—New Anglia Coach - a real economy car 1949—Chevrolet Panel, a beauty 1949—Ford Custom, blue Sedan - clean throughout 1948 PLYMOUTH Coach, excellent condition 1947—FORD 1/4-Ton Pickup, A-1 Condition All above sold with 90-day guarantee. 1941—Ford 1/2-ton Pickup with special telephone body 1937—Terraplane Sedan '1936—Dodge Business Coupe These cars thoroughly overhauled and in A.1 condition. HURON MOTORS A. D. MacWILLiAM ord & Monarch Dealer Phone 237, Wingham Cortto 01=0 0 1= 0 t t 01=0 io1C71b