The Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-01-24, Page 1f.
The fiast fiee-day bonspiel at the
new curling rink in Port Flgio end-
ed with two Wingham rinks contest-
in for the trophy,
James Carr and his rink of W. Tif-
fin, vice-skip, Dr. MacLennan sec-
ond, and R. Hobdcn lead, won out
over the rink of W, L1. French, Dr.
Beecroft, At Rae and W. McKague,
The. Carr rink won five games without
The lovely trophy will be a wel-
come addition to the trophy shelf at
The local club.
Mr. Robert C. King, passed away
at St, Joseph's Hospital. Toronto, on
Thursday morning, He was born iti
Bleavale in 1867, a son of the late
Duncan and Mary King, Deceased
was an Uncle of Mrs. H. C. MacLean,
of Wingham.
Mr. King lived in Goderich for
some years before moving to Toronto,
His wife, the former Annie Stowe,
predeceased him le 1929. He leaves
two daughters and three Sons. Inter-
ment was in Mount Pleasant Genic-
Eery, Toronto, on Saturday,
The Wingham Concert Association
'will present its third concert this
year on Wednesday, February '7th.
Artists for this program are Mary
Foys, violinist, Henry Bialuski, bari-
sone, Selma Yetmundsen, coloratura,
and Ray Dudley pianist.
The attendance at other concerts
this year has been rather disappoint-
ing but it is hoped that all music lov-
ers of the district will make a sincere
effort to attend this concert.
Warden Nicholson Active in ilalunics
'Anal Life for 27 years
For the first time since 1913, Tut:-
kersmith Township has received the
honor of having its reeve elected to
the wardership of Huron County.
On Tuesday afternoon, Arthur 'Nic-
holson, 54, was unanimously chosen
in a caucus of Liberal members on
a motion by Reeves E. S, Snyder and
J. D. Beecroft first and second run-
ners-up for the honor.
Mr. Nicholson has been a member
sf County Council for eight years. He
has had six acclamations to his credit,
and has successfully contested the
reeveship fur two years. He was a
member of the township council for
five years before becoming reeve,
Born' near Eginombville in Tucker-
smith and is a commissioner of the
Tuckersmith Telephone Commission;
vice-president of Seaford' Fair Board,
and a incini;er of First Presbyterian
Church, Seaforth.
His wife is the former Kathleen
lvIcBurney of Wingham, They have
five sons and one daughter; four of
the sons are located in Tuckersmith
and Seaforth, one is at home, and his
daughter is attending Seaforth High
The January meeting of the Goforth
Evening Auxiliary of St, Andrew's
r os• rian7CIturchsawas' eteldmeittetthe"
emunday Sz':hoor room, on Wednesday
evening. There was a good attend-
ance present, which included many
members of the congregation as well
as those of the regular group. Rev.
Alexander Nimmo presided. The
meeting opened with the hymn "The
Lord's My Shepherd". This was fol-
lowed by the scripture reading, psalm
40, read by John Donaldson.
Prayer was offered by Mrs. David
:Murray. A sacred solo, "Nearer My
God to Thee" was sung by Mrs.
Douglas Fry.
As a special event. the film, "Now
3 See" was shown. The story of this
film was centred around a minister
of the gospel, who was endeavouring
to stress stewardship to the laymen
and all members of his congregation.
SiMple faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
brought about, a deeper community
ellowship and taught individuals to
assume responsibilities in church
-work which the Lord had laid on their
hearts. This was a very fine film,
-well worth seeing.
The meeting was closed with prayer
after the showing of this film.
Dancing at the Royal T
You are welcome at the Royal T
on Saturday night for your dancing
pleasure from 9.30 to 12. Music by
jack Henderson's Orchestra.
—central Pleas Canadian
For the first time in Canada's peacetime history, an 10A.F. squad
ton will leave Canada to train elsewhere. The Red Indian fights
squadron is preparing to leave soon from Chatham, N.B., to train it
England along with British jet squadrons. Flying Officer Rober
Wood of Lloydminster, Sask., poses beside the Indian and tomahawl
insignia of„the squadron -
Year of Progress Reported
At Hospital Meeting
With which is amalgamated the Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News
Subscription $2.50 per year, Sc. per •copy WINGHAM, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1951 Vol. 76 - No. 22
Sewage Plant Explained
At Special Meeting Here
Annual Meeting
Horticultural Society
The annual meeting of the Wing-
nam Horticultural Society will, be held
in the Council Chambers Tuesday,
Jan, 30th, at 8.30 pan, All persons
interested in town beautification, pre-
serving of wild life, conservation,
vegetable gardens, flowers, roses, iris,
house plants, or special plant culture,
should 'be in attendance. Let's make
this a better than ever horticultural
year. If enough interest is shown
there may be a flower show, —David
Crompton, sec.
Members of St. Paul's congregation
met in the basement of the Church
on Wednesday evening for their an-
nual business meeting, Financial re-
ports of the church and organizations
were received and adopted, mid offi-
cers elected for 1951,
Rev. E. 0., Lancaster was chair-
man and opeued the meeting with
prayer. Herb. Fuller was elected ves-
try clerk. Bert Mitchell was asked to
serve as clerk pro tern.
Minutes of the last annual meeting
were read and approved after which
the financial reports were presented
for adoption. These were encourag-
ingly received as they revealed the
church and all organizations free of
Thanks were extended to the re-
tiring wardens and officers of the
church for their faithful services. It
was decided to extend to the manage-
ment of Radio Station CKNX the ap-
preciation of St. Paul's church for
the privilege of broadcasting services.
During the year the pipe organ
was installed by L. Shadwick & Son,
and dedicated by Bishop Hallam "In
Memory 'of those who died, and in
Honour of those who served in World
Wars I and II." This was placed in
the church by contributions of the
congregation, organizations and the
friends, tinder the capable chairman-
ship of C. A. Roberts, New choir
books and vestments were purchased
by the Organ Restoration funds.
Through the efforts of the Ladies'
Guild the basement of the Church
was painted. All the organizations as-
sisted in -their; usu4 helpful ways
....WitletTittetr8f the Church: .•
The Rector thanked all individuals
and organizations for their assistance
during the year and asked for their
continued. support.
At the close of tile meeting the
members of the Ladies' Guild served
a delicious lunch.
The following officers were elected
for the coming year:
Rector's warden, L, H. Wedd;
people's warden, Miller Davis; ves-
try clerk, Herb Fuller; treasurer, Mrs.
L. M. Wedd; envelope secretary, Miss
Mary Johnston; assistant secretary,
Mrs. W. Henry; delegates to synod,
Herb Fuller, Harry Town; assistant
delegates, Chas, Crossett, Miller Dav-
is; auditors, H. McPhail and Gco.
Board of Management, the Rector,
L. H. Wedd, Miller Davis, Fred
Stanley, Chas, Crossett, Elgin John-
ston, Harry Town, Herb Fuller, af,
McPhail, Lloyd Smith and George
Sidesmen: Chairman, George Beat-
tie, Roy Manuel, Fred Stanley, Bert
Mitchell, Harry Town, Mervin Tern,
pleman, Chas. Crossett, M, McPhail,
Alex Baird, Elgin Johnston, C. Arm-
itage, E. Armitage, CL McKay and
Dr. Davis.
Beatty Dealers
Met In .Wingham
Dealers in this district who handle
Beatty Bros, products met at the
Brunswick Hotel. in Wingham, on
Jan 15th,, for an all-day session.
Much enthusiasm was ,evidenced in
the new Beatty automatic washer
which was on display, as well as
other new products of the same firm,
The ..meeting was addressed by
Bruce Mclatud, district representative;
Mert Bakke,. district sales manager;
Bob Kerr, sales productional director
and Alex Bruce, automatic service en-
gineet. All were front Fergus, About
fifteen dealers were, present for the
C. W. L. Card Party
Card Party apemsored by the Cath-
olic Women's League, Fourth of Win-
ter series, Tuesday evening, January
36th, Ltmeli served, Good prietS.
Don't miss the licatkey game the
Whigham Arena MI Saturday night,
San. 27, When the Goderich team
ineete the Stainton Spitfires;
The annual meeting of theWinga
liain —GePeral 1-Gatal ha'd on
Friday evening last, when reports for
the year 1950 were received. The
meeting opened with an address by
the president of the Board of Dir-
ectors. Mr. Davidson told of the
splendid work accomplished in the
Hospital during the past year. Pie
thanked the Superintendent, Mrs. Iris
E. Homey and the entire staff for
the co-operation they had all given.
Mr. Davidson spoke of the addition to
the Nurses' Residence and said he
felt that the Board of Directors and
the people of surrounding communi-
ties as well as the Town of Wingham,
should be proud of this modern, well
furnished building. He told of the
many donations which had been made
to the residence, to mention some of
these gifts, a Westinghouse Refriger-
ator from the Wingham Legion; an
Electric stove front the Wingham
Kinsmen's Club; Kitchen furniture
from the Wingham Lion's Club; Sil-
verware from the Catholic Women's
League; an Electric kitchen clock
From Patalson's Radio & Electric.
The kitchen equipment which includ-
es dishes, was donated by the Ladies
Auxiliary to the Hospital. they also
supplied curtains, bedspreads, blank-
ets and sheets. The sitting room at
the Residence was furnished through
the generosity of the Wingham Red
Cross Society. This was added to at
Christmas time by a Bridge set, com-
posed of table and four chairs, from
the Wingham Medical Association.
The minutes of the last annual
meeting, were read by the secretary,
Eleanore j, MacLean, This was fol-
Y.The regular meeting, of the Kinette
Club was held on Monday night at the
home of Catherine Crewson. —7
The meeting opened with the Kin ,
ette song, after which the Secretary
Ethel Spry read the minutes of the
last meeting.
After the roll call, one new mem-
ber, Sybil Fletcher, was welcomed
into the club and was presented with
a pin. Membership is now 23, The
convenor of the welfare Catherine
Crewson, asked the girls to hand in
their sewing, and gave out more
sewing to be done for the hospital.)(
Dorothy Cruickshank and Lois
Hamilton then sang a very beautiful
duet "Whispering Hope." Afterwards
very dainty lunch was served by the
hostess. The next regular meeting
will be held on February 12th,
lvtr8, Ernie Lewis had the miefot-
wee to fall amid fracture her wrist on
her way 1101116 from church on Snit!
day._ She was taken to the hospital
for N-tays and the fracture was re-
dtteed, She was able to return home
the following day.
Walter Davis, who with his
wife, moved to Wingham last week
was signally honored by his Indian
patients et Oshwekea before leaving
the Six Nations Reserve. His son,
illiiiltenrdayeavicsr,eaisraenii.yamiagr of the local
Dr. Davis was born olr the reserve
and doming Ids early years served the
Indiana as a teacher, later returning to
continue his life there after graduat-
ing as a doctor of medicine. He has
been the reserve doctor for 35 years
The address which was read to the
doctor and his wife at the farewell.
party planned for them was touching
evidence that the Indians felt they
were hieing a sincere and valued
The director of Indian Health Ser-
vices, of Ottawa, paid glowing tribute
to Dr. Davis' devotion to duty, both
as teacher and doctor. He said that
there wen few members of the Indian
health branch who had served so long
and faithful as had Dr. Davis.
The importance of Dr. Davis' sers
vices to the Indian community was
pointed up by the column and a half
story and picture spread which ap-
peared in the Brantford Expositor on
the occasion of his retirement,
We are pleased to welcome Dr, and
Mrs. Davis to Wingham.
The Georgetown Intermediates
romped off with a 16--12 win at the
expense of the Walkerton team in the
Wingham Arena on Saturday night.
The Georgetown squad came to the
town with the backing of a good
crowd of supporters and their inter-
nationally famous girls' pipe band.
Incessant rain prevented the band
from staging a parade through town,
but they were on hand at the arena to
open the big show. About 1500 spec-
tators turned out for the encounter.
Before the game started L. E. Car-
diff, M.P., presented the trophy he
had donated for the pre-season series
to 'Walkerton team, G. Zuk accepting
for the champs. Tory Gregg voiced ap-
preciation to the competing teams and
to the members of the girls' band.
The high score on both sides was
an indication of the wide-open brand
of in vogue for the evening.
One bf" the outstanaliiie playas' was
Lawrence in the Georgetown net,
whose smooth operations held the
hard-pressing Walkerton gang down
to the 12-goal limit. The first per-
iod ended with Georgetown on the
long end of a 5-2 count. At the end
of the second the board read 11-5 and
in the final stanza Georgetown added
five to Walkerton's six for the final
Georgetown—Goal, Lawrence; de-
fence, Patterson, Bradbury; centre,
G, Hastings; wings, .11eatunont, Fer-
ri; alts., J. Beaumont, Kemshead,
The Ladies Auxiliary to the Can-
adian Legion, Wingham, will hold.
their regular meeting in the Legion
Home, on Wednesday, January 31st.
Please note change of date. All mem-
bers please make a point to attend as
dues for 1951 are now due, Any
mother, wife, sister or daughter of
anyone, who bas served in the armed
forces, and would be interested in
joining the Auxiliary is welcome.
The annual fleeting of the Wing-
ham Public School hoard was held
Cut Wednesday evening of last week,
The following officers were elected::
Chairman, Herb Fuller; sec-treas„
Mrs. Roy Morgan; attendance officer,
T. Al', Platt trustees, George R. Scott,
C. W. Lloyd, A. B. Adams, Harold
Wild, Fred Howson, David Murray
and Scott Reid,
The statement of finances for the
past year was given, Mrs, Fa A, Par-
ker was re-appointed to the Wing-
ham Public Library Board for a term
of three years.
It was duly moved and seconded
that conunencing September 1st, 1951,
no new' non-resident pupils will be
permitted to attend the Wingham
Public School or Kindergarten, and
the non-resident pupils now attending
Kindergarten will not 'be allowed to
enter Grade 1.
... .•
Culross Alps
Farm Forum
k'1 he Culross Alps Farm Forum
met on Monday evening at the hume
of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Pickell. It
was generally agreed that marketing
schemes are needed, principally for
eggs and poultry, since the prices
vise and fall so frequently, It was
also agreed that the provincial market-
A special meeting of Wingham
Town Council was held Friday even-
ing at 8 o'clock. All members present
except Coons, Kerr and Rintoul and
His Worship, :Mayor Gurney was in
the chair.
Duncan Kennedy and :Manager D.
'W. Jeffs of the Utilities Commission
were present, as was W. Etupey of
Huron County Health Unit.
His Worship introduced Malcolm
Stewart, of the Kilborn Engineering
Mr. Stewart went over the plans
prepared fur a sewage disposal plant
and explained various items in detail.
The matter of makings provision for
future growth of the town was care-
hilly considered and Mr. Stewart out-
lined units which could be used to
increase the capacity of the plant,
should th,e need arise in future,
It was agreed that Mr. Stewart
look into suggested changes and re-
port as promptly as possible after
securing permission from Dr. Berry
of the Department of Health.
A letter was read from Mrs, Con
sutteeE. McKay, secretary of the
Ladies' Bowling Club requesting per-
mission for the use of the Council
Chamber for winter bridge parties,
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Adair,
seconded by Coun, ,Miller, that the
Ladies' Bowling Club be granted use
of the Council Chambers for bridge
parties, without charge. Carried.
The matter of securing a supply of
cement to be stored, was considered.
An offer of a good supply had been
received. It was agreed that Deputy
Reeve Adair proceed to store a good
supply of cement for summer work,
Deputy Reeve Adair reported on,
items of interest which had occurred
at the County Council meetings.
Moved by Coun. Miller, seconded
by Coun. Clark that council adjourn.
to snow roads.
The report of the health officer was
received by the board. In all cases.
the use of paper cups was recom-
mended, as well as new toilet accotn-
modations at one or two schools. Dry
sweeping of the schools was not re-
The board adjourned until Febru-
ary 5th, when tenders and applications
will be considered,
. married. c, atplt atr. at.,'
Wingham Curlers Tote
Stevens Trophy to Town
The Januarys meehng of the Junior
Evening Auxiliary was held on the
evening of January 16, at the home of
Mrs. G. N. Cunningham with a splen-
did attendance.
The meeting opened with the sing-
ing of the hymn "Standing" at the
Portal of the Opening Year"followed
by mayee by Mrs. Cumtleghant.
The installation of officers was con-
ducted by Mrs. W. A. 130leroft and
Mrs. G. N. UnderwOod outlined the
duties of each officer,
An interesting and inspiring story
"The Forgotten 'Text" was read by,
WS, Beecroft,
The president, Hit's. Cunningham
conducted the 'business after which a
5(i; Post ii ti 3; stillbirth; 2; ; °vivo" , the (Inniaai 'alaw'ss %Ouch
total patient days, 23,054; Average. halved a very snee'sgful Year in all
number of patients tier day 65.7, le-moieties of the ivork. There 'were see-
Evening Auxiliary
Hears Reports
The Evening Auxiliary of Winghtun
United Church met at the home. of
Mrs. A. Lunn on the evening of Jan.
16th. The worship service conducted
by Miss Minnie Barber opened with
a poem by A. F. Hooper "The New
Year" and the Call to Worship. The
theme of beginning the new year was
carried through the service, and in the
hymns and prayer. all's. Harold Wild
lowed by a very Interesting report b y, assisted and Mrs, bred Howson gave
reading on "Starting the. New Year Mrs, Morrey giving the' activities of
the Hospital during the past year. Right," Hrs. Norman Keatitag stunt
Mies Katherine 'McGregor present-
a solo and Miss Janet ilturray led in The following, is a statistical stat e-
ment of the work accomplished PraYel%
1950: Adult admission, 1338: Births, ed the third chapter of the studs 262; Total admissions 1,600; Diachtir.
gee 1,559• (loathe, 57; X-rays 2152; 1-('-"d'' and wait ha. Mrs. Mid
Goderich hockey team will play the
Winghain Stainton Spitfires in the
aVinghant arena on Saturday night,
Jan. 27, Don't miss the game.
Alan D. Bennett, of the Wingham
Public Utilities, was bereaved last
week by the death of his father,
Bennett, at his home in Toronto. Mr.
Bennett was 80 years of age, He
passed away on Thursday,
His wife, the former Edith Helen
Leake, predeceased him, and he is
survived by three sons, Harvey L.
and Howard W., in Toronto, Alan D.,
of Wingham and two sisters,
Funeral service was held in Toron-
to on Holiday with interment in alt,
Pleasant • Cemetery,
. I. MEM%
Wi ugh am
Brussels .......
Howick ...
The Huron County Tuberculosis
Association are anxious to close their
books for the sale of Christmas Seals,
by Saturday, January 17th, 1951.
To date the hollowing returns have
been received by the Association from
the various towns and villages throu-
ghout the County and we would ask At the inaugural meeting of the
you to compare these with the returns East WasVanosia .School _Board; held
of 1949. • ' • ." '. — . — '
1949 1950 on January 15th, Clarence -C.hamney
$ 1035.75 $ 633.25 and J. R. Coultes began their term on
926.06 918.25 trustee board, A, D. Campbell. R. R.
860.24 8950013, Blyth, was elected chairman for
543,00 577,00 11951e and C. H. Wade was named
354.05 307,05 I secretary-treasurer and attendance
. ..... .. 343,20 364.501 officer. Reports are to be made to
Exeter ... ...... .... ..... ..... 863.46 640.00 the board on attendance, and the
Blyt h ........... ...... .... . 437.45 240.00 ! chairman and sec.-treas. were design-
Zurich ........... ....... ... 523.90 356,00 il ated as signing officers for 1951. The
Huron County .... . 1000,00 !surety bond of $6,000,00 on the treas-
urer was renewed, It was decided to $ 6891.11 $5021:05
It is the hope of the Executive that advertise for tenders for wood fuel Graham, X ash. Haines, Townslev, 'fenders are to be in by Feb- we Will at least equal the returns of !su pp l y' Cruickshanks, Chapple. ruary 3rd, Applications for caretak-
Walkerton—Goal, Silk; • defence, 1949 because of the increasing mini-,'
R ' n : • alts„ K rowenchuk
a uk; w i ngs, 'ben of Chest .X-rays and X-ray Clin- ers will also he advertised for.
ics to, be taken care of by your As- Application was made to have the Lou hirer, Seen; centre,
Hyrdo installed at Union No. 7 school Small, Weiler,K esselring, Potts, Moose, Bud- stwiatt".
ding, Scarbotanigh, Albright, ro'In'ile;zit..;cti,s still time to make your as soon as possible. One school bus
if you have .not already driver reported having difficulty some
done so. mornings to make his trip on time due
Out-patients treated 600: .operations„l M is' -Laura I 'll "' in a (11'11".'i.'"C"flitt W. met Thursday fin • home of fagne EdWards. 54:3. blood. tranefusions 00. B MR's, (.1.1 la Past Preeident, Mrs. E. Shera re. . . ine council C Ilan:hers, with Mrs. J.
we leole, tile president, and ,
a menthe'', and Euchre Party larae at tendance
airs, Leateual le, littlest (nee lsmaia
en life members and ;arty see" al ;e1... •,,isiatra Ties ineetiiie opened 11 the The illuevale's Wouien's leetitute Please turn in Page your I mull members, Tee allocation o f ee l ' tl 01 , 1 1 1\t
Its4o0,00 was exceeded by Out sum of
854,00. A halo valued at $200,00 had
been sent for overseas relief,
Mrs. Galbraith installed the offi-
cers for the . present 'year. Life Mem-
bership' Certificates \\WC -presented_ to
Miss Marion Simpsoim and Mrs. El.
well Webster, Mrs. Geo.
making the preeentatioo, 1,.(11-1.s.(v‘J‘Ttce)ikt
leeavie, the new president, then con-
dueted the business of the meeting,
After singing "0 Master let mime \veil:
with Thee." the meeting -closed with
the 11.flepall Befiedielien;
g . t and t
ary • Fisher) wore presented with a beautl. cttc (tic Stewart Lolled, secretary-trews- 'till wool bed-throw Nionday evenin.; cart ur4,T. Mrs. D. Hutchison reitil tliC Jan uar y
toe. t..2,M11111110. .:""; last Wt•ck, by the windnw depart•
minutes anti gave the .finalmoial report ' ainza'Y ;31.11" tit "'"'"'"M 's'"(111 meta staff of Dominion Woollen Mills
which verve mmecepted. Several letters
Ladies please bri"g Inneh. of fles.pder, where- Mrs. Reinhart has
and cards of thanks were also read been employed for the past two years.
from members who liar] hoot velum- St. Paul's Evening Guild On Sunday evening the same
beard at Christmas, The Evening Guild held its regular couple were presented with a chenille
:1 short course on needlepoint will meeting it the b o rn e „,f Aire. Miller beilSptuail by their Kitchener, Water-
be held in Wingham Council Chain- Davis, The president, Mrs. Will, heal Ion, St. A,gtitha and Hanover friends.
her, Jan 24th, 25th, .and 26th., 1.6 a, ry led in the opening prayer which
tn. to 4 p.m, daily 'lire fee for this was followed byroll reading of the
minutes and the roll call. Each coin- eourse is 25 cents and about six more , matee gave mm report on the- work they
ladies .cart enroll. had completed for the month.
On March 19th a conference will be Ken Johnson invited the mem-
held ill Slyth, topic to be discussed, bets to her borne for the neat meet-
lug the hostesses. for the evening to "Poods Healthy Children Like."
There was Community 'singing and
the roll 'On "Form of Politeness I
admire nwm M a person," brought
(Please turn. to Dage 5)
ing boards be abolished and a Dom- UNITED CHURCH CHOIR
inion board established for the same RETURNS OFFICERS
purpose. X The forum members felt At the regular practice on Thurs-
that marketing boards and trade , , din , January 18th the choir of the
i11"1,1s are similar the fact i,[1"1 Winghtun United Church held its
menthersnip is ettilltithry oiler tue ylannual meeting and the officers as of
have been established, last year were returned unanimously
; by the members present. Following the discussion
progressive euchre was enjosael, Ideal a tasty lunch prepared and served
lady being Mrs. Geo. Marshall( • by the a ery capable aecial committee
lady,, 'Mrs, ;ream Burchill; hielt moo, ,R l f4,,wing the bUsln 5'+
'Jock Burchill; low' man, Ross •NicRa.• !in,,ctinu,way t
"i„tilt' bits„Inclit of the
The neat meeting will be held at the church.
An ice carnival will be held in the
Belgrave arena near • St. Valentine's
Day. Prizes will be given for varione.
dress events and plans are being Made
to procure figure skating .talent from
be Miss Alice R.eading and Mrs, Wilf, a ell's' skating- club.
Mrs, Lancaster closed the meeting Saturday night is Hockey Night in
.With prayer. and the hostesses served Winghatn, Stainton Spitfires and the.
a delicious lunch, tioderich tempt will meet 111k Week.