HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-01-17, Page 8KING DEPARTMENT STORE. There will still be many days of cold icy blasts, NOW on King's MID-WINTER SALE is the time to buy. Remarkable low prices that won't be duplicated or repeat- ed later because of the rising market. BUY NOW at a distinct saving for this winter's needs or as an investment against higher prices for next winter. mmmuitimeet. GIRLS' 3-PIECE COAT SETS A Pure Wool 3-piece Coat Set. Warm and in a variety of colors. SALE2.50 to 14.95 1.5.99 SALE 10.99 WINTER DRESSES In Fine Pure Wool Crepes and Jerseys. Sizes 161/2 to 221/2 Reg. 16.95 to 22.50 .... UP TO 1/3 OFF BOYS' and MEN'S PARKAS A Great Chance to . Get a Good Parka at a Very Low Price. Warmly Lined, Zippered, Fur-Trimmed Hood MEN'S $5.99 BOYS' $4.99 MEN'S PURE WOOL MELTON JACKETS Navy only, in a good Warm Dress or Work Jacket Smaller sizes Reg. 7.95 MID - WINTER SALE $2.99 WHEELING YARNS and FINE YARNS With yarn prices sharply advancing you can secure your Yarns at Below Last Year's Prices '4 oz. skein 59,,. 4 oz. skein Wheeling Yarns 11; Sweater Yarn 7 9c REMNANTS ! REMNANTS ! FROM 1/2 Yard to FULL DRESS LENGTHS In Prints, Crepes, Poplins, etc. REDUCED UP TO V2 OF ORIGINAL PRICE NIMMEMIkk4ia • ..“..4.•?:14.441.1•,.4.kv..-..,.. I , ,tPc`••''1.,•14:iii,l' SALE Reg. 4.13.49 SALR n's and Boys' Heavy WOOL PLAID SHIRTS Warm Woolen Sport Style Shirts in a IN JACKET STYLE Variety of Plaids 95B° Eto 6.95 MEN'S g $4.69 SPRING COATING #=••• • IIIM A Pure Wool in small check or stripes, 54-inch :.=. material. You can Make your Spring Coat at a Very Low Price. MID - WIN $2 TER SALE yd. .59 - Reg. to 4.25 1=1111 .1.1•011 ORM. perm Mum. .12m. Momm seem. moir. •••••••11 aidali••••• 1•10•••••• 1101•1•100) •41••••••+ .11.10•1. mo▪ w. #10m▪ mes mem.. Oneami. .1•10•1•• 4.mm. MUNN. 1.11.11. ••••▪ •••• •••••••••• ...•••••• VIIMONOM 110•01#1K• ..••••••• :••••••••,, *MOW #111•1101.6 44••••0111 ••••••11, DRAPERY Spring Stripes and Floral Patterns Reg. 1.39 yd. SALE yd. TWO SHOWS Each Night, starting at 7:15 p.m. SATURDAY MATINEE 2. p.m. , litit11111111111111111111111111111111$11.111111I111111111.111,11111 iiiii 1111.11111111411111111/1111111111i1111101111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Rosiland Russell Ray Milland "Woman o. Disancti n/2 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Jan. 18, 19, 20 .1111.1fill1111,111.11011111,111110.111110110,111111111.111101.1"0111011 iiiiiiiiiii,11.1110.11/11.1.11110 Monday and Tuesday January 22 and 23 "CRISIS" Cary Grant Jose Ferrer itill11111111111."u, iii ii i i iii11nn1p ll u,1It 111111,,11 nm1111111111,n1"iY Wednesday and Thursday January 24 and 25 "Three Little Words" Fred Astaire Vera Ellen ll it ll ll 14410011014414114,41,0114i4Wifi4i4roiiilOintiliio1011414 l i l Yilll it 4 l Friday and Saturday January 26 and 27 "Mystery Street" Ricardo Monxallah Sally Forrest iNIti11li4luliieiYl7iYrifillrub`â i,lbil(bli ,"YiiuiuYriYiiYib'iaiYPirlittUt filltilil 'i."n dlni liilYrl i ll l frYtiwi.uu Hi.iYYfi U U IIi M. N U Wingham Motors NOW you cal boy. REPAIRS and ACCESSORIES Telephone 139 ***" iii'elliC PLAN Chevrolet, Oldsmobile Cars Chevrolet Trucks PAGE MGM' Wednesday, January 17th,, 19$l 911111111111111111111WIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIHIll IDEI INT 1 THURSDAY, JANUARY 18 THE.. WINGKAINI ADVANCE TIMES On MEN'S,LADIES' and CHILDREN'S WINTER CLOTHING & FURNISHINGS in prices deeply slashed and special prices that will appeal to you on Yard Goods, Drapery and House Furnishings, A PARTIAL LISTING OF OUR EXCELLENT VALUES. $4.29 K. LADIES' COATS A Limited Number of our Better Winter Coats. Both Fur-trimmed and Untrimmed. Colors in Wine, Grey, Black, and Navy. Reg. prices $37,50 to $89.50 MID - WINTER SALE UP TO 1.3 OFF LADIES' PULLOVER SWEATERS 1•••••0•0 R A Beautiful Range of Long Sleeve Pullovers .1.0/ FINE CREPE DRESSES .1.111.• 50 Dresses of our Better Quality and Best Styles. Colors of Green, Black, Wine, Navy Reg. to 24.95 , $14.99 $11.99 Group 2 Group 1 LADIES' FLETTE GOWNS and PAJAMAS Soft, Warm Flannelette in nice shades of Pink, - Blue, Yellow. Contracting yoke and front trim PAJAMAS GOWNS re().. 3." $2.59 SATE. $2029 SAtE HAND BAGS Smart Bags of Suedes, Silk Cords and Plastics. All Shades and Styles. MID - WINTER SALE $2.29 FINE GLOVES Fine Pigtex (Cape) and Soft Chamoisette PIGTEX CHAMOISETTE R e;.. t o 3,50 es in Reg. to 1.50 nn SALE a 1 .1i7 SALE UUC CHILDREN'S SNOW SUITS 2 - Piece and 3 - Piece in All Wool or Cotton Gabardine, Warmly Lined and Full Zipper Closing Sizes 3 to 6x Mlb- t WINTER SALE $3.99 to $8.98 Reg. o 13.50 WOOL COTTE BLANKETS Reversible, Warm, Two-Tone Esmond Blankets Full Double Bed Size Reg. 6.75 MID - WINTER SALE MEN'S SUITS Al••••• imoN•mal In English Worsteds, Fine Gabardines and Scotch "Tweeds,Reg,t 5b570o th Single and Double Breasted. Group I , $29.99 Group 2$J9.99 _=- 4.•••• MEN'S PARKAS In Heavy Olive Twill, Weather-Proofed, with Cotton Quilted Lining or Pure Wool Lined Zippered, Hood detachable, Fur trimmed. Reg. 14.95 to 21,50 MID WINTER SALE 25% OFF AMON. • ,1•011 1•111. TABLE CLOTHS A Clearing Number in pretty Breakfast and Luncheon Cloths. Reg. to 3.50 nn Reg. to 4.50 SALE 1 .UU SALE $2.69 MEM. 79c = Cretonne and Plastic Cotton Drapery SALE yd. 45c and 55c 36" wide INFANTS' COAT SETS Size to 3 years. Warm Chinchilla Coat Sets for Both Boys and Girls. Some Fur Trimmed. Reg. to - 14.95 9.9 E- MID WINTER SALE 11,11/0 = the Better' Shades. fU•••••• 4w.momo - Reg. 5.95 MID - WINTER SALE $3.99 =...--- ME 11•1111M111 ••••••• VINNIN• 111••••10 ••••••1 O11141•11 11111111 ••••••• ONION* INma•r• •••••11, Mem. •••••C 1011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIMMItiMIIIIIMM11111111111111iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimmunimmmilimmilimilimmilimmimmummilimmmitiiiimmit10111111111111111111111111111111111111111111llmillimilliEllailla Rev, Dr, Turner of Ingersoll oc- cupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian Church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Fiulay and. Mrs. tit Molesworth. Dr. IL H. l'orner of Jennie Edgar visited with Mn, and Ingersoll was the preacher, Ptsif. Go), Airs, Andrew Davidson at Alolesworth Zeigler of Kitchener presided at the and attended the dedication service in organ for the special services. Airs. the Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening, Gospel Hall Regular Sunday Services Many friends of Mr. Wilbur Mc- Cracken, Con. C., will hope for con- tinued improvement from partial par- Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Remembering The Lord at 11:15 Gospel Meeting at S p.m. Prayers and Bible Study Each Friday evening at 8 p.m. And, F, Davidson is the regular org- Tuesday afternoon at the home of i Mrs. Thomas of Toronto anist. , with a solo, accompanied by her Mrs. Mark Armstrong with an attend- ance of 10, The meeting was arranged last week in attendance at the 14th annual Convention of the Federation S. No. 10, Mrs. Doris Mulligan, tea- cher. The evening's entertainment There was a fine attendance I Et at the Young People's Union.. on Sunday it hill Miss GAVQ11 opened her home for the meeting. Misses 1lclet Strong. and Gwen Rut- 'kg tan gave thc theme on Roy liridge t„Id the story of "Tsale", the Clu...rola.v. The Huron Presbytery Exccutive pail a sat prise visit to the r!. Y. P. I. 1euteroi into the discus- t5.1 ( don. Tile hostess, served refresh- ments. The W. .AMsseoectiiial tgion of tit United Chur.11 will meet at the home of Airs. Gordon Edgar on Thursday, a 'January 18th, at 2.30. p.m. Programme committee will be Group 1 and in charge• of the lunch arc, Mrs. H. Fer- guson and Mrs. A, Edgar. On Sunday Morning Rev. J, R, Watt chose as his theme "The Char- acteristics of Prayer" using as his text, Luke 11:1. I GORRIE -We are glad to report some ha- NOXZEMA LARGE 10 oz. 0 0 Mr. and Mrs, Hobert Harrison spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harrison of Blyth. Miss Dorothy Robertson of Green- ock, visited last week at the home of her aunt, Atrs. Gordon Edgar and Air. Edgar, Mrs, stlbert Dustow is visiting her son, Mr. Woodrow Dustow and Mrs. Dustow in Toronto. _Miss Marian Downey has taken a position in Kitchener, Mr. and =Mrs. Archie Scott spent Sunday at London, with the former's uncle, Mr. Ed. Houghton. Miss Patricia Strong, nurse-in-train- ing at the Kitchener-Waterloo Hospi- tal, spent the week-end with her par- eats, Mr. and Mrs. W. \N-.. Strong. Mr, and Mrs. \V. J. Gallaher and AI r. and Mrs, T, ,McInnes were Izucats of Mr. and Airs. Cecil Grain- :ger on Suaday. Mr. and Mrs. Wes, Strong, Miss Patricia, Mrs. Glad Edgar, Mrs. Char- cure Spading, Air. and Mrs. (;co. Brown and John, were its Molesworth on Sunday fur the dedication services in the Presbyterian Chur,:h. Miss Rosemary Adams spent the \veek-end with Miss Marie hastier. Mrs, Win, Gamble is visiting with her sister, Miss Al, Jardine, Wrox- et er. Mr, E. II. Strong was ,in Toronto The Salvation Army Captain and Mrs. H. del/ries 11;00 a.m.-Holiness Meeting. 10;00 aim.-Sunday School. 7;00 p.m.-Gospel Service. Monday- 7:00 p.m.-Sunshine Hour Tuesday- 2:80 p.m.-Home League. 8:00 p.m.-.Prayer Meeting A hearty Welcome await' at the Salvation Army. of Agriculture. Mrs. E. Greer of Wingham, visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holmes on Wednesday and Thursday of last week, We extent sympathy to Mrs. Del- bert Clegg .\‘ hose mother, Alms. 'G. H. Nickel, passed away at her home in Wallace Township on. Jan. Stli, A number from this district attend- ed the Johnst ,,n„ auction salt: near Clif- ford on Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. C. D. Walmsley, Bar- bara and Ronnie, visited in London on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Young. Mrs, Lindsay Clegg Mrs. Florence Clegg, youngest dau- ghter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Bell, former residents of con. 13, Howick and of Gorrie passed away in Harristott on 'Saturday. She had been in poor health for some time. Funeral service was held on Monday and interement was made in Harris- ton cemetery. Airs, Clegg was a resi- dent of Howick Township for a num- ber of years, before moving whit her husband to Harriston. r's, Frank Wright, con. 15, is a sister. United Church News. Take Part in "Follies" At the Flowielt "Follies", a mystery competition sponsored by the Howick Lions Club in VVroxeter, ott Friday evening, Gorrie omas placed third, Fordwich being first and Wroxeter second. The Gorrie program was: tap dancing, Frances Edgar; Major and Majorette'S Mill, Gorrie Public School Sr. room, Miss lean Sparling, teacher and dance numbers from S. was enjoyed by the large number in attendance. The A:Y.P.A. of St. Stephen's church will meet on Friday evening at the home of Harold King. A meet- inL held last Thursday evening at the home of Miss Fula Newton with a good attendance. A pleasant even- Mg was spent and refreshments served by the hostess. We wish to correct an error in a recent issue regarding a presentation from neighbours to Mr. and Mrs. Hilt. Ashton, 9th con. The name of Mr. and Airs. Percy Ashton was an error as it is Mr. and Mrs. Hilt. Ashton who are leaving the farm to move to their new home in Gorrie and were honored by their neighbours. and presided over by Mrs. R. Chain- !ley. The responsive reading in the Missionary Monthly was used preced- ing the opening- hymn, "Take time to be holy" which was followed by re- peating the Lord's Prayer in unison. The minutes of the last meeting were mother, Mrs, (Rev.) C. C. Washing- ton, The last half of the chapter in the Study Book, "The United Church Re-enters Japan through partnership in Church work" was read by Mrs, Chas. Jefferson. "Breathe on me, breath of God" was sung. and Mrs. 'Washington closed the meeting• with prayer. Lunch was served by the hos- tess assisted by ,Mrs, Chas, jefferson and Mrs. Edw, Robinson. There are 92 parts in the smallest radio! Imagine,. 92 parts, even in the smallest radio . that's a lot Of parts and every part has a lob to dol If one of these parts fails, your radio foils...and sometimes without warning) So have yOtir radio checked regularly our competent,, wen. trained repair Men will Abe glad giVe your kWho. a complete...400,m) lust live us a Pit nista Radio .8t Electric Mr. and Mrs. August Keil and provement iu the condition o f ,fr. ttlysis of his side, which was the re- Jean Lorch, also Mr, and 'Mrs. Geo, Dav id Neilson. Ile is &ail]. in the iii !stilt of a stroke suffered recently, Keil and family spent Sunday at El- pital but was able trl tak e a couple A new elec tric organ was dedicated mira. rig steps to a Wheel. chair on Saturday. to the memory those of the com- munity, who gave their lives and those win served in two world ‘cars 'in iSunday in the Presbyterian Church - 4,4 ;111111111CW approved as read, the treasurer's re- port showed that $20 more than the amount allocated had been forwarded to Pres. Treas. There was some dis- cussion on the making of quilts and articles for the Spring Bale, the first eight verses of the sixth chapter of Mark was read, followed by prayer. Mrs. Norman Thompson read an art- icle on Mission work in Angola, Mrs. Edw, Robinson read a paper on Christian Stewardship, 2 verses of DONNYBROOK "Take my life and let it be" were The regular monthly meeting ofsung. Mrs. Stuart Chamney gave a I AL the W.S. and W. A. was held on reading 'Thoughts for the New Year.' 21I,•,,,,•fismimmimii•ii•it•istiiiitii•n•isi•iimmisti•minini iii a • . Engine Check • a • a a for i • -- Winter ra. Feel prepared for the tough cold-weather motoring ahead. Let us check your tires, inspect and adjust brakes, lubricate all bearings inspect and adjust ignition, and tune motor. Low Cost! DRIVE UP NOW! ,'41C Motoring U rn U Est N. U as U U U U a