HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-01-17, Page 5e
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Wednesday, January 17th., 195.1. THE .W/ WHAM ADNANC:EHTINIE.S: PAGE RITS
B. Y. P. A.
The• Baptist Young People held
their last meeting, Sunday with Reg
Collar in charge. The meeting .opened
'with the singinrof a few choruses_ fill-
)owed with prayer by ..Mrs, Coyle,
Master Donald Haines favoured
with a solo "At the End of the Road,"
Mrs, Coyle conducted a hymn quiz,
and Mrs, Falconer read a poem en-
titled. "The. Master's Carden," The
scripture was taken from 1 Thesselon-
ians 0, 1-282 by Miss ESTIle Tucker,
Master Donald Haines favoured with
a solo "My Task."
Bruce McLean gave a very interest-
ing object talk on a watch, The hymn
"Simply Trusting Every Day" was
sung, and Mr. Coyle -closed the meet-
ing with prayer,
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Canada Life Assurance
The Home of
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Thu young women of the 13aptist
Church met at the home of Miss Viv-
ian Alci.ean on Thursday evening for
the monthly meeting of the Mission
Circle, There was a splendid attend-
aciec for the first meeting of the New
Year up el) d by all singing "Precious
Lord Take My Hand," followed with
Prayer by Mrs, Bruce McLean,
• Miss M.ildred Jones read an inter-
esting article concerning the home-
coming of Rev. and Mrs. Veary of
Africa, They told especially how com-
unism was creeping steadily into
Africa and all must work hard and
fast before the doors of opportunity
are closed.
Mrs. Coyle read the scripture, taken
ham 1 Corr., 15th chapter, verses
51-58, followed by an inspiring devot-
ional, basing her remarks on the verse
"Therefore, my brethren, be ye stead-
fast, unmovable, always abounding in
the work of the Lord, for as much as
ye know how that -your labour is not
in vain in the Larch
A season of prayer was then con-
ducted by Mrs, G. Hotchkiss, Miss
Ruth Cantelon and Mrs, F, Collar,
followed by the offering.
After the treasurer's report was
read and adopted, the election of of-
ficers for the year 1961 proceeded:
The officers are as follows: Presi-
dent, Mrs. Bruce McLean; vice-pres,,
Mrs, Alvin Procter; sec, and press re-
porter, Miss Ruth Cantelon; treasurer,
Mrs. Glen Schiefle; lunch committee,
Mrs. Merrill Cantelon, Mrs. Bill Aik-
en; pianist, Mrs, Reg Collar, assistant
pianist, Mrs, J. Coyle; auditor, Miss
Vivian McLean,
Mrs. J. Donaldson then offered
prayer dedicating the officers for the
new year,
A dainty lunch was served and a
social time enjoyed,
Scourex Works Fast
Loreen Litt, of London, has
joined the staff of The Advance,Tim-
—Friends of Mr. Gordon Buchanan .
are pleased to know that lie is around.
again after tw9 week's illness,
—Cur, Steivart E‘erick lots returned
to Camp :Shiloh,. Manitoba,. after
spending a furlough at his home here.
—Mr. and Mrs. j, lt. Met:ke of
Myth, were guests on Sunday with
her parents, -Mr. and Mrs. W, H.
i alley.
—Mr, and Mrs, Frank Galbraith
and son, Jack, of Toronto, .zpent the
week-end with, Aft', and Mrs. \\', A.
—Word was received last Friday
that Mrs, Alia Lannan of Deroit had
passed away very suddenly. ,Mr. Har-
vey Aitchison of town is an nephew.
—Mrs, Chas. Robinson, of Diagonal
Road, is a patient in Wingham Hos-
pital, suffering frian a broken hip,
the result of a fall at her, home last
—Air. A. S, Williamson, of Toronto,
spent last week with his mother, Al rs.
\V, AVlillitunson. .Mr, and Mrs, E.
Zeigler, of Kitchener, spent the Ave(A-
end at the same home.
—Mr, and Airs, Cameron Inglis of
Atwood, visited on Monday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, Raymond El-
liott, Bluevale, and attended the Farm
Forum at their home,
—Guests at the home of Mrs.
Maude Dodd on Sunday were Mr. W.
Byrnes Plenty, son of Mr, W. J.
Plenty, Mrs, Byrnes Plenty, Mr. and
Mrs. Bates Nanzer, all of.Embro. We
are pleased to report that Mr. Plenty
Sr is now making satisfactory reCov-
ery from his lengthy illness.
The 9th line euchre ,elub met at the
f M • 1 L• Bi n -Ionic and . rs. ev
The Adkance-Tiines has just recek.-
,(1 word of the passing of Mrs. Ale\-
ander Adam cc ho died suddenly i ll T.c.
ronto on December 24th, She was
the former Anne Walker, and sprat
her early years in Wingham.
Airs, Adam was a daugliter of the
late Mr, and Mrs, James Walker,
who carried on a furniture business
here for many years, later continued
by a brother, Al. 5, Walker, until his
retirement a few years ago,
She hail not enjoyed. good health
for the past two years, and on De-
cember 24th, after a quiet Christmas
dinner and participation in the festice
occasion she was stricken with a heart
attack while out in her son-in laww's
car, Slid. passed away before she could
be •taken to the hospital,
She is survived by one daughter,
Mrs, Prank (Margitret) Torte, Tor-
onto; one brother, A, J. Walker of
Wingham and five sisters, Airs, A, A.
Fleming, Windsor; Mrs, C, C. Mc-
Intyre, Peterborough; Mrs, G., L.
Baker, Parry Sound; Mrs. W. J, Kerr
and Miss Agnes Walker of Toronto.
The funeral serivce was conducted
by the assistant minister of Fairlawn
United Church, Rev. R. A, Whattam,
and interement was in Mount Pleasant
Cemetery, Toronto, on December 27th.
A hockey game was played here on
Friday night with lelmore. Score' was
Belmore 5, Fordwich 4,
Lorne Bride of Kitchener and :Har-
vey Bride of Toronto, spent the week-
end at their home here.
Mr. Bill Kennedy, Tara, son of Air,
and ,Mrs. Lyle Kennedy, has accepted
a position on the mechanical staff of
the Listowel Banner.
,The Fordwich C,G.I,T, met at the
home of Miss Reita Harding. At this
meeting, Airs. Bert Winston gave, a
talk on her recent trip to England
and Scotland.
Win First Prize
The group from Fordwich were
first prize winners on Friday night,
at the Mystery Competition sponsored
by Howick Lions and held in Wrox-
eter. Taking part: in the three-quar-
ter hour program metc--a -group from
the public school senior room, in a
play; Shirley Ashton and Sheila Den-
ny, duet; T, J. Schaefer, comic sleight
01 hand; Lorne Bride, trumpet solo,
and the male quarettc.
W.A. Meets
The W. A. of Trinity Anglican
Church, Pordwich. held the first meet-
ing of .the year in the basement of the
church. The afternoon was spent in
quilting a quilt. Tile new prisident,
Airs. Marshall Armstrong, presided.
reading the Scripture readlin.!., St.
Luke 11, 1-13. All repeated the merit-
hers' prayer in unison. The roll call,
"A thought for the New Year",
brought a number c f interesting rd-
sp,mses. Mrs, Pars, ns 'gave the re-
port of the Guild. Mrs. Strone read
th e correspondence. Christmas greet-
ings were recei‘ (41 frau a former nee.
tor's wife, Airs. G. K. Kobe's. Rny-
nu we, Sask., also Rev. J. C. Caley.
Mr s. Crosby Sot lien gave a
011 "Greeting the Nev. Year", and thr.
myetwg was the plesentatirat .of at
cup and saucer tf, Airs. Crosby Soth-
ern for her faithful service as trea-
surer of the W.A. 1,-r 17 years. Airs.
Hargrave made the presentation, It
was decided to have the • University
cjuartette of Toronb , the middle of
February to put on a musical concert.
Rev. Vngan closed the meetim, with
prayer. The February meeting will
be held at Mrs, Selby Foster's, Lunch
wits served by :Airs. „Jim Strong and
Airs, Marshall .krtnstrong,
:or, and Mrs, Cecil Falconer spent
:Monday at London.
Mr, Ezra Weltrood is a patient in
Westminster Hospital, London, this
Mr, and Mrs. George Robinson and
Myrna Jane, Winghanc, spent 'Sunday
at the home of his father, Mr. Thos.
Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cmu-
eron„ i.ucknow, spent Tuesday with
Air, and Mrs. Mason Robinson.
Culross Farm Forum met on Mon-
day evening at the home of Mr, and
urs. John 13urchill and Whitechurch
ip 0 t•
Lucknow. Bantams sparked by
the Chin brothers,. who scored six b e-
tw e en them, took the lead early in the
first period, and the Wingliam
*4 C11.1 never Host. after that. George
1,V Ally SC, wi.d both \\Ingham ,goals
ani played a standout game. Tile de-
r. it pair of Luelirifigi: Bono. 11
Wo:kcil hard in the losing cause,
ln the Midget game Seaforth bat-
tied from behind three times to tic
the score but the faster skating locals
wvcre abb. tai Sqn0::".e out a 7-0 win,
Chitttich with a goal and two assists in additi..n to some fine defensive
work stood out for \\Thiel:nun. Goal
gel ftrs were hitt ,fli 2, Taylor, Ger-
rie, Stainton, Chittick, Spielvogel, for
\\Ingham and Lareme, Muir, "Taylor,
AlacClinchey, .Roland and AlacAlillan
for Seaforth,
The Wingham Town League g.d
under way last Thursday with a
double header. The littler conditioned
juveniles walloped Fry & Blackball
8-3 in the first game with Lloyds
trotmcing the Army team 7-1.
The league continues this week with
Fry & Blackballs and the Army play-
Mg the opener at 8.30 and Lloyd's
meeting the Juveniles at 9.30.
Dates of Remaining
Intermediate . Games
Following are the balance of games
to be played ill the Group 1 titer-
mediate A W.O.A.A. grouping.
January 18—Clinton at Kincardine
" 19—Lucknow at Goderich
20—Wingham. at Listowel
23—Kincardine at Wing-
23—w., ,1,istowel at Clinton
25—W inghant Luck-
25—Goderich at Kincar-
27—Clinton at I,istowel.
27—Goderich at Wing-
30-1<incardine at Clin-
ta February 1—Clintonn' Lucknow ,
5-1,tichnow at I,istowel
W. I. Meeting
The first meeting of the Women's
Institute for 1951 was held at the
biome of the president, Mrs, Stanley
Darling with a large attendance of
members and visitors, The secretary-
treasurer received the Blue Cross fees
for Hospitalization and read letters
of thanks from those who haul receiv-
ed Christmas remembrances. The roll
call "Why I want a woman on the
school 1p card?" received the mum-
inious answer that it would be fair,
but few worsen would take on the job.
Plans were suggested for a 11,,111('
talent concert in February. Air.
•NferkieY, \Vict'Jtain, Las gent.n.usly
offered to show his films of a trip t,.
California and :ti e \ico in the Com-
munity liall on. ;t ith.lit in Alarch.
Airs. J. II. Smith, Mrs. Charles
llofficnsir and .Tin'e's ervccl hunch.
Ails ,. Mary Duff read Alr. Dam-
lit-n Green's admirithle history of
1,,:itox Presbyterian Ch urch. t ioderich,
destroyed by tire afttr 115 }ear,
MN. All", C4 krrij44111 introduerd the %
speaker, Air. Janus Hardie, a
1'1.11111)cm' Area trustee, who told of
a 'Toronto 1;:ducati011ai Convention,
where report:, were given of the in-
finite. patience and considerable suc-
cess of those cites had Wiled SpriStk,
nervous, deaf and dumb children.
Children born without hands had been
taught to paint and write by holding
:rout .Grocery
Free Our Prices Are Lower 'Phone
Delivery We Keep Down The Upkeep
Redbird MATCHES .boxes 26c
Robinhood ALL PURPOSE FLOUR , $1,5D
Robinhood CAKE MIX (Dark or Light) pkg. 30.c
CORNNIBLETS 14 Oz. . . „ „ „ 2 tins 35c.
Dewkist PEAS (ChoiceDuality) 20 oz. 2 tins 29e
TOMATOES (York Brand) 20 oz, ....2 tins 35c
CORN FLAKES (Kellogg's) Large Size ... „22c
SAVE 25c
ith the Purchace of
A Giant Size
Procter & Gamble will pay you
25c in Cash.
Envelopes available at our store.
Lipton's Orange Pekoe TEA 1/2 lb. 55c
Miracle Whip SALAD DRESSING 16 oz. par 19c
`Good Morning' MARMALADE 24 oz. jar 49c
Always:at Lowest Possible Prices
teeth. The audience was greatly inter-
brush or pencil between the toes or Lunch was served. The attendancre
was large and all enjoyed a good time.
ested. Alr. 'Hardie said that rural.
boards were finding it easier to obtain
teachers than caretakers, In her ad-
a Christian a s a believer i n
defined Christian as a believer in
Christ with qualities such as faith,
love, humility and citizenship as the
status of a person who owes allegiance
to the government 1(.r his political
right and privileges,
Euchre Party
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Agar were
hosts for the 2nd. line Morris Euchre
party on Monday night, when eight
tables played. Roy Turvey and Mrs.
Roy Turvey and "Mrs, Roy Sellers
were successful in carrying off the
prizes for the greatest number of
points and Mrs. Arthur Edgar and
Melville Mathers were the prize Win-
ners for playing the most Ione hands,
The consolation prize went
Charles • Bosnian and Ifarry
1951.—Ford 1/2-Ton Pickup
1951—Ford 1-Ton Express
1950—New 1/2,-ton Pickup, green
1950—New Anilia Coach - a real economy car
1949—Chevrolet Panel, a beauty
1949—Ford Custom, blue Sedan - clean
1947—FORD 1,2 -Ton Pickup, A-1 Condition
All above sold with 90-day guarantee.
1941—Ford 1/2-ton Pickup with special
telephone body
1937—Terraplane Sedan
1936—Dodge Business Coupe
These cars thoroughly overhauled and
in A-I condition.
Ford & Monarch Dealer Phone 237, Winghani
Ask about SCOUREX at
Merkley Motors
Ferguson Tractors and Farm Equipment
i Telephone-84 Wingham
last Tuesday evening.' Six tables
played cards with high prizes going
to Mrs. Bert Thompson and Cecil
Chamney; low prizes to Mrs. Roy
Robinson and John Mason. The next
party will be at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Mason Robinson.
We regret to report that Albert
Bieman had the misfortune to fall
one day last week and break a rib and
his mother, Mrs. Wm. Bieman. is suf-
fering from pneumonia and pleurisy.
We wish therm both a quick recover.
Air. and Mrs. Noble Young; of God-
erich, visited last Wednesday with
Mr. and Airs. J. AieBurney.
Mrs, Fred Cook returned home
from London last week after under-
going an operation there.
14 Mr, and Mrs_ Calvin Robinson and
Gary spent the week-end at Wood-
stock with Mr, and Mrs, Marcele
Phillion and family.
Miss Merle Anderson, of Brantford
= — spent the week-end with her mother,
Ch rysler and Plymouth Cars Mrs. 0. G, Anderson.
Fargo Trucks
Hospitality was the theme Of the
January meeting of the lielgrave Jr.
Institute which was held in the Coin-
mtmity Centre. June' Lear was con-
vincer for the meeting and the roll
call was .answered by naming one
;,..4 duty of a hostess. The topic,"Plan-
it ring a Party", was given by juice
Lear. jute stressed having the par-
ty well planned beforehand so you, as
▪ the hostess, cum relax and enjoy' your-
k self, Airs. Elwoo d Nichol demon-
stii;eate:11,p1ilai3alei lucking party refreshments.
sand cci elves andalei•o:' l ,:id"..s' i.4-%\1.
1g array
to taste as good as tiny looked., Mrs.
Ivan Wighttnan oitlinca gam,. s for
several kinds of parties and every-
one took part in a lit ely relay.
Th e estry meeting of Trill-
ity Anglican Church \Vit.s held in lice
Church ,.m Thursday . ec ening, and
was opened. with prayer by the rec-
tor, Rev. j. .Roberts. Tice minutes
of the last meeting onit read and ltd- altar book was taken by Mrs. Selby
opted. The rector gave his report,Foster. A special feature of
followed by financial reports trout
Ilse wardens, Ladies' Guild, AA.P..\,.
and the Sunday School. These reports
showed that the congregation had
been successful in meeting- all their
obligations. The officers elected, for
the coming year are a s liirioWS: Rec-
tor's warden, Richard Proctor;
people's warden, Herman Nethery;
lay delegate, 1,, Vannan; alternate,
Cooper Nethery; vestry clerk, Mrs.
W. Brydges; church committee,
Richard Proctor, H. Nethery, A. Ba-
con, A, Higgins, Al. Bradburn, W,
Brydges„ A. McIlurney. C. Nethery,
,Mrs. C. H. Wade, Mrs. C. Nethery,
'Thus, Wade, Mary Isabel Nethery. A
vote of thanks was tendered the re-
tiring warden, A. Bacon, for his faith-
ful services, Aft'. Bacon has been
warden for the past five years, The
meeting adjourned on motion of C.
Nethery and was closed with prayer
by the rector.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tiffin, tang-
side, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Clark Johnston,
Miss Mildred Cook spent the week-
end with her . cousin, Miss Violet
Cook, Westfield.
Air. and Mrs. Earl Gaunt and fam-. Farm Fortran met at the home of Mr.
ily, of Londesboro, visited on Sunday and Mrs. James Falconer and will
with Alf. and Mrs. Clifford Pardon, meet next Week at the home of
Air, and Mrs. Ernest Button, of and Mrs. Chas, Martin,
Lucknow, visited at the same home Mrs. William Nieman has been very
one day last week. ill this week with pnemlnOrlia.
Tht annual meeting of tne Bel- The ninth concession folks of East
grave Library Board will be held in Wawanosh, held their weekly euchre
the Library Roost on Monday. Jan, last Friday night at the honed of Mt',
22nd,, at 2 p,m, Members of the and Mrs, Levi Bieman. Airs. Bert
public are urged to be present. Thompson and iltr, Cecil Chainney
The annual meeting of the Bet- held high points and Mrs, Roy Rob-
grave School Fair will be held at the inson and Mr, joint Mason, low
Belgrave Arena on Friday, January points. The next euchre will be held
10th, at 2,30 pm. Stewart Proctor, this Friday at the home of Mr, and
sec,-treats, Mrs, Roy Robinson.
Teen Town Council for 1961 will J ockey .Notes
consist of Mayor JOhn Lancaster, R
R eev
e () Jea n
Sh irle
y 0 1LS:'1 g;1 Patsy31
d Council.
r‘ 1 1 Y
Local entries in the
minor hockey series split aW.d°O.tAtb.lAe-.
Neil Stain•ton, Ray Lott , John h ea d er last Wednesday with the ban-
ford, George Hall. The majority "t • tams losing 7-2 to Lucknow and the,
those elected this year •Mhigets taking ct close 7.6 decision
lion have had former espd.rcec Ice "I Cr Seaforth. This NI, Lis the opening
the c"uncil• John Lancaster ntaY"r- game for all the tearm., taking part.
elect was mayor of Teen •I'owtn in
1949, and Jean Hobden, Neil Stain-
tfili and Patsy Brophey have all sen-
v e tt on the t",tincil.