HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-01-17, Page 4MR,. A. RUBIN FAMOUS 'FUR COMPANY MU Designs Now Being shown Ia.dividUally fitted and . styled; Several fittings at no additional Charge. Call 270J, Windham for Appointment or Write 508 Bathurst Street, Toronto FIRST CLASS Watch Repairs AT MODERATE PRICES Owing to lack of space, am com- pelled to confine my repairs to watches only. George Willi amS Located in MASON'S STORE ,aMtill*IN.40.0•11110M.MEr.....1001m 1 I MOIMMUMMIEMMEEMBEHMEMENIUMMEMP; SAVE MONEY -- by PREPAYING m U F al F F F F EffilLE El IE 21111Mic auogrogo,. We have on hand for IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ANGLIAS at id PREFECTS Norman Rintoul I Haselgrove's SMOKE SHOP OR SALE---Maytag Electric Wash- er; also goose and gander and collie pup, 6 weeks old. Apply to Walter WeNi, Lower Wiuttliam, phone 0501. FOR SAl„E---Frame house lot and garage. For information, apply to Walter 'Welsh, Lower Phone 656,11. FOR SA LE—Nor.., ,pace heater, used one month. Call 4365, Wing- ham, 17* T'AG4 FOUR THE WINGI AM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, ,January 17th,, 1951 Asmosowssommssli CLASSIFIED ADS,. Tellus, 27 oil, $4,25i Can, Oil Co., LIAWANOSII COUNCIL 59 :3:'39 1 * $, gas c $ 6.65, W111014[11 ' MotOrs; truck motor, etc., V53.15; Pardon Motors, grader repair, $32,00; , Th, Council held its. hihnhrid me.et. Joe Kerr, trip to Goderich with truck, $7.00; Geo, Radford, ploughing snow .11;ge.winati.1, Tits r ee v e NIN(oiteiNtli allprtell:ide)7,mbT71.: I....111111;1, sglitel(\',el'etSe74$'7757.;70.F.red McGee, 'wit'. to the Council, who are Reeve I. U, fox bounties. $6.00; Donald Cook, 1 General ,Accounts, Thos. Jardine, 3 Lierk,.administe'red the Oath of Offici.3 . Orval McGowan. Orval Taylor, Howard Campbell and. Beecroft,Councillors Alex Robe;•tson, •fox. bounty, $2.00; Wendel McCallum. provrment Assoc. grant to seed fair, 1 fax bounty $2.00; Huron Crop im- Rev, Mr. Moores was present and $20.00; lleigrave Community Centre, read a portion of the 413th psalm, and rent. for 1951, $1.00, The treasurer's a dd resse d the Council and prayed that financial report for 1950, Total re- ' cenits, $81,068.88; Total disburse- ments $77.409.25, with a cash balance (with all bank loans paid) $4259.03, of this amount $18,608.78 was spent on roads, $21,301.22 was spent on the schools. $16,056,92 for County rates, APPOINTS OFFICERS The collector's time was extendet: for one month. h' Moved by ,McGowan, seconded bv Taylor tnlaotntCo uncil adjourn to toes-:.. gFreabv. 6ctho.,Int)tittu1n,i3t)0 Centre, cltack4ctartil.liee(Llte-i - J. P, 13encroftR,, II. 7,'liiirnpson, ciec, glill11111211191111111101111111111121111111211111911111911191111K 11.1. HOUSE FURNISHINGS Suitable for Living Maroon - Tone on Tone El Blue - Green - Rust From $40.00 up BEDROOM RUGS for Easter stock. Lewis Flowers, CALCEOLAR1A & Cineraria plants phone 101, Wingham. 17b fur sale, 25e each. Snac k! nee ded DRESSMAKING and. Altering. Call 17' 408W, Winghain, DO YOU WISH TO RETIRE?, Are \ ''u at prvsint 011 a farm whit alro and kith, .i.tuated 1.4.1 .1 road which is ,,In n ad the Yl'ar: within thirty radius NVing- zam? . Pat e im..,lern ,ituated in ,. '..ditnlet. with tier(. con% oriole..., mid WhiCtt wish t., ttse are part payment such a Imm, Mitres'. ;01 •:•-plies I Ad vance Thihs. :OR SALE—Clare Jewel white en- tom) Range with high shelf in good condition. Apply - A, C. Lillow, Blue-tale. 17b FOR SALE--Floor eo‘ erin•-,, Rex- oleum and Congoleum, two and the, e yards wide. Welwoods Home Furnishin., 17241 FOR SALE In village of Bluevale, brick cot- tage, 2 lots, 5 rooms plus son porch. For particulars apply to CRAW- FORD & HETHER'.INGTON. 17 :24b. HEARING Aid Batteries—We now have all current type of hearing aid batteries in stock, including "Mal- lory Cells". Pattison Radio and Electric, 1824b PORTABLE Typewriter for sale. Used only a few hours. Like new. May be seen at Advance-Times of- fice. 171) FOR SALE—Waysagless Spring mat- mess for double bed and one set of bed springs, both as good as new for $15.00. Apply to Box 393, Winghain, 17° LADY WANTED—To assist in car- ing for invalid mother. Apply Mrs. Robert Galbraith, phone 572, Wing- ham. 3.7b LOST—Ladies' gold wrist watch with leather band. Finder please leave at Advance-Times. Reward. 17* LOST-20x16 truck tire, between Brussels and Bluevale on 4th or 5th concession of ,Morris Twp. Finder phone Bill Bremner, 121.19, Brus- sels. 17* PAINTING & PAPERING—Prompt service and complete satisfaction. Call Mrs. Henry Galbraith, phone, 787W1. PICTURE FRAMING—A specialty. Warren House, Wingham, SELL YOUR POULTRY the Co- trucking service. Our prices are good. Op. way. Call 271 for prices and SKA'VES SHARPEN ED—We have . • '71 C C Flem- ing Parallel Skate Grinder. Bring your skates to us for expert servic- ing, 25c per pair. Stainton's I-lardware, rr. UP to $5.00 EACH FOR DEAD, or Disabled Horses, Cows, Hogs, at your farm. Prompt service, Phone i the Village of Wroxeter, in the County ii on or about the 12th day of December 'WANTED—Garage suitable for mov- ing to new location. Apply to Box 101), Advance-Times, 17"' t•Ts the undersigned on or before the 27th WANTED to RENT —:House. in Winghtn, Replies to Ed, 'Taylor, Belgrave, 17" WANTED—By elderly couple, small apartment, bedroom, living room, kitchen. toilet facilities and bath. Grptind floor preferred, Immediate occupancy not essential. Apply 13ox 10P, Advance-Times, 6711 will be distributed amongst the parties El RUGS 6' 9" x 9' entitled thereto, having regard only WANTED Two Domestics for the: Huron County Home. 'Good pay with board and lodging provided, Duties to corn- mence immediately. For further in- formation contact Mrs. a M, E. Jacob at the County Home, Clinton, Ont- ario. N. W. Miller, Clerk, 17b County of Huron Court of Revision The Court of Revision on the 1051 Assessment Roll for the Township, of Morris, will be held in the Twnship Hall, on January 15th.,. at 2 p.m. do. C, Martin, Clerk, Township of Turnberry Tenders for Assessor Tenders will he received by the un- dersigned for the office of Assessor for the Township of Turnberry for the year 1951. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders close Feb: 3, 1951. Geo. 'I', Thomson, Clerk 17:24b Tenders For Wood Morris Township School Board re- quests tenders for supply of wood for the Morris Schools. Wood to be maple and beech body wood, 12 inch- es in length to be delivered and piled at the schools before June 15, 1951. Tenders to be in by January 30, 1951. No tender necessarily accepted. Wood required: No. 1, 20 cords; No 3, 12 cords; No. 4, 12 cords; No, 5, 12 cords, No. 6, 20 cords; No. 7, 10 cords; No. 9, 20 cords; No, 10, 10 cords; No. 11, 20 cords; No. 12, 15 cords. Also two cords of cedar for each of the above schools. 1724b N, S. SHA\'V, Secretary TENDERS WANTED The West Wawanosh Township School Area Board want tenders for caretakers for all schools in Area, S. S. No. 2, S. S. No. 3, S. S. No. 4, S. S. No. 12, S. S. No. 17. Duties to commence February 1st., 1951 and continue to January 31st, 1952, Ten- ders to be in hands of the secretary not later than January 20th, 1951. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. W. A, STEWART, Secretary, 1017b Dungannon, Ontario. TENDERS WANTED By the West Wawanosh School Area Board, for the folloWing quanti- ties of wood: this woodd" to be hard maple and beech 16 inches long, not smaller than El inches or over 10 inch- es, in diameter, delivered and piled in [school yards not later than June 30th, i1951: S. S. No. 17, 25 cords; S. S. No. 2, 25 cords; S. S. No. 3, 25 cords; S. S. No. 4, 20 cords; S. S. No. 12, 20 cords; also a cord of cedar delivered at each school. Tenders to be in hands of secretary not later than January .20th, 1951. W. A, STEWART, Secretary, 1017b Dungannon, Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of William Abram, late of the village c i Belmnurc, in ire the' . ,- of Huron, Carpenter, who died on or about the 11th day of December, A.D. 1950, a re notified to send to the undersigned on or 'before the twentieth day of January, 1951, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediate- ly after the said twentieth day of January the assets of the said in- testate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the administrator shall then have notice. DATED this second clay of janu-l ary. A. D. 1951. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS CARD OF THANKS Mr, Frank Mitchell and family, of Wroxeter, wish to thank their hosts of friends for the letters, cards, par- eels of fruit, candies, and cigarettes sent to Mr. Mitchell while in hospital in London. Also the many acts of kindness to the family and offers of help during the crisis, Mr. Mitchell is improving and although it will be some time before he is able to be about again, is always pleased to see his many ft•iends at his home. Sin- Otte tit Aittr3 front '—The Mitchell Family. 17* ....._ HOT LUNCHES BOX SMILES Next COFFEE ANNE to 'N CHOCOLATES CHUCKLES HATHAWAY BULK CANDIES SHERBONDY'S SODA Lyceum SHOP BAR Theatre ..... THANK YOU I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Dr. Corrin, the hospital staff, those who visited me and lien! cards during my illness. Mrs, Harold. Ross. 171) THANK YOU Sincere thanks to Mrs. Morrey and staff and Dr, McKibbou for their kindnesses to Mrs. Nettie Radford while she was in the Wingham Hos- pital.--LMrs. E. Jacobs 17* THANK YOU I wish to thank Dr. Palmer, Ds, Crawford, Mrs. Morrey and the Hos- pital staff and all the other kind friends and neighbours who were so thoughtful durine, my recent illness, 17 0 —Herb Burchill CARD OF THANKS We take 414.4 opportunity to thank our many friends for their kindness and sympathy; also for the many beautiful floral tributes received dur- ing our recent sad bereavement. —Family of the late Mrs. 17* George. Pocock ,Sr. CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank all my friends and neighbours for their lovely cards, letters and gifts and all those who visited me O bile 1 was a patient in Victoria Hospital. They were great- ly appreciated, 176 Mrs. Fred \V. Coolv CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my good neigh- bours and friends for the lovely treats and kindness ShOWn husband us long •I .ti s' and for the many ex- pressions sympatity and beautiful flowers at [Le time of our sad bereave- ,ment, A.F. & A.M. No. 280 and Leham,rt t Tointer 84. P ".> •• , . IN MEMORIAM STORES—En loving memory of Mrs. Reuben Stokes,. who entered into rest on January 23rd, 1048. Three years has passed since that sad Clay, When a, wif e and mother was called away, God took her home, it was "His Will" But in our heart's she limit still. —Lovingly remembered by her Husband and Daughters, 17* Following an accident just before the council receive Divine guidance in their deliberations during the year. The Ree‘e thanked Mr. Moores for at- tending the meeting, The minutes of the meeting held Dec, 10th., were read and adopted on motion by Robertson seconded by Campbell. Carried. Correspondence was read and dealt with by the council. A request was read from the Huron County Crop Improvement Association for tt grant for the Seed Fair to be held in Clinton on the 9th and 10th of March. Moved by Taylor seconded by McGowan that a grant of $20.00 be given the Huron • County Crop Improvement Associa- ion. Carried. Moved by Robertson seconded by McGowan that council transfer from the Bridge & Culvert appropriation of by-law No. 1 1950 the sum of $1,383.86 to road maintenance of the sante year. Carried. Moved by Campbell seconded by Taylor that council instruct the offic- iak to sign the petition to the Ontario Department of Highwa y s for the statutory grant on township road ex- penditure .for 1950, Carried. Moved by Campbell seconded by Taylor that j, .1). Beecroft and Orval McGowan represent the Township for one year on the Administration Board for the Belgrave Community Centre and Geo, Cook, Ross Anderson, Clar- ence \Vade, C. R. Coolies and Mrs. Stewart Proctor represent the Com- munity for two years. The clerk was instructed to order seven copies of lilt Municipal World and other supplies. Carried. Moved by Campbell seconded by Robertson that salaries for 1951 be Treasurer, 4300.00; Clerk, $400.00; Assessor, $225.00; Collector $175.00; Reeve $150.00; Councillors each $100.- 00; a bylaw be prepared to confirm the above for the February meeting. Carried. By-laws No, 1 and 2 setting approp- riation for road expenditure and ap- pointing Weed inspector, Live Stock Valuators, Pound Keepers, and Fence Viewers were read the 1st and 2nd. ti ;Moved by Taylor seconded by Rob- ertson that by-law's No. 1 and 2 lie read the diird time and passed. Car- rie The following were appointed John M. Taylor, Weed inspector; Alf Nes- bit. john F. McCallum and IMcG. Shia, I,irve Stock Valuators; Roy Eason', Mason Robinson, Frank Mar- shall, Chas. Smith, Gordon McGee, Athol Bruce, R. J. Currie, and Gordon Snell, Poundl«Tpers; Harry Sturdy, Nelson Patterson, jolut Hallahan, John M. Taylor, Ed. 11c13urney and Ilenry Pattison, Fence Viewers, all of the Township of East Wawanosh. Moved by Robertson seconded by Campbell that the road and general accounts as presented he passed and paid. Carried. Road Cheques: Stuart If cBurney. salary $72.80, telephone $1.20, $74.00: Ernest Walker, snowplough helper, $60.00; Frank Cooper, truck driver, $3.75; Augtin Cook, Sinmplongli helper, $8.75; Wilfred. Shill, snow.. plough helper, $6,00; Franklin Camp- bell, power mower, weeds, $21.25; Reavic's Service Station, 2 spark- plugs, $1.70; Stainton's, hardware, 1 clevis, $1.15; Mc'rklt'y Motors, 5 gal. BIRTHS HA BKIRK—At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Saturday, janintry 13, 1951, to Mr, and Mrs. William G, Habkirk, Imeknow, a daughter, sm.:ER:TY—At the Wingham Gener- al Hospital, on Monday, January 15, 1051, to ,Mr, and Mrs, jack Sac- ert y, "..1.'eeswater, a son. gill11111111113111E1111:2111111111141110111181111511111311113111!Li AVOID PIG PROBLEMS • Due to Deficiencies tg By Giving Nixons PELLAGREX i----iPellagrex supplies needed Iron,0 Vitamins and Trace Minerals I Try Pellagrex On One Litter ▪ And See the Difference EASK ABOUT PELLAGREX KERR'S DRUG STORED — .7.4.111oimmolionoommootimifleantivICI INSURANCE CALL , Stewart A. Scott 'Phone 293 Windham We Stand Between You and Loss All 'Year! David Crompton JEWELLER Certified Watchmaker 'Phone 59 Winghanr T wn of Wingham 1951 Taxes Taxpayers may make payments on account of 1951 taxes up to 90 per cent. of 1950 •taxes. Interest at the rate of Four per cent. per annum will be allowed on such prepayments. Prepayments of taxes must be made at the Town Treasurer's Office, Town IJall. W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer, Town of Wingham Low Priced - Economical - Comfortable 411110.191.1111.1121SOMMRIMMIII. In 1950 HILLMAN Sedan 1949 MERCURY Sedan 1949 FORD Coach 1949 METEOR Coach 1948'FORD Club Coupe 1948 MONARCH Club Coupe 1947 FORD Coach 1948 FORD Sedan AND MANY OTHERS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE TRUCKS TRUCKS FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1950 CHEV. one-ton 2-1950 MERCURY one-ton, new Crossett Motors Limited Mercury Lincoln - Meteor Cars Mercury Trucks Telephone 459 Windham, Ont. 11111111111.111111.11111111111111111111111111111=1111111.1111111111111, EXPERT Skate Sharpenin BE PREPARED FOR OPENING OF ARENA Stock of Fine Gloves and Work Mitts Browne's Shoe Repair WATERLOO M.M. TRACTORS $4 MACHINERY All sizes of New Tractors, Manure Spreaders, Tractor Double Discs and Cultivators. Stock of Used Tractors and Mach- inery at all times:— Case S.C. M,M, Waterloo Z. PIULIPS ELECTRICAL APPLI- ANCES ti Radios and Radios with Record Players, Electric. Ranges, Refrigerators and Washers, Electric Shavers, etc. Used Electrical Appliances. GEO MERKLEY'S GARAGE AND MACHINERY SALES & SERVICE f3e1more Ont. Phones: Belmore, 4 Wroxeter 7r7 Inlaid Linoleum ALL COLOURS We specialize in Laying - for - Smokers' SUNDRIES MAGAZINES SOFT DRINKS G. Alan Williams Optometrist In former office of Dr. R. C. Redmond Patrick St., Wingham Professional Eye Examinations Phone 770 Will be in Kincardine at Dr. R. A. McCosh residence Each Tuesday TAXI DAY or NIGHT Phon, 65 JIM CAMERON All Passengers Insured niasm•tleasraallor.6.111•44511. for the Aged Will accommodate semi-invalid or bed patients. PHONE 103 WINGHAM, ONT. Washable in all colours = sizes and shapes From $4.95 C C. McKIBBON Phone 475 111111111/211.11011115 1110WW , FARMERS—Be sure to get your help in time. Small and large Dutch families are available for next spring. Apply now. C. de Haan, Belgrave, Out. PULLET EGGS--FINE--but when Grade A Large egg prices are climbing, you want large eggs. It means early chicks, to grow towards that goal. Kitchener Big-4 Chicks are the answer. Dayold and started available now, or we'll book for later. Breeders Canada Approved, backed by a 'breeding program on this large Hatchery's own farms. Price list, agent, Wilbur A. Hogg, m.; 9 6.,C4.69.171.0212.. 0.1.6111r4M R. N. 4, wingliani. 1 "FAIRVIEW" Room To RENT—For girl or wo- I man. Apply Advance-Times Office. utirsing Home ° 171). NOTICE TO RESIDENTS OF HOWICK TOWNSHIP Take notice that the council of the Township of ilowick demands that. cars, milk cans, milk stands, mail boxes or any other articles must be kept off the road while snow plough- ing is in effect. This council will not •be responsible for any damage caused by snow ploughs. A, G. Galbraith, Road Supt., Howick Township.. day of January, A, D. 1951, full par- ticulars of their claims in writing, fin- mccliately after the said 27th day of January the assets of the said testator and Dining Rooms W RREN Wingham' 561f, William Stone Sons, Limited, Ingersoll. Ont. Al] persons having claims against MS the estate of James Sangster, late of of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died i A. D., 1950, are notified to send to .. . .. to claims of which the executrices shall then have notice. DATED this 8th day of January, A. D,, 1951, CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the executrices. and special thanks to Rev. Ale): NMI- inn for hi, many kind and ela,erful 174' Mrs. Robert Vint and Anti)] ri CARD OF THANKS • May etc extend our sincere thank s and approaation to all our friends in Wingham and district for their kind- ness iind expressions of sympathy; to Rey, Dr. Bectroft and all others who assisted. —T, H. Gibson and Family and .Miss Margaret .McKee. 17n CARD OF THANKS For all the beautiful remembrances sent me by kind and thoughtful friends before and also at the Christ- mas season I am sincerely grateful, Especially uould I like to thank Knox Presbyterian Church and the Ladies' Aid 'for their beautiful boxes, also Mrs. Harry McGee and tie friends for the lovely roses for my room at _ Christmas. These expressions of WI — Routinely to: kindness have been deeply appreciates Pregnant Sows John Cochrane, —Wenner —Suck l ingPigs PPigss "Protett What You Rave" — FOR — Christmas at a very dangerous sec- FIRE - LIFE - AUTO Lion of Highway No, 2, near Thames- ford, whieh took six lives,Editor Thos. R. Lee of the Ingersoll Tribune, wrote Highways :Minister George H, Dotteett. His letter urged that action be taken to eliminate the "trap," The Minsiter has replied that work will be coMmenced to rebuild the highway at this point As WW1 as OPdtatibilS can be commenced in the spring, ECONOMY and BEAUTY 7 everlasting bright Durable finishes. Congo - Wall for the Kitchen and Bath Free Estimates. ' Bulovo HER EXCELLENCY "A" 21 Jewels —GOOD TASTE at a GOOD PRICE Bennett & Casemore Phone 447 Wingham ER O S I O N S ® O