HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-01-10, Page 5CANADIAN pi by pm ppoitowAy —Centre) Press Canadian For the first time in history a Canadian play with a Canadian cast is heading for the bigtime — an engagement on Broadway. The play is "Ti-Coq" (little rooster), a simple story of habitant life, written, pro- duced and directed by French-Canadian Gratien Gelinas, otherwise known to his theatrical friends as "Fridolin." To date "Fridolin" has reaped $250,000 from English and French versions of "Ti-Coq," both of which he wrote himself. The play, which opened in Quebec in May, 1948, has been presented 215 times to 200,000 people. Last spring "Ti- Coq" opened in English and before the final curtain was down five producers from Broadway were making extravagant offers. Three mem- producers from Broadway were making extravagant offers. Two mem- bers of cast, seen here, are: Huguette Oligny, and Fred Barry. Memorials S A We realize our obligation when we fill your order for a Mem- orial—and we provide only ma- terials of unending serviceability. Design and workmanship are of the finest, and our prices are most moderate. CEMETERY LETTERING Promptly Done 411 MODERN EQUIPMENT Wingham Memorial Shop 'Phone 256 R. A, Spotton FIRST CLASS Watch Repairs AT MODERATE PRICES Owing to lack of space, am com- pelled to confine my repairs 'to watches only. George Williams Located in MASON'S STORE WM/ 11.0.1••••• WEDDINGS Roe , .V.FyfOgIg Vera Ruth Fryfogle, Reg, N., Ihe- earne the bride of Charle$. Roe, in a ceremony performed in London, by the Rev, L. F. Armstrong, on Thurs- day, December 28th., at 2 p,m. The bride. is the ,daughter of NM ,Fry- fogle; Wingham, .and the itt,te J. J. Fryfogle, and the groom is the son of Mr, George Roe, Milverton, and the late Mrs, Roe. The bride was charming in a spice colored suit with brown accessories and corsage of yellow roses, She was attended by her sister, Mrs. D. H. Mundy, who wore an afternoon dress in mink brown with matching acces- sories and corsage of carnations and baby's breath, Mr, D. H. Mundy at- tended the groom. The couple will reside in Milverton after a wedding trip to Washington, D, C., and Chicago. McNeil Baker By our Bellmore Correspondent A quiet, but pretty wedding was solemnized Jan. 1st., 1951 at the An- glican rectory, Brantford, when Mrs. Luella Baker and Cecil N. C. Mc- Neil, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Neil McNeil of Behnore, were united in marriage by the Rev. Patterson ,of Welland ,and Rev. Caliper of Brant- fond. CASH BINGO Wingham, Armouries FRIDAY, JAN, 19th at 8:30 p.m. 16 Games - 50c Five Special Games AUSPICES OF MAJESTIC REBEKAH LODGE C. P. & T. FUND men's • • • 4111111111111111111111111111111111111111•111111111111111111111111111111111111111‘ ed Front Grocery Free Our Prices Are Lower 'Phone Delivery We Keep Down The Upkeep 590 Eatmore WHEAT BERRIES .5 lb bag 35c Robinhood OATS , . „ — .. . 5 lb. bag 49c McCormick SODA BISCUITS . „ .1 lb. pkg. 28c Campbell's TOMATO SOUP „ „ .2 tins 23c CORN SYRUP . , 5 lb. tin 69c (Beehive or Crown Brand) 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,11111111IIII II iiiiiii 01 iiiiiii I iiiii ii i I. i iiiii .1 ii iii 1.1111.11111IIII Aster COFFEE Ground Fresh as Ordered 1/2 lb. r 47c 1 lb. ▪ . . . . 89c 'mos iiiii iiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiii s iiiiiii ismilfslisH0111.10111,11!Uilt1.11.11HimultS1 iiiii 11110.1. Iodized SALT 2 lb. carton 10c Chateau CHEESE 1/2 lb. pkg. 31c AMBER HONEY (good quality) 8 lb. pail $1.00 Silverbright SALMON FISH By the fish lb. 47c ICE CREAM BRICKS all flavors 28c :Florence Blundon of Bay De Verde, Newfoundland, was gowned in yellow sheer nylon with headdress and long gloves to match and she carried a cas- cade bouquet of pink carnations and fern. The groom was attended by Ray- mond Noble. Durham. Following the ceremony a weddin'-: dinner was served at Sulphur Springs, Preston, the table being centred with the bride's cake. The grow-0 gift to the bride was a gold engraved compact, to the brid- esmaid, silver candle holders and the best man, a writing ease: Later in the evening, the bridal couple left on a honeymoon trip to Haliburton, North Bay and other points, the bride travelling in a grey dress, with which she wore a green coat with black accessories. Schatte - Horton A very pretty wedding took place in the United Church parsonage, Bel- more, when Joyce Alice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Horton of Clifford, became the bride of Donald Kenneth, son of Mr,s4u4d Mrs. A. G. Schatte of Wingham. Rev. Martin officiated. For her wedding the bride looked lovely in a two-piece navy, tafetta dress with navy accessories. She wore a rhinestone necklace and earrings, a gift of the groom, and a cprsage of pink roses and bou‘ardia, Mrs. William Stapleton, sister of the . bride, was bridesmaid and wore a navy tafetta dress and a corsage of white and pink carnations. ,Mr. William Stapleton was groomsman. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the bride's home. 'The bride's mother received the guests wearing a green crepe dress with white accessories. The groom's mother assisting, chose a brown crepe dress with velvet trim. For a trip to northern points, the :bride wore a grey gabardine suit with matching accessories. On their return the happy couple will reside in Wing- ham. Wednesday, ,January 10th" 1951 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE VIVA 411•11.1 11.1NIMMENII •••••••,•••.... p allUMINEMINIMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMIEBIIIIIIIIIMM11111111115 III III • • III • a III • • CI earan • III mi P 0 • • a , • • m IN n Nu • .----1 • • n n n n n II m ito n n n a 9i 1 906 n n n n n n n n a n 6691 n a n a n a al n n n • n JANUARY n n n fla n n n n n n n n n n n n 11 n .1 III Wometes Coats n nln • • • "QUALITY and SERVICE" 'PHONE 414 FOUNDATION GARMENTS, ChILDREN'S SKI PANTS, AND OTHER WINTER WEAR. YARD GOOD REMNANTS Silks, Woolens, Cottons Etc. $5.00 Be Sure to Get Your Share of These Exceptional Values! Special Clerance Sale of the follow* g: Welwood's SALE n a 25% Off WIIVGNAM 1. n at The bride wore .4 Budney tafetta dress with accessories T.P. match and corsage of yellow Johanna Hill roses.. Shirley Baker or Welland and Lloyd McNeil of Toronto, were the • attendants, After the ceremony, twelve in all sat down to a 5,80- .o'clock wedding dinner in the Hotel, Brantford. After a short trip to London, Clinton, Bel- more and Brussels, ,Mr, and Mrs, McNeil will reside in Welland, Breen Hart At the United Church, Omemee, the marriage took place of Margaret Rea Hart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hart, Reaboro, to Harold John . Breen, son of Air. and Mrs. Sander- son D, Breen, Dufferin Avenue, Lon- don, with the Rev, V, E. R. Zufelt officiating. Mrs. Irvin Connell presid- ed at the organ and the bride's father gave her in marriage. The bride wore a lovely gown of white chiffon velvet fashioned with a long train, her bridal veil was full Iength and she carried a cascade of red roses. Miss Margaret Breen, London, sis- ter of the bridegroom, and Miss Phyllis Hart, sister of the bride, were Attendants attired in transparent red silk velvet with matching bonnets tied under the chin. They carried nose- gays of white carnations and wore white gloves and shoes. S. North, S. Thomas, was best man and Lionel and Keith Hart, brothers of the bride, were ushers. A reception was held at the Royal Coach Inn, Lindsay and later the couple left on their wedding trip, the bride wearing a beige suit with 'brown velvet trim and brown accessories. The bridal couple were both graduates from Western University, and the groom is a member of the department of psychology at the University. Reinhart - Fische, A quiet but pretty wedding took place on Saturday, pecember 30th., at 10.00 a.m.. at St. Mary's Parish House, Hespeler, when Emma Eliza- beth Fischer of Hespeler, only daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Fisher of Carrick, became the bride of Mr. Leonard Albert Reinhart of Wingham, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Reinhart of Carrick. • The marriage was performed by Rev. Father J. E. Ford. The bride was lovely in a gown of white slipper satin, with semi-off shoulder neckline topped by a nylon yoke, a fitted bodice extended into a full skirt with slight train, with tiny satin covered buttons down the back and lily pointed sleeves. Her veil of silk illusion, forming a long train, was held in place by a headdress of em- broidered net. She wore a three- strand pearl necklace with ear rings to match and carried a cascade bou- quet of white carnations and fern. The bride's only attendant, Miss Assimemesimem. Skates 1 Sharpened We have just purchased from C.C.M. a Fleming Parallel Skate' Grinder. BRING YOUR SKATES TO US FOR EXPERT SERVICING 25c per pair. Stain ton's HARDWARE ECONOMY and BEAUTY 7 everlasting bright Durable finishes. Congo- Wall for the Kitchen and Bath Free Estimates. Bennett & Casemore none 447 Wingham _gar' 1 2. an WESTFIELD On Saturday afternoon. while going to the barn, Mrs. Albert Campbell had the misfortune to fall and break the elbow of her right arm. At the church service on Sunday, Mrs. Thompson of Toronto rendered a solo "Just for Today," which was much appreciated. We were glad to report that Mr. Thomas Cook is progressing favour- ably after his operation at Victoria Hospital, London on Friday, We wish him a speedy recovery. While working in the bush on Sat- urday, Lawrence Campbell had the misfortune to cut his foot with the axe, Four stitches were required to close the wound. Miss Hattie Wightman of London, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wightman, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Godfrey of Dungannon, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, McVittie, COUNCIL OUTLINES ((ontinued from page 1) r year. ere were 22 offences under the Criminal Code, on which 12 were convicted and two 'are pending, Traf- fic (Ala rges totalled 19, with fourteen convictions, Sixt y-one parking tickets were handed out. Eighty-two other investigations of varying, importance kept the local police nn the run. It was agreed by -nembers c ,aineil that the police department- had given excellent service, and Chief Platt's intimation in the report, that he might be leaving here in the early summer was received with regret. The details of various pension plans for the members of the police staff were discussed and it was decidel to secure the most up-to-date informa- tion in this connection before a;tion is taken. The Chief's report also advised the installation of a signal light on 'he main street which would be op Orated from the telephone exchange :n the same way as the fire alarin system. It was decided to proceed with the installation of the signal light at once. Clark; sanitary, Kirr, Adair, Rintoul; welfare, Clark, Johnson, Miller. By-law 1225, appointing municipal officers and setting salaries was read and passed. The officers :lamed were: Standing Committees Named Report of the striking committee was brought in by Mayor Gurney, naming the following to the standing committees for the year (first named in each case is chairman): Executive, Gurney, Johnson, Carmichael; finance, Johnson, Cruickshank, Rintottl; streets Adair, Carmichael, Kerr; property and new construction, Rintoul, Cruick shank, Carmichael; cemetery, Cruick- shank, Adair, Miller; fire, Carmichael, fij Johnson, Clark; band, Miller, Kerr, tl 9 1•41• Whether it's a Large Refrigerator or a Small Appliance you can always depend on us for quick, convenient repairs, at Reasonable Rates. For Full Service, Call us KELVINATOR and PHILCO SALES and SERVICE if It's Electrical We Can Repair ii Inlaid Linoleum ALL COLOURS We specialize in Laying -Norman -Rintoul T. DAPLING next door to Woeltant Motors Wingham Phone 649 A N fr= Clerk, treasurer and tax collector, IV A. Galbraith; chief of police. T. W. Platt; night police, Lloyd Brant; town solicitor, J. W. Bushfield; overseer of cemetery, Robt. Deyell;! assessor, W. H. Haney; representative on library board, E. L. Stuckey; representative on hospital board, Murray Johnson; auditor, H. L. Sherbondy. By-laws 1226 and 1227, to authorize the necessary borrowing for the cur- rent year were also read and passed. By-law 1228, to authorize the expen- diture of $8,000 on street construction and $12,000 on street maintenance was The mayor stated that the plans for a sewage disposal plant will re- quire further study and it was decid- ed by council to request that an en- gineer from the Kilbourn company explain the plans as soon as possible. — 9 .0116. 1111111.111.1111111.111111NWit *119 W' LN i I III01111 /111111111111111111111,11111101101121111111011l1Initournewelim!1111113111HIIIIMICIIIIIIIIIIIM MI i .z.-- ti ifl Did you have Week-end Guests? iii iii Were you and your family out of town? P titt ii 9 Will you kindly help us to do the job by jotting down your news items right now and either mailing this slip to the Advance-Times or dropping it in when you're down town ? The Advance-Times is here for the express purpose of filling that need. It is a community newspaper - with a fine c'onununity to serve. . • Did you die? Become a grandmother or have an operation? .avery one of these pleasant (or unpleasant) little occurrences is of interest to your friends in this community. They want to know what is happen- Mg at your house because they are genuinely in- terested in you and your family, ":00,00,°L1$0,04341s1.613 1110.01/0111044k, ••••••••••••••,......P., ii ... 1.• ......... •• •• ...... ........ Od ...... 4111..1,0 .... Here are a few items of news for The Advance-Times: SNOW PLOUGHING and SNOW REMOVAL Fraser Forgie Phone 38 - Wingham or Wroxeter 12-17 from SERVICE STATIONS DRIVE WAYS FARM LANES, ETC. a N it ST. HELENS , Mr, and Mrs. Neely Todd, David and Janet of Stratford, were week-end visitors with ,Mrs. D. Todd. Mrs. Gordon is a patient in the Winghatn General Hospital suffering, from ptteurnotiia. At the recent commencement exer- cises of the Foot lulls School Divis- ion, Miss Marjorie Canteron of Black- le, Alberta, received the Govern.or, General's medal for the highest standing Grade 0, Marjorie is the daughter of Gordon ameron formerly Of St. I-U.1016 And Mrs, Cfithoon.