HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-01-10, Page 42 cents a word per Insertion, with a minimum charge of 35c. HOT LUNCHES BOX CHOCOLATES SMILES 'N CHUCKLES ANNE HATHAWAY BULK CANDIES SHERBONDY'S Cat FLEE 'SHOP SODA BAR Next to Lyceum Theatre G. Man Williams Optometrist In former office of Dr. R. C. Redmond Patrick St., Wingham Professional Eye Examinations Phone 770 Will be in Kincardine at Dr. R. A. McCosh residence Each Tuesday Rintoul & Miller 'Phone 251 'Phone 210 REFINISHED TENDERS WANTED The West Wawanosh Township School Arca Board wait tenders for caretakers for all schools in Area, S, S, No. 2, S. S. No. 3, S. S. No. 4, S. S, No. 12, S. S, No. 17, Duties to commence February 1st., 1951 and continue to January 31st, 1952. Ten- ders to be in hands of the secretary not later than January 20th, 1951, The lowest or any tender not neces— sarily accepted. W. A, STEWART, Secretary, 10171, Dungannon, Ontario. Haselgrove's SMOKE SHOP - for - Smokers' SUNDRIES MAGAZINES SOFT DRINKS LEADS SQUADRON AT ,OTTAWA BASE' —Central Press Canadtati New commanding officer of the R.C.A.P. 410 Fighter ,Squadron at Ulands airport li Flt.-Lieut. Don Laubman, D.P.C.. Credited with downing 15 enemy aircraft in the tart ware. His squadron Will fly Id/natant piston-driven craft until 7anadIsti-built jet craft are ready, "FAIRVIEW" Nursing Home for the Aged Will accommodate semi-invalid or bed patients. PHONE 103 WINGHAM, sins .11.0.161•0•113.04•0.1:111., 0 NTL 0 ••••••••••••1. MR, A. RUBIN FAMOUS FUR COMPANY 1950 Designs Now Being shown Individually fitted and styled. Several fittings at no additional charge. Call 276J, Wingham for Appointment or Write 508 13athurst Street, Tomato PENSION POLICIES Provide for comfortable retirement. CONSULT — F. C. HOPPER REPRESENTATIVE Canada Life Assurance COMPANY WINGHAM PHONE 462 DIANTIONAAD WEDDING '141N.GS GUARANTEED PERFECT. AND INSURED, FREE AGAr:15T LtY 419.-1-er-T; • AIWA'' S12 '. 5". 'es 'David Crompton JEWELLER Certified Watchmaker 'Phone 59 Wingham 0. We print attention- compelling Letterheads Booklets, Catalogues, Blotters, Tickets, And anything in direct sales material Who is your printer? Does he create for you the kind of printing that makes every sale a clos- ed sale? Manufacturers, merch- ants and buyers of print• ing who realize the im- portance of this co-oper- ation by their printer come to us for results. Let us work with you on your next printed piece and help you make it a profitable sales-getting investment. The Advance-Times PHONE 34 WINCHAM 'VOT,JR THE WINGHAM ,APVANQU-TIMg$, Wednesday, Jannary I Qth., j.W BOARDERS WANTED---Apply Ad- vance-Times office. CALF FOR SALE—Apply Geo, Ter- vit, phone 646W4. FARMERS—Be sure to get your help in time. Small and large Dutch families are available for next spring. Apply now, C, de Haan, Belgrave, Ont. FOR SALE---26 pigs. Apply to Lloyd Montgomery, phone 743J1. FOR SALE---Maytag Electric Wash- er; also goose and gander and collie pup, 6 weeks old, Apply to Walter Welsh, Lower Wingham, phone r66J1. FOR SALE—Frame house lot and garage. For information, a pply to Walter Welsh, Lower \\Ingham, Phone 656)1. FREE—Small pers;ae eat for good home. Phone 136R, Al rs. Bob Clark. FOR SALE-1948 Ford Super De- luxe 5 pass. coinaa Just over 20,- 000 miles, ' Radio, heater, under- coating. Immaculate interior, always had slipcovers, No body marks, paint excellent. Tires good. Engine maintained A 1 condition. Next best thing to a new car. 51475, Phone Wingham 330 to arrange inspection, FOR SALE—Good Chev, wheel with tire and tube, also new defroster. Apply to Percy Coupland, Wroxeter FOR RENT-8-roost brick house, Apply to W. J. Clark, Phone 141, Wingham. FOR SALE—Oil Space Heater, used one year. Call 247, Wingham. FOR SALE-1948 Studebaker Cham- pion Deluxe Sedan, with overdrive, heater, 25,000 miles. Phone Wing- ham -660. FOR SALE—Kelvinator 60 cycle, in good condition. Phone 388, FOR SALE-4 burner electric range, wine colored Broadloom Wilton rug, 9x15, both nearly new. Also two, 'pairs wine colored drapes. Phone 195 after six p.m. LADY WANTED—To assist in car- ing for an invalid woman. Apply to Box 11G, Advance-Times. PAINTING & PAPERING—Prompt service and complete satisfaction. Call Mrs. Henry Galbraith, phone 737W1. PICTURE FRAMING—A specialty. Warren House, Wingham. PULLET EGGS--FINE--but when Grade A Large egg prices are climbing, you want large eggs, It means early chicks, to grow towards that goal. Kitchener Big-4 Chicks are the answer. Dayolcl and started available now, or we'll book for later. Breeders Canada Approved, backed by a breeding program on this large Hatchery's own farms, Price list, agent, Wilbur A, Hogg, R, B. 4, Wingham. PRIVATE SALE—Princess Pat Range, Quebec Heater, Oil Stove, Bedroom Suite, Kitchen Table and cabinet, electric Washer, must sell by Jan. 13th. Apply R. E. Jackson, Frances St. PIANO FOR SALE--Heintzman, upright. Good condition. Apply to Mel. Lavigne, cio CKNX, after- noons only, or residence 25 Carling Terrace. SELL YOUR POULTRY the Co- Op. way. Call 271 for prices and trucking service. Our prices are good. UP to 85,00 EACH FOR DEAD or Disabled Horses, Cows, Hogs, at your farm. Prompt service. Phone Collect, Wingham 561j. William Stone Sons, Limited, Ingersoll, Ont, WANTED—Steel silo Cement forms. Apply to Peter Schnurr, Mildmay. WANTED—By elderly couple, small apartment, bedroom, living room, kitchen, toilet facilities and bath, Ground floor preferred, Immediate occupancy not essential. Apply Box 10P, Advance-Times. WATERLOO TRACTORS & MACHINERY All sizes of New Tractors, Manure Spreaders, Tractor Double Discs and Cultivators. Stock of Used Tractors and Mach- inery at all times:— Case S.C. M,M. Waterloo Z. PHILIPS ELECTRICAL APPLI- ANCES Radios and Radios with Record Players, Electric Ranges, Refrigerators and Washers, Electric Shavers, etc. Used Electrical Appliances. GEO MERKLEY'S GARAGE AND MACHINERY SALES & SERVICE Belmore Ont. Phones: Belmore, 4 Wroxeter 7r7 Court of Revision The Court of Revision on the 1951 Assessment Roll for the Township of Morris, will be held in the T•wnship Hall, on January 15th., at 2 p.m. • Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. Huron County Council The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, commencing, Tuesday, Jan- uary 16th.. at 2.00 p.m. All accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the at- tention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, January 13th, N. W. Miller, County Clerk, Goderich, Ontario. NOTICE TO 'RESIDENTS OF .FIOWICK TOWNSHIP Take notice that the council of the Township of Howick demands that ears, milk cans, milk stands, mail boxes on any .other articles must be kept off the road while snow plough- ing is in effect. This council will not be responsible for any damage caused by snow ploughs. A. G. Galbraith) Road Supt„ Howick Township. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned for caretaker of Orange Hall, G. R. Cummings, Sec. Wingham, Out, TENDERS WANTED By the West Wawanosh School Area Board, for the following quanti- ties of wood: this wood to be hard maple and beech 16 inches long, not smaller than 6 inches or over 10 inch- es in diameter, delivered and piled in school yards not later than June 30th, 1951; S. S. No, 17, 25 cords; S. S. No. 2, 25 cords; S. S. No. 3, 25 cords; S. S. No. 4, 20 cords; S, S. No, 12, 20 cords; also a cord of cedar delivered at each school. Tenders to be in hands of secretary not later than January 20th, 1951. W. A, STEWART, Secretary, 1017b Dungannon, Ontario* NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of William Abram, late of the village of Belmore, in the County of Huron, Carpenter, who died on 01 about the 11th day of December, Al),. 1950, a re notified to send to the undersigned on or 'before the twentieth day of January, 1951, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediate- ly after the said twentieth day of January the assets of the said in- testate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the administrator shall then have notice. DATED this second day of Jauu- ary, A. D. 1951" CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of James Sangster, late of the Village of Wroxeter, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the 12th day of December A. D., 1950, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the-27th day of January, A.. D. 1951, full par- ticulars of their claims in writing. Im- mediately, after the said 27th day of 'January the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executrices I shall then have notice. DATED this 8th day of January, A. D., 1951. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the executrices. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our .friends and neighbours for the kindness shown us during our sad bereavement. Earl and Norma Hamilton. CARD OF THANKS The family •of the late James T. Wylie, wish to express deep apprec- iation to relatives, friends and neigh- bours for kindness shown their father iduring Ins long illness and for many i expressions of sympathy at the time of bereavement. Special thanks to the nursing staff of Wingham General Hospital, Dr. R. B. Palmer and Rev. U. E. Cronhielm. THANK YOU I sincerely wish to thank all my relatives and Old friends who so kindly remembered me at Christmas time with Christmas Greetings, cheery Get-Well messages, flowers and boxes of sweets, Also to the Wingham Hos- pital and nurses, my thanks for their generosity in decorating my room and serving a most delicious turkey din- ner, Words cannot expresg my apprec- iation for the kindnesses you all ex- tend me from time to time. Thank you very much,—Mrs, John Tervit, Wing- ham General Hospital. • IN MEMORIAM STEELE—In loving ,memory of our mother, who passed away, January 4th., 1946. 0 how oft she comes before us Her dear face so sweet and true, Resting now in peace with Jesus, Loving hearts still long for you. Noble and Katie Steele, IN MEMORIAM DAWSON—In loving memory of our daughter, Lois, who, gave her life one year ago, It was hard to pact with the one we loved, But God, who knoweth best 'Held wide His loving arms and said, "Como unto me and rest." ---Ever remembered by Mother, Dad, Brothers and Sisters, MAXWELL—lit loving -.memory of my mother, Mrs. Charles Maxwell, who entered into rest silt years ago, on January 12th,, 1945. Always re- membered 'by daughter Aileen. Peaceful be thy rest, clear Mother; It is sweet to breathe Thy name, In life we loved you dearly, In death we do the Otte. Mrs, Wm. Parks, 443 Pall Mall St. Black Minds Worst Race Evil A blackk., skin is a handicap to a person Only when the black minds of White people deny a black man his human rights ,- A yellow skin is a detriment to a yellow person only when the yellow heart of a white Matt who fears his eotlipetition deprives a yellow man of his natural opportunities, ROBERT VINT PASSES. AFTER UM ILLNESS hollowing a lengthy illness Robert Vint, well known Wingham resident, died at his late home Frances Street, Monday, Born in Ashfield Township, Mr, Vint came to Wiughain in 1916 and prior to retirement was a bridge build- er by trade, Deceased, who was in his 85th year, was a member of the Un- ited Church and the Masonic Order, being the oldest member of the lodge, Surviving besides his wife, the former Isabella Mason, are a son, Arnold of Dorchester, and one bro- ther, Gilbert of Ashfield Township. Funeral service was held on Wed- nesday afternoon at 2 p.m. from the R. A. Currie funeral home. Service was under the auspices of the Wing- ham Lodge AZ & A.M. 286. Dr. W. A, Beecroft of the United Church officiated with burial in Blyth Union cemetery. The pallbearers were, And- rew Anstett, W. H. Edwards, Alex Reid, 'Walter VanWyck, Archie Peebles, Alex Coutts, NEW CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL TO OPEN Thanks to the generosity of thous- ands of Canadians the new Hospital 101' Sick Children here will he opened officially Monday, January 15, R. A. Laidlaw, chairman Qf the trustees an- nounced today. Leading officials of Federal, Pro- vincial and Municipal governments, which gave substantial grants towards constructing and equiping the 032 bed, ultra modern, child treatment and research centre, will participate in the official opening along with several children, symbolic of thousands who have been returned to health through the services of the .75-year-old hospi- tal. During the week of January 15, the hospital will 'be open for inspection by the general public ewer}, day be- tween 2 and 9 p.m., Mr, Laidlaw said, "The doctors, nursea and trustees extend a hearty welcome to everyone who is able to come," he said, BLUEVALE The Y.P.U. had charge of the Sun- day evening service in the United Chtirch. The attendance was good and the president, Fleming Johnston pre- sided for the opening exercises. The program was in charge of the Mis- sionary convener, Kenneth Johnston. Mrs. C. Hoffman gave a fine talk on the topic "Howcan we help our Mis- sionaries?" The scripture lesson was read by Allan Nicholson, Verna Wheeler read a poem in line with time topic and Jack Bosnian sang "Beaut- iful Isle of Somewhere." Joyce Hoff- man and Jean Hall sang a duct. Rev. R. A. Brook made a few closing re- marks and closed the meeting. The 1st. line Morris Farm Forum was held this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Ruttan, with the usual large attendance. Following ,the regular meeting Fleming Johnston read an address and Jim Johnston and W. J. Peacock presented Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smiullie with a wall mirror and an end table., for which they expressed their thanks and appreciation. Mr, and Mrs. Smillie have been very active and interested nd umbers of the Forum since it was organized. Lunch was ser- ved and all enjoyed a social evening. A substantial order for metal bread boxes will be executed in the near future at Listowel Metal Products plant, it was announced by the man- ager, John Dilly, During the past several weeks the metal firm has been ttimin,g out a limited quantity of custom jobs, including a number of special metal cabinets for electrical firms and other items of which only a few have been required. LOCALS & PERSONALS Mrs. John Mitchell left on Tuesday for Jacksonville, Florida. —Miss Irene Gloticher suffered au injury to her collarbone while skating Mrs. F. A. Parker spent last week in Toronto, the guest of her daughter, Grace Louise, Mr, Jack Ernest is confined to the hospital as time result of an attack of pneumonia, .Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Kerr left Olt Tuesday for Florida, They will holi- day at Miami, Mrs. Maye 'Johnston of Toronto, visited for a few days with Mrs. J. W,, McKibbon.. —Mr, Alan Williams is spending the early part of this week at a meet- ing of the Ontario Optometric Assoc- iation in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. H. H. Shannon of Drew, spent New Year's Sunday at the home of Mrs, S. A. Murray and family, Minnie St. The many friends of Mrs. Nettie Radford are pleased to know that she is improving nicely after her recent operation. She is recuperating at the home of her .daughter. Mrs. Colvin, Minnie St. L.A.C. L. J. Lorenz has returned to his jet fighter squadron at Chat- tham, N. B. after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Fred MacLean in Wing- ham prior to his departure for Eng- land for advanced training. BIRTHS GALBRAITH—In the Gerald ton General Hospital, on Wednesday. January 3rd., 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. G. Kenneth II, Galbraith, Geraldton, Ont., a son. THOMPSON—At San "'Fernando, Trinidad, on Sunday, January 7th„ 1951, to Rev, and Mrs. J. C. son, a daughter. WELL WOOD---Mr. and Mrs. John Charles Wellwood (nee Betty Mor- ton) wish to announce the birth of a son, Stephen John Wilbert, at Wellesley Hospital, on Friday, Jan- uary 5th., 1951. WALKER—At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Wednesday, janu- uary 3, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Walker (nee Ruth Johann), Belgrave, a son, Donald Wayne. PHILLIPS—At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Monday, January 8th., 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. James Phillips, 165 Arnold Street, Kit- chener. a son. WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. .Douglas Snell and Larry of Londesboro, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George McGee. Mr. and Mrs. John Mason and fam- ily ,spent Sunday at London with her sister, Mrs. David Kilpatrick, who has been quite ill. Mr. Aldin Purdon, President of the E: Wawanosh Federation of Agricul- ture, left on Tuesday to attend the Federation Convention in Toronto, Whitechurch Farm Forum met on Monday evening at time home of Mr. and ,Mrs. Robert Purdon, with an at- tendance of 23. The subject for dis- cussion was, How can the market for farm produce 'be expanded. They de- cided that the Federation should ap- point a marketing Board to work with the 'Government officials along this line of work, advertise as they are do- ing these months. and to know what they want in respect to these markets. Mrs. Jas. Falconer and Mr, Walter Elliott held high points in the Euchre games. Lunch was served and the social time enjoyed by all. "Protect What You Have" —FOR — FIRE - LIFE - AUTO INSURANCE CALL Stewart A. Scott 'Phone 293 Wingham We Stand Between You and Loss All Year! Agnstionlitemumailit=mitisisch, EXPERT BELGRAVE . 'Belgrave U. p, W,. M, S, Auxiliary The Auxiliary held their first meeting of 1051 Ott JAIL 3rd., with 13 present, The president, Mr$,. B. Anderson opened the meeting with the use of two verses of hymn 637 and the Lord's Prayer in unison, Time .cor- respondence included a. number of thank you notes for treats and cards received at Christmas. Aim's, D. Anderson, Mrs. W. J. Moores and Mrs. R. chamney were appointed to help arrange for World Day of Prayer, it was decided to send a bale of good used clothing as soon as possible and in this connection it was planned to make a crazy quilt from flannelette pieces. The annual reports were given, the treasurer re- porting $176.04 sent to Presbyterial Treasurer. Mrs. W. J. Moores install- ed the officers for 1951, Mrs. J. Wheeler conducted the Worship period, the theme of which was "God working together with us." Mrs. Geo. Martin took time part of the reader. Prayers were offered by Mrs. J. Wheeler, Mrs. A. Vincent and Mrs. R. Chamney7' The Japan program 4 was ably given by Mrs. Moores, Mrs. H. Wheeler and Mrs. R. Chamney. Mrs. R. J. Scott, president of Knox Presbyterian Church Auxiliary to the W.M.S. had charge of the January meeting, which was held at time home of Mrs. James Leitch, and opened the meeting with prayer, The mission- ary letter was read by Mrs. Nichol and contained much interesting infor- mation. During the business period, after accepting the reports of the secretary and treaesurer it was de- cided to continue the use of the Thankful Boxes during this year, A complete report of the past year's activities was given by the secretary, Mrs. Bruce, and this was most en- couraging as it showed an increase in membership, interesting and regtt- lar meetings and an increase in giv- ings both to the general fund and the expense fund. It was decided that the president and secretary should try to attend the annual meeting of the Presbyterial in Clinton on Jan. 9th. A committee was appointed, con- sisting of Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Bruce, to meet with committees from the other congregations to plan for the Day of Prayer service which will be held in the Presbyterian Church on Feb. 9th. Other details also were arranged for this service. Time devotional part of the meeting was taken by Mrs. -Dunbar reading the 90th psalm and Mrs. Anderson leading in prayer, Mrs. Soctt and Mrs. Purdon brought a special message based on the 90th psalm. Following the roll call and collection, Mrs. Scott 41111.041•NFOIOISINCNSIIIKIUMWDOIM.0411.4111.0•111111.•••01,!1.01=410/1111• closed the Meeting with pram The February meeting will be at the home. of Mrs, C. Purdon, Mrs. Mae Rutherford of Ltieknow, visited pu .`Sunday with M:rs. Q. i7, Anderson, Charles Duruin of London, spi.:xt the holiday week at the homes of his relatives, Mrs. O. G. Anderson west Ross C. Anderson, TAXI DAY or NIGHT Phone 65 JIM CAMERON All Passengers Insured Skate Sharpening BE PREPARED FOR OPENING OF ARENA Stock of Fine Gloves and Work Mitts Browne's Shoe Repair