HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1986-03-05, Page 2PAGE 2. the CI'TJJiEN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1986. Brussels Public School held Its public speaking contest last week. Winners were: ]front row, left to right] Elizabeth Haines, Amy Albrecht, Tim Machan, ]back] Lori Willie, Margaret Jarvis, and Scott Johnston. -Photo by Pat Langlois. Brussels Public School names speaking winners The Public Speaking 25th Con- test for Brussels Public School was held on Tuesday, February 25 in the school auditorium. A number of parents were present and their interest was greatly appreciated. The judges were Bev Brown, Advertising Manager of The Citi- zen; Marc Forrest, Guidance and English Teacher at F. E. Madill Secondary School; and Warren Robinson, English Co-ordinator for the Huron County Board of Education. Bev Brown and Marc Forrest congratulated the speakers at the conclusion of the contest and provided some suggestions for future speaking engagements. In Grade 4 Tim Machan won with' his speech on My Love for Hockey. Other contestants were Laura Cousins, (I Like Winter) and Erica McDonald, (My Trip to the Alliga- tor Farm). Grade 5 winner' was Amy Albrecht who spoke on Planets. Other finalists were Rhonda Heise, (Trip to Canada's Wonderland) and Kelly Overholt, (Vacation at Grandpa's Cottage). In Grade 6, Elizabeth Harris won with her speech on Terry Fox. Runners up were Krista Hastings, (Pine Lake) and Bobbie Jo Rut - Planning hassles Continued from page 1 through this hassle", Mr. Jacobs said. He volunteered to contact Mr. Caldwell to question him about the quickest way to get action on the problem. Council had considerable dis- cussion on a request from Kenneth and June Webster, owners of the Brussels Inn for a motion approv- ing the change of the Inn from a hotel to a tavern. The motion was necessary support for a request for reclassification under the Liquor Licencing Board of Ontario. It involves the closing of rooms to rental. Councillor Workman wondered if it was in the best interests of the village to agree since it would leave the village without any hotel accommodation. Others pointed out that the rooms didn't have bathrooms and few people wanted to rent that kind of accommodation anyway._ In the end, the council had a tie vote which was broken by Reeve Hank Ten Pas in favour of the Webster's request. ledge, (Panda Bears). Grade 7winnerwas Margaret Jarvis who spoke on Dreams. David Johnston spoke on Doris, His Pet Pig. Garry Yuill spoke on Out of the Province. In Grade 8, Lori Willie won for her speech "I Love You, Dad". Shirley Ann Bridge spoke on Teen Suicide and Scott Johnston, on My Dad. Trophies were presented to the winning students on behalf of the Brussels Royal Canadian Legion. The following students will represent Brussels school at a speak -off with the students from Grey Central School to determine who will represent the Brussels Legion in the Zone Contest: Junior Division, Tim Machan, Amy Al- brecht and Elizabeth Harris; Inter- mediate Division, Lori Willie, Scott Johnston and Margaret Jarvis. The students were coached by Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Cousins, Mr. Prior and Mrs. Raymond. Mr. Scott mentioned at the contest that the interest and help provided by the parents was most valuable. The students, teachers, and parents are to be commended for the excellent quality of speeches pre- sented at the competition. Mr. Scott thanked the judges on behalf of the students and staff of Brussels Public School. Scott Bremner and Patti Knight then presented each judge with a gift. Nelson Monuments Ltd. Since 1909 FineOualityat Competitive Prices Your Memorial Counsellor Brian Walden 523-9210 Blyth 1 HELP WANTED for CLEANING DUITES in the Brussels Library and Village Office Apply in writing with hourly rates expected to Village Office by 5 p.m March 17, 1986 COMMUNITY CALENDAR WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5toTUESDAY, MARCH 12 CARDIFF & MULVEY REAL ESTATE ,'. r, URAN(I 1 it). Brussels 887-6100 March 8-9 - Optimist Atom Tournament March 8 - Brussels Minor Sports Family Dance March 12 - Majestic Women's Institute meeting 2 p.m. at Library. Howick Mutual Insurance Company Wroxeter --335-3561 Teople around Brussels Marilyn Higgins 887-6754 Congratulations to Ken Cousins who was presented with a trophy for scoring championship in the WOAA Intermediate league this year with 58 points. Forthe past two years he has led the entire Intermediate league "A" "B" "C" and "D" divisions. Linemate Dave Stephenson finished fourth in the standings. They are two players from the "Brussels Con- nection" who play for the Wing - ham Royals. Mel and Lois McCutcheon had the former's mother Mrs. Lottie McCutcheon out for lunch on Wednesday. When you have visitors or have been someplace let me know. We all like to read about it in the paper. Cubs, Guides and Brownies attended Melville Presbyterian Church in Brussels on Feb. 23 for the "Thinking Day" service. Acting minister was Neil Mac- Leod. Mrs. Sheila Richards has recent- ly returned from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Prediger and family of Mission, B.C. An overnight storm which drop- ped 10 inches of snow on the area and brought everything to a standstill for several days, makes one appreciate the prompt and efficient snow removal in our community, Sheila says. However, spring has arrived in Victoria with cherry trees, crocuses, snow drops, primulas and winter pans- ies.all in bloom! The Brussels Wolf Cubs held their annual Cub -Parent supper at St. John's Anglican church, Brus- sels, on February 24. Sixer Paul Kitchen explained the grand howl to the guests, and sixer Robbie Gowing gave a talk on Lord Baden-Powell, the founder of scouting. Ron Spurr of the Ministry of Natural Resources gave a talk on trees. Sixer Bret Clarkson thanked the -guest speaker. The supper closed with a discussion of the cub program and the preparation of the first Kub Kar race by Brussels Cubs. Ross and Anna Cunningham have returned home after a three-week vacation in Hawaii. The weather was clear and 80°. They toured Hawaii as well as the island of Oahu. BEST RATES Guaranteed Investment Certificates 1year. G.I.C. 103/4% 3year G.I.C. 103/4% 5year G.I.C. 11 1/8% RAY MADILL Blyth 523-4334 Agent for... • INVETMENT 1 &INSURANCSE AGENCY ITT)S. Head Office. Goderich Stephenson's Grocery 887-9226 -- Brussels Monday - Saturday 8-6 BLUEWATER NIAGARA FROZEN FISH& CHIPS ORANGE JUICE 750 G. 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