HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1986-02-26, Page 6PAGE 6. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1986.
It was truly a royal family when Blyth Public School chose the king and
queen of the winter carnival last week. Chosen were Sandra Hessels
and her brother David.
A WET weekend
at Rammeloo's home
A WET weekend ( a weekend in
evangelism training) was enjoyed
at Rammeloo's Rest Home on
February 22 and 23.
This weekend was planned by 12
Christian Reformed youths who
varied in age from 16 to 25. The
WET group came from various
towns: Blyth, Clinton, Cambridge,
Kitchener, Stratford, Woodstock
and Drayton.
On Saturday they arrived at 11
a.m. and did skits, singing, games
and crafts and made an enjoyable
day for the residents. They left at
five :n the afternoon.
On Sunday the WET group was
back again and held a service and
singing for the residents from 4 to
Rammeloos would like to wel-
come Ernie Stevens from Walton
and hope he enjoys his stay.
Mrs. Mary Lou Collyer celebrat-
ed her46th birthday on February 5.
The home has a new quiet room for
residents with special interests
and for those who enjoy reading.
Residents hope to see Mrs. Ruth
Wilson and Mrs. Margaret Edgar
home from the hospital as soon as
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Figure Skaters making big strides
The skating season for the Blyth
Figure Skating Club has been well
underway for quite a few weeks
now and there have been many
advances in skating levels made by
our skaters. Power and figure
skaters who have advanced their
skating level thus for this season
are as follows:
Junior Powers - Ronnie Abbell-
Reon, Power 1; Darryl Bromley,
Power 1; David Campbell, Power
II; Shawn Clark, Power II; Danny
Chamney, Power I; Tim Cowan,
Power 1, Power II; Jeff Cowan,
Power I, Power II; Jeffery Fergu-
son, Power II; Trent Richmond,
Power II; Phillip Egli, Power I;
Marcel Egli, Power I.
Senior Powers - Scott Arthur,
Power VI; Tyler Craig, Proficiency;
Peter Craig, Proficiency; Ben
Blyth United Church
shows film tonight
Blyth United Church service
Sunday began with a hearty
sing -song led by Mrs. Cheryl
Cronin with Mrs. Margaret Kai at
the organ and Mrs. Shirley Vincent
at the piano.
The hymn for the month, "None
other lamb, none other name",
was sung. Mr. Bauman told the
children a story about Corky the
Crow and gave each a picture to
colour. Their leader was Mrs.
Gordon Haggitt.
The scripture lessons were
read by Mrs. Barbara Musty. Two
flute numbers, "Allegro" and
"Father lift me up" were played by
Heather Bauman.
The theme of Mr. Bauman's
sermon was: "Am I praying the
right kind of prayer?" He told the
story of a woman who had been
praying for years that her husband
wouldbe more loving, but when
she realized that she could be
more loving in spite of his faults,
her prayer was answered. He said
that as disciples of Christ, the
Holy Spirit will help us with
praying. We must keep on praying
with our minds open to the spirit of
He concluded by stressing that
the only way is to let go and let God
(do it).
Everyone was urged to come to
see the film "Never Ashamed"
Wednesday, Feb. 26th or Monday,
March 2 at 8 p.m. and 7:15 p.m.
respectively. It was reported that
many families enjoyed the skating
party Saturday and the social time
that followed.
Blyth World Day of Prayer
service will be held in the United
Church, Friday, March 7 at 2 p.m.
Craig, Power V; Christopher How-
son,' Proficiency; Jason Murray,
Power VII; Mark Shepherd, Power
VI; Ryan Chamney, Proficiency.
Canskate Program ; Courtney
Sauve, Basic; Rachel Arthur,
Basic; Christine Black, Beginners
Elementary Basic; Kara Murray,
Basic; Jennifer Cucksey, Beginn-
ers Elementary; Chrystal Cucksey,
Beginners Elementary Basic;
WandaEmke, Beginners; Christo-
pher Knox, Beginners; Zsey Onn,
Beginners; Cap Onn, Beginners;
Angela McCool, Beginners Ele-
mentary Basic Novice I; Becky
Morrison, Beginners; Katie Murr-
ay, Elementary; Karen Trick,
Beginners; Margaret Ann Stew-
art, Elementary; April Van Amers-
foort, Beginners; Shauna Walker,
Beginners; Amber Gelwick, Be-
ginners Elementary Basic; Terra
MacDonald, Beginners.
Canskate Advanced - Tina Burk-
holder, Novice I; Erica Clark,
Novice I; Laura Campbell, Novice
III; Kimberly Ferguson, Novice I;
Kathy Fraser, Novice I; Amanda
Howson, Novice I; Leslie Law-
rence, Novice II1; Charlene Hulze-
bos, Novice I; Donna Lynn Arm-
strong, Novice III; Kimberly Rich-
mond, Novice III.
Senior Skaters - Angela Neth-
ery, Paso Doble, Blues, Killian;
Lori Leibold, Tango, Second figure
test; Sherri Howson, Foxtrot,
Tango; Kerrie Shepherd, Killian
Paso Doble, Quickstep and Fourth
Figure Test; Cathy Nesbitt, Willow
There will be more testing done
this season and further advances
will be published at the finish of the
skating season.
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