HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1986-02-19, Page 13THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1986. PAGE 13.
Brussels market active on choice cattle
The market at Brussels Stock- Ten steers consigned by Donald
yards followed the week's decline Dow of RR 3, Wingham averaging
with Quebec buyers keeping it 11541bs. sold for an overall price of
active on the choice cattle. Cows $80.02 with a sale at $82.75.
sold steady. Pigs continued to Thirteen steers consigned by
demand higher prices, with strong Ralph Dickson of RR 5, Stratford
competition from two Quebec averaging 1283 lbs. sold for an
buyers. There were 669 cattle and overall price of $79.35 with a sale to
667 pigs on offer. $83.25. Twenty-five steers con -
Choice steers sold from 578 to signed by Dave Steeper of RR 8,
$81 with sales to $84.75. Good Parkhill averaging 1290 lbs. sold
steers were $75 to $78. for an overall price of $79.18 with a
A steer consigned by Maple sale to $83.75. Sixteen steers
Emblem Farms of Dungannon consigned by Sarah Hoover of RR
weighing 1160 lbs. sold for $84.75 1, Clifford averaging 1253 lbs. sold
with their offering of 27 steers for an overall price of $79.03 with
averaging 1213 lbs. selling for an sales to $80.20.
overall price of $79.63. Fifty-six Choice exotic heifers traded on
steers consigned by Mac Willits of par with steers with pricesfrom$78
RR 1, Wingham averaging 1208 to $81 with sales to $84.50. Choice
lbs. sold for an overall price of White-faced Heifers sold $74 to
$80.04 with sales to $83.75. Five $78.
steers consigned by Tom McPher- A heifer consigned by Elwood
son of RR 3, Teeswater averaging Fitch of Wroxeter weighing 1180
1228 lbs. sold for an overall price of lbs. topped the market at $85 with
$80.16. his 51 heifers averaging 1062 lbs.
Ten steers consigned by Donald selling for an overall price of
Thornton of RR 2, Gorrie averaging $79.19.
1261 lbs. sold for an overall price of A heifer consigned by Cecil and
$79.87 with sales to $83.50. Fifteen Karl Raszmann of RR 1, Monkton
steers consigned by Maple Ridge weighing 1120 lbs. sold for $84.50
Farms of RR 5, Brussels averaging with their lot of five heifers
12481bs. sold for an overall price of averaging 1144 lbs. selling for
$80.05 with a sale to $83. Forty $80.65. Three heifers consigned by
heavy steers consigned by Hod- Gary Potter of RR 3, Clinton
gins Bros. of RR 8, Parkhill averaging 11961bs. sold for an
averaging 1371 lbs. sold for an overall price of $81.50. Eight
overall price of $79.70 with sales to heifers consigned by Don Boak of
$82. Ripley averaging 1054 lbs. sold for
Beef stabilization criteria explained
The Canada -Ontario 1985 Stab-
ilization Plan for Slaughter Cattle
Producers will make payment on
beef slaughter cattle marketed in
Quarter 2 (April 1 - June 1) and
Quarter 3 (July 1- Sept. 30) of 1985.
The basis for the Ontario grant is
the pounds gained while owned by
the applicant, while on feed in
Ontario, and sold by the applicant
as beef slaughter cattle.
The following eligibility criteria
apply to beef slaughter cattle:
• minimum live weight is 565
pounds when sold for slaughter;
• graded A, B, or C, or were sold at
prices equivalent to animals grad-
ing (A,B, or C;)
• fed in Ontario by an Ontario
• owned for a minimum of 60 days
by the applicant.
The poundage eligible for a
grant is the difference between: 1)
the live selling weight of 1,300
pounds, whicheverislesser; and 2)
the live weight at the time of
purchase of 475 pounds, whichever
is greater.
Proof of slaughter is required for
heifers weighing less than 900
pounds and steers weighing less
than 1,000 pounds. A sales docu-
ment indicating purchase by a
packer is acceptable proof of
slaughter. 1,000,000 pounds of
gain by a production unit is the
maximum poundage eligible for a
The Ontario grants are 4.6 cents
per pound gained on beef slaught-
er cattle sold from April 1, 1985 to
June 30, 1985 and 10.3 cents per
pounds on sales from July 1, 1985
to September 30, 1985.
The Federal Stabilization pay-
ment is based on total live weight
sold. The payment is 2.52 cents per
pounds of slaughter cattle sold
from July 1, 1985 to September 30,
1985. The maximum number of
beef slaughter cattle eligible for a
federal payment is 2,000. One
application form will cover both the
Federal and Provincial programs
and one cheque will be issued. The
final application date for the Beef
Slaughter Cattle Plan is March 31,
Producers registered in the 1980
Ontario Beef Slaughter Pmgram
have been mailed applicalon
forms from Toronto. Applicat'on
forms for new beef producers a. e
available from the Agricultura'
Office in Clinton. For further
information or application forms,
please contact the Clinton Ontario
Ministry of Agriculture and Food
office at 482-3428 or 1-800-265-
Spring Decorating
1 NOW 1
i 50% OFF i
1 25% OFF u
• 1
Lawrie Decorating 1
1 Wellington St., Blyth 523-4525 j
an overall price of$78.95 with sales
to $81.75. Five heifers consigned
by Blair Fraser of RR 2, Blyth
averaging 1198 lbs. sold for an
overall price of $78.56 with sales to
Seven heifers consigned by
Murray Johnston of RR 2, Bluevale
averaging 1035 Ibs. sold for an
overall price of $77.65 with sales to
$79. Three heifers consigned by
Neil Rintoul of RR 2, Lucknow
averaging 1143 lbs. sold for $79
with his lot of five heifers
averaging 1176 lbs. selling for
$77.50. Twelve heifers consigned
by Tom Kerr and family of RR 3,
Palmerston averaging 10421bs.
sold for an overall price of $76.87
with a sale at $82. Six hereford
heifers consigned by Bruce Corri-
gan of RR 1, Bluevale averaging
973 lbs. sold for an overall price of
$76.16 with a sale to $78.
Sixteen hereford heifers con-
signed by Glen Johnston of RR 2,
Bluevale averaging 953 lbs. sold
for an overall price of $75.32 with
sales to $75.80. Five heifers
consigned by Wm. Osterndorff of
RR 1, Elmwood averaging 1132
lbs. sold for an overall price of
$75.24 with sales- to $77. Five
heifers consigned by Lloyd Apple-
by of RR 2, Blyth averaging 1058
lbs. sold for an overall price of
Choice cows sold $50 to $53 with
sales to $57. Good cows were $46 to
$50. Canners and Cutters sold $41
to $46. Heavy Bulls traded to a high
of $71.25.
A Limousin bull consigned by
Alex Hammond of RR 1, Monkton
weighing 1970 lbs. sold for $71.25.
Pigs under 301bs. traded to a
high of $1.47 per lb.; 30 to 40 - lb.
pigs to a high of $1.35; 40 to 50 - lb.
pigs to a high of $1.25; 50 to 60 - Ib.
pigs to a high of $1.11; 60 to 70 - lb.
pigs to a high of $1.01 per lb.
•▪ •
•• •
Richard Lobb Auctioneer
CLINTON - 482-7898
SAT., FEB. 22- 10 A.M. -
Household auction at Rich-
ard Lobb's Auction Barn,:
Clinton for the estate of Lulu
Smith plus additions.
We invite you to drop in
and see our selection
of wedding invitations,
stationery. serviettes,
matches, thank you cards
and other
••. •
We would like to extend to you an invitation to attend our
Annual Producer Crop Planning Meeting
Date: Monday, February 24th, 1986
Place: Brussels, Morris & Grey Community Centre (Brussels)
Time: 11:00 a.m.
Date: Tuesday, February 25th, 1986
Place: South Huron Recreation Centre (Exeter)
Combined Meeting for Exeter & Kirkton Area Producers
Time: 11:00 a.m.
We plan on a number of important presentations and displays to assistyou in making
Crop Selection and Planting Decisionsforthe 1986 Crop Year
*White Beans - Economics and World *Air Reel Harvesting [White Beans]
Markets *Chemical Update
*Commodity Outlook *Fertilizer Custom Application
*Safety Film *Estate Planning for Farmers
*White Bean Variety - Yield Trials *Local Crop Survey Results
In order to plan for accommodation at lunch,
pleaseadvise us by February 20th if you plan to attend.
Brussels Meeting -Please contact Walton Office 527-1540
Exeter Meeting - Please contact Hensall Office - 262-2410
or Centralia Office - 228-6661
or Kirkton Office - 229-8986
Division of
Gerbro Inc.
Cook's Division of Gerbro Inc.
Walton Branch
Walton, Ontario
Ralston Purina