HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1986-02-19, Page 8PAGE 8. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1986.
Blyth Public School students took advantage of the facilities at The
Pottery on Monday for classes. Here Kari' Yanchus [left] and
Stephanie Lentz work with the clay ander the scrutiny of volunteer
George Harrower.
Huron County Warden and Grey Township Reeve Leona Armstrong
was honoured with a presentation from the Bank of Commerce in
Brussels in a ceremony at Brussels township council on Monday.
Making the presentation was John Cooper, manager of the Brussels
United church conducts
residents' service
Sunday, February9Rev. Car-
pentier with his United Church
people again held the weekly
church service at Callander Nurs-
ing Home. After the sermon the
choir sang beautifully.
Donald Dunbar played old fa-
vourite songs on the piano also that
day. Lottie McCutcheon was out
for supper with Mel and Lois.
Mildred McDonald and family
from Waterloo visited with Doro-
thy Higgins. Bingo was played by
the residents Monday afternoon
and in the evening the Purdy's
from the Savlation Army visited.
Tuesday being Shrove Tuesday,
pancakes were enjoyed by all and
card games were played in the
Frank Dunn has been busy
hooking a wall hanging for the wall
in his room.
Thursday was a great music day
at Callander in the form of a
Valentine and birthday party.
There was Freeda Pipe on the
piano and Phyllis Mitchell playing
the violin. It was great old time
music which is loved by the
residents. The morning group of
the U.C.W. performed splendidly.
These twirlers and steppers creat-
edlots of fun and laughter in the
home. They ended up with a square
dance with some of the staff.
Yvonne Struke, Betty Graber and
Debbie Trolloppe joining in with
them. Bill Close called off doing a
fine job considering he hadn't
called off for a square dance in 40
After a lovely birthday cake was
given to Betty Graber whose
birthday falls on Valentine's Day,
the cake was enjoyed by all.
In the evening Howard Smith,
Fred Thuell and Donald Dunbar
entertained again with some more
old time music which was enjoyed
by everyone.
Ann Smith played hymns Friday
morning and the discussion group
led by Jean Evans and Karen
Cardiff held their Valentine Party.
Cranbrook news
Guest minister at Knox church
Rev. Cheryl Anne Gayer of
Oakville conducted the regular
morning service in Knox Presby-
terian church on Feb. 9.
Rev. Don McInnis and Rev.
Rudy Plug of Monkton United
Church attended a retreat for
young people on the weekend.
Attending from Cranbrook were
Diane Morrison, Anne Morton,
Heather Perrie and Gerald Knight.
Theylefton Friday evening and
returned home Sunday afternoon.
The Canadian Forester's Court
Woodbine M100 met in the
Community Centre on Tuesday
evening, Feb. 11, with 17 members
present. All officers except Mac
McIntosh answered the roll call.
The minutes were read and the
treasurer's report given. Bro. Jack
Conley distributed the tickets for
the beef draw in April. Sister Isabel
Craig won the 50 - 50 draw. A
delicious lunch was served by Bro.
Ross Mitchell, Sister Patsy Dickin-
son and Sister Brenda Perrie. The
March meeting will be a potluck
Majestic WI sees
Tweedsmuir display
The Majestic Women's Institute
of Brussels held its February
meeting on Wednesday afternoon
in the library.
The Curators had their Tweeds-
muir Book, as well as several
pictures, clippings and scrapbooks
on display.
The meeting opened by singing
the Ode and repeating the Mary
Stewart Collect. Ida Evans gave
the motto "Never too old to learn
and never too young to listen which
was written by Iona Moore. The roll
call "a remembrance about the old
telephone party line" was very
amusing. Marie McTaggart read a
resolution which was drawn up in
Farm dateline
Wednesday, February 19 - Huron
County Junior Farmers Meeting,
OMAF Boardroom, Clinton 8:00
Monday, February 24 - Crop
Production Course, OMAF Board-
room, Clinton 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, February 25 - Vet, Crops,
Sodbusters, Farm Safety, Agricul-
tural Machinery & Conservation
Leaders' Meeting, OMAF Board-
room, Clinton 8:00 p.m.
Thursday, February 27 - Financial
Management Course, OMAF
Boardroom, Clinton 1:00 p.m.
Monday, March 3 - Crop Produc-
tion Course, OMAF Boardroom,
Clinton 7:30 p.m.
Wednesdgy, March 5 - 4-H
Leaders' Association Annual
Meeting, Clinton Town Hall 8:00
Blyth Figure Skating Club
Achievement Night
Friday, February 21/86
7:30 p.m.
GUESTS: Clinton Precision Team &
Peter MacDonald & Kerrie Shepherd
Comeout and join the fun
Friday Night Special
Liver and Onions $4.95
Regular $5.95
County Road 25, E. of Hwy. 4
Blyth 523-9623
HOURS: Mon.-Thurs.6a.m.211 p.m.
Fri. & Sat. until 12:30p.m.
Sunday7a.m.-11 p.m.
1966 regarding the length of
ladies' skirts.
Max Watts gave a very interest-
ing talk on the Heritage Founda-
tion which promotes the preserva-
ion of various buildings and the
different ways of getting restora-
tion done.
Kathy Bridge, first vice-presi-
dent, presided over the business.
The committee in charge of the
cancer canvass consists of Kathy
Bridge, Edna McLellan, Peggy
Cudmore and Doris McCall. The
next euchre party will be held on
Tuesday evening, March 4 with Ida
Evans, Ruth Galbraith, Jane De -
Vries and Peggy Cudmore looking
after it. It was decided to donate
$100 to the Lions Club Swimming
Pool Fund.
Edna McLellan has tickets for
the annual dinner meeting in April
to be held at Walton Hall. Anyone
wishing tickets may get in touch
with Edna. Ida Evans is making a
collection of W.I. programs and
anyone having older programs of
branch or district are asked to bring
them to the next meeting.
Marie McTaggart gave a report
of the District executive meeting
stating that the membership fees
willbe $4. The District Annual is to
be held in Ethel on May 13.
The meeting concluded with a
lovely Valentine Tea Party provid-
ed by Ruth Galbraith, Iona Moore,
Bernice MacFarlane and Verna
The Ladies of Knox Church
catered for the Annual meeting of
the Federation of Agriculture in
the Community Centre on Wed-
nesday, Feb. 12 at noon.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Crawford,
Shelburne, Oliver and Dave Craw-
ford and friend Shelly Lockie,
Gorrie, visited Mr. and Mrs. Don
Cotton on Sunday. Feb. 9.
Visiting Mrs. Ida Gordon on
Feb. 10 were Mr. and Mrs. Sid
Barnes, and Mrs. Robin Clay, all of
Family bowling is scheduled for
Friday evening, Feb. 21 at the
Molesworth Bowling Lanes.
There were 15 tables at the
Forester's card party on Feb. 14.
Many prizes were given as follows:
high, Hazel McKenzie, Jim Mini-
elly; low, Isabel Craig, Bill Craig;
lone hands, Beryl Smith, Bill
Beirnes; lucky tables, Muriel
Hamilton, Margaret Adams, Gor-
don Hanna, Mel Jacklin, Margaret
Adams, Muriel Hamilton, Ralph
Keffer, Harvey Adams, Margaret
MacDonald, Annie Engel, Earl
Mills, Elgin Adams; first couple to
get count of 14, Becci Ruppel,
Morris Honeyford; person who had
never won a prize at a card party,
Stuart Stevenson; lucky heart
cards, Thelma Keffer, Bill Eck-
mier; lucky tallies, Verna Craw-
ford, Becci Ruppel, Donald Clark,
Gordon Murray. Among the prizes
given were four decorated
Valentine cakes made by Jean
The next card party will be
Friday evening, February 28.
Phone 357-1630 for 24 hour movie information
Playing from Friday to Thursday February 21st to 27th
Friday and Saturday at 7:00 and 9:00 p.m.
Sunday to Thursday
one show each evening at 8:00 p.m. only
,1. Doug s father has been sentenced to death in a
1 2 foreign country...for the crime of being an American.
k±,..).Everybody's telling Doug and Colonel Chappy Sinclair,
•.to sit tight and wait.- �"�
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4. For them,
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is over.