HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-12-28, Page 2NGE TWO Wingham Advance -'limes Published at WINGHAM - ONTARIO ll. McCool, i.•litt . and Publisher 'l *rnber Audit 11tt.eau a,f t•ircalti•.n Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office pcpartment .",ascription Rate --- One year $2.00 Six Months $1.00 in advance To U.S.A. 2.50 per year Foreign Rate .$3.00 per year Advertising rates on application \-ol, 77 — No. 18 FORDWICH Aire. Isobel Hutchison has gone to spent the winter with her son, Dr. :lett Hutchison, who is ou the staff of t :rte State Hospital, near Woodward, Q, • dasoma. The annual meeting of Trinity W. and Guild was held in the church dement with the President, :firs. ?Emerson Hargrave, presiding. Reports were heard of the years work. The TAXI DAY or NIGHT Phone 65 JIM CAMERON All Passengers Insured rector, Rev. J. C. t ;des u as in chs, ge ui election of officers for 1950 ultieh are as 11411) 5 Hon Pres., Mrs. ,l. C. l',tles: Ire's, \1rti E. liar.:t;lee•: 1st. Vice -Pres., Mrs. :Marshall :tarutst=,•a;;, 2nd. Vier-1'ra s., :lits. Stanley Forster Secretar:t. Mrs. Jas. Strong: treasur-,{ er, Mrs. C. S..tltern; Treas. of t.ttild,'f Mr*. H. Parsons; Dorcas Cont., Mrs. Stan Forster, Mr... S. Foster: Little Helpers, Mrs. S. larears, Press Sec., .Mrs. F. 1)emerling: Visiting Com., Mrs. L. Jacques, Mrs. F. Graham, \irs. Nellie t.ituuhle: Quilt Com.. 'Airs, F, Graham, Mrs. Ii. Parsons, Mr. J. Strong Living Message, Mrs. \Vin. Wade. We extend congratulations and. hest wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wade, who are 57 y+rars married on Decem- ber 23rd.: Moth en,',oy fairly good health and are quite active. School children were given a Christ- mas party on Thursday afternoon, by tate Fordwich Women's Institute in the Community Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baker spent the week -end with relatives in Galt. John Schaefer Mr. John Schaefer passed away at his home in Listowel on Sunday even- ing, Dec. 11th. He had been to church twice during the day and visited with friends. On his return hone he was stricken with a heart attack which proved fatal. Mr. Schaefer was born in Wallace Township, Sept. 9th, 1870, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Schaefer. For many years he farmed near Mayne Corners and was also a drover. He re- tired to Listowel in 1938 where he has 91,0 <AI Best Wishes for a Happy, a Peaceful and Prosperous New Year. May 1950 bring you the best of everything. BEAVER LUMBER CO Telephone 66 LIMITED Wingham Dts,Ya,M"dFo:fiYi3Y t�Y?7h3i>9072t3'irS} tkat�?nt°a'ti 2 A Edwards' Motor Sales Chrysler, Plymouth Cars and Fargo Trucks PARTS and ACCESSORIES Telephone --Days 417, Wingham Thirst Knows No Season d,k for it either way s.. both trade -markt *. mean the Jam thing, 't"441°. And you can enjoy the pause that refreshes .with ice cold Coca-Cola around the corner from anywhere. .Authortzeid bottler of Coen-'Co'fa under contract pith Coca-Cola Ltd',,, ' STRATFORD BOTTLING COMPANY *'ELEPHONE Y8 STRATFORD, ONT. • THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES 1 Sash Complete Also DOOR FRAMES Agents for Johns-Mansville Shingles, Roofing and Insul-Brick Storm and Screen Sash Made to Measure Campbell A1C t ut � b Diagonal Rd., Wingham 11 1 "Protect What You Have" -- FOR — FIRE - LIFE - AUTO INSURANCE CALL Stewart A. Scott 'Phone 293 Wingham We Stand Between You and Loss All Year! GIBSON'S UPHOLSTERING and REPAIR SHOP Phone 260 Maple St. Wingham CHESTERFIELDS, CHAIRS, SOFA BEDS, TRUCK SEATS RE-COVERED MR. A. RUBIN FAMOUS FUR COMPANY Toronto, will call regularly in Wingham CALL 276J t for appointment j since resided. He was married to Edith Aitchison, Arkwright, on Sept. 15th, 1903, who with two sons and two daughters, sur- vive, Mrs. Eldon' Ankenman (Hazel) Gowanstown; Mrs. H. N. Masten (Audrey) Toronto; T. J. Schaefer, Fordwich; Charles Schaefer, Gowans - town, and eight grandchildren. Funeral services were held on Wednesday afternoon. A private ser- vice at the home of his son, Chas., was followed by public service in Calvary Evangelical Church, Listowel, con- ducted by Rev. R. S. Lederman, pastor assisted by Rev. S. 'Miner of Ford- wich United Church. Interment was in Fordwich ceme- tery Six nephews were the pallbear- ers: Garfield Martin, Ira Schaefer, Wardie Schaefer, Whitney Martin. Homer Schaefer and Steve Playford. GORR'IE Women's Association The W.A. held their December meeting at the home of Mrs. Fred Hyndman on Thursday afternoon. The meeting was opened by singing "Silent Night" and Rev. J, R. Watt led in prayer. Mr. Watt had charge of elec- tion of officers which resulted as fol- lows: Pres., Mrs. E. Parrish; Vice - Pres., Mrs. P. Ashton; Rec. Sec., Mrs. W. W Strong; Fin. Sec., Mrs. F. Hyndman; Treasurer, Mrs. M. Irvin; Pianist, \irs. R. Ashton, Assistant pianist, Miss Margaret Dane; Lunch Com., Mrs. J. Toner, ,Mrs. Wm. Ford; Quilt Com,, Mrs, Ford, Mrs. T. Ed- gar, Mrs H. Sparling and Mrs. T. Douglas; Parsonage Cont, Mrs, H. Ashton, Mrs. R. Ashton and Mrs. G. Edgar; Press Sec.. Mrs, Geo, Brown, Mrs. A. Hyndman, Get well cards, Mrs. Sandy Edgar; Auditors, Mrs. P. Keine, firs. E. Whitfield, Mrs. Gor- don Edgar, read a Christmas story, Scripture reading by Mrs. T. Edgar, from Linke 2: 1-20, A Christmas Carol was sung and Mrs. Irvin led in prayer. Good reports were given by each of the groups. A motion was made that Group money be used for redecorating, The parsonage committee reported the new chesterfield suite has arrived. Lunch was served by the hostess and committee in hcarge. Mr. and Mrs. J. Musgrove spent Sunday with relatives in Kitchener. Mrs. Totn Day has been confined to bed for the past few weeks. Friends are hoping she may soon be restored to health. 14tr. 13111 Nay of Kitchener, spent the week-end'with relatives here. Rev. J. C, Caley was in Listowel on Wednesday night for Confirmation Service in Christ Church, when eleven eandidates reeeiveci the rites of eon., firmation performed by Bishop Lux- ton. Rev. Calcy assisted in the ser- vice aS riishop Chaplain and standard bearer. 'Elynelman5q Transport has recently made delivery of several track loads Wednesday, December 28, 190 ' of cattle to the State of Indiana. Mr. John Sparrow of New West- minster, B,C., visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. IL, McInnes last week. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn King and Bob- bie of Toronto, spent the week -enol with the fortner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Xing. WESTFIELD Mrs. Gordon Snell visited recently with Mrs, Jasper McBricn of Goder- ich. Miss Norma Taylor of Wingham, spent tate week -end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Elwin Taylor. Mr. and Mrs, James Boak and babe, visited on Sunday with A2r, and Tars, Bob Boak of Lucknow. The monthly meeting of the W.M. S, wasoheld on Wednesday afternoon, with 17 present. The Christmas pro- gram was in charge of the president, Mrs. Wm. McVittie, with Winni£redi Campbell at the piano. The meeting opened with quiet music. "0 Come All Ye Faithful," The scripture lesson was read from St, Luke 2 Chap. by Mrs. Marvin McDowell; prayer by Mrs. McVittie, followed by the sing- ing of the Carol. "0 Come All Ye Faithful," Those taking part in the candlelight service were Mrs. Norman McDowell, Mrs. J. L. Iie1)owell, Mrs. Jack Buchanan and Mrs. Marvin ,Mc- Dowell. Christmas Carols sung dur- ing this service were: "It cause upon a Alidnight Clear", "Silent Night," "The first Noel," "Joy to the World," A ChAsttnas reading on "Give Hap- piness" was read !by Mrs. Marvin McDowell, Duet by Violet Cook and Mrs. 'Gordon Smith, "Tenderly Sleep- ing." A reading was given by -Mrs. Don ,Snell, "I Heard the Bells of Christmas." This part of the meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. McVittie. Letters of appreciation were acknow- ledged for boxes sent to the San. It was decided to send Christmas Cheer to those in the San, to whom boxes have been sent. The singing of "Hark the Herald Angels Sing." brought the WATCH REPAIRS GEORGE WILLIAMS LOCATED IN MASON'S Store FIRST CLASS WATCH RRPAIRING at Moderate Prices Qwing to lack of space, am compelled to restrict REPAIRS TO WATCHES ONLY PROMPT SERVICE meeting to a close and after the bene- diction lunch was served and a social time spent. A box of Christmas gifts valued at $40.00 was packed to be sent to Toronto where it would be sent to some Mission in time for Christmas. Born—In Goderich Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs, Joe. Brophy, on December 7th, a son, Congratulations, Mr. Ralvh Rodger of Montreal is spending three weeks with his brother, Mr, Emerson Rodger, Mrs. Rodger and other friends. Miss Winnifred Campbell was a London visitor on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. James Boak of Bruno, Sask., are visiting their son MA James Boak and Mrs, Moak. During the church service on Sus-' day the infant, James Frederick, soft of Mr, and Mrs, James Boak was christened. • 444 ":::#a\'`:::ft%Ji;•>.;:Si:R}::::?t::ir`i;;i::�.'t:i',`;ci!`y, • ... "Better than ever" luggage locker with trigger release lock. Plastic tail lamp and parking light lenses are more brilliant. "Better than ever" interior luxury and comfort. New sound- proofing makes Mercury interior as silent as a broadcast studio. "Better than ever" hardware and trim, Graceful new push- button. type door handles. �i • "Better than ever" Safe-T-Vue instru- ment panel—beauti- ful to look at and easy to read. t The new 1950 Mercury takes its place among tle;great cars of all time. A longlist of new features contributes to your driving comfort, .convenience and enjoyment. Better in styling, comfort',and rpeirform nce.:Better in safety, sound control and ventilation. Better, 'too, ' in economy end value ; it's Better Than Ever. • Already this `zgotfer Than =1 ver" Mercury is being hailed as outstanding among the 1950 models. See it ... ride in it ... drive it. Mercury Convertibles and Station Wagons available in the spring of 1950. See your dealer. rl�5 cte PI MERCURY- LINCOLN - METEOR DIVISION FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED "Touch -O -Matic" Over- drive (optional at extra cost) saves up to 20 percent in gasoline. Provides an extra, moreecient "cruis- ing speed." Josef' 'Aerie ssett Motor is North Telephone 459 Wingham Latavial A Y