HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-12-21, Page 1214PACX TWLVE TWO SFhOWS Each Night, starting at 7:15 p.m. SATURDAY MATINEE 2 pan. s.,. 51.44.4. 44444444 444444 .4...uu...,. w. vaan...."s.,,..p"ryn4../nettPlp.#.. ........ n,Nml,Ila.I.I........ a.a n11.N WEDNESDAY, THURS., DECEMBER 21, 22 (Double Bill) "Fi ti g Back" AND "The Gay Intruders', FRIDAY and SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23, 24 44 OMBA" Johnny Sheffield Peggy Ann Garner FREE MATINEE (FOR CHILDREN ONLY) SATURDAY at 2:00 p.m. A. MON., TUES., WEDNES., DEC. 26, 27, 28 "The Wizard of Oz" .JUDY GARLAND RAY BOLGER THURS., FRI., SAT., «A AMSIB" DEC. 29, 30, 31 SPENCER TRACY.,,, KATHARINE HEPBURN BEST WISHES FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 .1s0=or=i0=0==t0=0===0=0 O1=0 BLUEVALE '"The United Church S. S. will hold s,:* Christmas Entertainment in the ;;era nunity Hall on Thursday, Dec. Mod., -,rat 2 .15 p.m. Rostmaster A. D. Smith claims this ,r -as The heaviest Christmas mail in the Community of Bluevale. DONNYBROOK The W.M.S. and W.A. met on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. Jefferson, with an attendance of eleven. Mrs. Wm. Hardy presided 'To all my friends both far and near My Christmas Greetings and good cheer. send this message, well content, With no political intent. With all my friends in all the Ridings, I join in singing the Glad Tidings. To everyone on every side, Best Wishes for the Christmastide. 3ojn !Jrd; 2.01=`0teat,Va=t"�it 0004 :31174" t20:17 TOanna ith' the approach of the Yuletide Season, our thoughts turn to those whose friendship we cherish so muchi May your every wish be fulfilled this Christmas, and may your New Year be heahhful and happy. McKIBB0IVS w....w. M ,, .,51. 0I r TIM W.TNOHAM ADVANCE -TIMES over 4tlto meeting. Mrs, Mark :brut- at ;t4t4Pa ;7t, strong had .charge of the Study book, e, 7 ht 5 Nva -tt readings were given by Mrs. A. Craig and ,Mr. R. Clununey, the Officers were re-elected for the coming year, Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Hewitt and Mrs, Arnold Craig. Mr. trecirge '1'Vallace has gone to his home in Seaforth for the winter months. It'lr. David McAllister is a patient in \\ Ingham Hospital suffering from pneumonia. We wish him a speedy recovery, { The Donnybrook Stiuday School !are -preparing for their Christmas fconcert which is to be held in the base,nent of the church on the even- ing of Thursday, Dec. 22nd. :Hiss Margaret Jefferson and her pupils are holding their concert in the 9th line school on Tuesday after- noon, Dec, 20th. OBITUARY Mrs, Edith Wood Following a lengthy illness at the Wiugliatn General Hospital, Edith Craig, widow of the late Dr. W. T. Wood of Brooklyn, N.Y„ died. on Sunday, December' 18th, 1949. Born in Fergus, she was the daugh- ter of the late Mr, and Mrs. Robert Craig, sister of the late W. Logan Craig, a former Editor of the Wing - ham Advance -Times and aunt of Mrs. W. W. Armstrong of Wingham. A lover of good music, she played the organ in St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church, Fergus, for many years and also taught music there until her marriage to Dr. W. T. Wood, when she went to live in Brooklyn, N.Y., where she resided for 25 years. Since that time she has, been a resident of Toronto and is well known in Wing- ham where she spent a great deal of time with her niece, and was :.ffection- ately known to her many friends as Aunt Edith. She leaves to mourn her passim; a sister, Mrs,' Mary E. Maclntyre, Tor- onto, one niece and five nephews. Funeral services were held at the MacDougall & Brown Funeral Chapel, St. Clair Ave., W., Toronto, on Tues- day, December 20th., and interment was in Forest Lawn Mausoleum. Mr. W. J. MacKersie There paassed away in El Monte, California, on December 15th, 1949, I1Ir. W. J. MacKersie. following an illness of several years. , Mr, MacKersie was born in Turn - berry Township, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William MacKersie. Sur- viving is his sister, Mrs. James A. Halliday of Wingham, and three bro- thers, A. M. MacKersie of El Monte, ,California, Roy of Saskatoon, and Russell of Raveridale, Sask. He had resided in San Jose, Cal- fornia for many years prior to his ill- ness. His wife, the former Atinie Daw- son of Wingham, predeceased him seven years ago. Mrs. Halliday visited her brother four years ago. Interment was made in San Jose, California, pn Monday, December 19. Lionel Bruce Morton Suddenly in Toronto on Wednes- day, December 14th the death occurr- ed of Lionel Bruce Morton, beloved husband of Mae M. Moore formerly of Wingham and father of William B. Morton. Funeral services were con- ducted on Saturday afternoon, Dec, 17th with interment in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. The C. G. I. T. met on Tuesday, Dec, 13 in the United Church Sunday School Rooms to hold their Christmas party. After the singing of carols some very lively Christmas games were played. A story "The Christ- mas Goblin" by Charles Dickens was read by Mrs. G. W. Tiffin. Presents were exchanged and the meeting closed with taps, TOWN COUNCIL HELD STATUTORY MEETING (Continued from page one) Fire Hall had been checked and was now working. The control handle had been removed. A letter was read from Mrs, M. Johnson, President of the Lady Bowl- ers, requesting use of the Council Chambers for holding bridge parties, Permission was granted, Conn. Campbell reporting for the Street Committee pointed out that the new Chairman for 1950 would need to approve all changes in placing of poles by the Bell Telephone Co. Some difficulty had been experienced in plowing streets due to garbage pails being set out too close to the road. It was pointed out that they should be Within 12 feet of the sidewalks. Garbage collection in the Hillcrest Area would be made on Saturday mornings hereafter as the truck was overloaded on Thursday mornings. New sidewalks in Hilleretst Area had been banked tip for protection, 'There had been some caving in of the Sewer on Boland Street, The account of Turnberry Township covered the grading and raising of the road on the 1 , Line *here it flooded over in the spring. Some work had been done on the road to the Cemetery, and an Ad - count would be prepared. Colin. Campbell suggested that a form be prepared in triplicate to 'be used in ordering work done as he, felt. this would avoid argutnents when bills ww w Wednesday, ,December. 21, 1949 (� te1'g+ital".19. y07myn n,1"="4.r.:trt st" tertg ^4 4 t ftiriZNP004'411C441 101 N'Py14PaZ.'ti ArAt.Miagti:'w. May your holiday be merry, your tree laden with good things and your happiness unending. Simple pleasures of the old-fashioned, homespun variety are still the most enjoyable at Christmas time, even in this streamlined age! So in the modern manner, with old- fashioned sincerity, we say, _"Merry, Merry Christrnas.". KING DEPARTMENT STORE "THE FRIENDLY STORE" r r ' • . rift,Det-WAM 'tDtaNIia°PtAitS-2t -2777aalla atDablaM4,0t aiNna were presented. It was agreed that the account to Mr. J. Alvin Keillor be returned and that he be asked for an account for the one hours' work which was author- ized. A suggestion was made that pro- visions be arranged for doctors' cars to be parked along the Town Hall during the winter to help in keeping the 'street clear, It was decided to reserve rooms for two cars for doctors to be parked along the Walker Store and that "no parking signs" be erected jest south W.% The.Salvatiion Army Captain and Mrs. H. deVries, 11:00 a.m.—Holiness Meeting. 2:30 p.m.—Sunday School. 7:00 p.m.—Gospel Service. Monday— 7:00 p.m.—Sunshine Hour. Tuesday - 2:30 p.m. Home League. 8 p.m.—Youth Group. A hearty Welcome awaits at the Salvation Army. / lq tmetate)OweeZ tetete tem ssee 'i cometaset matte -Pe m1;P t,ryy A *PILNit We extend Jo you and yours the joys and good • wishes of the season and may your Christmas be full of happiness. M. McPhail We extend our heartfelt wishes that o your Christmas Holide k.: r hes rich with co'ntentmeall SMITH'S ECONOMY FOOD STORE ustfial atusessa asl 7wft]rfial 00400 lutaar nes r decal si0r2P#6 t,G of the Town Hall in order to keep a passage open. At the request of a citizen a letter in regard to enforecment of the law respecting pool rooms. was read: This dealt with children under the age of eighteen being unlawfully in pool rooms and suggested strict enforce- ment of the law. Chief Platt answered questions of Council in respect to the situation locally. In reference to taxes of Mr, .Cook's factory for 1949, Council discussed the matter and decided to adjust Mr. Cook's taxes' in consideration of the loss of his buildings by fire last March. His Worship thanked the Council for their co-operation during the year;, he had enjoyed the work and would be glad to assist at any time. Coun. Campbell endorsed the Mayor's re- marks and promised every, co-opera- tion in future. ,His Worship suggested.a final meet- ing to clean up any unfinished busi- ness and it was. agreed that this be held on Friday, December 30th. May this holiday season be bright and gay for you and may the bless- ings, of this Christmas be many. Hamilton's WISHES We feel genuinely pleased and priyeleged to extend sincere Holiday greetin,,gs to our many friends. In the spirit of appreciation for the conlidenee you have shown itt us, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas anal a Happy New Yea* PATTISON RADIO & ELECTRIC