HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-12-21, Page 71 1 " ; =llsr; raro -=1:rti May your son be as stars that may your happy. joy this sea - bright as the shine - and Christmas be Geo. R. Scott May the glow of Christ- mas shed its warm radi•• ance o11 you and yours throughout the holiday g season. ir.fig 91 c, Mr,,. e..c...,.A,•r .b n.F, {� vartimrg"'an"a�'ar'3'ir�'Ara liii.'axCbt`Jai` rv`"aF+$r`7dr`%'i 'rrtA N tp -1Z1 M-CZ-+WVd-ter 17( 3 Bennett & Casenlore Red Front Grocery to rfr, and ,Mrs. Basil Papadoulas, Lucknow, a son. WAIN -In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Thursday, December 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Wain, Wing - ham. a daughter. 4 4 �fO i 111 CAMERON'S 113 "° TAXI fi kg L., 9 'i' silbriz .- Cid'Iseaicmii'rRitataw Rotm"'r i3'rRe24,', tatoz•+ Pctm,24. o°'tiMNAe- -r'rod:.�. "r"mt'`iliA2oa` cth 01 <lti: iii si 4111 4 Wednesday, December 21, 1949 !• GREETINGS May the pleasures you • derive from the exciting moments 'round the Christmas tree with your idear ones. linger and provide a host of wonderful memories to make the coming year .a very happy onel O Welwood's HOWICK AUXILIARY OFFICERS INSTALLED Official Visit of District Representative On Tuesday evening, Dec. 13th, the Ladies' Auxiliary to Howick Legion No. 307 held it regular meeting in the Legion Hall, Gorrie. Miss Dor- othy Hoyle, District Representative, of Stratford, paid her official visit and gave a most interesting talk on the duties of the Auxiliary, first -to the Branch, seocndly-to the veterans, and thirdly -to its community. The speaker stressed the necessity of helping to provide recreation for the veterans in hospital. At the close of her talk the members voted $25.00 to be forwarded to Westminster Hos ,4a1'rf 1e9,Pe4d ?.-u?P8-+.R.'4ILot (+-t t?!P- ... Our heartfelt thanks for your patronage. - May you and yours en- joy the best of every- thing at this joyous Christmas season. Stewart A. Scott pital, London, for ' this purpose. It was also decided to adopt a forgotten veteran and provide for sending parcels othim. Miss Thelma Denny sang "Bless This House" with Mrs. Brothers as 'acconmpanist. Miss Boyle then installed the of- ficers for the corning year ancl the new president, Mrs. McCann, took the chair, thanking the members who had worked so hard to finish the furn- ishing of the Hall. A duet by Mrs. E. Baker and ,Mrs. J. Wilson was much . appreciated, as was also a reading by Mrs. McCann. Meeting closed in the usual manner, after which the Legion members join ed the ladies for lunch, during which reading. In appreciation of the use pq±. nr. cece As the bells ring in an- other anniversary of His birth, we wish you .joy and happiness. ., Dyad a r�r �a rEitat; ARM rJJ' a"anlJniG �tP.CO q 4-Vv,V rcztoPCd'tG EE4,4kKCV E- 010 a ' O4'z t�'itVg--';?tVAII'VgtEla2�? tgtrasn-A/TCOGOf- a' 4E-ia uS Frank Hopper . - 4 A 4 G.A a atzematat Ladies' Cossack Boots In Red, Black and Brown Leather In Rubber -Black and Brown All Shearling lined for Extra Warmth All sizes -Values up to $10.00 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL $5. 5 onieselannirammeromemosemonsmobair MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE Dunlop's Shoe Store All Shoes Fitted by Xray 4 8 AZa r 'r t is tBtbt r a t t yrit r i i`.>n rIMailtrar r 'r r$'tura?tst rtsrarmarailim ,ralasalmaBr1-0,b Le.1 SI THE :WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES Miss hIoyle favored with a solo, "New is The Hour", also an appropriftte of his chapel for meetings during the past year, the ladies presented Mr. M, D. Irwin with fifty cigars and a lovely scarf. The enjoyable evening ended with a sing -song of ,Christmas carols. INTER SPORTS PROGRAM PLANNED A Christmas program is being plan- ned for the children's Christmas huli- days. Due to weather conditions, it is rather difficult to set up a defnite program. However the following will be included weather permitting. Saturday,, .December 24th., -8 a.in., Hockey for Public School boys in the Arena. 9 a.m., Skating at the Curling Rink for boys up to grade 2. 10,30 a.m., Skating at the Curling Rink for girls up to grade 2, 11 a.m., Story Hour in the Council Chambers. Tuesday, December 27 -Games room in the Council Chamber, Tourn- aments in all. games available. Thursday, December 29 -Skating races for all children in the Arena starting at one thirty. Friday, December 30-8.30, Teen Town Dance in the Council Chamber. Other events such as ski and tobog- gan races will be added when the wea- ther permits. All boys and girls are asked to watch the bulletin board care- fully for changes and additions to this program. UNITED CHURCH CHRISTMAS MUSIC The choir of the United Church under Mr. A. D. Bennett's leadership featured Christmas music at both the morning and evening services on Sun- day. The morning service was intro- duced by two Bach numbers, an organ chorale prelude with the title "Come Redeemer" and a chorale from the Christmas Oratorio, by the choir, "Break forth oh beauteous heavenly light". For its second number the choir introduced a new Christmas anthem "On this day" by C. Hylton Stewart, organist in Salisbury Cathed- ral and one of the outstanding church musicians of this day. This anthem is a quick moving and vigorous song of praise ending with the traditional "gloria in excelsis Deo". For its third number the choir sang an old French carol in a new flowing arrangement by Dr. Healey Wilian "What is this lovely fragrance". Mr. Bennett had arranged the music of the evening service so as to carry along step by step the sequence of the corning of Christ. The opening plain song ex- pressed the yearning of the people, "Oh come Emmanuel". The first hymn heralded his coming "Hark! the glad sound, the Saviour comes". The contralto solo from Handel's Messiah sung with such good voice and such good feeling by Mrs. Hiseler enlarged on the blessings of Christ's coming, the eyes of the blind would be opened, and he would feed his flock like a shepherd. A second congregational hymn announced the corning "Joy to the World the Lord is Come". In in the old English carol known as Greensleeves the choir asked the question "What child is this?" and answered it, "This is Christ the King". Using an old French carol the choir sang a plumber song for the sleeping child. For a grand climax the choir did Gustav Holst's "Christmas Day". This is a composite work in which the modern English composer weaves to- gether four Christmas songs "Good Christian men rejoice", "God rest you merry", "Come ye lofty come ye lovely" and, "The first Noel". This builds up the Christmas day theme in a very impressive way, Mr. Bennett enriched the services with appropriate organ music, Coullis "Sarabande" for the m.ortning offertory and Handel's "Aria from the 10th Concerto" as an 4etwoc t -tc'tomtszgozwer ;leant '1 i A table filled, A hearthside gay, With joy instilled, And children at play. We wish you this, Come Christmas day. A. J. F Lockridge Below, HER EXCEtt2t;CY "A" 21 Jewels $4950 David Crompton JEWELLER Certified Watchmaker Gifts For All Occasions PHONE 59 WINGHAM qII 0 May we wish yott the best the season has to offer with 1 an abundance of good cheer for every- one. Norman Rintoul ]r GU earxrrgallaatBen➢rBtBomt3ttiftnan3ttra evening offertory .and the Pastoral syxnpltony from Handel's Messiah as a special Christmas feature. There were many expressions of appr.eeiaticnt of the good work of the choir and the competent leadership of Mr. Bennett and the fine quality of the Christmas music. BRIDGE CLUB The second series of four games for Ontario Bridge League master points resulted as fellows: 1, W, H. French 62.6'x, 1.20 Master Points; 2, Mrs. A, R. DuVal 59.2%, .60 IMP.; 3, Mr. R. S. Hetherington 59%, .30 lCI.P,; 4, Mrs. 1), C. Nasmith 57.6%, .15 M.P.; 5, Cc., Williams 53.8%, .08 ALP, There were 614 tables in play at the meeting of the Wingham. Bridge Club on Thursday, Dec, 115th. The follow- ing were the winners: 'North & South-lst, H, G. Mackay and J. A. Wilson; 2nd, Mrs. J. H. Crawford and Mrs. H. C. MacLean; 3rd, Geo. Williams and A. R. DuVal; 4th, Miss Ma Johnston and Miss Y, MacPherson. East & West -Miss M. MacLean and O. Haselgrove; 2nd, Mrs. A, R. DuVal and Mrs. D. Nasmith; 3rd, 5, Goodine and 1-I, L. Sherbondy; 4th, Mrs. H. G. Mackay and Mrs. G. H. Ross. BIRTHS BREWER -In Wingham General Hospital, on Saturday, Dec. 17th, to Mr, and Mrs, John C, Brewer, R, R. 4, Wingham, a son. BROOKES-In Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, Dec. 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brookes, Wingham, a son. BELL -In Wingham General Hospi- tal, on Thursday, December 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bell, Wing - ham, a daughter. FEDY-In Wingham General Hospi- tal, on Saturday, Dec. 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Fedy, R. R. 1, Formosa, a son. GIBSON-IN Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, Dec. 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Gibson, of Wroxeter, a son. McKAGUE-I>,n Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, December 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mc- Kague, Teeswater, a son. McCAULEY-In Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, Dec. llth, to Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn _McCauley, Brussels, a son, ROANE-In• Wingham General Hos- pital, on Teusday, December 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Roane, of Teeswater, a daughter. RAMAGE-In Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, Dec. llth, to Mr. and Mrs. McKinley Ramage, R, R. 2, Lucknow, a son. PAPADOULAS-In Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Saturday, Dec. 17, \Ve pause in the day's occupations to send you our wishe, for a Aierry Christmas tuid a joyous holiday. 'ta na j Wm. Brownlie rn 4 Ga '.z-Nrry:3tn"`t r', moa azo ttr` iaar`77z"raz'Yatr2ar9't Yi4 occmc<#tt; 'rG- occgtewt8,mmotet tgtta°.e t+? 1 sq 93g b6 A (9 9 1,1 Fe K'd We extend our best Wishes to you for a very Merry Christmas. We sincerely hope ..the holi- day season is full of hap- piness. for all. as C. W. Hanna We are joining with al] your many friends to wish you a glorious and joyous holiday! 2 5' an a WHI TECHURCH Carl McClenaghan, son of Mr. an& Mrs. Ben McClenaghan, is laid lip with infection in the arm, Angus Falconer is a patic::t in thec Wingham General Hospital; where far: is suffering from infection in the.. thumb and hand. ores Po l(7tshes Merry Christmas . to alt Our sincere wishes ring out everywhere for a joyous holiday season. BROWNE'S Shoe Repair cF; ba o? a�a Vg ° rr► Aa , se Don't . Sell Nylons But We `DOS Sell ifts r Motorists HEATERS DeFrosting FANS (Vacuum and Electric) CIGAR LIGHTERS DASH TRAYS License Plates Frames Steering Wheel Covers Steering wheel Spinners BACK-UP LIGHTS Exhaust DEFLECTOR Exhaust Deflectors TOW CABLES Rear-view MIRRORS Windshield WASHER Windshield WIPER BOOSTER (Electric) TIRE CHAINS SEAT COVERS SNOW TIRES Eveready Flashlights BICYCLES DRIVING LAMPS Merry Christmas To Everyone Merkley Motors FERGUSON TRACTORS Telephone 84 a ASiaw lFtaal" r rttiso rt -r r;11,'- z�r*air a ,flxvA'� oMUW,wxR an n,mv..., .aw.4gI141u1u4.Wuw,ie.M„!u HUDSON CARS Wingham tic Jo; 45