HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-12-21, Page 6ted wWe send greetings our warmest for a happy Yuletide holiday, Merry Christmas to Everyone if David Crompton a+fi THE W.INGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES Wednesday, December 21, 1949 CLASSIFIED ADS, ASK. TO SEE the !attest Ho,usehuld Tissue Discovery "Miracloth", the washable fabric with a Hundred uses. 79c roll, At Kerr's Drug Store. DEALERS WANTED—Splendid op- portunity to earn from $50.00 to $door00 200,House Housell ehold Necessities. door Complete assortment of Gift Boxes. Very little capital required. Thirty days trial Without Risk. Write for full details: 5130 St. Hubert, Mont- real. DON'T BUY STORM WINDOWS until you have seen the new Simplex Combination Storm and Screen Windows. Cut high fuel costs with more comfort. The inserts are easily changed from Winter to Summer from inside, without the use of ladders. Free installation. Easy terms, For free estimate 'phone 34, Wingham, or write to Box D. D., The Advance -Times, Wingham. FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY— 1 No. X Papec Hammerniill, also No. 3 Cockshutt Hamniermills and Viking Electric Hammermills are available. Order now for Spring Tillage Tools, and insure delivery at present prices, J. Bumstead S Son, Wingham. FARM FOR RENT -89 acres, grass farm, 4 miles from Winglham, on B Line. Apply Donald Cameron, Wingham. FOR RENT—Heated apartment in the village of Belgrave. Apply Bel - grave Co -Operative Phone 64431. FOR SALE—Single harness, cutter and •buggy. Cheap for quick sale. A. McCarter, East Wawanosh. FOR SALE -5 ft. skis with harness. T. A. Currie, Phone 361. FOR SALE -1932 Pontiac, good condition. 1 new tire. Phone 62833. FOR SALE—Dressed Turkeys. Phone 73532. Mrs. Clara Scott, Wingham. • FOR SALE—Rubber Tire Invalid I r Chair with adjustable back and leg rest. Apply Wingham Advance -Tim- es. FOR SALE—Skates and white fur top boots, size 6. Phone 203. FOR SAI E-16 gauge, single barrel shotgun in good condition. Apply James Paisley, R. R. 1. Glenannan. KITCHENER BIG -4 CHICKS. Theyr'e the choice of hundreds of successful poultry keepers. Produce without coddling . cockerels at 42/2 months averaged • more than 6 lbs.... pullets good layers, says customer D. W. Harris, Guelph. This Hatchery has been at it more than 25 years, they've had experi- ence. Benefit from it. Get price list, order from us. Canadian Approved, breeders pullorum tested. Wilbur A. Hogg. P.. R. 4, Wingliam. LADY WISHES WORK AS BABY Sitter. Apply Advance -Times. LOST—Black and tan male hound Pup. Art Stone. PERSONALITY BEAUTY SHOP specializes in all types of Perman- ents, Machine, Machineless and Cold, also Shampooing, Finger Wav- ing and Ogilvie Sisters Scalp Treat- ments. 'Phone 33 for appointment. PERSONAL—Car leaving for Tor- onto 12.30 noon on Friday, Decem- ber 23rd, Lowest rate. Phone 65. RADIATOR CLEANING and Re- pairing at reasonable cost. Try— Bluevale Repair Shop, for your Rad troubles. Telephone 648W1. STRAY EI)—T., lot 20, B. Line, black dog, long tail. Owner may have same by paying for advt. John Dins- more, \Vr'•xeter phone 31-16. TUBEROUS' BEGONIAS BULBS— For sale. Lewis Flowers, phone 101. WE HAVE a Complete Stock of En- gines on hand to fit the following cars and trucks: All models of Plymouth, Chrysler, Dodge and De- ; Soto; also to fit all sizes of Fargo i and Dodge Trucks. \Ve also have engines to fit all Farm Machi^iery and Tractors that are powered with Chrysler motors. Edwards' Motor Sales, Victoria St.,. Wingham. WE INVITE VOt.' to call in to yrur Singer Sewing Centre and are weir practical Christmas Gifts. Repairs to all makes of machines. 'Phone 1135 or write Singer Sewing. Ma- chine C:;nti,any, Goderich, (:'nnario. WANT El)—Coal and Wood Range. must be in gout'' conrlita n. large oven and reservoir. Phone 471J. WANTED—Fa time Secretary-'I'tc- a,aurer anrt Fie.l,hnan f' r Huron County Fist:ration ..f Agriculture. Duties to c.,hhtnir nrr January 2nd. Apply by tender i'.,t later than Dec. 3002, to W. V. Rr.y, Secretary Tre- asurer, 11„s 310, Clinton, Ontario. Notice to Residents of Howick Township '1'the '1'ot.uslhip, of II.,wick will not be responsible 'for any damage causal by snowploualdng, to iuhy velhicle while parked on roadside, or any snail box. milk stand, etc., on roadside in the Township of Howick. :Anson (ralbraith, Road Superintendent, Township of Howick. Tenders Wanted By the West Wawanosh Township School Area Board for a caretaker for each school in Area. No. 4, No. 3, No, 12, N. 2, No, 17. To take charge tits Feb. 1st., 1950. Tenders to be in hands of Secretary hot later than January 7th, 1050: W. A. Stewart, Secretary, Dnagattnon, Ontario, Notice to Public Of East Wawanosb rite Township (A East 1'\ awanoslt will not be responsible for any dam- age caused by snowploughing, to any vehicle while parked on roadside, or any nail box, milk stand, etc. on road- side in the Township of East Wawa - nosh, Stuart McBurney, Road Superintendent, "Township of E. Wawanosh, Tenders Wanted By West Wawanosh Township School Area Board for the following quantities of wood; S. S. No. 4,22 cords; S. S. No. 3, 25 cords; S. 5. No. 2, 20 cords; 5. S. No. 17, 20 cords; S. S. No. 12, 5 cords. This wood to be hard maple or beech, 16” long and not being smaller than 6" or over 10" in diameter, Also a cord of cedar for each school. This wood to be delivered and piled 3t each school not ,Dater than June 30th., 1950. Ten- ders to be in hands of Secretary not later than Jan. 7th, 1950. \V. A. Stewart, Secretary, Dungannon, Ontario, NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Henry '1'. Thomson, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the twentieth day of November A.D. 1949, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the seventh day of January A.D. 1950, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said seveh,th day of January the assets of the said testator will be • distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to claims of which the Executor shall then have notice. DATED this seventeenth day of December, A.D. 1949. CRAWFORD &'HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor. IN MEMORIAM McCREA—In loving memory of a Lear e andGrandfather,RabaFather Rab John McCrea, who passed away, one year ago, December 26th, 1948. Loving and kind in all his ways, l'priglit and just to the end of his days, Sincere and kind in heart and mind. What a beautiful memory he left be- hind. —Ever remembered by son, Jim, dau- ghter-inlaw, Ella and granddaughter, Lyndda. IN MEMORIAM FINLEY—In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, David Finley, who passed away, December 22nd., 1948. "While you dear father, rest and sleep, Your loving memory we'll always keep." Nora, Len and Karen. IN MEMORIAM FINLEY—In loving memory of hus- mand and father, David H. Finley, who passed away one year ago, December 22, 1948. We think of you in silence; Your name we oft recall. There is nothing left to answer, But your picture on the wall. —Ever remembered by wife and fam- ily. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Musgrove take this means of thanking their rel- atives, neighbors and friends for flow- ers, gifts and messages received on the occasion of their 50th Wedding Anniversary. B.1 a 11 SMIU. The Xmas meeting of the Baptist Young Women's Mission Circle was held at the home of Mrs. Glen Schie- fle on Thursday evening, with nine- 'een ladies in attendance. The President, Miss Mildred Jones presided and opened the meeting by LOCALS AND PERSONALS Mis Jean Currie won the $15.00 I. D.A. contest on Saturday. Miss Leslie Mae Wall of Toronto University; is spending the Christmas Season at her home here. Miss Margaret Nimmo of Toronto University is spending the holidays with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. A. Nimmo. John Armitage, 2nd, year Dental student of Toronto University, is vis- iting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Armitage. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Fenn of Parkhill spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Burgman. Mrs. Fenn is re- maining for the winter months. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. T. Currie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Tiffin, Whitechurch. Mrs. Currie received word this week of the death of her aunt in Ireland. Dr. 1..* A. and Mrs, \Vardlaw re- turned home Saturday from Prince Edward Island and Nova Seutiu, where they have spent the past three months. They spent Sunday at the home of her mother, Mrs. 1). H. Fin- lay. Lillies From Trinidad Mrs, Alex Reid Edward St.. receiv- ed a box of lovely white lilies this week from her daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) John Thompson of Trinidad. These flowers were wonderfully fresh after travelling such a distance, They are perhaps more brilliant than our allies but have no fragrance, Bride •$showered Mrs. Fred Templeman, Mrs, Alan Walker, Mrs. Carl Bennett and Mrs. F. Sturdy entertained at the former's home last Thursday evening, in hon- our of Miss Norma Ritchie, bride - elect of this month. The guest of hon- our received a generous shower of super health ware as well as other gifts. Fall On Slippery Streets Miss Margaret Taylor who makes her home with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Reid, Edward St„ fell on the ice at the side of the Walker Stores, Ltd., last Wednesday, fracturing her hip, She is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Mrs. J. A. Currie on returning home Last Thursday after visiting her bro- ther in Wingham General Hospital, slipped on some ice in front of Cros- sett's Motors. She was taken to Wing - ham General Hospital, where it was found her hip was fractured. She is a patient there. • Royal Christmas Trees Two thirty-foot Christmas trees from the Royal Park at Windsor have arrived at St. Paul's Cathedral as a gift from the King, This follows an historic custom observed each Christ- mas. For centuries past trees from Windsor have formed the main ceature of the Christmas decorations at this world famous Loudon Church. One tree will be set inside the Cathedral and the other on the entrance Prep,. Both will be decorated with coloured lights. P WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The Christmas meeting of the local branch of the Women's Institute met in the Council Chambers on Thursday afternoon, when a Christmas program was presented. The motto, "and so, as Tiny Tim Observed, "God Bless us every one," was taken by ,Mrs, A. Coutts, Carols were sung and enjoyed by all. This was followed by "The Christmas Story by Henry Van Dyke, read by Mrs. G. W. Tiffin. The roil call was followed by an exchange of gifts. The collection was • to be given to the Salvation Army as is the custom each year. A delicious lunch was.served by the hostesses from a table beautifully de- corated mfitlt Christmas ornaments. tig 1 We wish you one and all the best and happiest Christmas ever and may all your wishes be ful- y eafooti aaaaasaaasak 4 With volumes of good wishes, For Christmas joy and cheer And happiness and gladness, Every day throughout the yearl Rhys Pollock '• K:a `a <Si h` p0 ,fit x '<r Engagement Announced Mrs. Herbert James Goode of St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada, announces the engagement of her daughter, Sophie Margaret Goode, of 10 East 75th Street, New York City, to Mr. Max Thompson Stewart. Miss Goode is a graduate of Trinity College, the University of Toronto. She has lived in New York, and has had her own• public relations office for some years. Mr. Stewart was graduated from the University of Toronto, and has been for many years a foreign service offi- cer for the Canadian government. He is presently Consul of Canada in New York. The wedding will take place in Jan- uary. Miss Goode was born in Lethbridge, Alberta. She is Publicity Director for Faberg Perfumes (Canada) Ltd. Mr. Stewart was born in Wingliam, Ont- ario. He is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Stewart, and brother of Mrs. Harold Walker of Wingham. oat" Via-tag-teaCV Mt€' tF' :Cg a mrs mc'Mr4=-WMata tettaVaa"saaCtat6'2Mg-tara t ;aaaa'.aaaa Malaaaella1eV Maya singing "0 Little Town of Bethlehem" fa A poem entitled "Christmas In the V Soul" was read by Miss Mildred Jon- so es. An entertaining article, entitled How to Read your Bible at Christmas was read by Miss Doris Clark. The story of the nativity is the sum total of your Xmas Bible reading. You are missing one of the greatest spiritual experiences of the year, for the Bible !>? is naturally a comprehensive volume o reii the Xmas story. Mrs. (Captain) di:Vries of the Sal- D� cation :Army was the guest speaker for rs the evening. She gave a very impres- "ter sive message on the: "Xmas Story." a l'r•,ple t„da. think more of the neat- 6 erial side. than of the spiritual, ant ' Christ really is the true meaning. of 'a Xmas. An interesting letter was read from Miss Laura Collar by Mrs. frank Col- s lar. Mrs. Bruce MacLean amyl Mrs. Alvin Procter participated in a season. of prayer. Business was then discussed, f•,t- lowed by singing of "0 Colne All Ye Faithful.” The main theme of the program was concerning the great work it; the (.'onao, Haiti and Brazil. Mrs. George Scott read an interest- ing article on "Revival in the Congo." This told of the many souls that have been Saved, and the great going forth for Christ. A similar article entitled "Revival in Brazil and Haiti" was read by Mrs, Reg, Collar, A solo entitied "My Home Sweet Home," was then rend- ered by Miss Ruth Cantelon. 'rhe closing prayer was given by Mrs. Prank Collar, succeeded by a social dour., with the exchanging of Xmas gifts, V tetemoz--t t temettnt te-tetweatsw ; ttinatavEa 5 cg-te DA Draw for Prizes on Friday On Friday, December 23 at 3 p.m., Mr. W. A. Galbraith will offici- ate at the Drawing of the following Prizes at our store Two Bicycles, Two Wagons, Doll and Doll House. THE PATRONAGE YOU HAVE ACCORDED US HAS BEEN MOST GENEROUS AND IS SINCERELY APPRECIATED. TICKETS ON ALL PURCHASES AT OUR STORE WILL BE GIVEN UNTIL 2:45 P.M. ON FRIDAY. BE SURE YOU HAVE TICKETS IN THE DRAW FOR THESE WONDERFU L PRIZES. STOP IN AND GET YOURS TODAY. Hanna. MEN'S WEAR Our Store is Open Wednesday to 6, and Thurs., Fri., Sat, to 10 p.m. LADIES' WEAR )'. oo t tut t atlylrbsactailialm r*t; tt rr txr i1110^4% ,fill mill r"Mia Eslt'ihr r i r iNi a4 :r„t1*Mit VINX ►I*Z* 3hrffiatsZ ti r1Mliaill*VIAbi a'rlt4 rti ar r7i IM)t�ttrOatDt tatN)tritNtair' 7ttV^ii liattaa ltif;drtail grab! ttagta. A