HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-12-21, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE WINGNA.M. ADVANCg-TIMES �ygen,,... :,anvil wzg ea, -., -.--.T..r,ae^.-..a•: ya^a.,--m ••tet•' e cae..,.aos� p.e :etm.ar.cr ¢gat pF . P cnq 1tfxte " ttet vale at , ewsteergte cwortcatz,v;; ygt mi c voctommextta � U..._ a .: awa`� e y P•s w w ..., ::, . . . ,.... + w ..+� w a 4 w Ea y a y v . . wtN V ata a �i yt�vat1Ra �i rte hT Al is ry1 Gj! A,, f Aa + 4V l2' I G Da L;V Ae Qa j q5 d�3Q gyp. A DA Del Au 4 9�4 Gey �I r;u t?ry� t'•r g .41 ,'-.s TMYag>'�'.77ii`afci`iatli`y'iroai^�iDi-74-riol'dam'tri-2Y'bitizaaa`ioiztiilmtm`J't�'i'-Ys'Jauizi.ms-%w.viDti1iloa'i'o'im&ahvafwaghrgt'Hh'a%r--.: .`• ' t (With the realization that each passing year brings a fuller appreciation of old friends and pleasant associations, we extend to you our sincerest wishes for a very Merry Christ nas and a Happy New.Year. mton s ardware WROXETER MO Ed. Robinson of Minneapolis, was a visitor part of last week with :21a.r.. and Mrs. Eldred Nichol. I)r. and Mrs. Harold Robinson, Walkerton, visited on Thursday at the Nichol home. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Miss Beatrice \Vade, Sothern also of Fordwich, May all the joys of Christmas be yours and may your New Year overflow with happiness. Huron Motors A. D. MacWilliam Get Alt Set for Jack Frost HE WILL BE HERE— and you will be ready if you Have Your Car TUNED UP FOR WINTER DRIVING AT Edwards' Motor Sales B. A. STATION VICTORIA ST. rQuality Always Spare yourself the pain of "shopping around" for a Monument to honour your loved one. Depend on our reputation for highest quality and fair dealings. See Us First, ALL CLASSES OF MONUMENTS IN STOCK Most tlVlodern Equipment for Shop and Cemetery Work inscription Work Promptly Attended to. Brown! a Memorials t1 II L1A1Vt BROWNLIE, Owner and Operator Alfred 'St. Wingham Box 373 'Phone 450 Ap Aa were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hamilton on Saturday. Mrs. R. R. Hunter and Mr. Scott Hunter, were Stratford visitors on Tuesday. Miss Flora McTavish has •-eturncd to Toronto, following a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Janes McTav- ish, 4th line, Turnberry. The Fourth Line of Turnberry Farm Forum met last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Elliott. The discussion All Work - - - - No further meetings will be held until the New Year, when Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kirton have offered their home. On Wednesday of this week, Dec- ember 21st., the annual United Church Concert and Christmas Tree will be held in the Church basement. A Cor- dial invitation is extended to the whole congregation. Ladies are asked to please bring sandwiches, cookies or cake. The Junior Auxiliary of St, James Anglican Church, held a Christmas party in the church basement on Tues- day afternoon. Following a programme of contests and games conducted by their leaders, refreshments were ser- ved. Salem United Church Sunday School have arranged their, concert and Christmas Tree for Friday of this week, December 23rd., at 8 p.ni. Mem- bers of the congregations are cordially invited and asked to bring refresh- ments. Born—At Toronto General Hospi- tal, on Thursday, December 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Howes, (nee Doreen Reid), a daughter. Congratulations to Miss Annie Mac - Naughton, sceond line, of Turnberry, who took the highest mark in her class at the Christmas examinations at the Wingham High School. Mr. Scott Hunter has joined the Staff of Canadian Bank of Commerce, in Wingham. Scott's many Wroxeter friends wish him every success. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wright visited London friends over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McMicheal Celebrate 52nd. Anniversary There was a happy family gathering numbering 21 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McMichael, when on December 155th., the 52nd. wc:tiding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMichael was celebrated, Three sons, Harvey and Morley of this dis- trict, Lloyd of Toronto, with their families, were all present. Mrs. Thos. McMichael, also Mrs. John Robinson and Mr. Adam H. Strong of Gorrie, were also guests. Friends in Wroxeter, and community join with the family and relatives of this worthy couple in Extending good wishes for continued good health and happiness, and many more wedding anniversaries. Women's Association The annual meeting of the Wom- en's Association of the United Church, was held in the church parlours on Tuesday, December 13th, President, Mrs. Win. Hart, conducted the wor- ship service which opened with the Christmas hymn, "Hark! the Herald Angels Sing", followed by the Lord's Prayer, Mrs. Albert Gallaher read the Christmas Story, St, Luke, Chap, 2, Mrs. I. N. Allen played a group of Christmas Carols, on the piano. 1fes, Charles McCutcheon read a story en- titled "So T did My Christmas Shop. 4ping Early," The Secretary's report told of 12 meetings held during the years, 13 quilts were quilted, 3 din- ners served, knives and forks purchas- ed. New hardwood floors placed in 3 rooms in the Manse. Rev, U. E. Cronhielm presided for the election of officers for 1950 which are as fol- lows: President, Mrs. Leslie Douglas; Vice -Pres., Mrs. Albert Gallaher; Sec., Mrs. John Sriell; Assist. Sec., Mrs. I.T. E. Cronhielm; Treas., Mrs. C. ,McCutcheon; Assist Treas., Mrs. Wm. Hart; Organist, Mrs. J. N. Al- len; Assist. Organist, Mrs. Harvey McMichael; Manse Com., The Execu- tive; Flower Com., Mrs. j. Douglas, Mrs. Thos. McMichael, Mrs. W. E. Weir, Miss G. Bush; Auditors, Mrs. G. Bush, Mrs. T. McMichael; Care of cutlery, Miss M. Jardine. Words of appreciation were spoken to the retiring' president, Mrs. Wm. Hart, who thanked the members for fine co-operation during her 4 years of office. During the afternoon the group quilted. A pot luck supper was served. Mrs. Albert Gallaher and Mrs. Alex Wright arranged the meeting. Rev, U. E. Cronhielm closed. the meeting with prayer. Mr: and Mrs. Jeffery Musgrove. Celebrate 50th Anniversary The lovely farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Musgrove, Wroxeter South, was the scene of a happy gath- ering, on Tuesday, December 13th,. when they received their friends on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. Five children and ten grandchildren were present for the family dinner served at noon. During the afternoon and evening friends and neighbors called to extend congratu- lations. The tea table was centred by a three storey wedding cake and gol- den candles. This color scheme was used throughout the rooms and in- cluded chrysanthemums in artistic ar- rangement. Their four daughters. and daughter-in-law, looked after the guests and signing of the register. • ••. PQM„ 0111.••••• :••••••1010earami•NriamimildIMINEk Wednesday, December 21, 194, He Travels Best Who Travels ie resh, TRADE MARK REG. ,/ rY•71 TRADE MARK REG. 4,1 tisk for it either way ... loth (Ade -marks mean the saw !hint, 0uthorised.bottler N Coca-Cola unclog' contract with Coca-Cola Ltdp STRATFORD BOTTLING COMPANY TELEPHONE 78 STRATFORD, ONT. good health and happiness and many more happy Wedding Anniversaries. Donations Made to Woodeden Children of the Woodeden Hospi- tal near the city of London, will have a happier Christmas this year because of the kindness shown by a young lady of this district. During the ant: Gifts, flowers and cards added to the happiness of the highly esteemed citizens and included a message of congratulations frotn the Province of Ontario, It was on December 13th,. 1899,Sara E., daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Thornton, 10th line, Turn - berry„ became the bride of Jeffery Musgrove. Rev. David Rodger of ' , Bluevale United Church, performed the ceremony. Following the wedding dinner whiclt was attended by 75 guests,. the bride and groom recall driving to Wingham by horse and buggy where they took the train for the honeymoon spent in Western Ont,, ario. They agree the 50 years together have gone quickly and have brought much happiness, Members of the family all present, were: Mt"s. Bennett Mitchell (Alba) Molesworth; Mrs, Wesley Hiempel (Eva) Wroxeter; Mrs. Lyle Willis (Doris) Gowanstown; Miss Gladys Musgrove, Kitehener and Stuart at home. An honoured guest was Mrs. Mac Robertson, California; who to- gether with Mr. and Mrs. George Thornton, Bluevale, and Edward Mus- grove, Wroxeter, were present at the wedding ceremony of 50 years ago. Everyone in the community will join in extending Good Wishes to Mr. and Mrs. ,Musgrove, for continued urnn, Miss Hazel Sparling made a beautiful cot quilt on which she sold 582 tickets in aid of the Crippled and Orphan Children of Woodeden. Recently the draw was made, ticket No. 499 was held by Mrs. David El- liott of Goderich, proceeds amounted to $26.25. Mrs. Elliott the winner, an- nounced she will send the quilt to orphanage in Newfoundland. Congra ulations to Miss Sparling for a w endeavour to bring happiness to children of Woodeden, and also Mrs. Elliott of Goderich for her erosity in presenting it a gift to Children's Orphanage. 4 /9 iT'S SIMPSON'S 25th YEAROf F HRI5TmR55wn ��. Gi11G Prom the Robert Simpson Company Store in Toronto, Customers and Staff join in singing the lovely Christmas Carols. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED' TO TUNE IN ... JOIN IMI ON THE AIR OVER CKNX 9.10 to 9.30 a.m. Daily to December 24th