HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-12-07, Page 11THE WINGNAM .ADVANCE-TIMES Let Us Adore Him, Christ the Lord,"VIX-Agila-104-14 .` Mrs. Ashton led in prayer. A beautiful Christmas program was conducted by Mrs. 1. Toner and it was interspersed with the Carols, "Angels from the Realms, of Glory," ‘' "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing," "Silent Night, Holy Night," 0 Sing a song of Bethlehem" and "Come r Thou Long Expected Jesus.". We were privileged to have Mrs, Gordon Brown give a very interesting and instructive report of the Conference Branch meeting- held at Kingsville in May. The President took over for the business period, when the nominating committee presented the following slate of officers for 4050, Pres., Mrs. A. A. Taylor; 1st. Vice-Pres., Mrs. H. Ferguson; 2nd. Vice, Mrs, Hattie; Rec, Sec., Mrs. Gen. Brown; 'irons., Miss M. Dane; Em'. Sec., Mrs, Trimble; Cor Sec., Mrs: Whitfield; Supply, Mrs. Black; Pianists, Mrs. Whitley, Mrs, Has tie; Community Friendship, Mrs. A, Stephens; Temp., Mrs. Farrish ;Assoc, Helpers, Mrs, G. Edgar, Mrs, H. Ashton, Mission- ary Monthly Sec., Mr. McInnes; Press Sec., Mrs, P. Ashton, Mrs. I. Toner; Mission Band, Mrs. P1, Rob- inson; Baby Band, Mrs. j, Toner, Mrs. R. Adams; C,G.I.T., Mrs. Temp- lemaan The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. A dainty lunch was serv- ed and a social half hour enjoyed. Mrs. H, Woods, Brussels, Mrs, V, Michel and Mrs. and Mrs. V. Vodden of Ethel, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cloyne Michel. Miss Cassie Harris, Vancouver, B, C., formerly of Wroxeter, who is spending some time in Ontario, was a guest of M rand Mrs. H. V. Holmes last week. Mrs. Jennie Edgar, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Edgar, Faye and Ruth, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Earl, Ethel on Sunday. A number from here attended the "Santa Claus" parade in Listowel on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. E. H. Strong attended the annual banquet of the Huron Co., Federation of Agric., in Seaforth on Tuesday evening, at which W. H. Por- ter, Editor Farmer's Advocate, was the guest speaker on the subject, "Conservation" telling of the projects going on in Canada. Over 400 people sat down to the banquet in Cardno's Hall, Seaforth. Our sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown in the death of Mr. Brown's sister, Mrs. J. Cullen of Molesworth on Thursday. • • Wednesday, December 7th, 1949 EXCITING NEW TELEPHONE 549 AtiOgAteekaig -la TROPIC Na D ASSES Sizes, Patterns and Colours to Please Everyone SPECIALLY PRICED $4.98 STANDARD and REGULAR BRANDS - in GORDON LINGERIE NYLON HOSIERY SLIPS PANTIES SWEATERS GOWNS GLOVES PYJAMAS HAND BAGS SMARTER, THAN A. IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS 12 STYLES GAYER, MORE COLOURFUL EVER BEFORE, ALL IN , EASY-TO-WASH T. C. SPUN RAYON IgWr414.1. rtci us PS at Es 110 Let's surprise MOM with ... PAGE ELEVEN' n. WINCHAM 141-* 0444-004-00MAKAMW-WVikeZet-caVii44 :41414r4'04fig-Mf.441ACSO '0.14 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller, Larry and Miss Doris Taylor of London, and Mr. Murray Taylor of Wingham, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs .Chester Taylor. Members of the Beef Ring are re- minded that the annual meeting will be held in th hall this (Thursday) evening. A good attendance is re- quested. Miss Beatric McQuillin, Mr. and Wm, Purdon, Mary and Bar- bara Anne, spent the week-end in Hamilton, as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mr. W. A. Miller, Mr, ST. HELENS Lorne --4;OrnErAallteiVAPh-rif,e0tP.PO. Woods and Mr. Harry Lavis of Duck- now, attended the annual convention of the -United Farmer's Co-Operative in Toronto last week. YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Our 25 point Scientific Examin. tion enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable Vision. F. F. HOMUTO Optometrist Phone 118 Harriston Luxurious to Give! to See! to Wear! What a wonderful gift surprise for every woman . . . young or older! A Gift Box of Nylon Stock- ings ... in her favourite fashion-attuned shade . . in her own length and size. Come in--select the true gift of her choice today. OUR SPECIAL CHRISTMAS OFFER We are featuring GIFT BOXES of lovely Sheer NYLONS in the favourite shades and lengths at 3 pairs $4.95 SUPER SPECIAL-54 gauge NYLONS, per pair $2.25 k CARMICHAEL'S RIbir Wt.J .,0k7 Vttk 01.0 Perry Strong, son of Mr: and Mrs. John Strong, had the misfortune to break a bone in his arm and is wear- ing a cast. In July Perry was in Vic- toria Hospital, London, when the same arm was broken, the break being of a particular serious nature. Miss Bessie Wylie, Toronto, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. J. Wylie. A large number of the Howick Jun- ior Farmers and their parents, attend- ed the Jr. Farmer's Achievement Night in Seaforth on Friday, On Thursday last the books of the Gorrie Public Library were moved to their new home in the Community Township Hall. The Library Board are asking that all books out over three weeks be returned. 1 Mr. Arthur Spottori of Toronto, was a recent visitor with his sister, Mrs. Frances Strong and other relatives. Woman's Auxiliary nA The annual meeting of St. Stephens fi W.A. will be held at the home of Mrs. H. V. Holmes on Thursday, Dec. 15, A at 3 p,m, All ladies of the cougrega- tion are invited to attend this meet- ing. The A.Y,P.A, of St. Stephen's Ang- 4 lican Church will hold its Christmas Social on Friday of this week, in the Gorrie Orange Hall, under the con- venorship of Loenard Sanderson. The 4 president of the A.Y.P.A. is Miss :Edith Dinsmore, "Fireside Service" in United Church The Sunday School Auditorium was filled on Sunday night, Dec. 4th, to enjoy the first Young People's potion informal "Fireside Service," Colored slides entitled "Each With flit Own Brush", were shown. There • were paintings by Oriental artists on the Life of Christ, During the inter- mission, Rev. Robert Watt told about the origin and background of the hymn "Abide With Me", which was then sung by Mist Audrey Hattie. Misses Betty Zimmerman and Edith Hattie sang "The Old Rugged Cross" at the .conclusion of the .pictures, A number of Christmas. Carols were sung and enjoyed by the congrega- tion, with Phyllis Ford, Christian Feb lowship Convenor in charge of the devotionif part of the service, Other young people participating were Daft Irwin, Bob Edgar, Itathletti Ford, Patricia Strong, Kay Cathers, Dave Neilson and Eleanor Stephens, GIFT IDEAS IRONS $3.95 - $4.90 Wits& !MeV PERCOLATORS- $18.95 tiF ,ss-'1 Brand New Model 81/2 c. ft. KELVINATOR REFRIGERATOR TOASTERS $3.95 - $4.75 1414,44t0:14NK TOOttl TREE LIGHTS—Low price IIMINIMACtittettMKKIMMOVIEVIKVOMMV1Mt00041441911019000/ TOM DARLING $35900 Remembrance .Eternally Yours Adoration First Loy* A Gift of lasting pleasure-- Canada's finest silverplate! No family's complete without a Mother. And no home is quite complete without lovely 1847 Rogers Bros. silverplate. Why not make this a perfect Mother's day ... give Mom a set of 1847 Rogers Bros. or if she already owns 1847 . . she'll love extra pieces. Four beautiful patterns to choose from. Service for 6, as low as $44.75 1847 ROGERS' 'ROM Canada's Finest Silverplate! David Crompton JEWELLER Certified Watchmaker Gifts For All Occasions PHONE 59 WINGHAM iia • g EJ e'r n i ypt ffir ‘f • HARVEY-WOODS Tricot-Duro Fabrics in Lovely LINGERIE 1. Will not run. 2. Drapes and folds beautifully. 3. Has the beauty and texture of fine silk. 4. Easy laundering. 5. Long-wearing and durable. 6. Designed to give Harvey-Woods standards of style, comfort and beauty. LISTEN TO "SINGING STARS OF TOMORROW" every SUNDAY Afternoon on the C. B. C. TRANS-CANADA NETWORK SILKNIT SLIPS SU-14TTE FORMULA PACE-MAKER We are EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR FAMOUS KENWOOD BLANKETS Practically all items Boxed for Gift Giving FREE GORRIE Annual W.M.S. Meeting The Women's Missionary met in the church on Dec. 1st., with a good attendance. The Christmas service was led by Mrs. P. S. Ashton. The theme was "Our Faith in Jesus Christ." Mrs. Whitely presided at the piano. Fol- lowing the Call to Worship, Mrs. E. W. ,Carson read the Christmas Story as recorded in the. 2nd. chapter of Luke, given in three 'sections. The response to each section was given by the members singing "Oh Come pi,- r -7 p 00 rp opiag SWAP and SAVE DOUBLE Trade-In ALLOWANCE Canadian Tire gives you TWICE AS MUCH for your old tires — When traded in on Super-Lactic CANADA'S FINEST FIRST-LINE TIRES --including the famous SUPER-LASTIC,SNOW and MUD "TRACTION-ACTION" TIRES "SUPER-LASTIC" Gives You MORE SAFE MILES AT LOWER COST ALSO THE FOLLOWING TRUCK TIRES NOW IN STOCK 6.50 x 16 MUD and SNOW, 6 ply 7.50 x 20 MUD and SNOW, 10 ply. 8.25 x 20 STANDARD TREAD, 10 ply 7.00 x 17 STANDARD TREAD, 6 ply Valetee'41C-14-KIMWetelatMetetateelMg4M0444441,MiCtaleteMtIlgtatalMateg Order Your CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S Fowl Early sP SPECIAL PRICES AsLowas 37c on 6 to 7 lb. Chicken SPECIAL PRICES ON QUANTITY for Your Locker Take advantage of this SPECIAL OFFER • Maitland Creamery TELEPHONE 271 WINGHAM SOOrlrisartraititSOOOMUMOrt*