HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-12-07, Page 6418 1Klimotimattasomeistvottetvatiottiofttagatteststatstoslatatetategtoostatioag48%, Smith's Economy Food Store SPECIAL TOMATO JUICE 3 20 oz. tins 27c SPECIAL Talisman Marmalade Orange or Orange, Lemon and. Grapefruit 24 oz. jar 30c '411110. EVERYTHING for your CHRISTMAS CAKE White RAISINS, lb. 25e Seedless RAISINS, lb. 17c Bulk Glace Cherries, lb. 69c Candied PINEAPPLE, lb. 69c Clean CURRANTS, lb. 20c Pitted Sair DATES, lb. 22c WALNUT HALVES, 1/2 lb 58c Cut MIXED PEEL, 1,/, lb. 2Qc VANILLA Extract, 4 oz. 10c Coloured Cocoanut, 1/2 lb.. 30c "MC Shelled ALMONDS 1/2 lb. 35c Cut MIXED FRUITS 1/2 lb 23c Shredded Cocoanut, 1/2 lb. 30c Whole CITRON PEEL, lb 55c Coleman's PURE LARD, lb. , , . . .21c MARGENE or NUCOA MARGARINE, lb. 35c McCormick's E. D. Smith's Pure OATMEAL COOKIES TOMATO KETCHUP 25c lb. 21c hot. START YOUR SET TODAY ! GET YOUR Coupons for Dinnerware ALBO No. 50 NEW-LAC NEW FLOOR FINISH—Pint $1.15 Quart $1.95 Phone 161 2 Deliveries Daily Prompt Service p ''.3-201700/WW&DatriMaiDataataaliii;M=Wial l'attftkatratta. CLASSIFIED A.D.Q. I A i PERSONALITY BEAUTY SHOP specializes in all types of Perman- ents, Machine, 11,1achineless and Cold, also Shampooing, Finger Wav- ing and Ogilvie Sisters Scalp Treat- tnents, 'Phone 33 for appointment. NYLONS Phantom - Pencil Seam KI BOOTS All sizes OBITUARY Miss Elizabeth Langley A native of Wingham, Miss Eliza- PURDON'S BAKERY 'PHONE 145 WINGHAM The Home of QUALITY BREAD, CAKES, PASTRY • We take orders Daily • (Saturday to 12 noon) 4- A smile is contagious, but the health department doesn't object, The Salvation Army Captain and Mrs. H. deVries 11:00 a.m.—Holiness Meeting. 2:30 p.m.—Sunday School. 7:00 p.m.—Gospel Service. Monday—. 7:00 p.m.—Sunshine Hour. Tuesday- 2:30 p.m.—Home League. 8 p.m.—Youth Group. A hearty Welcome awaits at the Salvation Army. ‘ts IN CONVENIENCE • COMPORT . QUALITY In the heart of the downtown, office, lheoter, and shopping area. Friendly, courteous tatvice to make your stay in Detroit a pleasant memory. The Tuner Coffee Shop Or Cafeteria for excel- lent Food modestly pitted, The Hotel hirer, Detroit's largest, is the place to stay. VISIT OUR eocktall ,Corilige ONE OF DETROIT'S FINEST /300 ROOMS Willi 1;Al ft FROM $27 , Rotel 'Culler FACING GRAND CIRCUS PARK Frank K. Cannon, General Marmot r r S :,. """w,,: m.'-111111 III!!!KI 0111 7,11-71, THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, December 7th, 194, E SIX AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT— C.C.M. Balloon Model Bicycles for girls and boys. New shipment just arrived, David Murray Machine Shop, Wingham. BABY CHICK SALESMAN—Ag- ents wanted by a well established Chick Hatchery advertising in farm and local papers during sea- son. Liberal commission. Good prospects near you. Particulars from Box H. P., Advance-Times. CHRISTMAS GIFTS — Novelty Planters complete with Plant; Dec- orated Table Centres, also Christ- mas Corsages. See our advertise- ment on page two. Lewis Flowers, Telephone 101, Wingham. DEALERS WANTED—Splendid op-, portunity to earn from $50.00 to $60.00 a week. Sell from door to door 200 Household Necessities. Complete assortment of Gift Boxes. Very little capital required. Thirty days trial Without Risk, Write for full details: 5130 St. Hubert, Mont- real. DON'T BUY STORM WINDOWS until you have seen the new Simplex Combination Storm and Screen Windows. Cut high fuel costs with more comfort. '1' he inserts are easily changed from Winter to Summer from inside, without the use of ladders, Free installation. Easy terms. For free estimate 'phone 34, Wingham, or write to Box D. D., The Advance-Times, Wingbam, FOR SALE—Seal Coat and Green Cloth Coat, size 40, both in good condition, Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE—"Cosy Home" Heater, burns coal or wood, grained walnut casing. Priced for quick sale. Ap- ply Advance-Times. FOR SALE—'Three-year-old, regis- tered Jersey Heifer. T.B, tested and. vaccinated. To freshen in Jan- uary. Wm. J. Ford, tiorrie, Tele- phone Fordwich 54r12. FOR SALE--Canaries, guaranteed singers, all colors, blue and whites: also breedwo and flight cage,. 'Tele- phone 64052, FOR SALE—Lady's Fur Coat, Musk- rat. sire 10-18, in first class coil- Apply Box E, X., The Ael- v ce-Tim es, FOR SAT .E—K itd ten Range with waterfront, Chaise Lounge, Kiteh. en Table and two Chairs. Tele- phone 610J2, —• • - • FOR SALE—Medium sized Oil Heat- er, nearly new, a bargain. W. R.. Farrier, Whitechurch, P014 I M‘I El ) .kT E DELIVERY-- 1 No. X PitPee Hann:teen:ill, also No. 3, Coekshutt Flammermills and Viking Electric Tiammettnills are available. Order now for Spring Tillage Tools, and insure delivery at present prices. J. Bumstead & Son, Wine :am. FOR SALE—No. 4 Cockshutt Sprea- ders, lever harrows, one 30 Tractor, two 8A mowers, two rubber tired wagons. See us today, as dollar de- valuation may increase prices. Also, a Used "70" Goodison Oliver Trac- tbr in good working order.. John Bumstead. & Son. FOR SALE—Plate Glass, 7' x 6'. Apply at Advance-Times. FOR SALE—Girl's Blue Chinchilla Coat, size 12; Girl's Black Wool Suit with green trim, size 12-14; Lady's Black Cloth Coat with silver Fox altar, size 16; Child's 3-piece Snow Suit, Blue, for child 2 to .3 years. All in good condition. Reas- onably priced. Telephone 432W. FOUND—Sum of Money on Novem- ber 29th. Owner may have same by 'phoning 634J3 and proving prop- erty. GRASS FARM 'FOR SALE—con- sisting of 100 acres, located on 8th Line of Morris. Running water the year around. Some timber. Apply Box 254, Wingham, LIVESTOCK FEEDING OIL — Guaranteed Potency, 1200 units Vi- tamin "A" and 200 Units Vitamin D3 (Poultry) in each gram, New low price $3.75 per gallon, with your own container $3.60. Kerr's Drug Store, Wingham, Ontario. LOST—On North side of John St., West of the Baptist Church, Man's Grey Yarn Glove. Finder please telephone 185, MR. AND MRS, E. G. MAIR wish to announce they have re-opened Yemen's Grill and will operate same as a restaurant. They will be 'pleas- ed to meet you. MEN ANT) WOMEN WANTED— To take orders for flritishKnit Wear in every district. Apply to Supt. of Sales, W. Yemen, Box 118, Wingham, , NOTICE—Rawleigh. Products for sale. Have been canvassing Wing- ham this week. Anyone I have missed telephone 4065, Wingham. Also Christmas, Scripture, Greeting Cards, Boxes of Hasty Notes, Writ- ing Paper for Gifts. R. A. Engel, Victoria Street, Wingham. PROFITABLE steady business with most complete line of household necessities from the most fragrant cosmetics to the most helpful floor cleaners or polishes. There is an exclusive territory for you in your town or in your rural area. ?ou are sure to succeed with our fast- selling lines. Write today for free details. FANOLEN, 1000 Delori- mier, Montreal. REER GERATO RS—Various sizes, best makes, 25 and 60 .cycle, at F. Schnette & Sons, lfildmay. Reas- onable in price. Free delivery in S. Ontario. RADIATOR CLEANING and Re- pairing at reasonable cost, Try— BluevaleRepair Shop, ,for your Rad 'troubles. Telephone SALE Until Christmas—Two large showroomspf New Chesterfields, Bedroom SliteS, Washers, Radios, Chairs, at the Mildmay Furniture Store. Free Delivery. WANTED TO BUY-150 Pullets, Robert Laidlaw, 'Phone 366,T. WE INVITE YOU to call in to >am Singer Sewing. Centre and set our practical Christmas Gifts, Repairs to all makes of machines. 'Phone 1135 or write Singer Sewing Ma-. chine Company, Goderich, Ontario. WE HAVE a Complete Stock of En- gines on hand to fit the following cars and trucks: All models of Plymouth, Chrysler, Dodge and De- Soto; also to fit all sizes of Fargo and Dodge Trucks, We also have engines to fit all Farm Machinery and Tractors that are powered with Chrysler motors. Edwards' Motor Sales, Victoria St., Wingham, Applications Wanted Applications for the position of Road Superintendent for the Township. of Morris at a salary of 75 cents per hour and $10.00 per month for book- keeping will be received by the un- dersigned; applicant to supply his own means of transportation. Applications must be in the hands of the Clerk by December 14, 1949. George C. Martin, Clerk, • R. R. 4, Brussels AUCTION SALE F. W. Kemp, Auctioneer, has been instructed to sell by Public Auction for JAMES SANGSTER in the Village of WROXETER WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14 IMPLEMENTS, Etc.— Two-wheeled Trailer with Stock Rack, Buggy, Cutter, Deering Mower, Steel Dump Rake, Cream Separator, set of scales, Girl's Bicycel, two Wheelbarrows, Block and Tackle, Grapple Hay Fork, Rip Saw with quarter ILI), motor; Colony House, .two Rain Shelters, new Jamesway Electric. Brooder, three-ton hydruulic Jack, Coal Heater, 'Gilson "Snow Bird" Electric Washing Machine in real good condition, Tools, Chains, and many other articles. HAY, SEED, LUMBER-200 bales Hay, 2 tons Mixed Hay, bushel Red Clover Seed, 1000 ft. of 1, 2 and 3 in. Lumber. CATTLE—No 1, Red Cow', 5 yrs. old, due Feb. 25; No. 2, Black Cow 4 years old, due Feb. 14; No. 3, Roan Heifer 2 years old, due April 24; Nn, 4, Red Heifer 2 yrs, old, due April 25. (All the abo‘e are T. B, Tested) FARM PROPERTY,180 acres more or less, being North parts of Lots 41, 42, 48, 44, Coil. 1, of Grey Twp. On the property there is a good frame house, large hank barn, driving shed, drilled well and approx. 6 acres mixed bush. The situation is excell- ent as it is on Highway 86, one mile from school and Village of Moles- worth, and has school bus service. 1935 Chrysler Sedan, rebuilt motor. Place of Sale—Village of Wroxeter Time-1:30 p.m. TERMS—Chattels, Cash. Property offered subject to reserve bid. Terms 30% of purchase price, cash, and bal- ance if desired secured by mortgage at 4% interest. JAMES SANGSTER F. W. Kemp, Caretaker Wanted Applications' for the position of Caretaker for Turnberry School Area for the following schools: No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, will be received by the undersigned up to December 14th. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. A. Corrigan, Sec'y-Treas., Bluevale R. R. 1 Court of Revision Township of Morris Court of Revision on the 1950 Assessment Roll for Morris Town- ship will be held in the Township Hall on Monday, December 19, 1949, at 1 p.m, Ratepayers kindly govern themselves accordingly. 'Geo. C, Martin, Clerk. NOTICE The Township of Turnberry will not be responsible for mail boxes, milk stands, cans, etc., or for cars left on roads during the snowplough- ing season. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of The Bulk Sales Act. TAKE NOTICE that all persons having claims against Earl D. Harri- son who has sold his business in Gorrie under The Bulk Sales Act, wherein Robert Scott Hetherington, Solicitor, of Wingham, Ontario, has been appointed -1.'rustee, are hereby notified to mail to the undersigned, full particulars of. their claims veri- fied by statutory declaration setting out the security held, if any, on or be- fore the 10th day of December, 1949. AND TAKE NOTICE further that distribution of the moneys on hand will be made immediately thereafter to those creditors of whom the said Trus- tee shall have bad notice. DATED at Wingham, this 25th day of. November, A,D, 1949, CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the 'Trustee. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having., claims against the estate of Robert J. Breen, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the seventh day of Feb- ruary A.D. 1948, are notified to send to undersigned off' or before the sev enteentli day of December A.D, 1949, full particulars of their claims in writ- ing. Immediately after the said sev- enteenth clay of Deceinher, the assets of the said intestate will he distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Administratrix shall then have notice. DATED this twenty-fifth day of N'oyember, A.D, 1949. CRAWFORD & HETRERINOTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administra .t;ix, PROPERTY FOR SALE $2,500.00—Storey and a half Bung- alow, together with three lots; large barn equipped for chickens; property of the late Mrs. Elizabeth E. Den- Ian, in the Village of Brussels. Im- mediate possession. For further par- ticulars please call Mr. W. H. Jardine, 35X3, Brussels. TOWN OF WINGHAM BY-LAW No, 1207 w 1949 A By-Law Prohibiting Parking on or otherwise obstructing the Streets within the Municipality of the Town of Wingham WHEREAS due to the necessity of snowplowing the streets within the said Municipality, it is deemed ex- pedient that a By-Law shall be pass- ed prohibiting the parking of any vehicle or any attachment thereto on the said streets or otherwise in any way obstructing same between certain hours of the day for certain periods of the year. THEREFORE the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Wingham enacts as follows; 1, THAT Parking By-Law No. 1176-1947 be hereby repealed, 2. THAT no person shall leave his or her motor vehicle or any other vehicle or any attachment thereto park ed unattelAded on any street, High- way, or roadway within the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Wingham between the hours of one o'clock in the forenoon (1 a.m.) and seven o'clock in the forenoon (7 a.m.) on any day and on Josephine Street be- tween Scott Street on the South and the C. N. R. tracks on the -North, on Wednesdays and Sundays between the hours of three o'clock in the af- ternoon and six o'clock in the af- ternoon at any time after the first day of December in any year and before the first day of May of the year next following or in any way obstruct or leave any obstruction on the said streets, Highways or Roadways between the aforesaid hours on the aforesaid days and dates. 3. Any peoSon violating any of the provisions or this by-law shall be sub- ject to a penalty of not more than Ten dollars ($10.00) for the first offence and not more than Twenty- five dollars ($25.00 for every subse- quent offence, exclusive of costs, and all such penalties shall be recoverable under the Ontario Summary Convic- tions Act. 4. This By-Law shall he made public by one insertion in the Wing- ham Advance-Times, a weekly paper published in the Town of Wingham and by the posting up of 25 posters in conspicuous places in and about the said town of Wingham. 5 This by-law shall come into force and effect on the 1st day of 'Decem- ber A.D., 1949, subject to the approv- al of the Department of Highways. READ a First and Second time this 7th day of November, A.D., 1949. READ a Third time and passed this 7th day of November, A.D. 1949, Signed JACK E. REAVIE, Mayor. W, A. GALBRAITH., Clerk. Approved this 1st day of December, 1949, pursuant to the Provisions of The Highway Traffic Act. Signed, GEORGE H. DOUCETT; Minister of Highways. Per J. P. Bickell, Registrar of Mo- tor Vehicles I hereby certify the above to be a true copy of By-Law No. 1207 of the Town 'of Wingham. W. A. GALBRAITH., Clerk. IN MEMORIAM McGILL—In loving memory of Wil- liam McGill, who died two years ago, December 1st. Deep in our hearts lies a memory, One we shall never forget. Ever remembered by his daughter, Mrs, Reuben Appleby and Family. IN MEMORIAM HUNTER—In loving memory of our dear parents, John and Mary Hunt- er. Father, who passed away Feb. 10, 1938; Mother, who passed away, De- cember 7th, 1947. They have taken their last long jour- ney, On the beautiful ship called rest, Away from life's troubles and sorrows To the beautiful land of the blest. Ever remembered and always timiss• ed by their daughters, May and Mary and families. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late James Staple- ton wish to thank friends and neigh- bons for kindness and sympathy ex- tended during the recent sad bereave- ment in the passing of their father, A special thanks to those who loaned ears. • CARD OF THANKS Words cannot adequately express my appreciation for time many cards, gifts, other remembrances and visits which I received from thoughtful friends during my illucfss in Wing- ham General Hospital. Also, to the Supt., Mrs. I, Morrey and her staff I am deeply grateful. Mrs. J. A. Wilson CARD OP THANKS Mrs. Gordon Walsh wishes to thank her many friends for the cards, let- tens, treats and other remembrances which she received while a patient in Victoria Hospital, T,ondon, and the Wingham General Tlospital, These kindesses were deeply appreciated, CARD OP THANKS To the Ratepayers of Howick I wish to thank the Ratepayers of Mudd.- Township for electing me Councillor for 1950. I will do my best to merit the confidence placed in me. The Seasrm'S Greetings to All, Arthur Gibson CA115 THANKS To the Ratepayers of Turnberry School- Area, who gave me such gen- (rolls support I say, "Thank Yon", antes Hardie, S, ELLIOTT RECEIVES HONOUR Former East Wawanosh Roy Receives Award of 0,1Y1,1-LA. Recognition of 31 years' work in St. Catharines and many years before that in other parts of the province to encourage boys in the healthful and sportsmanlike pastime of hockey came on Saturday, November 20th, 1949, to 5, S. "Stan" Elliott of St. Catharines. He was presented with the handsome "Honor Award Trophy" at the an- nual meeting of the Ontario Minor Hockey Association at the King Ed- ward Hotel, Toronto, The trophy placed in competition only a year ago, is a beautiful award, with a full rink, complete with goals and red and blue lines on its wood- en bases. Three columns are surmount ed with statuettes of hockey players. While the trophy is a travelling one, (held only for one year by the recip- ient) it carries with it a beautiful coffee table with an engraved inscrip— tion plate, and this remains the pro- perty of Mr, Elliott. Mr. Elliott, surprised by the hon- our, was almost overcome when his name was announced. In reply, lie re- fused to accept the trophy for him- self, 'but accepted it only on behalf of all members of the association who had worked for minor hockey in Ont- ario. "In the rural area between Belgrave and Wingham many boys bad a desire to play hockey, but lacked leadership. It seemed that facilities were not avail- able until a 17-year-old boy decided that something must lie done. He searched the neighbourhood for nat- ural arenas, and a small creek became the new recreational centre, The youth directed his companions in the game, and in the cleaning and flooding. A th're-thing machine operator suQplied the water tank (on sleighs) and the team to haul it. It was a matter of small significiance, but had perma- nent and far-reaching effects, This was in 1910. A few years later Stan Elliott left the community but wherever lie went young people gained his attention. While lie promoted hockey. through the province he also did yeoman ser- vice for his city, He is now a member of St. Cathar- ines Parks Board and Chairman of the Sports Committee of the Lions Club. "For the -past few years he has been tinder increasing pressure in both busi- ness and personal duties. Despite this 4011111.0.411110.111•1•0410•11.0.100411•410111•0410•04a1.411•54.115.0/11/. KEEP Wednesday, Dec. 14 for the Christmas Program presented by the Wingham Choral Society and the Dramatic Club at the Wingham Town Hall, at 8:30 Admission 25c Reserves 35c Reserved Seats go on sale on December 12 at McKibbons CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this opportunity to thank my friends for their kindness and consideration during my conf- finement in Wingham General Hos- pital. T also wish to express my gra- titude to Dr. W. A. McKibbon, Mrs. Morrey and her splendid Staff Nelson Pickell. CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this opportunity to thank all those who so kindly voted for me in the recent Howick Town- ship election in electing me to act as Councillor. Season's Greeting to all. Ted Newton. CARD OP THANKS Mrs. Freda MacDonald wishes to express her deep appreciation for gifts received from neighbours and friends hi Wroxeter and Community, also those who helped at the time of her sale. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank the Ratepayers of the Township of Turnberry for elect- ing tine as Reeve for 1950. Compli- ments of the season. G. Nelson Underwood CARD OP THANKS Electors of Howick Township 1 wish to express my sincere ap- preciation to you in electing me as Reeve for the coming year, Wishing you all the compliments of the sea- son, E. II. Strong. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank the Ratepayers of Turnberry for the splendid support given me in Monday's election and wish the incoming Council every Success. John V. lTiselier, CARD OP THANXS wish: to thank the Ratepayers of Howick Township who supported me stn Monday's election, Wishing you time compliments of tire season, Ivan Hasicin, ' FOR SALE-8 Pigs, also Dressed Ducks. Apply Lloyd Montgomery, Telephone 743J1, FOR SALE—Baby Stroller, \Vine, in good condition, reasonable. Tele. phone 347. FOR SALE-1938 Hudson Sedan, god condition, Must be sold ins i PIANOS—Five New Pianos, inelud- mediately. Price $450.00 or best ing Mason & Risch, Henry Herbert, offer. Telephone 44, Wroxeter, or . and WIllfs Pianos in various de- contact C. n1,100(11, Wroxeter. t signs; 10 roonulitioned Pianos, refin islual like new at J. F. Schnett & FOR SALE— Quantity of Cedar Sons, Mildmay Furniture Store, iu Post, Iiyih,, Poles and Tel M iltintaY. Free D dive rY. Poles. Apply Harold Finley, .11 el - m re. 3.11MZ VggtVeteltetcgtrAtV.Vat-VelOtt.t.T.gtctglKIIMMV4".'4:,"r' 'AzItOtokr4M-DtkDatMktM-DatN-2a4-041.20r.M2et-21-1i0t-MRatbiZtriaiRtINIata his devotion to minor hockey has nev- both Langley, died on Saturday in London, where she had resided for the past six years. She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. William Burrows, London; Mrs, Don- ald Wright, London; a brother, Ernest Langley of London and five nieces and four nephews. Funeral service was held in Lon- don on Tuesday with interment in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. er lessened, it is the'n as a token of appreciation that the name of Stan Elliott is being placed before the com- mittee as a nominee for the O.M.H.A. Honor Award." Mr. Elliott, the son of time late Mr. and. Mrs. John Elliott, was born on the 12th of East Wawanosh and at- tended Currie's School and Wingham High School. Dunlop's Shoe Store WINGHAM All Shoes Fitted by X-ray SKATES and BOOTS for the whole family And be,,1 assured you are giving a Gift that will be treasured as well as used for many years to come, • Men's Diamond ALL-WOOL SOX A A It I He has one sister, Mrs. Robert Montgomery of East Wawanosh, and two brothers, Raymond Elliott of Turnberry and William Elliott of East Wawanosh.