HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-12-07, Page 3HAMILTON'S It's an old Canadian Custom to give Gilkinson; 1st. Lecturer, Evelyn Wil- son; 2nd. Lecturer, Agnes King; Org- anist, Sara Wade; fritter Guard, Cassie Taylor; Outer Guard, Lillian Walker; Standing Comm., "Mabel 'Gilkinson, Bricklaying Plastering and Chimney Building Cement Work John McKay 'Phone 637r22 Wingham PREPAY me WAY ;raw A ow- R4/111/AY 17CA17 What could make a more wel- come gift to an absent loved one than a chance to spend the holi- day season qt home...send a arepaid railway ticket this year! For arrangements to ticket pass- enger from any point desired call on nearest Agent of the Skinny men, WOMOR1 gain 5, 10, 151s. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor *-.----.-• nits thrill! Bony limbs till out; ugly hollows Oil up: nook no longer scrawny; body loses ball- iWomen/ "bean-pole" look. 'khousalicli of men, who never could gain boi'pre, now proud of shapely, healthy-looking boson, thank the special vigor-building, flesh-building Ostreg. its tonics, stimulants, invigorators. vitamin B, calcium, enrich blood, iniprc' to and digestion so food glues you livIrs and nourishment: put Ilesh on bare ber-Ali I Lae getting too fat. stop when you've gal ,o la!". 90 lb& YOU need for normal we,I,.r.t. oral/ O Now "set koqualutod" else c OtttUL TO1210 Tablets for new .gor Pawl*. Ms yen day. At all cirtigglina HANDS IN TRAI\ G FOR ONTARIO Learning Business Practice i. t LETTER TO EDITOR Esther Neill, Elva Jacques, Lillian Walker; Sick and. Visiting Committee, Reita Carson, Cassie Taylor; AlidaorA, Agnes King, Margaret Dane. wRoxgTER Progressive Euchre Fourteen tables of euchre and sev- eral tables of crokinole took part in the play, when on Friday night, The For-Rest Ladies Club sponsored a soc- ial evening. Miss Winnifred Munro and Glenn McMichael e,'on high hon-• ours for Crokinole; Mrs. Win, Wright won prize for ladies, Mrs. T. Vittie, second, Mr, Doig won the gentlemen's first prize, Mr. Chas. Cathers, second, Mrs. H. Hamilton and Mrs. Wm. Hayes, held the lucky tally cards and Mrs. D. S, MacNaughton won the lucky chair prize. The ladies served refreshments, then f ol lowed a ,few games of bingo. Mrs. Harry Mulvey won the special, a towel set, The lad- ies have not arranged any parties un- til after Christmas but hope to con- tinue during the winter season, CONTRACT BRIDGE The average player can live a reasonably contented bridge life with- out mastering squeeze plays, coups etc,, but the opportunities for the elimination and throw-in play are too frequent to ignore. At Bridge Club last week one North player probably had an opportunity to ruse this play to salvage a five no trump contract, and give him a near top instead of a very Iow score on the hand, West Dealer East and West vulnerable, 4A K3 3 A J10 4 • J 7 6 4. j 10 4 7N 4 9 .8 2 W E * KO5 V Q 9 7 2 4. 982 A 765 • K5 .44 A1084 4. A K7 5 (and correct) bidding was one no trump by North and three no trump by South, Assuming the normal opening lead of the two of hearts, North can make five odd des- pite any subsequent defense. Taking the first trick with the ten of hearts, North tries the Club finesse. West wins, and the heart return is taken by dummy's king. The next three tricks are won in sequence by' the ten, king and ace of clubs. Crossing to his own hand with a spade, North leads a small diamond. East plays the five (otherwise the declarer could make eleven tricks easily) and the ten holds the trick. At this point the declarer should see his opportunity, knowing that East's remaining cards are the Qx of hearts, the K. Q of diamonds and one other card, A spade lead to the ace takes out East's "other card," which proves to be the nine of spades, and the stage is set. The seven of diamonds is led to the ace, and a diamond return throws East on lead. He has to lead away from his Q 9 of hearts into North's A j. The declarer's only losers were the queen of clubs and the king of diam- onds. • QJ104 3 863 • 932 Q 63 The usual SAVE FUEL... SAVE STEPS Ask for free home demon- stration of the 'blue coal' TEMP-MASTER Automatic Heat Regulator that cuts fuel bills up to 30%! vekee.0.4..01,..kke,lialikwa.keeeekkoPolaarlikeavk.e..seeke ..ee0ko'lleir0Weasarkeetkole14. WIN YOUR Christmas Turkey — AT HURON MOTORS A. D. MacWILLIAM Your Ford and Monarch Dealer WINGHAM B. A, PRODUCTS 'PHONE 237 Free Chance WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF $1.00 WORTH OF Gasoline or Oil ....0.10.64110V..mv4 .*04.1.94..4.4m04.101.414.” 1,,04140.0.041.0 Wheolflaecoathear year home you7/ fee ite PlAriReital Wednesday, December 7th, 1949 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Gi ',NI • in 11 in A ▪ Telephone 459 Filumununteim it a l l S 3, 11 1 1 11 adults, they are considering it most at- tentively, and converts to it are multi- plying rapidly', because it is so ex- tremely gratifying. The drab interval between the two seasons is almost over and Hockey's knock at our doors is becoming urgent. The knock is gra- cious and a pleasant one to hear, be- sides being a welcome one. We be- lieve time Hockey season here is going MacLEAN COAL CO. \`‘.'• Crossett EVERY ROOM CAN SS COZY wirn PLENTY OF HEAT TO SPAgE WHEN 'blue coal' DOES THE, J08.1 • Q e 44 4441VG 4444 444. 444'4044404.E Ontario workers know they can carts more, have executive responsibility and enjoy a higher standard of, living in direct ratio to the skills, they ac- quire and the way they make use of them. That's always true in a free economy that's why our eom- petitive system will continue to make Canada great and a great place in which to live. Gents: Gordon Underwood. '. 100-B,A.. Officers For 195. The following are the offie6 ur 195Q elected at the November' lag by L,0,13.A. No. SIO, Gorrie„ ;form. Past Mistress, Nellie Ta /Aor; Worthy Mistress, Tessie Zimmerman; Deputy Mistress, Lottie Thornton; Jr. Deputy Mistress, Margaret Rob- inson; Chaplain, Elizabeth McInnis; Rec. Secretary, Margaret Dane; Fin,- See,, Gladys Dinsmore; Treasurer, Edith Holmes; Guardian, Lulu San- derson; Director of Ceremonies, Mabel GIBSON 'S UPHOLSTERING and REPAIR SHOP Mine 260 Maple St. Wingham CHESTERFIELDS, CHAIRS, SOFA BEDS, TRUCK SEATS RE-COVERED ‘--actomegteletatwooxPowetcl NEW, MODERN SCHUBERT and STERLING PIANOS A NOW ON HAND. A choice of one of these small models will add charm and beauty to your best furnished room. Give a Christmas GIFT that will beinuch appreciated by the whole family for many years to come A ap *N-DarmPrmealaliDartemeataa,, How Many Seasons Are There? W,inghtun, Out., Nov., 1949 Editor, A (Ivan(' c-Times : As a pupil in school, in the gloomily, smoke-ridden city of Glasgow, Se‘ land, I was ymi by various teachers, that there were four Seasons in a year; Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter; each, in turn holding the stage for a Period of about three months. I had no valid reason to disbelieve this staternent, and even the awfully unsteady and perilously treacherous behaviour of the weather in Scotland seemed to furnish sufficient corrobora- tion of the Teacher's testimony. So, on that particular subject, my teacher and. I .seemed be in perfect agree- ment, I had my doubts concerning tin fru th of other statentenIs vouchsafed me, particularly taking excepthm the one invariably tendered, that, in applying punishment to the palms of my highstr'ung hands, the operation gave to the giver thereof just as much pain as the receiver suffered. That avowal was, to me, obviously untrue, and affected my respect for the teach- er, denoting it to a very low level in,. deed, Now, regardingtA I e wollikrfol and unerring rotation of the f o ur questionably nominated seasons in the year yard, 1 presume that pupils in all of our Canadian Schools are fed I hi, same identical dope. But Canadian pupils are smart, very smart, and they arc daring te,.clainour for proof of the season's allegment. Indeed, they re- gard the proof usually advanced, though circumstantially intact, pct iq legitimately subject to discredit, Their Irani thins, never to be questioned, ap- prise I hem beyond doubt, that there are only two seastms in the year; those, inexorably being I lie Ilan Season and the Hockey Season. Not- withstanding the fact that there is • more or less brief period of time most ingloriously intervening between the .two, it is altogether Negligible, and even to think of it is treason of a form- idable order, It is nevertheless a had time, and strenuous efforts, T am pleased to learn, are being made to have it entirely eliminated. ')'ids juv- enile attitude towards the season question has not escaped the notice of • Heat units galore! That's what you get in 'blue coal!". healthful, steady, never-fail warmth even when the ther» mometer is flirting with zero! Try 'blue coal.' Phone today. o he an unusnally good all pre- diction' point to that. Sash Complete Also DOOR FRAMES Agents for Johns-Mansville Shingles, Roofing and I nsul-Brick Storm and Screen Sash I I Made to Measure Campbell Gorbutt IIE • SMISEMIZBIEN2 in or' n n K K tor Sales NE Mercury Trucks K Wingham EMMA GORRIE Concert Enjoyed A delightful variety program of old time songs including solos, duets, quartettes and glees was given in the Wroxeter Hall, on Friday evening by the choir of the Anglican Church, Listowel, under the direction of Mrs. (Rev.) Paull. Beautiful costumes of other clays added much to the enjoy- ment of the evening. The ladies of Group 3, United Church W.A., Gorrie, were sponsors. Progressive Euchre Prize winners for highest score at the L.O.L. Euchre on Friday even- ing were: Ladies, Miss Ella Perkins; S • .4.4.4.,...4.4...4.....4. 464.4.4 .4 P 4,..*. 4646 Our Way of Lite .03elva yds t • • Different finishes available Good Tone Moderately Priced TRADE-IN ACCEPTED You are invited to see and play these new models at Garnet F. Farrier's WHITECHURCH Telephone 711J1 Wingham TN Ontario the wheels of industry turn for the benefit of every single ll one of 118. Our lathes, dynamos, drill presses, farm combines, tractors, business machines, etc. are producing goods and services which earn dollars. These dollars provide food, clothing, medical care and other necessities which cotnribute to our security and high standard of living. Every single one of us, therefore, has a very personal interest in the flow of a steady supply of trained workers to industrial plants. These workers will operate machines which ate important to our way or life. We .should appreciate, then, the co-operative efforts of government, industry and labour hi the field of employee training. In schools and in factories our workers, young and old, are given the oppot turd ty to develop new and specific skills in every field of 'rosiness and industrial activity. For instance, every effort on the part of office workers to become pro- &lent in typing, filing, shorthand and secretarial work, will mean greater business effidener—will help to make Ontario A finer place in which to Jive and work, TIlE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) 0101J 41TAP 10 -1*, 'Phone 64 WINGHAM qtOur home with "blue coalAmd-*the pIfFE8fle t 1,! Diagonal Rd., Wingham (` 0.1111111111111111111Kilid1=1011111111111111111111 We have an excellent stock of Firestone for driving on snow-covered roads. Have a set installed on the rears wheels of your car truck today, at our Service Department. Mercury Lincoln - Meteor Cars EMIENIENNIMININIZIMENIN Wv<44X--elte-410-4K-MMW'7tAM,q„,- . • nn Wett-ik,I"CteVettit'ettltatEeli THE GIFT THAT WILL BE APPRECIATED THE WHOLE YEAR THROUGH. MANTEL TABLE - CONSOLE and COMBINATION SETS LEADING MAKES Priced to Suit Your Christmas Budget SEE THE DISPLAY OF Gift Suggestions itI Ii 4 k E %n „ McGill Radio Service **, TELEPHONE 380 WINGRAM 4 MVO* .it7VilOW,04e40 il IN OUR WINDOWS