The Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-12-07, Page 2GIFTS for HIM RAZORS Electric Remington , $19.95, $23.95 ROLLS, reg. $12.50, Clearing $9.95 GILLETT . .98c, $1.29, $3.79, $5.00 SHAVING BRUSHES RUBBER-SET $1.50, $2.00, $3., $4. HAIR BRUSHES Military Type - Single and Doubles TRAVELLING KITS-Zippered - $5.95, $8.4% $11.50, $19.45, $24.95 HOLD-ALL KITS $5.50, $5.95, $8.50 PIPES LIGHTERS PIPES . _ .$1.00, $1.50, $2.50 and up LIGHTERS $5, $5.85, $8.85, $10., up SHAVING SETS By Yardley, Seaforth, Woodbury Shaving Bowls 75c, 98c, $1.25, $1.50 CAMERAS - KODAKS $3.00, $5.95, $6.72, $8.12 (Box) Folding, $14.56, $21.00, $25.25, $39.50, $48.50, $72.80 and up LEATHER BILLFOLDS $1.95, $2.50, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00 up CHRISTMAS Greeting CARDS BOXES 25c, 49c, 75c, 98c, $1.00, $1,25 SEPARATE 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c and up • vsste..,! ; Or • 1MPORTA TICE The Royal Chick Hatchery has completed the Blood-Testing and is proud to announce all birds 100% Pullorum Free This assures our customers of healthy, vigorous Chicks. Since our price list went to press we have Added White Leghorns To those preferring this breed we suggest order- ing as early as possible as our supply will be limited PULLETS, per 100 $30.00 COCKERELS, per 100 $20.00 As a matter of fact, all orders received early stand a better chance of being filled with what you want when you want them. A 10 per cent. deposit is all that is required with your order. Royal Chick Hatchery TELEPHONE 194J WINGHAM TI Sparton WASHING MACHINES $129. up 011•11.•••1= DRIVING LIGHTS Exhaust Deflectors Like to Loll in the Lap of Comfort? AND WHO DOESN'T? INSULATE! Use POURING WOOL for your attic, or easily Installed BATTS or dress up with WALL- BOARDS that INSULATE while they DECOR- ATE. Your home will be warmer, more even tetn- peratured, while your fuel bills will be up to 30 per cent,. lower. Let us estimate costs this week on the type INSULATION best suited for your par- ticular home. GRANULATED LOOSE WOOL, 5 cu. ft. per bag 3" WOOL BATS, Paper Enclosed 2" WOOL BATS, paper enclosed, 4' or 8' lengths 4x8, 9x10' 1/2" TENTEST PANELS ....6c sq. ft. 16"x16". %" T & G TenTest Ceiling Tile, 10c sci. ft. TENTEST PRIMER and SEALER 60c bag timvrgt Telephone 66' BEAVER LUMBER CO I, i ERR'S DRUG STORE taqiIMMOilitqesURNZW1qA0AstWitql7OACK "LAURA SECORD CANDY" (An Ideal Gift) 'PHONE 18 WINGHAM, ONTI WItzgham Advance-Times Published at WINGHAM - ONTARIO 1iW. Edit. n' and. Publisher 31Atie.mber Audit Bureau of cirt'alation. authorized as Seaund Class Man Post Office Department ..."4(seription Rate m (nu. year $2.00 Six .Manths $1.00 in advance To U.S.A. 2.50 per year Foreign Rate $3.00 per year Advertising rates on application Vol. i r - VI ants h..1 in tilt. Christmas progrion. vanille14.;litini.:. st rvice, singitn.; Christmas lirttitis aunt reatiitn.; ,if ap- pr,i,r im e ..ecipture scivetions. .A.I.1 the officers tvere re-tiveted tor 1050 as follows: Prvsi.lt, lit. :Mrs. j. A. Ilurden. i viee-pre,,ident, :tir,. tleorge Fell; Re- et r‘litn:;; ".t•eret at y. NI rs.:. Snarling .1, Johnston ; Treasurer. -....tli-..s Emma ! Johnston sk,,crt.t.arie.-, Christian Stew- "(1 BATTERIES Rear-view MIRRORS , HEATERS WHITECHURCH Wickstead; Associate Helpers Sec'y, Mrs. George Thornton; Supply, Lit- erature and Missionary Monthly Sec., 'Phone Wingharn 404J2 Mi-s. Joseph Curtis; Press Sec'y., Miss Duff; Pianist, Mrs. Charles Hoffman; Assistant, Mrs, Carl John- ston.; Mission. Band Superintendent, Mrs. W. J. Johnston; Baby Band Snuperintendent, Mrs. Earl Hamilton. Mrs. John Wickstead presided,. for the meeting of the Woman's Associa- tion, Mrs, George Thomson read the secretary's report apd Mrs. Alex Mc- Crackin gave the treasurer's state- ment. The society received donations of toys to be sent to Halifax for the children of immigrants landing there. Members of the Triple Group of the Ladies' Aid Society of Knox Presbyterian Church enjoyed a pleas- ant social function on Wednesday evening, when the Busy Bees were guests of the Turnberry Hustlers at a cold meat supper, served in the Sun- day School room of the chuurch. The tables were attractive with: white cov- ers and red and green. decorations. Mrs, Leslie Greenaway, captain of the winning side, extended thanks to,. the hostesses and Mrs. Alex MacTavish replie.d.. Mrs. Gordon Mundell, presi- dent of the group, thanked the ladies for their fine co-operation throughtout the year. She complimented the mem- bers for their splendid effort in making the talent money a financial success and presented Mrs. J. C. Higgins with a set of book, ends in recognition of her talent returns. in reply the recip- ient told how she' had put her talent money to "use.. Mr. and Mrs.. R. J. McMurray opened their home this week for the annual social . evening. sponsored by the Morris group of the Ladies Aid of Knox Presbyterian Church, when the membels entertained their husbands and families. Twenty-eight enjoyed cards, Frank Shaw won the greatest number of points and Mr. Hayman of Stratford, who is spending the win- ter months 'with his daughter, Mrs. McMurray, played the most lone hands, Bill Elston played the part of a lady and was high on points and Mrs. Bernard was the lone hand winner. Two new corners to the party this year were the eight-weeks-old daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bowie and the young son of Mr.' and Mrs. Bill Elston. A delicious lunch was served by the ladies, The _president, Mrs. J. J. Elliott, presided for the annual meeting of the W,M.S. held in Sunday School room of Knox Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Walter Stnillie read the Christ- mas story as recorded in St. Luke's gospel and Mrs. L. C. Jorgensen led in prayer. The treasurer, Mrs. Harvey Robertson, reported that the allocation had been exceeded. Over 40 visits had been made on new corners, the sick and the shut-ins, also a large number of cards were sent. Other secretaries reported on the year's work. The soc- iety voted to have a life membership certificate the objective for 1950. The secretary reported a 'proposed raise in the allocation, for next year, Miss Olive Scott presided for the election of 'officers. The report of the nomin- ating committee was presented by Mrs. Harry Elliott, and was accepted as follows: President, Mrs. James J. Elliott; 1st. vice-president, Mrs. Wal- ter Smillie; 2nd, vice-prdesident, Mrs. W. H, McKinney; Secretary, Mrs, El- dred Nichol; Assistant, Mrs. Harry Elliott; Treasurer, Mrs. Harvey Rob- ertson; Secretaries: Home Helpers, Mrs, Lloyd Felker; Glad Tidings, Mrs. J. C. Higgins; Welcome and Welfare, Mrs. Raymond Elliott, Mrs. H. Rob- ertson, Mrs, Walter Smillie; Press Miss Olive Scott; Literature and Lib- rary, Mrs. Bill Mundell; Life Mem,: bership, Mrs. Harry Elliott; Supply, Mrs. W, H. McKinney; Pianisa, Mrs. Higgins, assistant, Mrs. R, Elliott. Christmas hymns were sung and the (Continued on page five) Its' GE TWO THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, December 7th, 1949 GIFTS for HER PERFUMES CHANEL No, 5, No. 22 $5.00, $10.00 LeLONG 4 Fragrances $2.50 GEMEY $1.50, $3.50 COLOGNES CHANEL No. 5, No. 22 $3.00, $5.50 LeLONG 4 Fragrances „ $1,50, $2.50 YARDLEY LOTUS, Etc. , , . .$1.50 EVENING-IN-PARIS ....85c, $1.60 GEMEY (Hudnuts) _ , _ „ . , . $1.75 FRIENDSHIP GARDEN . .. .$1.25 BATH SALTS YARDLEY, EVENING IN PARIS, CLIFTON, OLD SPICE, LAVEN- DOMEAL, BATHETTE (Globules) 65c - $1.25 FANCY SOAPS YARDLEY, HUDNUT, ROGER & GALLET, EVENING IN PARIS, DuBARRY • DRESSER SETS 3 and 5 piece $5.95 up to $11.50 COSMETIC SETS By YARDLEY, EVENING-IN- PARIS, HUDNUT, DuBARRY, VITA-RAY COMPACTS $3.00, $5.00, $8., $10.00 'OUR 404' ..wcoin. win.W.V.Q.e0Q,Vra4Q6 .se +..aws BLUEVALE ud.ltili, Mrs. George Hetherington; Temperance, :qrs. Stanley 1 ntrling ; *rite Wianen's Societies ,-,f the 1.'11. C,,nununity Frit•thiship, Mrs. joint PigOkAkW-4k-e-AiWg4 fAV.AV AI-MA Don't miss our tremendous selection man-picked TIES $1.00 - $1.25 We've counters full for your shopping ease. Everything you need in our big store . . at New Low Prices! BROADCLOTHS OXFORDS In colour-packed Solids and Stripes. All Fabrics! All Colours! $2.95 to $5.50 MEN'S WEAR ANN iormormul s. Chur411 met in the Sunday School I ttlektws....j.. • -W15r. ,R,,„11; on Thur,4lay afternoon. Mrs. j, --• - • • - g. llurden presided for the Missionar% meetitt, led in priittr and for the A SELECTION OF IDEAL $.k Christmas Gifts General-Electric RADIOS . , - .$19.95 up AdedlIMINNOla Don's Service Station J. L. Armstrong, Specialist, Ottawa, Ont. Dear Sir: 4c.) Troubled with large scrobal hernia for eleven years-which two costly operations failed to correct-1 became quite discouraged. While visiting me a few years ago, my elder brother told me, he had been cured with your Patented Appliance, I at once had you fit me and I am pleased to inform you that it caused a complete cure in eight months. What a relief. At forty-seven years of age I am beginning to live again.. Your appliance does all and more than you claim for it. Gratefully yours, (Sgd.) ROBERT KEYES, Keyes Garage and Motor Sales, Mitchell, Ont. J. L Armstrong Speolia.list - Ottawa, Ont. will be at the BRUNSWICK HOTEL, WINGHAM, ONTARIO SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1949 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, and will be pleated to have you call fer private COnsttltation and demonstration, There is no Charge, My Patented Appliance does NOT bind tight around the body. 1170e it NO pressure on urea of hips or spine. WO understrapt, Thousands of testimonials and refetenees from people who have obtained permanent relief, Est. time 18112 REIWEIV113ER "There is No Substitute for Experience RUPTURE Read"the following Testimonial: Mitchell, Ont., Nov. 1st, 1949 a