HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-11-30, Page 8ICES OPEN EDNESDAY WROXETER Mr. and Mrs. Blair Sharj were week-end visitors with the former's father, Mr. John Hupfer. Miss Agnes and Margaret Wear- ring, Toronto, were week-end guests of Mr, and Mrs. G. A. Weaning. Dr. R. B. Palmer was a Toronto visitor last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. Millar, Detroit, were recent vistors with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibson. Deepest sympathy is extended to Miss Margaret Messer of the Howick Fire Insurance Co. Staff, in the sudden death of her father, the late Archie Messer of Bluevale. George Wearring, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. 13. Wearring, now of Toronto, has been chosen captain of Senior basketball team of Western Univer- sity. George was also chosen as one of the All Star Rugby Team, having played for the past three years with the Mustangs. Friends here were in- terested id hearing John Metras, coach of the Mustangs arid some of his team including 'George interviewed over CFPL, at whiOh time presentations were made. George is in his final yea'r at Western University. Plan to attend the progressive euch- ER REGULATIONS Must be ENFORCED to VOID BLACKOUTS . *10 gl•Vg :*pigi:MO\ PAGE EIGHT THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TThIES Wednesday, November 30, 1949 CURLERS' NEWS UNIQUE LTD., OF TORONTO, ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE Appointment of Carmichael's Dry Goods AS AGENT FOR ALL THEIR OUTSTANDING SPORTSWEAR EQUIPMENT IN THIS DISTRICT. FOR ALL YOUR CURLING NEEDS INCLUDING: SWEATERS— Solid Colours of Red, White, or Blue --All-wool, 4 ply knit $1 2.95: CURLING SHOES—Fleece lined $9.75 CURLING TAMS —All-Wool $2.98 CRESTS— The NEW Wingham Curling Crest $1.00 See the Beautiful Sweaters and Other Curling Accessories—Also Western Foundry Co. Ltd. Trophy AT ICHAEL'S The Place To Meet — Our Slogan, Quality, Selection and Courtesy TELEPHONE ONE WINGHAM MEN'S - LADIES' - CHILDREN'S WEAR XM20-0.0-- THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ON- TARIO HAS ADVISED THE MUNICIPALITIES AND RUR- AL POWER DISTRICTS THAT DUE TO INCREASED LOADS DURING THE PAST WEEK THAT A 5 PER CENT. SAVINGS IN THE USE OF ELECTRICITY MUST BE AT- TAINED IN ORDER TO AVOID BLACKOUTS. THIS IS NOT TOO MUCH TO ASK OF EVERY INDIVIDU- AL USER OF ELECTRICITY AND IF EVE YOKE WOULD CO-OPERATE AND DO THEIR PART SAVI COULD BE QUITE EASILY MADE WITHOUT ANY GREAT INCONVENIENCE TO ANYONE. YOUR LOCAL COMMISSION ASKS YOUR SINCERE CO-OPERATION. Save Electricity at all Times and Avoid Blackouts WINGHAIVI UTILITIES COMMISSION re the I~pItr Rita' ly ca) fs o II s week, k, roomsc D ce. g Sponsored by the For-Best Ladies Club. Everyone is welcome. a good place to meet your neighbours and friends. At St. James Church on Sunday, Nov. 27th, First Sunday in Advent„ Margaret Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen McKercher, Jamestown, was received into the church through baptism, Godparents for the child were Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Nixon, Wing- ham, Will Speak On Isle of Man On Sunday next, Dec. 4th, Rev. J. C, Caley, Rector of St. James Church, will be guest speaker at CKNX Broadcasting Station at 3 p.m. He will speak on The isle of Man, where he visited during the past summer. His broadcast will be of special interest to students of History" and Geography as the story of the iManx Nation dat- es back to prehistoric times. Honoured On 80th Birthday Children and grandchildren number- ing eighteen, gathered at the hone of Mr. and Mrs, Ben Hislop on Friday evening to celebrate Mr. Hislop's 80th Birthday, A fowl dinner was served when the table was centred with a three storey birthday cake, bearing 80 candles, A pink and white color scheme included the Birthday cake decorations, Flowers, gifts and cards added to the happiness of the occasion. Mr. Hislop has lived all of his eighty years in this district. He was born on the farm next to the one on which 'he has resided for the past 55 years. He is in fairly good health, and still drives his own car. Everyone in the Community will join with his family in extending to this highly esteemed citizen best wishes for good health and many more Happy Birthdays. Junior Auxiliary At the regular meeting of the Junior Auxiliary of St. James Church on Tuesday, the rector gave a talk on the l meaning of Advent. Alembers conduct- ed the Worship Service and cintinued sewing for the bale during the. \ 0 r period. St. James Bazaar Great Success Mrs. Chester Higgins, 6th line of • I Turnberry, was the lucky winner of a beautiful quilt when at 4.30 Saturday the draw was made during theii- annual Bazaar of St. James Women's Guild. r At 3 p.m. the rector, Rev. J. C. Caley, \), spoke words of welcome and declared the Bazaar open. On the sewing table, hand-made articles, aprons, stuffed animals and including quilts found ready sale. The Home Cooking and Candy Counters were attractive, also vegetables but most popular to the children was the fish pond, which was full of surprises. Afternoon tea was served when many guests met in a social half hour. .The Bazaar was un- der the supervision of Guild president, Mrs, George Griffith. Her Committees and all who helped are to be congrat- ulatedazan a on the success of the annual B Amateur Contest The Howick Lions Club Amateur Concert held in Wroxeter Town Hall on Friday night drew a large crowd in spite of unfavorable weather. District Deputy Governo'r Jim Caley, with Mrs. Caley at the piano, gave the evening's entertainment a good start when he led in Community Singing. Lion Caley welcomed the contestants and audi- ence and introduced the Master of Ceremonies president, Lion Ken,:Ed. gar, who conducted the programme, to the pleasure and satisfaction of all present. Three judges - Mrs. Zeigler, Harriston; Mr. Fitch, Clifford; and Mrs. J, C. Caley gave the awards as follows: Junior Division, Douglas Hamilton, Bluevale, '5 year old soloist; Frances Edgar, Gorrie, 5 year-old Tap Dancer; Phpllis Hamilton, Bluevale, recitation, "When Father Shaves."; Shirley Ash- ton and Marlene Johnston, Fordwich, duet, Mrs. Douglas, acconmanist; Edith Timni. and Marlene Feigel, Gor- rie, duet, Mrs. Douglas, accompanist. Senior Division—Irma Watt and Mar- jorie Walt, Blyth, coronet duel, ac- companied by their mother, 'Mrs. Watt. Thelma Denny and Gilberto. Howes, medley of old songs, Mrs. Brothers, accompanist; Robert Cunningham, Ethel, solo, Mrs. Brothers, aecompan. 1st; quartette, ()nest Dobson, Cecil Batem, t, Robert Bretnner, George Pears( n, Ethel, accompanist, Mrs. C. Cod ane; Adrian VerintIsf, Ethel, solo rutch, also in English, accompanist, Irs. C. Cochrane. By request the Watt sisters favored with a second Coronet Duet, Adrian Verhulst also responded to a request for a song in Dutch. The Amateur Contest is an excellent means of stimulating love for better music and entertainment and The Howick Lions are to be congratulated for their efforts on behalf of the young people in this district, Women's Institute Mrs, I, Brothers will have charge of the seasonable motto, Heap on more wood, the Wind is Chill, Wei ll Keep our Merry Xmas Still, when the Wroxeter Branch of the W. I. meets on Wednesday, December 7th, at 2.30 p.m., at the home of the President, Mrs. A, Munro, NI rs. Garfield Gibson will review Current Events, Roll Call, Memories of Christmas from Child- hood. Paper, Story of Xmas Car- ols. Mrs, V. Denny. Members are re- minded to bring donations for Christ- mas Cheer Boxes also Sunshine Boy. Hostesses, Rae, M Mrs. Hunter, 'Mrs, Moffat, Mrs. Candielighting gervite Mrs, H. Hamilton and Miss K, Hazelwood are arranging the annual Candlelighting Service of the Women's Missionary Society to be held in the church schoolroom on the afternoon of Thursday, December 1st„ at 3 p.m. Guest speaker will he Mrs, Stewart Miner, Fordwich, Ladies of the con- gregation are cordially invited. Raymond Brown, son of Mrs. jetbi tirown, has been awarded a Dominion Provincial Scholarship. Raymond is in his third year, taking Electric Engin- eering at Toronto University. One of the fifty race horses cur- rently known for their speed on mud- dy tracks is called "Dusty." FORDWICH Howick Chapter of the Royal Seat- let held their election of officers on Monday evening of last week in the Orange Hall, Installation was con- ducted by County Master John Dins) more. Imm. P, C,—Gordon Cnderwood; W.C.—john Gamble; D. C. —R, Bib- berd; Chaplain—Rev. J, C, Caley; .Scribe—Win. Campbell; Treasurer, J. Topham.; Marshal—E. Hargrave; Lec- turer—Lloyd Jacques, Tustin Will con. —J as, Foster, Norman Harding; Her- ald, Geo. Baker; Sentinel, A. Stinson., Lunch was served at the close of the meeting, Mrs. Carman Bride, who has been ill is very low at time of writing. Tier sister, Mrs. Russell Bell, Atwood, and Miss Margaret Spence, also a sister from Calgary and Guelph are with her,\ On Monday, Nov. 14th., Mrs. Win. Montgomery, Listowel, celebrated her 81st. birthday at the home of her dau- ghter and son-in-law, Mrs. W. J. Rob- erts and Mr. Roberts, with whom she resides. All members of the family ex- cept one son, Harry, of New Liskeard, were present on the Sunday before. Among those in attendance were: Mr and Mrs. Ed. Montgomery, Gibson and Graham; Miss Margail'tit Mont. gomery, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, Ken Montgomery, Brantford; Mr. and Mrs, For MOTHER Cushions Coffee Tables Occasional Chairs End Tables Table Lamp Tea Wagon Clothes Hamper Matched Set of Luggage Young Men Norman' Montgomery, Palmerston; Mr. and Mrs. R, Montgomery and Quentin of Chatham; Mr. and Mrs. A. Mitchell and children, Listowel. During the Month of December the Stores in Wingham will remain open on Wednesday afternoons until 6 p.m. Edwards' Motor Sales Chrysler, Plymouth Cars and Fargo Trucks PARTS and ACCESSORIES Telephone—Days 417, Wingham The Milk Producers had their an- nual Turkey Dinner in the Community Hall oh Friday evening, Members of the Women's Institute catered. The BABY Commode, Chair Cribs High Chair Bath-A-Babe Philco Radios Console - Table Models Bridge Sets Floor Lamp Gladstone Bag The CHILDREN Doll Carriage Tricycles Kindergarten Sets Rocker Carriage Runners $ 4,4° For DAD La-z-Boy Chair Smoker Hammock ,)) Have that CEDAR CHEST put away for "Her" .....Now! mactii,W,Mitc,410,4VcsakVmPOZW4141V4AteMe.laiKtc-kwg-iclOctemiclgtatomogic,ftetetatelomwo%ytt,4,44moloftvcco lStr-'oSVSWitMltSVOV4Kta!tagtOlaitatelt.11WIT.V.CtetSK-LIVMSPC-OelS-1410VetetC-VSKtElMeRtSitis-tststStsisktimmemetz.74 NOTICE We hrsiedpjurnsetnrteoc-i-ed Single Headrest Couches gilelletzallStAtI,V,MvtOrEttSICIMMVASMSVSlier.11*.tr:41.."EVOLVStStaCttStC.C.:704lelltteralealls,liratststtit=tststttmig;§ MODERN FUNERAL HOME Telephones 106 - 189 WA-ZS-IteOWOP7,WetlttUeoi-kVrWrro-re'zok-AVV-MW(AgZtejgoATZAg Walker's Home Furnishings PROMPT AMBULANCE SERVICE S J Walker