The Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-11-30, Page 6r0SKSWANtekstemsKtesS414/04kiteccikkkr•XVOMOOPCMWSIESIMMOSKII/SYNKS1 SAVE MONEY By Ordering Chicks now at Below Hatchery Prices. We I allow 5c per hundred Quantity' Dis- eounts and 5c per week before de- livery Early Order Discount. \A e supply Any breed, at any age. All Chicks from O.A.C. Approved and Pnliortim tested flocks operating un- der Government Inspection, front Breeding Farms Specializing in that breed, Because prices vary accord- ing to time of delivery and breed, please write us asking for our prices --emir aim is to supply the highest quality chicks from R,O.P. and Approved Flocks to ensure highest quality at lowest possible prices, 'We guarantee Unsurpassed Value, West's Poultry Sales, Kincardine. Smith's Economy Food Store SPECIAL TOMATO JUICE 3 20 oz. tins 27c SPECIAL Talisman Marmalade Orange or Orange, Lemon and Grapefruit 24 oz. jar 30c EVERYTHING for your CHRISTMAS CAKE White RAISINS, lb. 25c Seedless RAISINS, lb. Ile Bulk Glace Cherries, lb. 69c Clean CURRANTS, lb. 20c WALNUT HALVES, !,'2 lb 58c Cut MIXED PEEL, Y2 lb. 20c VANILLA Extract, 4 oz. 10c Coloured Cocoanut, lb. 30c Candied PINEAPPLE, lb. 69c IM1011•••••••••••••• Pitted Sair DATES, lb.. 22c Shelled ALMONDS 1/2 lb. 35c Cut MIXED FRUITS 1/2 lb 23c Shredded Cocoanut, 1/2 lb. ... 30c Whole CITRON PEEL, lb. 55c Coleman's PURE LARD, lb. 21c MARGENE or NUCOA MARGARINE, lb. • .35c McCormick's E. D. Smith's Pure OATMEAL COOKIES TOMATO KETCHUP 25c lb. 21c bot. START YOUR SET TODAY! GET YOUR Coupons for Dinnerware ALBO No. 50 NEW-LAC NEW FLOOR FINISH—Pint $1.15 Quart $1.95 Phone 161• 2 Deliveries Daily Prompt Service jatmtiommt4isialmtzb,vaalwat.-arzamassar41;aarvattaotm-vattil CLASSIFIED ADS. .Sire is survived by lies son, ,1 attics, of Toronto and her daughter, Mae. (Mrs. A. B. Mitchell) of Wingham. To the Electors of HOWICK TOWNSHIP VOTE E.H.Strong FOR REEVE Your support and influ, ence will be appreciated, THANKS for the acclamation accorded me by the Ratepayers of Wingham for REEVE for 1950 The Compliments of the Season to all. Murray Johnson " PAGE SIX THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, November 30, 1949 • d ALL RETURNED Mastic Tile Flooring for Homes, Offices and Stores. CHRISTMAS GIFTS — Novelty Planters complete with'Plant; Dec- orated Table Centres, also Christ- mas Corsages. See our advertise- ment on page two. Lewis Flowers, Telephone 101, Wingham. FOR SALE—No. 4 Cockshutt Sprea- ders, lever harrows, one 30 Tractor, two 8A mowers, two rubber tired wagons. See us today, as dollar de- , valuation may increase prices. Also, , a Used "70" Goodison Oliver Trac- tor in good working order. John Bumstead & Son. FOR SALE—Canaries, beautiful ours ' and songsters. Guaranteed singers, $8.00 each. Nelson Mould- en, Auburn, Ont. FOR SALE-6 roomed house in a good location on Frances St., close to Public School. Apply R. E. Jack- son, Box 91, Exeter. FOR SALE-9 roomed frame house on William and John St. Apply Mrs. Laura Finley. FOLLON-VING TRUCK TIRES now in stock-6,50x16 Mud and Snow, 6 ply; 7.50x20, Mud and Snow, 10 ply; 8.25x20 Standard Tread, 10 ply; 7.00x17 Standard Tread, 6 ply, Campbell's Garage, Wingham. FOR RENT-5-rocsned Apartment, private entrance and bathroom. Apply by letter to Box V. V., The Advance-Times. FOR SALE—Princess Pat Range, like new, with shelf and reservoir. Earl Underwood, telephone 23r16, Wroxeter. FOR SA L E—Canaries, guaranteed singers, all colours, blues and whites. 'Phone 64032. --• FOR SALE—Man's Brown Overcoat, size 42, only worn 3 times, A-1 con- dition. Telephone 445, Wingham. ,FOR SALE-30 Panes cif Glass, French door size. May be seen at Staintun Hardware. R. J. ,NleMur- ray, 'phone 735J3, FOR SA LE—Christmas Turkeys. Delivered any time. R. J. McSNItir- ray, 'phone 735J3. FOR SA I ,E—Roun d )ining Table and leaves, Chesterfield, Diabstie Scales, Combination China Cabinet and Buffet, all in good condition. Priced for quick sale. Telephone Advance-Times, 34. FOR SALE—Quebec I /tester, medium size, No, 44, used 3 months, Apply Ads ance-Times. FOR SA1,E-9 Pigs ready to wean; 1 Walker Fox Hound, $10.00. Ross Taylor, Belgrave, 624W12. PO RE SA i„F,...—sessyst Ru bb er-t i re d Chair with adjustable back and foot rest. Apply Advance-Tinies, FOR SA LE—Plate (Pass, 7' x 6'. Apply at Advanee-Times. • • — FOR SA LE—Pair of Girl's Skates and white boots, Size 3. Tele- phone 493. FOR SA I. E-1946 Studebaker f,f,, ton Pickup Truck, with box, in good condition. Apply Jack Orvis. FOR SALE—(=irl's Blue Chinchilla Coat, size 12; Girl's Black Wool Suit with green trim, size 12-14; FOR SALE—Child's High Chair, Commode Chair, set of Rocking Horses. Apply Advance-Times. „ . FOR SALE—Misses' Coat, FtiSchia, size 14, good condition; 5 ft. Skis. Telephone 435W, FOR SALE-5 Hounds, ready to run; h.p. Fairbanks-Morse Gasoline Engine; 1 Maxwell Gas Washer in good condition, 1 fresh Durham Cow TB tested, Apply Gordon Louttit, Wroxeter, telephone Ile& FOR SALE—Brown Ski Boots, size 4, 1 pair Snow Shoes. Apply to Marion Simpson, 'phone 547W. FOR SALE—Two Sets of Bench Sleighs, reconditioned and painted, like new; also 1 ten-inch Plate grain Grinder with Speed Jack and moun- ted. Contact J. F. Davidson, R. R. 3, Wingham, Phone Bel. 626W2. FOR SALE—Chesterfield and Two Matching Chairs, Round Dining Table with six chairs, Electric Washing Machine, Play Pen and Pad, Women's Ski Boots, size 7. Telephone 61032, Wingham. FOR SALE-20 Chunks, 15 Suckers. W. D. McKenzie, Wingham, tele- phone 646w1. HAIRDRESSER WANTED—Good finger waver, good wages, 48 hour week. Position open 1st. of January s Acton's Beauty Salon, Chesley, Ontario, Phone 142. Lady's Black Cloth Coat with Silver Fox Collar, size 16; Child's 3-piece Snow Suit, 'Blue, for child 2 to 3 years. All in good condition, Reas- onably priced. Telephone 432W. LIVESTOCK FEEDING OIL — Guaranteed Potency, 1200 units Vi- tamin "A" and 200 Units Vitamin 1)3 (Poultry) in each grain. New low price $3.75 per gallon, with' your own container $3.60. Kerr's Drug Store, Wingham, Ontario. ORDERS TAKEN for Christmas Trees. Apply Bill Lockridge, tele- phone 92. PERSONALITY BEAUTY SHOP specializes in all types of Ferman ents, Machine, Machineless and . Cold, also Shampooing, Finger Wav- ing and Ogilvie Sisters Scalp Treat- ments. 'Phone 33 for appointment. PROFITABLE steady business with most complete line of household necessities from the most fragrant cosmetics to the most helpful floor cleaners or polishes. There is an exclusive territory for you its your town or in your rural area. You are sure to succeed with our fast- selling lines. Write today for free details. FAMILEN, 1600 Delori- mier, Montreal, ROOMERS WANTED—Apply a t Advance-Times. REAL BARGAIN on the f o llo w ing.— One set of 4 Boxing- Gloves, used twice; our BB Gull, used very little, also one large Crokinole Board and men, nearly new, Would make good Christmas gifts, 'Phone 2981. WE INVITE YOU to call in to your Singer Sewing Centre and see our practical Christmas Gifts, Repairs to all makes of machines, 'Phone 1135 or write Singer Sewing Ma- chine Company, Goderich, Ornalio. WE HAVE a Complete Stock of En- gines on hand to fit the following cars and trucks: All models of Plymouth, Chrysler, Dodge and De- Soto; also to fit all sizes of Fargo and Dodge Trucks, We also have engines to fit all Farm Machinery and Tractors that are powered with Chrysler motors. Edwards' Motor Sales, Victoria St., Wingham, Applications Wanted Applications for the position of Road Superintendent for the Township of Morris at a salary of 75 cents per hour and $10.00 per month for book- keeping will be received by the un- dersigned; applicant to supply his own means of transportation. Applications must be in the hands of the Clerk by December 14, 1949. George C. Martin, Clerk, R. R. 4, Brussels Caretaker Wanted Applications for the position of Caretaker for Mulberry School Area for the following schools: No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, will be received by the undersigned up to December 14th, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. A. Corrig,an, Seey-Treass Bluevale R. R. 1 TENDERS Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned sip to 5 p.m. December 17, 1949, for the Rental of the Concession Booth Located in the Belgrave Com- munity Arena, for the skating season of 1949-50. Any tender not necessar- ily accepted. L. Vannan, Sec'y-Treaserer, Board of Trustees AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate in the Town of Wingham L. G. Bryce, Auctioneer, has been instructed to sell by Public Auction for the Agnes Currie Estate, at the property situate on the West side of Centre Street, Wingham, on Saturday, December 3rd, 1949, at 2 p.m. sharp, the following residential property, namely: Lot No. 3 on the West side of Centre Street in John Cornyn's Sur- vey in the said Town of Wingham. On the property is said to be erect- ed a six-roomed brick dwelling in a fair state of repair and a frame barn. The land is suitable for a good gard- en. TERMS OF SALE! Ten per cent. on the day of sale and the balance in thirty days when possession shall be given. Further particulars and conditions of sale will be made known on the day of the sale or may be had on appli- cation to the undersigned. The prop- erty will be offered subject to a re- served hid, • L. G. BRYCE, Wingham, Out., Aucti sneer NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Enoch Webster Willits, late of the Two. of Turnberry, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the 20th day of August A.D. 1949,are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the third day of December A.D. 1949, full particul- ars of their claims in writing. Im- mediately after the said third day of December the assets of the said in- testate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Admin- istrator shall then have notice, DATED this fourteenth day of No- vember, A.D. 1949. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MA-.1".1.'ER of The Bulk Sales Act. TAKE NOTICE that all persons having, claims against Earl D. Ilarri- mut who has sold his business in Gorria under The Bulk Sales Act, wherein Robert Scott Hetherington, Solicitor, of Winghain, Ontario, has been appointed Trustee, are hereby notified to mail to the undersigned, full particulars of their claims veri- fied by statutory declaration sstting out the security held, if any, On or be- fore the 10th day of December, 1949, AND TAKE NOTICE further that distribution of the moneys on hand will be macho immediately thereafter to those creditors of whom ,the said Trus- tee shall have had notice, DATED at Wingham, this 25th day of November, A.D4 1049. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the 't'r'ustee, NOTICE TO CREDITORS i U U U U • U U full particulars of their claims in writ- ing, Immediately after the said- sev- enteenth day of December, the assets of the said intestate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Administratrix shall then have notice. DATED this twenty-fifth day of November, A.D. 1949. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administratrix, CARD OF THANKS Rush Ready-to-Wear and Dunlop Shoe Store wish to thank Murray Johnson for the use of space in his garage in which to assemble the Cin- derella Float for the Christmas Par- ade on Saturday, CARD OF THANKS The family of the late William C. Lepard wish to thank friends and neighbours for the many acts of kind- ness and sympathy shown during their recent bereavement, also a very special thanks to the Superintendent of the Wingham General Hospital-, Mrs. I. Morrey and her staff of nurses. CARD OF THANKS We wish to gratefully acknowledge the many expressions of kindness shown our mother during her con- tinued illness, and for sympathy and kindness extended in our time of bereavement. Mother loved flowers and to those who sent floral tributes our sincerest thanks. The Family of the late Mrs. H. '1', Perdue. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late ..Mr. Archie Messer wish to thank friends and neighbours for kindness and sympathy shown at the time of their recent sad bereavement. Special thanks for the lovely floral tributes and- for the loan of cars, CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs, George T. Thomson, Bluevale, and Mrs, 'H. T. Thomson, Wingham, wish to thank all friends and neighbours for expressions of sympathy shown them in their. recent sad bereavement, and gratefully ack- nowledge the many flowers, cards and letters received, also casket bearers, flower bearers, the staff of Winghant General Hospital and doctors. . CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to tender most grateful thanks to the many friends of the late Martha Kahle, particularly those of the LO,B,A, No. 810, the Women's Institute and neighbonrs for their kindness and sympathy, also fon the beautiful floral offerings; especially thanking Rev, Coley and Rev. Watt for their consoling words. Pearl Kaine, IN MEMORIAM WITTIEROW—Tn loving memory of our dear mother who passed away December 3rd, 1048. The depths of sorrow we cannot tell Of the loss of one we loved so well, And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep Her memory we shall always keep. Lovingly remembered by Stewart, Claudia and Alberta, LOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Lois Hayden has returned to London after spending the past week at Ilet home. Mrs. Thomas 3. Balm' of Wingham was in Atwood on Monday, attending 'the t funerali nNv,o her sister, Mrs, Albert Dtk ,••••••••.••••••, There was a record crowd as the hall was well filled. The Reeve, 'Coun- cillors and School Trustees were all returned by acclamation and there were no other nominations. The fol- lowing is a list of the nominattions. Reeve, Harvey Johnston, by C. R. Coultes and Sam Alcock. Council, Sam Aleock by Harvey Johnston and C. R. Coultes; C. K, Coultes by Clarence Martin and Sam Alcock; Win, Peacock by Nelson Hig- ginsiin. and R. J. .McMurray; /3aillie Par- rott by Jas, Phelan and Clarence Mar- tin, School Trustees: Harvey McCutch- eon by Bernard Thomas and R. J. McMurray; Torrance Dundas by Silas Johnston and C ,R, Coultes; Kenneth Taylor by R. J, McMurray and Ber- nard Thomas. There were just the three school trustees to be re-elected, the others are R. J. McMurray and Bernard Thomas. Cecil Wheeler, former Reeve of the Township was appointed chairman for the meeting. The •Treasurer's report was given by the Treasurer, Nelson Higgins. Harvey C. Johnston, Reeve, the next speaker, gave a very fine account of the happenings which took place through the County Council. He ex- plained the Health Unit for Huron County, outlining it from the start. In regard to County Roads a good deal of work has been done on such roads in and surrounding the Township of Morris in the past year. It costs ap- proximately $5,000., per mile for lay- ing asphalt road. He said that the County Home at Clinton is practically full and lie spoke very highly of Mr. Jacobs, assistant manager of the home as he is doing a wonderful job. The Reforestation committee has bought three more farms in the past yeas' for reforestation, The plans for the repairs and ad- dition to the Registry office had to be changed but they have now been approved, ready to go ahead with the work next year. Sam Alcock, Councillor, spoke of cattle spraying being a wonderful thing and hope to make it more com- pulsory in the future. There was a good deal of gravel being put on the roads and two or three bridges were fixed. There was a great deal of work done on the 7th line and hoped that next year there would be some work done on some of the other lines. Chas. Coultes, Councillor, said the roads in Morris are in very good shape. The same man has crushed gra- vel for the Township for a number of years and has given real good satis- faction. There was only a small per- centage of the cattle that were not sprayed and hoped , that all cattle would be sprayed next year. Baillie Parrott, Councillor, -stated that the weeds on the road sides had been cut for $187,00. Approximately 11000 yards of gravel were putt on tic' roads of the Township in 1949. Win. Peacock, Councillor, spoke of there being very little fire protection for the ratepayers of the Township, and made the suggestion of getting more fire protection in the form of fire units to be placed throughout the Township or having an agreement with the villages and towns adjoining the Township of Morris for the use of their equipment. Ralph Shaw, Treasurer of the Town- ship School Area went over the School entries, and explained the different nt R. 3. McMurray, Chairman of the School Board, gave an account of some 'of the happenings during the year. Torrance Dundas, trustee, said that two schools had been painted and that they were trying to do a little repair work every year. Kenneth Taylor, trustee, said that they discontinued having the school pictures as it was very unhandy trans- porting children to different parts of the Township to see them. He also stated that the mill rate'Tor schools in Morris is the lowest in the district. Bernard Thomas, trustee, and Har- vey McCutcheon, trustee, said they were trying to do the best they could. 'rhos, Henderson, representative for Morris on the Wingham High School District Board gave an account of Aat was done hi regard to transporta- tion, They tried to hire good drivers at all times. r Vvyn Richmond, representative fo ilorris on the Clinton High School District Board, gave a very good re- port of what took Place in that dis- trict., A reply was given by he Reeve, Harvey C. Johnston. The meeting then came to a close with singing God Save The King. OBITUARY James Stapleton Following a very brief illness, James Stapleton passed on at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Milas Cameron, John St, on Saturday, November 26th, in his Nth year. Born and educated its England, he came to this country in 1872 anti in February of 1881 was married in Wingharn to Susan Wade, who red - ceased him 16 years ago. Surviving are three daught;ers, Mrr, 1.47, A. Beatty (Vera) Toronto; Mrs. M. Cameron (Mae); Mrs. B. Holm- es (Florence); and two sons, jantes and Arthur, all of Wingham, One daughter, Mrs. Alex Cameron (Annie) of Culross, predeceased him. He is also survived by one sister, Mrs. W, Knephler, Stratford, and two brothers, Manuel and Robert of town. There ore twenty-one g ra nd c hildren and two great grandchildren Funeral services were held from . The S. 3, Walker Funeral Home, on' Tuesday, Nov. 29th, at 2.3Q p.m., with Rev. 0, J. Coupland officiating, in- terment was made in Wingham ceme- tery, Th e pallbearers were: J. Cameron, Wm, Stapleton, X. Stapleton, R, Hol- mes, P. Holmes, and Elmer Beatty. Mrs. M. Ludington Funeral service for Mrs. Mary M. Ludington, pioneer temperance worker was held on Thursday, Nov. 24th, at Woodstock, One Mrs. Ludington who was 95, lied Tuesday in Wingham at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. J. Brown, Leopold St, Born at Plattsville, Ontario, site went to Montreal at the turn of the century. Her husband, Tracy Luding- ton, was one of the original members of the Montreal Board of Trade and senior partners in the firm of Luding- ton and Coughlin. She was active in church work and maintained a private church on her estate at Sixteen island Lake, Que., for 40 years, She was .one of the first members of the Women's Christian Temperance Union in Montreal, the Victorian Order of Nurses and first president of the Outremount and North End Women's Club. She is survived by -two sons, Tracy H. Ludington, of Tampa Shores, Flor- ida, W. H. Ludis.igton, of Philadelphia, P.A., and four daughters, Mrs. J. J. Brown of Wingham; Mrs. W, H. Pratt, Vancouver, Mrs. K, Thom, Toronto, Mrs. W. R. Aird of Montreal, There are 23 grandchildren and 23 great grandchildren and 1 great great grandchild. —Copied from the Mont- real Gazette. William C. Lepard Following an illness of nine Neeeks resulting from a stroke, William C. :Lepard passed away in Wingham Genes al H.ospital on Monday, Nov, 21. He was in his 69th year. Born in Stratford, Ont., he came to this district in 1904. By occupation he was an engineer and until his ill- ness, was employed with C. Lloyd & Son of town. His wife, the former Belle Hillier of Ottervillc, predeceased him in Sept. 1941, and a young son, Frederick, died in infancy. Surviving are three slaughters, Ikirs. E. Greenwood (Evelyn) of Toronto; Mrs. Leigh Johnston (Jean) -Bramps ton, and Mary at home, one son, C. W. Lepard of Walkerton and seven grandchildren. One brother, Edward, predeceased him. He was a member of •St. Paul's Ang- lican Church. Funeral services were held on Wed- nesday, Nov. 23rd., at 1.30 p.m., from c'urrie's Funeral Home with Rev. E. 0. Lancaster officiating. Interment was made in Wingham cemetery. 'The pallbearers' were: F. MacLean, H. Fuller, C. Merkley, S. Ross, E. Parish and J. Schneider. Mrs. H. T. Perdue Lucinda Jane Daley, younger daugh- ter of the late 'George Daley and Mary Ann Wray was born in Simcoe County, December 15th, 1876, aad moved to 'a farm near Belgrave, when she was' a year old. She was the re- maining member of the. family, as her sister, Mary, (Mrs. John Ferguson) passed away some years ago. She was married to Henry Perdue on New Year's Day, 1902. They resid- ed at the Perdue homestead in East Wawanosh Township until the death of her husband in September, 1040. Since that time she had heed in Bel- grave. Mrs. Perdue was a faithful member of Trinity Anglican Church, Belgrave, and took an active interest in the Ladies' Guild , Until this summer she had enjoyed good health. After seVeral weeks' illness in the Wingham Hospital, she was removed to the home of her dau- ghter, Mae, (Mrs. A, B. Mitchell), where she passed away on Friday, November 25th., in her seventy-fourth year, Funeral services were conducted 1)3, Rev. J, M. Wyatt, Rector of Trinity Anglican . Church, Belgrave, at Currie's Funeral Home, on Monday, Nov. 28th, 1949, at, 2.30 p.m, The remains were .laid .0 rest in the Perdue plot, Wing- ham cemetery. To the Ratepayers of Turnberry School Area and Fellow Parents: I am qualifying for one of your School Trustees and would like your sup- port on Election Day. Wishing you the Com- pliments of the Season. EARL E. HAMILTON Your support and VOTE on MON., DEC. 5th will be appreciated by John V. Fischer Candidate for REEVE Turnberry Township, for 1950 Six years of service in the Council assures the Ratepayers of sound business administration ELECT W. A. FRALICK for REEVE for TURNBERRY, 1950 Your support will be appreciated. WINIIIIIIII••••••••••••••41.101.• INIMINIIIIIIM44.4011110fty•••••& C. Re ttinger respectfully solicits your VOTE and Influence for SCHOOL BOARD TRUSTEE own** for TURNBERRY KITCHENER 131G-4 CHICKS—You say it's early to order: Not at all, We're agents here, and can quote prices and take your order. Mark- ets for poultry and eggs arc pretty CRAWFORDt& HETHERINGTON well established. We are sure you Wingham, Ontario, cannot get better chicks. Start I Solicitors for Executor 1950 with Big-4. Cull your flocks, get some good-payers. Wilbur A. Hogg, Rs R. 4, -Wingham, RADIATOR CLEANING and Re- pairing at reasonable cost, Try— Bluevale Repair Shop, for your All persons having claims against Radtroubles. Telephone 648W1. the estate of Robert J. Breen, late of ---- . ' - the Town of Wingliam, in the County WANTED—Girl or Woman as a of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died llonse..k ee p e r - Companion, Two cm or about the seventh day of Feb- adults. Ample free time, Replies rnary A.D. 1948, are notified to send confidential. Reply by letter to Box to undersi gned r or before the sev- Z, Y., Advance-Times. , enteenth day of December A.D. 1940, CUSTOM BUILT Kitchen CABINETS 4-11.•••••••••••••••10. Plastic Wall Tile For Kitchen and Bathroom ESTIMATES FREE Agent for ARBORITE WALLBOARD Plastic Finish Norman Rintoul 'Phone 251 Wingham BY ACCLAMATION IN MORRIS TOWNSHIP 1114 er.mmorgoomore...r.wromem YOUR VOTE and INFLUENCE Kindly Solicited. VOTE G. N. Underwood For REEVE for the TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY Honest Service with Least Possible Expettditure •