HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-11-30, Page 5Cr? C. C. McKibbon REGISTERED DIAMOND and WEDDING RINGS Fabergette . . . with exclusive Touch-Control applicator . . in purse-perfect leather pouch 3.00 Perfume Ensemble . Fabergette with matching cologne 4.50 the set FOR ALL THE FAMILY WASH any 2.0c WITH YOUR COUPON Wednesday, November 30, 1049 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE. -VIVR Ageo, Ve,44,Z44,WW4gfAMW -47-42.104M-.19 'Phone 475 WarrenHouse Furnishings 0160M-V-2='!,o--,70e -e BELGRAVE 1/2" Tentest Panels 4x8,. 9 and 10 at only 6c sq. ft. BEAVER LUMBER CO. zor-4/0 a/lett/me U 20-201 ..101T1-48 ii CONTRACT BRIDGE ill it Life was anything but dull at the ITI Bridge Club last week A most unusual number of hands were as unpredict- ri able as Calgarians bent on the invasion 1-2.- of Toronto. The following is a sample of several (hands, not Calgarians) that li were equally wild. North dealer -Ii North and South vulnerable. A2 0 V 1175 45 i *870 4. 10 9 ji • * Q j 10 5 3 X 9764 • 9 — * W S 1 E E: V Q N V 10 9 3 2 ii + A i A K 8 7 5 4 2 A A 6 3 * A8 V A 6 is a At seven of the eight tables the con- I C J • K j 4 3 2 a tract was four (or five) spades by East, doubled by South. The bidding: I North East South West a Pass 15. Double 45 Pass Pass Double Pass a Pass Pass When South led the King of (Barn- oink and saw the dummy he didn't need a crystal gazer to tell hint that he could win two tricks—provided he 11.1 took them quickly---and then he was done, Obvionsly,. East needed the three missing high cards for his opening bid. One pair played five diainbads doub- led and East and. West didn't even set the contract, thereby deserving their fate, Whether or nut North and South merited 1400 points nitre than the next ranking N. and S. pair is another question. There is no moral to this story. However, it illustrates the fact that although skill may prevail in the long stretch, the goddess of Luck takes a real interest in bridge, duplicate in- cluded. lf it were not so, probably the game would lose much of its popular- ity. WESTFIELD * Miss Mildred Thornton of Wing- ham, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Harvey McDowell, Mr, and Mrs, Edgar Dane of Gorrie, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Taylor, We are glad to ,know that Master Bobby Carter is recovering from a seige of pneumonia. Mr, Gordon Snell, Mr, Earnest Snell, Mrs. Fred Cook attended the funeral of the former's sister, Mrs. Gordon Cools of Cochrane, and spent a couple of days with Mr. Cools be- fore returning home. The many friends are sorry to hear that on Thursday morning, Master John Campbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell, had the misfortune to fall on some ice at school breaking his leg, making it necessary for him to be a patient in Wingham General Hospital for six or eight weeks. Miss Eva Dow, teacher of the Westfield School visited )ver week:end with Mr, and Mrs. 'fed Mills of Auburn, - Mr. and Mrs. Reg Jenning and fam- ily of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walden. Mr. and Mrs. James Beak and babe, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert l3oak of Lucknow, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Snell and fain- ifY of Mitchell, visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs: Chas, Smith. Miss Norma Taylor of Wingham, I spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Taylor, The annual meeting of the West- field Sunday School was held on Wed- nesday, evening, Nov. 23rd., with Rev. A. G. Hewitt as chairman. The following appointments were made, Supt., Norman McDowell; as- sistants, Howard Campbell and Mar- ants g5aRS: tint bt. 11- ' *Pilaf/14- * pszach'cot pvtiac+ In a choice of her favorite Faberge perfume APHRODISIA WOODHUE . and now TIGRESS SA ELLMAR FLUFFS DOTED LIPPED HEAT Super!" vin McDowell; Sec.-Treas., Gratme McDowell, assistant Murray McDow- ell, Roy Ruchamth; Pianist,:, Cook, Arnold Cools, GOaeme NieDow- Pbell, Janetta Such. Violet fresh Cam ell; Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs. floward Campbell, Mrs. Hugh Blair; Mission- ary Superintendents, Mrs. Norman McDowell, Mrs. Wm, Walden, Mrs. Wm, McVittie, Mrs. Fred Conk; Re.,. presentative on Official Board, Mrs. Marvin McDowell, Temperance Supt. Rev. A. G. Hewitt, T-Toward Campbell. Teachers, Sr. Bible Class, Jack Buch- anan, Mrs. Stanley Cools, Mrs. Win. McVittie, Howard Mr, and Mrs. Marvin McDowell; jr. Bible Class, Harvey McDowell, Douglas Campbell, Norman McDowell, Gordon McDowell; Rev, Hewitt, J. L. Mc- Dowell; Jr. Class, Winnifred Camp- bell, Mrs, 'Gordon Smith, Eileen Tay- lor, Janetta Snell; Primary, Mrs. Alva McDowell, Mrs. Ivan Wightman, Mrs, Don Snell, Mrs. Prank Campbell, 'Mrs, Win. Carter. Beginners Class, Mrs. Norman McDowell, Mrs, Fred Cook, Mrs: Howard Campbell, N-frs, Jack Buchanan, Violet Cook. The meeting was dismissed with prayer, BLUEVALE The Women's Institute will hold the Christmas meeting on Thursday, December 8th, at 2.30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. W. H. McKinney. Roll Call, ,Memories of Christmas front childhood, Rev. L. C. Jorgensen will be the guest speaker .and will give :1 Christmas message, Mrs. Alex Corri- gan will conduct a musical contest and Mrs, Archie Parker will contribute a solo. Donations will be received for the Christmas Cheer Bosses. The lunch committee, Mrs. George Thomson and Mrs, Charles Bostan. At the Amateur contest held last Thursday night at Wroxeter, Douglas son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hamilttun, won 1st. prize for his sung and re- ceived $10.00 in cash. His sistcr Pity!. lis, carried off the 3rd, prize for a rec- itation and won $5.00. ''hey were both among the Junior contestants, Mrs. W. S. Davidson is under the doctor's care and is at the home ,,f Something for the Home OCCASIONAL FURNITURE Coffee Tables Lamp Tables Drum Tables Tier Tables LAMPS to blend with any colour scheme Modern and Distinctive Styles PICTURES OIL PAINTINGS ETCHINGS FRAMED PRINTS WOO NOM .111INPFI 111111.10 MINNS IMMO ookromie ompommo 53Nrir -- -- HAMILTO N'S kt„ vMAISICAMMtztifitttttlWAISEEPAVIWASIL"MBESZTESIZIP.f.; .. • ArgEli* MIESEMNISIESSIO •••••••11 •ffmapahan• N1111111111.111111111111111112111111111111111K111311161111MIMINIIIK11,1111111111111111111111111311111111Q11111111111:111111111% ii • • • Measure Your Home for a Winter Overc6at, Too! ri Have INSUL-BRIC SIDING applied to your home la Good looking, attractively colored, brick-like in design INSUL-BRIC will bring beauty PLUS insulation in return for your investment. If you prefer LAP SIDING We have 10" Cedar, 8" Pine For REPAIRING or BUILDING BROODER HOUSES x 5 Spr. Lap Siding at only $4.60 per 100 bd. ft. %" Tentest Ceiling Tile 16" x 16" — — 10c sq. ft. L]CIVtITEm 1-1111- • Telephone 66 Wingham timitisolilartammosil Backwoods Romeo The play Backwoods Romeo pre- sented by the Londesboro Young People's was well received in Forest- er's Hall, here Friday night. The play was tinder the auspices of the At the ,regular meeting of the United Church Young People's So- United Chinch Young People's Society ciety: Harry Lear led the audience Patsy Anderson led in a sing song in a sing song preceding ,the play. with Donna Anderson at the piano7 Misses Donna Anderson and . Marilyn Moores entertained with piano ducts and Harry Lear sang solos between acts, At the close ,.of the play the cast was entertained by the Yonng People. A. Y. P. S. The Scripture was read by Jim Ander- son and Norman Higgins led in prayer, Miss Patsy Anderson told of her trip to Sault Ste. Marie. Miss Donna Anderson contributed a piano solo. Mr. George Cools was in Cochrane attending the funeral of his sister-in- law. Mr, and Mrs. Victor Campbell spent the wc.:ek end in Godorich. Miss Muriel Anderson of the Strat- ford Normal School is teaching this week in Brussels Public School. A "Welcrme Home" party was held in Forestel's Hall, I3elgrave for Mr. ii and Mrs. Charlie Cook. Charlie went I out West three years ago and return- ed this month with his wife. They intend making their home on time Ferguson farm. iTi Mr. and .Mrs. Lyle Hopper moved into their new home last week. Mr. and Mrs. John McMillan, Judy and Robert of Listowel, spent Sunday 11 with Mr. and Mrs. Art, Scott. Belgrave lost one of its highly res- ii peeted citizens in the passing of Mrs. H. Perdue, in Wingham on Friday, Nov. 25th, The funeral was held from Cttrrie's Funeral Home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. David Armstrong spent a week with their. family at Thorn dale and London. Parfum Extraordinaire ... In exquisite square-cut crystal flacons .. . gift boxed 6.50 to 60.00 Cologne Extraordinaire luxuriously capped to adorn her dressing table 1.50 to 12.00 • :,•*,”,%.VACO ,4? Cologne Duette to double her pleasure, two fragrances in a aolden_gi,ft box 3.0(Lthe_tel 7 Quart Bag 29c Gmasnrifil issocialF For The Christmas Cake New Fancy Pitted Dates. New Sultana Raisins, Currants, Seeded Raisins, Cut Mixed Fruits, Cut Mixed Peel, Shelled Almonds, Shelled Walnuts, Glace Cherries, Bowes Almond Icing — All at LOW, Popular Prices Carnation Milk 2 tins Ea 27c 32c 16 oz. jar 29c t~NbE R tO4 BA— vol.ammek Henley PEACHES, 20 oz .tin 9 '7 Royal York Orange Pekoe TEA, 1/2 lb. pkg. .47c S.O.S. SCOURING PADS, pkg. 14c CRISCO, lb. 39c oo rke noisanuostaisissetusamaluseem her nephew, Burns and Mrs. "Moffatt. law, Mr. Albert Gaiser of Shipka, had. Mrs. W. J. Robertson is a patient suffered a fractured leg, while he and: in the Wingham General Hospital, his sun were carrying water t(,, ex-- where an operation was performed, . tinguish a fire in their large barn, reports of her condition are' favour- barn was sated, able. • Mr. and Mrs, Harold Harris and. Fay Yeo, the three-ycar-,dd (laugh- 11,1*, Mount 14.111*('•1, spcin Sun- ter of Mr, and ;Mrs. Snarling- Yen, day wi,11 Mr. and At r,, Ed wa r d i„h tt - was taken to Winghant 'General Hos- stun. pital, where she is 'Tech ins Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McKinney,. treatment. Northville, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Arch. NI's. Harold Pierce ;was rushed to McKinney, Leamington; Mr. and ;Nita,. time Wingham General Hospital where R. F. McKinneY, Toronto, attended an, emergency operation was perform- the funeral of their uncle, the late ed for appendicitis. Neighbours are • Nit% Archie Messer, caring for the four small children, Mr. and. Mrs. Spence MCKintIntt Mrs. Charles Hoffman received of Georgetown, spent Sunday witis word this week that her brother-in- I Mr. and Mrs. R. H. -McKinnon, D.e v,gvz,vcoremv,n, THE GIFT THAT WILL BE APPRECIATED Peanut Butter Libby's D. B. BEANS, 20 oz. tin 18c Mixed CHRISTMAS NUTS, all new crop, lb. 35c TUNA FISH FLAKES, 7 oz. tin 33c Aylmer Vegetable or Tomato SOUP, 10 oz. tin 10c Blended GRAPEFRUIT ORANGE and • juice L arg e 45c 48 oz. tin pp•,.•011MIIMIMINN CROSSETT MOTORS SALES WILL BE OPEN ON SUNDAY, DEC. 4th THE WHOLE YEAR THROUGH. qR MANTEL - TABLE - CONSOLE and COMBINATION SETS VIO LEADING MAKES rrs Priced to Suit Your Christmas Budget SEE THE DISPLAY OF Gift Suggestions IN OUR WINDOWS ;Qg McGill Radio Service TELEPHONE 380 WINGHAIVI Mrotlfri'lerAok-Ver464%100t