HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-11-23, Page 12"THE FRIENDLY STORE" 'AGE TWEI.VE 1,2?" _;•.0- ...J.,. • :4! 7i7,:lge,..."r . •1.! 41 ',11141,. THE 1/VINGFIAM ADVANCE-TIMES 49424.140:'0",1.17.0,47,..,„,,,r.42a.43Z...Z-04440047.<-..7Z-far4F. 401.1. Aq't•.,)•;i f•'•; Wednesday, November 23, 1949 wti orzorovoz-wziezoleigatmmafifowilez, Akiln.4, Gifts For er HOUSECOATS A gift any woman will appreciate. In plain wools and wool plaids. Sizes 14 to 20 $19.50 NIGHTIES In feminine designs, made of fine qual- ity crepes. Pink, blue, pale green, and black. Sizes 32 to 40 and 42 to 46. $4.95 to $8.95 SLIPS A practical gift for her. In plain tailored styles or lace trim. Crepes and satins. Sizes 32 to 42. $3.00 to $4.65 Watson's UNDERWEAR of fine quality knitted rayon in Briefs, Panties, Bloomers and Vests. Sizes- small to 0. S. 89c to $1.29 TOOKE PAJAMAS A gift sure to please! A fine mercer- ized cotton pajama in the most tailored styles. In stripes or plain shades. Sizes-small, medium, large - Priced $6.00 to .$9.00 TOOKE BLOUSES Tailored Blouse with short or long sleeves, in stripes and plain shades. Sizes 32 to 38 $3.50 to $5.00 SWEATERS Ladies all-wool Cardigan Sweaters in an assortment' of the newest shades. Sizes 32 to 42 $5.95 to $8.50 WOOL SQUARES In plain and plaid pastel shades. A gift every woman needs for cold weather $2.98 SCARVES In crepes, sheers and silks. Squares and oblongs. In an assortment of patterns or plain white $1.35 to $3.95 HANDBAGS A practical gift for the year-round. In plastics, bengalines, leather and morocco . . $4.50 to $11.95 UMBRELLAS In plaids and plain shades Fine rayon coverings $3.95 to $9.50 HANDKERCHIEFS Hundreds of attractive hankies. A gift for young or old. Attractively boxed or separate. Linens, Swiss Voiles, Floral Crepes and Chinese Embroidery ..... - ..25c to $1.49 GLOVES In Chamois, Leathers and Doeskins. An assortment of shades and styles. Sizes 6 to 7% - - . $1,00 to $4.95 Gifts for the Home WOOL BLANKETS AND THROWS In all:Plain or Reversible styles. Satin bound and double bed size . „ . . $8.95 to $13.50 MOTOR RUGS 100 per cent. All-Wool Plaid Motor Rugs. A swell Gift for dad or brother. An assortment of tartans . . .$5:95 to $14.50 LACE TABLE CLOTHS A gift everyone in the family will enjoy. 70 x 90- 8.95 - 11.95 COMFORTERS Satin-covered, all-wool filled Comforters. Reversible, in an assortment of shades $16.50 BED SPREADS Homespun and Chenille Spreads of the finest quality. A gift every home needs $6.95 to $18.50 TOWELS A gift that everyone can use. An assortment of sizes, color, and patterns. Also Towel Sets attractively wrapped for gifts 85c to $3.98 LINEN TABLE CLOTHS A gift that will last a lifetime. Also Pure Linen Damask of the best quality. Large size $11.50 to $16.95 JERSEYS Penman's All-wool Striped Jerseys in an assortment of colors. Sizes 2 - 4 - 6 $2.69 CARDIGANS Fine knit all-wool Cardigans make a practical but useful gift for any child. Red, blue, yellow, light green: Sizes 6 to 14. Priced at $3.95 CHENILLE HOUSE COATS Children's and Misses' Chenille Housecoats for warmth on chilly mornings. Sizes 10-12-14-$3.49 and 4 to 6x-$2.95 SKI MITTS Leather Ski Mitts with all wool linings. Red, brown, green. Sizes 2 to 8 years $1.98 to $2.50 GOLF SOX For the lad who plays outdoors. Brown, Blue, Grey, Fawn. Sizes 7 to 91/2 49c to $1.19 HANDKERCHIEFS In nursery rhymes and novelty designs. An assortment of designs and colours 15c and 2 for 25c TIES Assortment of gay patterned Ties for the dressed-up boy-59c SHIRTS Boys' Doeskin Cowboy Shirts in plain with plaid yoke and trim. Navy, beige and green. Sizes 8 to 14 $2.25 Gifts for Men DRESS SHIRTS Smooth finish sanforized broadcloth. Plain shades or woven stripes. White and pastel shades with Windsor coll- ar and French cuffs. Arrow and B. V. D.-From $3.95 to $6.50 NECKWEAR Outstanding patterns in a sparkling array of the finest in MEN'S TIES. Scrolls and figures in Paisley and nov- elty designs. Plain wool and bars. $1.00 - $1.50 - $2.00 MEN'S SCARVES Assorted patterns of spun rayon with fringed ends, tartans and plain all- wool in white and sand. Dress Scarves of ,white silk and crepe finish. From $1.50 to $4.75 PARKAS - The perfect outdoor jacket for warmth and comfort. Smartly tailored and durable. With all-wool or quilted lining and fin- ished in rain repellent gabardine. The very latest shades. $14.95 to $19.95 SWEATERS All-wool cardigans or pullovers in patterns and plain colours. Warm and comfortable for those chilly days. A popular and practical gift for any man. Priced from $3.95 to $7.95 BELTS Good quality cowhide leather belts, handsomely engraved with large gold buckle and strap end finished with metal. The famous Expomso Belt and sets of fine leather belts with initialled buckle. Individually wrapped. Hickock - Paris - Brophy $1.50 to $2.50 SUSPENDERS Free-swing Suspenders with swivel, back. Comfortable and of the fin- est quality with adjustable slides. Strong, durable elastic webbing in plain and colourful patterns. Price $1.00 to $1.50 CREAN HATS of quality in brown, fawn, grey, blue tones. With snap brim, wide or narrow band $4.95 to $6.95 WOOL PLAID' 'SHIRTS Heavy quality all-wool shirts in large checks. Many colours to choose from. Offer's real warmth and CoMfort for the out-i door man $5.95 to $6.95 GLOVES Here is a gift he will appreciate. Choose from our fine selection of knitted and kid gloves lined and un- lined. A very necessary item. $1.95 to $4.95 • PAJAMAS For the finest in English broadcloth Kings carry a complete range of Arrow Pajamas, plus a fine assort, ment of soft well tailored flannelettE in a variety of shades. Priced from $3.50 to $6.75 SPORTS JACKETS Several styles in sports jackets to choose from-in wind- breaker and shOrt coat types. All wool plaids, gabardines with satin quilted lining. Two-tone types, and Bomber Jackets with fur collar. A wide price range to choose from $9.50 to $24.50 p H OSIERY A complete range of all the better makes-Wolsey, English made and completely shrinloresistant, in anklets and full length. Penman's full range of sizes and colours Diamonds and plain shades e , .79c to $2.25 HANDKERCHIEFS Real Irish Linen Handkerchiefs-- smartly initialled. Plain linen and finest quality lawn. Also a full range of coloured handkerchiefs and white ea with coloured borders ... „35c to 75c Gifts for Children to,,treolvv.vemtn.ctogiotetrzmottopottelmoteivAtocterowiz tetvevocottoorizimotivittv,m,:got.mmatocort041,441400.00410,00,0citg.w.tvottowmoorttoottactoctitotopetwettemhvvtgeztviittoattowtoittievtittototoottootiotwomwoortrot A CORDIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO STOP INAT OUR STORE AFTER THE SANTA CLAUS PARADE ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26 let4P'StA'r0°!'.(4rOMShVVPAVrPrt"P alrtdjtkirllktMIMPIVPAAMPrMrrtt2Or21 r