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372 Bay Street, Toronto 1
38 years in Business
Quality Always
Spare yourself the pain of "shopping around"
for a Monument to honour your loved one.
Depend on our reputation for highest quality
and fair dealings. See Us First.
Most Modern Equipment for Shop and Cemetery Work
Inscription Work Promptly Attended to.
Brownlie Memorials
WILLIAM BROWNLIE, Owner and Operator
Alfred St. Wingham Box 373 'Phone 450
Nlinutes of the regular meeting of
Turnberry Council, held in the Blue-
vale Community Hall, on November
7th, 1949. All members present.
The miuutes of the last regular
meeting, and the special meetings of
October 17th and 25th, were read and
adopted on motion of Herb Foxton
and Thos. H. Abraham.
Correspondence was received from
the Dept. of Highways, Bluevale Base-
ball Club, J. G. Simmons, Dept. of
Municipal Affairs and the city of
Dr. Allis of Huron County Health
Unit at Clinton, was present and in-
skinny men, woolen
gain 5, 10, 151bSu
Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor
• That a thrill! Bony limbs Oil out; ugly I..sllowa
In nisi. neck no longer scrawny: body loses half-
sickly "bean-pole" look. 1 housunds of
women. men, who never could non l'efore.
DOW proud of shapely, healthy-looking bodies.
thank the special vigor-building, flesh-building
ga Ostrex. Its tonlea, stimulants. Invigorators.
it vitamin 131, calcium, enrich blood, Improve to and digestion so food gives you me'.
and nourishment,• put flesh on bare bon.s Lot getting We fat. Stop when you've gained
Ails! ge 20 lhe. Ion need for normal we nt.
Now "get acquainted" size only
famous Ostrex Tonle Tablets for new at added pounds, this very day. Al an drooling,
spected and discussed the McBurney
cemetery, There was no action taken.
Mr. Toni was present, representing
the Frank Road Machinery Co. It
was moved by W. A. Fralick and Herb
Foxton that we buy a new Frink Snow
Plow, No. 158, S.P, for $675.00 and
the old plow. Mr. Toni to make the
Mr. Nelson Reid was present to
(request damages, regarding the new
ditch at the sink hole. It was moved
by John V. Fischer and Thos. H.
lAbraham, theat we make settlement
lith Mr. Reid, at $125.00 damages re
new ditch, at the sink hole. Mr. Reid
to level the dirt on the sides.
The following accounts were paid:
Municipal World, $1.09; Roy Ruth-
erford, fence viewer, $3.00; Robt.
Campbell, fence viewer $3.00; Isaac
Wright, fence viewer, $3.00; Burns
Moffatt account, $6,18; Dept. of Heal-
, th, Insulin, $1.56; Geo. T. Thomson,
pt. sal, $60.00, post. and tel. $3.25;
1National Taxi, comp, $1.80; Can. Nat.
Railways comp., $9.60; Can. Nat. Rail.
ways, romp. $9.65; Ross Willits,
romp„ $93.08; E. E. Walker, part
sal., $180.00; Russ Baird fox bouunty,
$2.00; Fred Schiestel, fox bounty,
$2.00; Elwell Webster, fox bounty,
$4.00; Wilbur Hogg, dog bounty, $5.;
Road Accounts, $1220.71.
! Moved by John V. Fischer and
Friendly Visitors cross the border every fall to
enjoy our hunter's paradise. Moose, deer, ducks
and other game birds all attract our friendly
neighbours. Like all our guests they make a big
contribution to our prosperity. Let's see they
get the kind of welcome that will bring them
back. John Labatt Limited.
WIEN 'YOU have a furnace in
good condition and a supply of
`blue coal' in your basement
you can't imagine a more care-
free way to face winter.
'You've got the safest, most
dependable fuel known and
one that gives healthy heat bey
cause it's steady heat. As house-
holders everywhere say, "When
you heat with 'blue coal' you feel
the difference", Phone us today.
.41r - Heatyour home with 'blue coal' and feel the OlffERENCE
Save up to 30% on Fuel Bills!
The `blue coal' TnlidtP+MASTER
with "Electric Ilya" Thermo-
stat regulates dampers from
upstairs — ends overheating
and underheating. Fuel say
ings pay for its Free home
PAGE TEN THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, November 23, 1949
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2 Bicycles - 2 Roller-bearing Coaster Wagons - 1 Doll and Dc IR House II •
• • • • • •
1-Ierb Foxton, that we adjourn for Mrs. Jack Buchanan, Mrs. kart Wig- Mrs, Norman McDowell, Mrs. Chas. the ladies will entertain the men of I Mrs. J. Killough of Dungannon, vis-
supper, to meet again at 7 o'clock. htman, r.,Smith, Mrs, Fred Cook, Mrs. Marvin the congrgation, The meeting closed Hted last week with her sister, Mrs.
Moved by Herb Foxton and Thos. mamweii and McDowell. At the December meeting wit1 a hymn and prayer, , Wm. Walden and other friends.
H. Abraham that we hold nominations
on Friday, Nov. 25th, at 1 o'clock, in
Bluevale Community Hall, and if
necessary the election on Monday,
December 5th, 1949.
Moved by W. A. Fralick and. joint
V. Fischer that we give a grant of
550.00 to the Bluevale Athletic Assoc.,
for the Community Park.
Moved by John V. Fischer and W.
A. Fralick that we pass by-law No.
16, 1949, appointing the following
election officers.
Returning Officer, Geo. 'F, Thom-
son; Sub, Div. No. 1, D.R,0,, Wilbur
Hogg, Clerk, Donald Cleghorn; Sub.
1)iv. No, 2, D,R.O, Gordon Greig,
Clerk, Malcolm Scott; Sub. Div, No. 3,
DR.O. Gordon Wray, Clerk, Chester
Higgins; Sub. Div. No, 4, D.R.O.,
Arthur Bryce, Clerk, Sam Marshall.
Moved by Thos, H. Abraham. and
Herb, Foxton, that we adjourn to
meet again on Dec. 15th, 1949, or at
the call of the Reeve,
Geo. T. Thomson, Clerk.
(Intended for last week)
Mr, A, E. Cook of Blyth, visited on
Sunday with Mrs. Fred Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Carter and
family, visited on Sunday with M.
Continues to Saturday, November 26
When in Wingham for the Santa Claus . Parade on Saturday, Nov. 26,
be sure to get Free Tickets on the Draw for the prizes listed below 1
by shoppiug at Hanna's Royal Winter Sale, where you will find bargains I
galore for Men, Women and Children. Tickets on Draw given with
each purchase of $1.00 or more, until date of Draw Friday, Dec. 23
• • •
Mt • It
111 •
• • •
n n
It •
ROYAL Winter Ea
McDowell. Report cef the eeedottal
meeting held rectatly at Dinigastnon
was given by Mr:, Cha.. Smith. A
vote of thanks via?, gives. Mr's. Smith
and Mrs. Hart,ey McDowell . for th e ir
splendid report. The pv,,ident,
Wm. McVittie WAR in charge of the
business and gave a reading and led
in prayer, The minutes of last meeting
were read and adopted. The roll call
was answered by 16 members and
one visitor. It was decided to have a
Christmas bale to be sent to Indian
),Tissions, Each member to bring a
gift to the meeting the 1st. Wednes-
day in December, also the ladies were
asked to make a quilt block, Mrs, lite,.
Hewitt took the chair for the election
of officers which are as follows, Pre,.
ident, Mrs. Wm. Vittic; 1st. Vice,
Mrs. Chas, Smith, 2nd. vice, Mrs. Nor-
man McDowell; Recording Sec., Mrs.
Harvey McDowell; Cot., See., Mrs,
TI owa Campbell; Treas., M rs,
Stanley Cook; Assistant Treas., Win-
nifred Campbell; W. A. treas., Mrs,
Alva McDowell; assistant, Mrs, Jack
Buchanan; Christian Stewardship,
Seey„ Ws. Fred Cook; Strangers'
Sec,, Mrs. J. Beeliamm; Mrs. Win.
Carter, Mrs, Melvin Taylor; Supply
Sec, Mrs. Walter Cook; Mission Band
Supt., Mts, Norman McDowell, Mrs,
Chas. Smith; Baby Muni Supt., Mrs,
and Mrs. Wm. Knox of Mullett Gordon Smith, Mrs. Ivan Wightelant
The Nov. W.M,S. was held in the Temperance Committee, Mrs, .1, 1,.
basement of the church on Wednesday MD cowell, Mrs, Hugh Blair, Mrs.
afternoon with 17 present, Mtg, Nor-
Man McDowell was in charge of the
devotional programme with Mrs. Har-
vey McDoWell at the piano. After .the
opening hymn prayer was offered by
L. McDowell. Psalm 100 was
read- by lire, Norman McDowell.
were given by Mrs. Stanley Cook,
Don. Snell, Missionary Monthly Sec.,
Mrs. Norman McDowell; Press Sec.,
Mrs. Stanley Cook; Pianists, Winni-
fred Campbell, Mrs, Howard Camp-
bedl, Mrs. Win. Walden, Mrs. A.
Hewitt, Mrs, Harvey McDowell; Rep-
resentative to Official Board, Mrs,
Frank Campbell; Group Committee,