HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-11-23, Page 9ezwezdAn over/7,276w/ ANN .11.-T I E S 1, Pro viele 62/0/197e. spimPlloppop . p lll pllopPip .. p . pp lll ... 41 .. ! .. pp i p llll llllllll p l p ll pppppoppipmpooppppto l pp llllllllll l 14.0,11, l lllll P141PIPPIIPPPP Hammerton Child and Animal Photography a Specialty . Portraits Weddings - Commercial Films Developed and Printed 24 Hour Service Cameras Repaired Telephone 199 P,tp,sippisp llllllllll ll l is lll lllll sumps; llll lllllllllll isms llll ll p ll llll WIS lllll 111111illilili' MEN WHO KNOW iNSIST ON E ROE FARMS MILLING CO., ATWOOD, ONC, YOU CAN GET ROE FEEDS FROM: Howson & Howson, Wingham A. C. Adams, Wingham Belgrave Co-Op., Belgrave R. J. McKenzie, Belgrave Bluevale Milling Co., Bluevale Dobson Bros., Wroxeter teams Awe litoiteul. That's what I used to say, and it was true. Sometimes I'd dream of the day when I'd have time and leisure to do all the things I wanted to do, but I had to admit I wasn't doing anything about it except dream. I never seemed to be able to put anything aside. Now, I know those dreams will come true. They're guaranteed. Through a simple saving plan which, strangely enough, I've found involves no hardship, I am now saving money for the first time in my life. The Plan? A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY! Annuities Branch DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR HUMPHREY MITCHELL Minister A. MacNAMARA Deputy Minister Mail this Coupon today POSTAGE FREE Annuities Branch, 8W Department of Labour, Ottawa. Please send me COMPLETE INFORMATION about Canadian Government Annuities. NAME tt (PRINT CLEARLY) ADDRESS II PPM it Na ty. 11 It Iffp 111111mumirm. 11111iL, "Btivo. It tl DETROIT'S "FIRST" IN CONVENIENCE • COMFORT • QUALITY In the heart of the downtown, office, theater, and shopping area. Friendly, courteous service to make your stay in Detroit a pleasant memory. The 'fuller Coffee Shop or Cafeteria for excel. lens Food modestly priced, The Hotel Tulle, Detroit's largest, is the place to stay. VI.fIT OUR Cocktail ,Coullge ONE OF DETROIT'S FINEST 800 ROOMS WITH RAM FROM $215 Raid Culler FACING GRAND CIRCUS PARK Frank K. Cannon, General Manager i ,enhoo alum, I 1 0 , 1 til l 1,1 „ t 1 ":::v ,, ii,4 .1,.,i, 1111, il. P111): : 111:11t)11 1 i1 1111 '0' 11'P.:1'111 1Ii , , i,;..:001n .. .1141, d , , i . 11011111111 hp. "I..,, 1Illl""11,11111111 II11111Illitit,tili .11.... all )114 III 00' till 111 11111 111111 '410 1 ill Electric Motors Repaired and Re-wound L. D. BALSER Frances St. 'Phone 494 For 'winter-driving protection get Firestone Studded Ground Grips. Sturdy all-weather action beats meow ; mud, heavy slush. Eight. sided, self-cleaning. studs .won't ClOrr. always grip firmly. You're 40r/flat winters roughest toads With Firestone Studded Ground iliuron Motors •A, KieWittIAM Telephone- 27 Winghatn CANADA'S TOP WINTER TIRE * PULLS niRu SNOW * GRiPS IN MUD * SELACLEANING * SMOO nooNG Get All Set for Jack Frost HE WILL BE HERE— and you will be ready if you Have Your Car TUNED UP FOR WINTER DRIVING AT Edwards' Motor Sales B. A. STATION VICTORIA ST. WATCH REPAIRS GEORGE WILLIAMS LOCATED IN MASON'S Store FIRST CLASS WATCH REPAIRING at Moderate Prices Owing to lack of space, am compelled to restrict REPAIRS TO WATCHES ;ONLY PROMPT SERVICE Ye: . ME ME 51012 UM ME For Cold Weather Driving A BATTERY full of reliable power — IGNITION- timed to the instant — ANTI-FREEZE protec- tion in your radiator — A good HEATER to keep your comfortable — LUBRICANTS CHANGED to proper grade for efficient operation — These are all part of our WINTERIZING SERVICE — REASONABLY PRICED. .4111111111MOIMEIMMEIMIIMM11111011111111111111111111111111111 - Science turned their backs on the target Science is playing an increasingly im- portant role in Canada's new Army. In heavy anti-aircraft, for example, com- plex radar equipment predicts to with- in a few feet exactly where the target is and will be. The gunners, their backs to the target, fire with amazing accuracy by instrument. Training men in the use of modern scientific equip- ment is a major requirement in' Canada's new Army. Thousands of young men are attending some of the fittest schools in the country, specializing in electronics, radar, radio and telephone. In addition, there are openings for clerks, drivers, mechanics and many other trades. • New highe'r pay, good food and quarters, trades train- ing and the opportunity for advancement make the Canadian Army Active Force one of the most attractive careers open to young men today. You are eligible if you are 17 or over and can meet Artny requirements. Visit your nearest recruiting office soon for full details. Wing certificates of birth and education with you. Rooni 2218, "C" imam, tisoco SI., OTTAWA, Ont. No.5 Porsormel Depot, Artillery Park, togas St., KINGSTON, Ont, No. 6 Personnel Depot, Chorley Park, Douglas Drive, TORONTO, Ont. No, 7 Personnel Depot, Wolsely Barracks, Elizabeth St., LONDON, Ont, C76.ot THE CANADIAN ARMY "INSURANCE FOR PEACE" 1i I 1 tit)ANAINAK ACTIVE FORCE/W/0f step to Ce'Mrd es n Arms n eMaty wednotilay night Uri the Dominion Network • • • n n • • n n n n n • • • EMMIIIMMODIMINEDIMME a n a a n n n a n n a n n n n n n n a n n a n n Wingham Motors NOW you can buy... Telephone 139 ...OD our Gm PLAN Chevrolet, Oldsmobile Cars Chevrolet Trucks Santa Claus Parade—Sat., Nov. 26—in Wingham •.- • William 'Stone Sdis,‘Ltd.- INGERSOLL, ONTARIO ing course at Ridgetown on December Sash Complete Also DOOR FRAMES Agents for Johnh-Mansville Shingles, Roofing and Insul-Brick Storm and Screen Sash Made to Measure Campbell Gorbutt Diagonal Rd., Wingham. Beautiful Lawns Made EASY! WITH - CHURS' LIQUID nR7ILIZER • Easily Applied • Odorless • No Bulky Weight • Amazing Results Stainton's E. S. Lewis, Florist Wingham Ontario FOR DEAD ANIMALS • cows- $2.50 each HORSES-$2.50 each HOGS - .50 per cwt. Over 250 lb. ea. Phone collect: Wingham 561J Ripley 182 Ingersoll 21 Wednesday, November 23, 1949 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE Nizstri BELGRAVE Belgrave W. I, Mrs. L. M. Scrimgeour of Blyth, the District President visited the Belgrave Women's institute at the Publicity meeting, Airs. Scrimgeour brought a very complete and interesting report of the Women's institute -convention held in London. The meeting was held at the home ol the President, Airs, Stewart Procter, who also pre- shied the meeting, 'Mrs. Nennetlt Wheeler, the Secretary, read the min- utes and the correspondence which in- cluded a letter re the Federation meeting at Seaforth, the rally to be held in Blyth on Dec. 2nd. Au appeal for food for Britain and a request for a donation to the War Memorial Chil- dren's Hospital. Ten dollars was don- ated to this hospital,, Mrs, Earl And- erson volunteered to mail the Christ- mas cards to the sick and shut-ins. Plans were completed for the catering to the Morris Federation banquet. Mrs. Stanley Cook favored the ladies with a very fine interpretation of Mag- gie and Jiggs at the Golden Gate. Master Raymond Walker sang a solo, "The Blue Skirt Waltz" accompanied by his sister, Lois. George and Ruth Procter played a very pleasing duet on the piano. Mrs. Gordon Bosnian gave a demonstration of ironing a tablecloth without crease.. Mrs. R, J. MacKenzie was the con- vener of the programme, Refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. W. Scott, ,Mrs. Ed, Wight- man and Mrs. C. Hanna. The next meeting will 'be held at the home of Mrs. C. R. Coultes on December 13th, with Mrs. C, Wheeler and Mrs. H. Wheeler as conveners, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Nethery Honored A reception was held in the Fores- ter's Hall, Belgrave, in honor of Mr, and Mrs. Alex Nethery. Archie Mont- goinery and Norman Cook made the. presentation of a purse of money. Jackson's Orchestra played for danc- ing. Mrs. Nethery was the former Jean Dawson of Wingham. Euchre Marathon ,Mrs, A. Dunbar again won the prize at the weekly euchre party, but under the new ruling the prize went to the next highest. Mrs. J. C. Procter. Gor- don Pengelley was high man. Mrs. Jesse Wheeler and Bill McClenaghan, were consolation winners. Among those attending the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto were: Messrs. !Harry and Bill McClenaghan, George ! Cook, Harvey Black, Miss Annie Cook, Mrs. A. M. Perdue, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Vannan, Mr. Graeme Anderson, Junior Farmers Attend Royal Murray Bradburn, Glen Appleby, Alan Dunbar, Ross Taylor and Maur- ice Hallahan attended the Royal Win- ter Fair in Toronto on Friday. The boys are members of the Belgrave Jr. Farmers and went to Toronto on the bus chartered by the Huron Coun- ty Jr. Farmers. J. Farmers Meeting The North Huron B.B,'s. held their regular Jr. FarMer's meeting in the Forester's Hall, Belgrave, on Thursday evening, November 17th. Dr. W. A. McKibbon of Wingham, was the guest speaker for the evening. He gave a very interesting address on the ad- vancement made in drugs in the last twenty-five years. George Underwood and Murray Bradburn were delegates chosen to attend the leadership train- ofklaetiorem These crisp, clear days of Autumn, it's football time in Ontario. The game's friendly rivalry draws thousands of visiting fans to stadiums all over our province. These happy visitors bring fun for everyone and prosperity also to Ontario's cities and towns, Lot's do 'everything in our power to make them really welcome. John Labatt Limited. FOR FOOttiALL FANS 5th, C. H. Coultes brought the Christ. tendon of the Jr. Farmers and advis- «1 the members to file their applica- tions at the O.A.C. as soon as possible, as a limited number may attend and the classes are filled at an early date. Harry Lear gave a very interesting club paper concerning the activities of the Belgrave Jr, Fanner~ in the last year. Wallace Bell was in ch'arge of an excellent musical pi ogramme. Ern- ie Miller, recreational director of Wiugham, put a lively end tip the meet- 111g With his games and refreshments were served, Happy Hearts Band The regular meeting of Nappy Heart Mission Band was held Nov. 13th., in the basement of the church. Mrs. Ed, Wightman was in charge of the meeting. The first Vice-Pres., Elaine Bolt opened the meeting with the Mission Band Purpose and the Call to Worship. A hymn was sung and Eleanor Walsh read the scripture, Mrs. Wightman gave the explanation of the scripture. The offering was tak- en up by Jimmy Scott and a poem, entitled "Wings" was given by Gwen Walsh. Hymn 54 was sung and Mrs, Wightman gave the story on "Life In Other Lands." A story was read by Lorne Campbell. Hymn 256 was sung and the meeting was closed with the benediction. WROXETER Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wylie Celebrate 25th Wedding Anniversary Congratulations and Best Wishes are extended to Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Wylie, who on Saturday, Nov. 19th, celebrated a silver wedding anniver- sary. In their honour, Miss Frances Wylie of Toronto, entertained at a Dinner Party at the Royal Inn, Har- riston. Later in the evening a group , of neighbors and friends gathered at their home in a surprise party. Mr. Harvey McMichael read an address and a silver serving tray was present- ed, The bride and groom of 25 years ago voiced their, deep appreciation. A social hour followed when the ladies served refreshments. Other gifts re- ceived were a chest of silver in com- munity plate from members of the family, sterling silver candle holders, silver cream and sugar with matching tray, a bouquet of roses from their daughter, Miss Frances Wylie and Master Jimmy. Friends in Wroxeter and community join in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Wylie many more happy wedding anniversaries. Members of Pal-Mocha Attend Ceremonials On Friday last Messrs. Robert Gibson, Thomas Burke and John Mac- Lean joined others from Wingham Gorrie, Harriston, Palmerston and Milverton, travelling by chartered bus to London, where 1400 Shriners, Can- adian and American took part in a parade. This group made a donation of $14,000, to provide treatment for crippled children. The parade was fol- lowed by a banquet and initiation of 104 candidates,