HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-11-23, Page 6—GOOD TASTE at a GOOD PRICE Bulovn HER EXCELLENCY "A" 21 Jewels $49 50 David Crompton JEWELLER Certified Watchmaker' Gifts For All Occasions PHONE 59 WINGHAM Floor Sanding and Finishing OLD Floors or NEW Free Estimates Work Guaranteed Rintout & Miller 'Phone 251 'Phone 210 CUSTOM BUILT Kitchen CABINETS Agent for ARBORITE WALLBOARD Plastic Finish Norman Rintoul W ednesda y, November 23, 1949' c am Smith's Economy Food Store PAY US A CALL ON SATURDAY, NOV. 26 when in town for the SANTA CLAUS PARADE SPECIAL TOMATO JUICE 3 20 oz. tins 27c SPECIAL Talisman Marmalade Orange or Orange, Lemon and Grapefruit 24 oz. jar 30c EVERYTHING for your CHRISTMAS CAKE White RAISINS, lb. ...25c Seedless RAISINS, lb. 17c 41•11•1•414•4•M114111r Bulk Glace Cherries, lb. lll ...69c Clean CURRANTS, lb. 20c WALNUT HALVES, 1/2 lb 58c Cut MIXED PEEL, 1/2 lb. 20c VANILLA Extract, 4 oz. 10c Coloured Cocoanut, 1/2 lb. 30c Candied PINEAPPLE, lb. 69c Pitted Sair DATES, lb, 22c Shelled ALMONDS 1/2 lb. 35c Cut MIXED FRUITS i/2 lb 23c 0.„ Shredded Cocoanut, 1/2 lb. 30c AIM! Whole CITRON PEEL, lb. 55c Coleman's PURE LARD, lb. 21c MARGENE or NUCOA MARGARINE, lb. 35c afol•••••101111111110111• McCormick's E. D. Smith's Pure OATMEAL COOKIES TOMATO KETCHUP 25c lb. 21c tot. START YOUR SET TODAY! GET YOUR 0 Coupons for Dinnerware ALSO No. 50 NEW-LAC NEW FLOOR FINISH—Pint $1.15 Quart $1.95 •14•410144M....ammOd4.4", LOCALS AND PERSONALS Miss Helen Sturdy of Genet al Hos- pital, Stratford, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. F. Sturdy. Miss Leah Robertson attended her brother's graduation exercises at Toronto University last week. Mrs. C. 13. Armitage spent a few days in Toronto visiting with her mother, Mrs. E. Martin. Mrs. H. V. Pym has returned after spending a few clays with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Rae, London. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wellwood of Toronto, spent a few clays with the former's sister, Miss Caroline Well- wood. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harris of Sarnia, spent a few clays with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 0, Rin- tout, Leopold St. Mrs. B. H. Miller returned to her home in Detroit, after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Gan, nett and family and with relative.s Kincardine. Mr. Archie Welliamson of Toronto, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Win. Williamson, Who nas been ill. Mrs. Archie Williamson who has spent the past two weeks here return- ed with him. Mrs. (Dr.) G. H, Ross spent last Do You Play a Musical Instrument? The 99 Anti-Tank Battery, Royal Canadian Artillery (R), at WINGHAM, ONTARIO, has a very fine BRASS BAND; for which a few Bandsmen are Needed Instruments and Music are provided. Every Parade and Practice is Paid for. GOOD RECREATION—Badminton, Volley Ball, Softball, etc.; good Fellowship, and profit to your- self are yours for the asking. Join the Canadian Army Reserve Force by be- coming a member of your Local Unit. Apply at The Armouries WIINC,HAIVI, ONTARIO PERSONALITY BEAUTY SHOP specializes in all types of Perman- ents, Machine, Machineless and CARD OF THANKS son of Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Pletch of Cold, also Shampooing, Finger Way- Mr. and -Mrs. Ed. Fitzpatrick and St. Jacobs, Out., and brother of Her- ing and Ogilvie Sisters Scalp Treat family of the late Patrick George Fitz- ments. 'Phone 33 for appointment. bert, Charlottetown, P.E.I., Harold of patrick wish to express their thanks to - relatives, and friends for flowers, ex_ Kitchener and Myrtle of' Toronto. RADIATOR CLEANING and repair pressions of sympathy and spiritual Mr. Pletch was born in Alsfeldt, ing at reasonable cost. For all your offerings during their recent bereave- Ont., in 1903. He attended school in radiator repairs try Bluevale tent. Special thanks to the Canadian Elmwood, Ont., then Hamilton, Out., and assisting Clergy. and received his B.A. degree from. tor Repair, Telephone 648W1. Legion members, Rev. Father Bricklin •dn paete!cl He are CARD OF THANKS North Central College in 1926, and had fisanba.i .Cet um.op epistle)) .cein eeojaq math Des m iteD Mr. and Mrs, J. N, Macdonald (nee been associated with the Carnegie-Ill- :emu testae :man Jo saaeei Jean Underwood) wish to thank the inois Steel Co., since 1,928 as a metal- mai 13 paiteeal ;sat set! ureq2ut iee friends of the Ninth of Turnberry for lurgist, and latterly as Ass't. Supt, of NI dOHS uaavcriavm the Open Hearth Division. the wedding gift which they received Funeral services were held Satur- r dated. ecently. it is certainly greatly appre- day at 2 p.m., at the Skeeles Colonial Chapel in Chicago;- where many as- sociates paid high tribute to his ster- ling character, leadership and devot- ion to his duties. He was a member of Chatham Park Presbyterian Church. The body was brough to the Ir- vin Funeral Chapel, Gorrie, Ont., where a largely attended service was held, Monday, 2,30 p.m., with his cousin, Rev. E. E. Pletch, M.A., 13,D., in charge of the service and Rev. E E. Hallman B.A., B.D., of Kitchener as- sisting, The pallbearers were two brothers-in-law, Roy Gadke and Chas, Black, and four cousins, Harry, Wal- ter, Carl and Percy Pletch, Interment in Vordwich cemetery, PAGE SIX "OLIVER TWIST" FRIDAY, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 26 "STAMPEDE" "That Wonderful Urge WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, NOV. 30, DEC. 1 "A Night At The Opera" THE MARX BROS. Santa Claus Parade—Sat., Nov. 26—in Wingham timumumumitsimummoummommisimfflEmmumimammelmosommeT CLASSIFIED ADS. A SHIPMENT of Fergueone,M allure Loaders have been received by Merk ley Motors in Wingham. Order yours today. ARTICLES WANTED—Old Color- ed Glass Hanging Lamps, Pickle Dishes, Cream and Sugar Sets, Soup Toureen with Ladle; Water Sets, Chairs with horse-hair seats; or other old colored glass articles. Pay spot cash. Apply Box W. Se The Advance-Times, DEALER WANTED for John Neate Sales, Clarkston. Brockway Trac- tors and Equipment. Freeman Hy- draulic Loaders, Manure. Spreaders, etc., and other manufacturers' lines. Apply by letter to Mel, Hunt, R. R. 4, Brantford, Ont. FOR SALE—Pair of Lady's Figure Skates. Size 5, Telephone 361. FOR SALE—Singer Sewing Mach- ines, Electrics, Cabinets, Portable, Treadles. Terms if desired. Reply to Singer Sewing Centre, Hanover. ,FOR SALE—No. 4 Cockshutt Sprea- ders, lever harrows, one 30 Tractor, two 8A mowers, two rubber tired wagons. See us today, as dollar de- , valuation may increase prices. Also, a Used "70" Goodison Oliver Trac- i for in good working order. John Bumstead & Son. FOR SALE-3 Oxford Downs shear- ling Rams. 'Phone 719w3, R. R. 3, Wingham. James H. Currie. FOR SALE—Canaries, beautiful col- ours and songsters. Guaranteed singers, $8.00 each. Nelson Mould- % en, Auburn, Ont. FOR SALE—Boy's Snow Suit, good as new, and Man's Overcoat, size 36, Telephone 227. FOR SALE—Hot water tank and large size jacket heater, Phone 387. FOR SALE-6 roomed house in a good location on Frances St.. close to Public School. Apply R. E. Jack- WANTED—Child's Commode Chair. son, Box 91, Exeter. Phone 473R. FOR SALE-2 pair of 4' 6" skis, with poles, girl's figure skates with white boots, size 4. Phone 288. WANT ANY ODD JOBS DONE— Have 314 ton truck. Phone 74132. after 7 p.m. FOR SALE-1937 half ton panel WANTED—Woman to live with an Ford Truck, also dark roan 3 year- elderly lady. Must be kind. Good old dual purpose shorthorn bull, home for the right person. Apply to registered. Phone 608W3. Box 106, Wroxeter. FOR SALE—Durham cow due to WANTED—Heater, suitable for coal FOR SALE-15 piece set of Stafford- Singer Sewing Centre and see our Apply Edgar Wightman, Ilelgrave. freshen in :December, 4 years old. or wood, Apply Advance-Times. shire England hand painted dishes, practical Christmas Gifts. Repairs small kitchen cabinet. Phone232M, to all makes of machines. 'Phone WE INVITE YOU to call in to yr ur 1135 or write Singer Sewing Ma- FOR. SALE—Girl's Winter White chine Company, Goderich, Ontario. Coat, size 14, good. condition. Tele- phone Wroxeter 281.4. AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate in the FOR sALE—Raee e, Victor Car rail- Town of Wingham io. complete weth aerial and plug, perfect condition, Phone 560. 1., G. Bryce, Auctioneer, has been FOR SALE-1939 Master Chevrolet instructed to sell by Public Auction Sedan with heater, defroster and for the Agnes Currie Estate, at the low mileage. This car must be seen property situate on the West side of to be appreciated. Apply Marsin Centre Street, Wingham, on Satumay, Brown, phone 122, Wingham. December 3rd, 1949, at 2 p.m. sharp, the following residential pr ,perty, elee Seal C oat, size SA LF,—....Itt ,, namely: Lot No, 3 on the West eide 18, good condition. Phone 400W3. of Centre Street in John Cornyn's Sur- FOR. SALE—De Laval Juni, IV Cream vey in the said Town of Wingham, Separator and 1 small hand churn. On the property is said to be erect- Phone 72533. J. R. Graham. ed. a eis-roomed brick „Iwelling in a fair state of repair arura frame barn. FOR SALE.—Wood heater, will take The land is suitable for a e00.1 gard- large blocke. Apply Mrs. Pry- en. (Igoe, Belerave. TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent. on the day of sale and the balance in Ilia t- FOR SALE-Electric (.7anadian thirty days when possession shall be. ty Rangette. Phone 284. FOR SA LE—Sherlock' Man rm i Further particulars and conditions Piano, good as new. Phone Adair of salt' will be made known on the Transport, 155, Tim Carbert. day of the sale or may be had on cation to the undersiqned. The prop- FOR SA LE— I )efroster adso Fog erty will he offered subject to a rt.-lamp and one double trumpet horn. 4zerved bid. Phone 743W1. L. rolvct, Wingliann Ont., A trete' !meet. FOR SALE-1938 Hudson Sedan, in CRAWFORD ttr HETHERINGT()N good cold:lion. Price reasonable for Winghatn, Ontario, quick sale. Phone 85R1, Wroxeter, Solicitors for Ex.ecutor Ontario, after 5 p.m. E HAVE a Complete Stock of En- gines on hand to fit the following cars and trucks: All models of Plymouth, Chrysler, Dodge and De- Soto; also to fit all sizes of Fargo. and Dodge Trucks. We also have engines. to fit all Farm Machinery anti Tractors that are powered with Chrysler motors, Edwards' Motor Sales, Victoria St., Wingham, A. Corrigan, Sec'y-Treas., Bluevale R. R. 1 CARD OF THANKS Mr. - J. A. MacDonald wishes to thank his many friends for kindnesses shown him during his illness in Vic- toria Hospital, London, and Wing- ham General Hosptal. Special thanks for the lovely flowers sent by the Town Council and Town Hall Staff, To the Staff of Wingham General Hospital, many thanks. The Season's greetings to all, IN MEMORIAM WRAY—In loving memory of our dear father and moodier, Mr, and Mrs. John Wray who passed away February 24, 1929, and November 21, 1944. However long our lives may last, Whatever lands we view, Whatever joy or grief line ours We will always think of you. Away in the beautiful hills of God, By the valley of rest so fair, Some time, some day, we know not when We will meet our loved ones there. Ever remembered by the family. e . IN MEMORIAM MILLER—In loving memory of my husband, Ben. II. Miller, who died in Detroit, Mich., Nov, 19th, 1947. Always a beautiful memory of the one I hold so dear. His Wife. IN MEMORIAM SMITH--In loving memory of Dear Dad who passed away, November 22nd, 1948. Ever remembered by Ella and Gavitt. Heart Cemetery, \\Ingham. Thm.s pray- ers at the grave were said by the Rev. Bricklio. Members of the 'Wingham Brenelt of the Canadian Legion ender DeWitt Miller carried out the costion of plac- ing tioppies on the casket of 'he de- ceased comrade. A pledge as it wire, of ever keeping a comrade in mind and so well expressed in the words of L. Ilinyon, "At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we shall re- member them,H Henry T. Thomson There passed away on Sunday, Nov- ember 20th, in Wingham Genteel] after a short illness, a well known and respected citizen of the town, in the person of Henry T. Thomson. Born in McKillop Township, lie came to this district with his parents, the late George and Mary Thomson, where he has resided utmost of his life, He farmed for a few years and since then has been actively engaged in business. Always interested in the affairs of the community lie served on the town council and was an active member of the United Church. His first wife Agelia A. Wynn pre- deceased him four years ago. He is survived by his wife Lydia Starr Thomson, one son, George of Blue- vale, two grandchildren, George of Toronto University, Mrs. Albert Barry (Helen) Sarnia, one. brother, Rev. A. E. M. Thomson, D.D., Windsor, and one sister, Mrs. Ada Walters, Goder- Funeral services will be held 'on Wednesday (today), November 23rd., at 2:30 p.m. from ,the S. J. Walker Funeral Home, with Rev. W. A. Bee- croft officiating. Interment in Wing- ham cemetery. The pallbearers will be William Brown, Murray Johnson, V. L. Dun- lop, A. Orvis, J. Wilson and R. A, Coutts. DIED LEPARD—In Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, November 21st, William C. Lepard, in his 69th year. Funeral services will be held on Wednesday (today), from Cur- rie's Funeral Home, at 1.30 p.m. Full account will be published next week. BIRTHS BLACKWELL—In Wingham Gener- al Hospital, on Saturday, Nov, 12, to Mr. and Mrs. John Blackwell, Teeswater, a son. CANTELON—In Wingham General Hospital, on Wednesday, Nov. 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Cantelon, Wingham, a daughter, Joan Marilyn. CRAIG—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Monday, Nov. 21st., to Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Craig, White- church, a son. DINSIVIORE—In Wingham General Hospital, on Saturday, Nov. 19th., to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dinsmore, Gorrie, a daughter. ECKENSWILLER—In Wing h a m General Hospital, on Tuesday, Nov. 22nd., to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eck- enswiller, R. R. 1, Wroxeter, daughter. FERGUSON—In Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, Nov. 21st., to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferguson, R. R. 1, Clifford, a daughter. GOETZ—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Friday, Nov. 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. John. Goetz, •Teeswater, a daughter. HARKNESS—In Wingham General Hospital, on Wednesday, November, 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Harkness, R. R. 3, Teeswater, a son. PHILLIPS-1n Wingham General • Hospital, on Wednesday, Nov. 9th, to Mr, and Mrs. Russell Phillips, R, R. 2. Lucknow, a daughter. RINN—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Friday, Nov. 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rion, R. R. 1, 13'Cr- grave, a daughter, WEDDINGS THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES ..411•1•1•1 ▪ TWO SHOWS Each Night, starting at 7:15 p.m. a U U a a !1 a a a ITI a a a a a a a a a a (A Re-issued Picture) FOR SALE-2 black and tan register- ed coon and fox hounds. Apply Carl. Jacklin, R. R. 1. Atwood. FOR' SALE-9 roomed frame house on William and John St. Apply Mrs. Laura Finley. FOR SALE—Child's Rubber Over- shoes, good condition, size 2. 75c. Telephone 532\V, Wingham. FOR SALE-1929 Plymouth 4 door Sedan, also 1940 Ford Army Truck. Apply David Draper, Wroxeter, Telephone 109. FOR SALE—Easy Floor Polisher, new in July. Reasonable. Phone 5r7. Wroxeter. FOR SALE—Hot Water Tank, 30 gallon, jacket heater. Enquire at The Advance-Times Office. GARAGE FOR RENT—Phone 368J. HAIRDRESSER WANTED—Good finger waver, good wages, 48 hour week. Position open 1st. of January Acton's Beauty Salon, Chesley, Ontario, Phone 142. LOST—Platform for pickup truck, on or about Oct. 31. Anyone having any information concerning this platform please contact A. J. Lockridge, Wingham. SATURDAY MATINEE 2 pan. ..,,, ..... u OOOOOOO , OOOOOOOO ,u,,,,,u,,,,,,,,,uu. OOOOOOOOOOOOOO ,,,,,” lllll 0 l II ll UMMIUM44111,1114 ll II llll 401111 llll 4 l 4 llll .. ,. TOWNSHIP of MORRIS Nominations WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, .NOV, 23, 24 = oFr Reeve, Four LOttliellIcli'S ;111l1 • Three School Trustees to sere Iiie, Township 0.1 Morris for 195U will pc: li ; ii I held in the Townsmp Hall on nnitay, Noveinber 25th, 1949, from 12:30 to = , iii , 1:80 §en, "Ille. election, if necessary, ROST. NEWTON FRANCES L. SULLIVAN will be held on Monday, December I I . lllllllll 444 ll 40!44444111 lllllllllll 4 ll 4 lllll 444'444441444144! lllllll 4144 llll m4144 llll 4 ll 04 llll 44.1 lllll I lll 1 lllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIII 5th, 1949. O i George Martin, Clerk 11 Dwelling For Sale il We offer for immediate sale and oc- cupancy, dwelling in real good con- a , dition; modern conveniences, well lo- ROD CAMERON GALE STORM j i eated. Apply H. C. MacLean, Real Estate Broker, Wingliam, e. llllllllllllllllllll III lllllllll 11411 llllllllll i1411014114 llllllll 0114,4414141 lllll 4411411$ llllllllllllllllll 114141 lllllllllllll 4414444 i MONDAY and TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 29 Tenders For Booth i Applications will be- received by the /9 undersigned until Monday, November !..I. 28th, 1949, for Booth privileges for . the Wingham Arena for the Winter -e.- a season, F.-. A. J. Lockridge, (Adult Entertainment) m TYRONE POWER GENE TIERNEY F.--- • Chairman Arena Commission i a Caretaker Wanted :.. -„,-.1 Applications for the position of El Caretaker for Mulberry School Area I for the following schools: No. 2, 3, • 14, ‘5, 6, 9, 11, will be received by the =i undersigned up to December 14th. I Lowest or any tender not necessarily a accepted. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Enoch Willits, late of time Township of Turnberry, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the 20th day of August A.D. 1949, are notified to send to time undersigned On or before the third day of December A.D. 1949, full particul- ars of their claims in writing. Im- mediately after the said third day of December the assets of the said in- testate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Admin- istrator shall then have notice. • DATED this fourteenth clay of No- vember, A.D. 1949. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the estate of ALEXANDER EDGAR late of the Village of Gorrie in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased. TAKE NOTICE that creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Alexander Edgar, deceased, are required to file their claims duly verified with the undersigned on or before the twenty-sixth day of Novem- ber, A.D. 1949, and that after the said date the Executors will distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they will then have notice. DATED at Teeswater, Ontario, this fifth day of November, A.D. 1949. A. H. McTAVISH, Teeswater, Ontario, Mr. and .Mrs. Edward Fitzpatrick, formerly of town was fatally injured in an automobile accident at Hamil- ton. He was a veteran of World War II. being in the army five years and SC r V- i ti g four years overseas. lie leaves five brothers, Joseph of Wingham, William and Edward of Condon, Albert and James of Seaforth, and three sisters, Betty of London, Mrs, William Huston of Edmonton, and Helen of Seaforth. At ten o'clock on Saturday, N o v, 19th, the Hag draped hotly was taken to Sacred Heart Church, Winglisto, al! CrATIP8 II i ed by a Guard. of .Fionotir from The \Vingham. B ree d ) of the Following time ceremony a reception Canadian. Legion. Solemn Requiem and dinner were held at the Royal Hamor L. Pletch ,eT ii lliti.ektl hi li el. 1.1;'za,t.vh,,er vvii.ricp.liiilltwaNn i7Isssis(t)-( mother received when the bride's received the guests wearing Mass was sung by the pastor, Rev. F. inn, OBITUARY Teeswater, as deacon and the Rev. Cr,black silk faille, black accessories and The death occurred suddenly in a corsage of pink roses. The groom's Chicago,. Ill,, on 'Thursday evening, W. Smith of St. Augustine as sub- mother assisting, chose mulberry silk Nov. 10th, 1949, of Hain Or Louis deacon. The choir was under the dir- crape with black accessories and a Pletch, beloved husband of .the former1 ection of Miss Margaret Brophy, Miss corsage of Pink roses, lean Mack, Fordwich, and father of Patricia Brophy presided at the wgan, For travelling .the bride donned a Martha Jean and Helen. Re was the Interment took place in Sacred green toPelaOl'and grey squirrel furs, Inglis - Darling Ferns, bronze and yellow chrysan- themums formed a lovely setting for an autumn wedding solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Darling of Carrick Twp, at high noon, on Thursday, November 10th, when their daughter, Myrtle Eliza- beth, became the bride of William Patrick Fitzpatrick Robert Scott Inglis, son of Mr, and Patrick George Fitzpatrick of Sea- Mrs. J. Scott highs of Carrick Twp. forth, horn in Wingham, the son of in a double ring ceremony. Rev. L. C. Jorgensen officiated. Miss Jean Inglis, Toronto, sister of the groom was solo- ist. The bride given in marriage lee her father was dressed in a brown tailored suit matching that of the groom. She wore green accessories and the groom's gift, a necklet and ear- ring set. Her corsage was of 'orchids. She was attended by her sister, Miss Lillian Darling, who was frocked in a copper gabardine snit with black ac- cessmies and a corsage of yellow roses, r ilruce Darling, brother of the bride, was groomsman. Phone 161 2 Deliveries Daily Prompt Service ;AVIMID2Mahlblat 'AD 1-DIDIZI.N'DiDalADZOIDIP/1 -111-Dart121-2001M-0101=21012101rtitaiX2131Ww week in Buffalo and Toronto. Mrs. A. H. Sainsbury returned with inl- and spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. V. R. VanNorman and Dr. and Mrs. 0. H. Ross. , Mr. Albert Sanderson received a. letter from his sister, Mrs. Isaac Dav- idson in Florida. Site arrived there last week and will spend the winter with her daughter and husband, Carl and Pearl Whitney, who have purchas- ed a home in Lakeland, 120 E. Pal- metto St., Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Casemore and. daughter, Bertha of Petrolia, Mrs- Jack Lester and son of Forest, Mrs. Howard Brand and two children of Arva, Mrs. Peter 'Watson and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Casemore of Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Casemore spent the week-end with time former's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Marsh, CURLING COMMENT The ice is in the Curling rink anti the circles at either end are painted in red, white and blue. The question now is who wants to start curling. Sche- dules can't be drawn up until it is known who will be curling, Beginners and non-lesitients leave your names with Art. Wilson Secretary or Clayt. Gammage, Treasurer.