HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-11-23, Page 1NIGHT CLASSES AT WINGHAM H. S. Last Wednesday evening one hund- red and twenty-two adult students enrolled in the night classes at the Wingham District High School. The classes in Sewing, Shop, Typing and Bookkeeping were very popular. There is still room for students inter- ested in the Agriculture and Leather- craft classes. Mr. T. A, Leishman, of Community Programmes Branch of the Depart- ment of Education, was present from London, He expressed Pleasure at the large enrolment. The Agriculture and Shop classes are sponsored by the Department of Agriculture, the Sewing by the Women's Institute Branch of the Department of Agriculture, and the other classes by the Community Programmes Branch of the Depart- ment of Education, .The classes will be held each Wednesday evening front eight to ten, Missionary Rally Special Missionary Services will be, held in the Salvation Army Hall, Wingliant, on Wednesday and Thurs- day, November 28rd. and 24th., at 8 p.m. The services will feature Colonel and Mrs. F. Ham, recently returned from the 'British West Indies and Central America, You are invited to conic and enjoy these services. The regular dinner meeting of the Lions Club was held at the Brunswick Hotel. on Friday evening. At the re- quest of President Clayton Gammage, Lion Charles Roberts introduced the guest speaker of the evening, District Deputy Governor, Rev. Jim Caley of Gorrie, Lion Jim gave a quick resume of conditions in Lions Clubs of the dis- trict and had many humorous remarks about individual Lions. He chose as his subject "Citizenship". Lionism, should tie in with good citizenship. It was impossible to live in a community without being a good citizen. Good citizenship should be a positive and co-operative quality and under pres- ent conditions it should extend over the whole world. He cautioned against the effects of the "Tator family, Dic-Tator was a most obnoxious member and had no place in Lionism. Agi-Tator, another member of the family stirred up trouble and was always complaining. He was an ugly type of person and was not needed, Vegi-Tator was a confused individual, not having a solid opinion on anything. Ro-Tator was al- ways uncertain; never knew where to stand; a poor type of citizen. Palpi- Tator rushed about in a negative man- ner; it can't be done; the world will -end; not grown up. Ampu-Tator would cut off everything from the roots; we (Continued on page seven) SANTA CLAUS PARADE SATURDAY The send-off for the Christmas season in .Saturday's Santa Claus Parade promises to be a real spectacle! The parade itself will represent ,all the colour and Merriment of the Yule with its many floats, clowns, papier- maches, the band, Santa's sprites, elves and little helpers, and, of course, Santa Claus himself! • The parade will assemble at the bottom of Scott St. at 1,30 Saturday afternoon and will move off sharp ,at 2 p.m. proceeding ,up Josephine Street• to the C.N.R. station. There it will circle a block returning to the main street at the corner of Alfred and re- tracing the route _down Main Street to Victoria. Turning east on Victoria, the parade will again turn at Diagonal Rd, back to the bank 'corner where Santa will distribute candy for the youngsters. Following the parade the costumed figures will visit Wingham General Hospital so that patients and nurses may be entertained. Legion Auxiliary Meeting The Ladies Auxiliary to the Legion will hold its meeting on Tuesday evening, Nov. 29th., at 8 p.m. in the Legion Home. The District Represen- tative, Miss Dorothy Hoyle will be present,. Refreshments will be served. Dance At Holmes' School To be held on Monday, November 28th. Ladies please bring lunch. TiE- fin's Orchestra, Sunday Dinner At Brunswick Hotel Served from 12 to 1.30 and 5 to 6.30, Three choices of meat, one fowl. Dance At Whitechurdi On Friday, November 25th, in the Community Memorial Hall to the music of Garnet Farrier's 5 piece or- chestra. Admission 50c. Lunch Coun- ter, Dance at Belgrave Welcome Hoine Dance in honour of Mr, and Mrs. C. Cook, to be held on Tuesday, Nov. 29th, in the Forester's Hall. Music by Farrier's Orchestra. ATTENTION FARMERS! Keep Friday, November 25th open for Hog meeting to be held in the Town Hall at 8.30 p.m. Sponsored by Howson & Howson, Youth For Christ At the "Youth for Christ" rally to be held in the Town Hall on Thurs- day, December 1st., the gospel of the Ministry iii song will be presented by the "Jerico Juubilee Singers" of New York City. The J'erico quartette feat- ures a unique blend of voices, backed by years of individual training and ex- perience. The special speaker will be Rev. Harry C. Troyer, now stationed at Quito, Ecuador, AS Deputational Sec, of station IICJI3 "The 'Wide of the Andes," VVINGHAM After the Santa Claus Parade at 2 p.m., on Saturday, Nov. 26 SANTA WILL LEAD THE PARADE OF FLOATS PREPARED BY LOCAL PLACES OF BUSINESS FROM SCOTT STREET VIA JOSEPHINE ST. TO THE C. N. R. STATION, RETURNING TO VICTORIA STREET, TO DIAGONAL ROAD AND THE CORNER OF JOSEPHINE AND JOHN STREETS WHERE SANTA WILL DISTRIBUTE CANDIES FOR THE CHILDREN. SHOP IN WINGHAM WHERE YOU ,WILL BE • SERVED BY FRIENDS AND NEIGHBOURS— WHERE' YOU WILL BE SERVED BEST, BE- CAUSE YOUR SALESPEOPLE KNOW YOU. SHOP IN WINGHAM BECAUSE YOU WILL SAVE TIME AND MONEY—AND STILL CAN OBTAIN ANYTHING .. EVERYTHING -THAT lig rAVAILABLE ANYWHERE ELSE— • AND AT REASONABLE PRICES. "SHOP IN WINGHAM AND SAVE" X-RAY AT HIGH SCHOOL The Mobile X-ray Clinic of the On- tario Department of Health visited the Wingham High School Tuesday, November 15th, from one to four p.m, The staff and students of the Wing- ham and Brussels High Schools were x-rayed. The Public School teach- ers of North Huron also attended the Clinic, The organization of the clinic was exceptionally good and approximately three hundred and fifty x-rays were made in three hours. These clinics are arranged by the Huron County Health Unit in connection with the work in the prevention of tuberculosis in this district.. Engagement Announced X Mr. and Mrs., H. I,. McGuire of Belgrave, wish to announce the en- gagement of their youngest daughter, Audrey Eloise to Allan Harvey Mac- Kay, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Mae., Kay of Winghatn. The wedding to take place in December. / Concert At Gorrie Group 3 of the Gorrie United Church W.A. is sponsoring a concert to be presented by the Anglican Church Choir of Listowel, itt Wrox- etre Town Hall on Thursday, Dec. 1st., at 8.80 p.m. Admission 40c and 25c, Dance At Wroxeter A Dance will be held in Wroxeter Town Hall on Wednesday, November 30th., sponsored by the For-Rest Lad- ies Club. Farrier's Orchestra will sup- ply runic, Booth in Hall. Admission 50c, Belgrave Bazaar' And Tea To he held on Wednesday, Nov, 30th,, at 8 p.m. in the United Church Sunday School room sponsored by the Ladies of Belgrave 'United Church. Sale of aprons, Christmas novelties, candy, homemade baking and post office, Ladies come and solve your Christmas shopping problems. Tea will be served. CURLERS' DANCE The First Annual Curlers' Dance will be held at the Royal T, Wingham, on Friday, November 25, Music by Wilbee's Orchestra, Dancing front 9:80 to 1. Admission 50c. Proceeds for the Artificial Ice Fund, The use of the T has been donated by Mr, Robert Hopper. Dance At Royal T. You are welcome at the Royal T on Saturday night for your dancing pleasure from 9.80 to 12. Garnet Farrier's 5 piece band With Which is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News Single Copies — Five Cents. WINGIFIAM, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1949 Subscription, $2.00 a Year in Advance LION REV. J. CALEY ADDRESSES LIONS Lions To Present Play in January WINNERS AT LUCKY DRAW The winners of the lucky draw for suits and coats from the King Depart- ment Store, drawn on Saturday, Nov. 19th, 1949, were: MR's. A. Toll, No. 271, R. R. 3, Blyth, Ont.; Mrs, H. F, Blackmore, No. 1178, Grimsby Beach, Ont.; Mr. Ted Gaulcy, No, 1470, Wingham, Ont.; Mr, Chas, McGavin, No. 4738, R. R. 4, Walton-, Out, The Voice Of Temperance Everyone knows that it is far more sensible to put a fence around a dan- gerous cliff and so to prevent dis.is trous accidents than merely to place an ambulance in the valley to trans- port victims to the hospital. In other words the Huron Temperance Feder- ation while concerned, about helping the victims of the liquor traffic is still more concerned about subjecting so distinctive a traffic to every, sort of restription, Apron Sale and Tea At St. Paul's The Ladies Guild of St, Paul's Church will hold their annual sale of aprons and home-made baking in the parish room of the church on Satur- day afternoon, Nov. 28th., at 3,80 o'clock, There will also be a table of novelties and afternoon tea will be served. HYDRO TRUCK IN CROSSROAD CRASH Manager D. W. Jeffs, Treated For Bruises - 'Mr. D. W. Jeffs, Wingham Util- ities Manager, was the victim of a head-on collision last week, when driv- ing the Winghant new light utility truck. The accident took place at what is known as Glintz's Corners on the Kincardine Highway, two and a half miles west of Walkerton, -t> The Wingham truck was proceeding west from Walkerton, while a Ford, which was said to have been driven by Mr. Samuel Roth of Windsor, Was being driyen east, The driver of this car said he was following another one which had, he failed to notice, slowed lip as it approached the intersection. He swerved to avoid hitting the mach- ine and Mr. Jeffs, who was approach- ing up the grade from the east was hit head on at the middle of the in- tersection with a crash which e..uld be heard for quite some distance. / The machines stopped in their tracks and were not overturned with the re- sult that no one was seriously injured. Mr, Jeffs was brought home. and treat- ed...for minor cuts and bruises and a badly sprained knee. The cars how- ever were badly wrecked, Charges are pending us a result of the accident. IMMUNIZATION CLINIC AT WINGHAM The Huron County Health 1Thit is arranging an Immunization Clinic in the Wingham Town Hall on Tuesday, November 29th., at 3.00 p.m. Infants and pre-school children may be brought to this clinic. Children from three months to three and one-half years of 'age may receive the immun- izations for Diphtheria, Whooping Cough and Tetanus (Lock-Jaw), Those three aand one-half years of age and over may receive the hnnum- izations for Diphtheria and Tetanus. Small pox vaccinations will also be given. Play At Belgrave A three act comedy "Backwoods Romeo" sponsored by the United Church Y.P,U, and presented by Lon- desboro Y,P,U, will be held in the Forester's Hall, Belgrave, on Friday, November 25th„ at 8.80 \p.m, Admis- sion 40c and 25c, 1.0.0.F. Progressive Euchre The Progressive Euchre scheduled for. November 25th, in the, Hall, Wingham, has been changed to Wednesday, November 30th., at 8,15 p.m., in favour of the Curlers' Dance, Admission 85c. Good Pries. The IV in gliam Kinsmen Club held its regular meeting last Friday at the -Queen's Hotel. Guests of the club. were the Junior Farmers who played against the club in the donkey baseball game last August. Kin Jack Walker introduced the guests and welcomed them to the club. The meeting was a lively one, with Pres. Bob Ferguson and Vice-Pres. Scott Reid levying a large number of fines. Sergeant-at-Arms Kin Charlie. Lee estimates that he lost fifteen lbs. hopping around to collect the fines. Also busy was song-leader Kin Cy Scott,' who put on his best western voice to lead the visiting Junior Far- mers in a few verses of Home on the Range. This was followed by a song (?) by Kin Vic ("All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth") Loughlean and Kin Merv. (the whist- ling wonder) Templeman. Kin Bob Carbert, the club pianist, gave up half way .through. After things got back to normal, a few items of business were discussed, and then Kin Frank Pickell, club his- torian, gave an account 'of the club's ,organization and history since it was •chartered last November 19th. KM Frank's talk brought back many mem- ories of the past year. All Kinsmen are reminded that the next meeting is at 7 o'clock, December 2nd., at the Qeuen's. .Registrar John Heal wants to keep those 24 100% members, and to raise the average at- tendance percentage of the club, CONFIRMATION AT ST. PAUL'S CHURCH A/On Sunday morning the Rt. Rev. G. N. Luxton, D.D. was present at St. Paul's Anglican Church,,,wilen the Bishop of Huron made his first epis- copal visit. There was a large cong,re- gregation present to hear the Bishop- and to welcome the newly confirmed members) k .0 , .The procession consisted of the. mem- bers of S.t Paul's choir, followed by the Rector, then came the Bishop's Staff bearer, John Lancaster followed by Bishop Luxton. X Rev. E. 0. Lancaster presented the following candidates to receive the Laying on of Hands: 'Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Hogg, Mrs, Kenneth Johnson, Mrs. Jos. Marshal!, Mr. Glen Golley and Mr. Jack Salter. / Bishop Luxton spoke on words from Psalm III "I will give thanks unto the Lord with my whole heart." The Bishop stressed the need of put- ting spiritual things in the first place on our programmes and of offering. to God the First fruits of sacrifice. All were exhorted to bear the fruits of the spirit in their daily lives. It is con- sistent Christian living which counts, this is the prayer of confrmation "that each may continue thine for ever, and daily increase in thy Holy Spirit, more and more, until he comes unto Thy everlasting kingdom." Mr. Roy Mundy, Organist and choir leader was in charge of the music. While the offering was being received the choir sang the anthem "Blessed are They" with Mrs. M. Swanson tak- ing the solo part. At the close of the service Bishop Luxton met the members of the con- gregation. 011161•••=1,111.^,110..11111.411110-1.4 KINSMEN HOSTS TO JUNIOR FARMERS Club Has Twenty-Four 100% Members