HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-11-16, Page 4TOWN OF WINGHAM
A Meeting of the Electors of the Town of Wingham for the
nomination of for the of yor, , Cocill-
ors, Public Utilities
Commissioneroffice and Public a School
to be held at the
on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1949, at 7;30 p.m.
Immediately after the close of nominations at 8:30 p.m,, can-
didates will address the Electors.
Candidates must be nominated in writing. The proposer and
seconder must be municipal electors and be present at the meeting.
If the proposed candidate is not at the meeting, evidence that he
consents to be so nominated must be attached to the nomination
At the nomination meeting or before 9 o'clock p.m. of the
same day a candidate may resign in respect of one or more offices,
for which he is nominated, by filing his resignation in writing with
the Returning Officer, and, in default, he shall be deemed to be
nominated for the office for which he was first nominated.
When a candidate files a declaration of qualification for one
office at the nomination meeting or before 9 p.m. of the same day,
he shall be deemed to have resigned as candidate for all other
offices for which he was nominated.
All candidates for office shall file the required declaration of
qualification on or before nine o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday,
November 29th, 1949.
In the event that an election is required, it will be held on
beginning at 9 o'clock in the morning and continuing until 5 o'clock
in the afternoon of the same day, at the following places:
WARD No. 1—Stainton Hardware.
WARD No. 2—C, Bushfield's Implement Office.
WARD No. 3—Town Hall,
WARD No. 4, P.S.D. 1—Wingham Motors Garage.
WARD No. 5, P.S.D. 2—Beaver Lumber Co. Office.
Dated at Wingham, Ontario, this 14th day of November, 1949.
W. A. GALBRAITH, Wingham, Ontario.
Clerk and Returning Officer
IN THE MATTER of the estate of
Village of Gerrie in the County of
Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased.
TAKE NOTICE that creditors and
others having claims against the estate
of the said Alexander Edgar, deceased,
are required to file their claims duly
verified with the undersigned on or
before the twenty-sixth day of Novem-
ber, A.D. 1949, and that after the
said date the Executors will distribute
the estate having regard only to the
claims of which they will then have
DATED at Teeswater, Ontario, this
fifth day of November,A.D. 1949.
Teeswater, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executors.
Our recent sad loss leaves us with
grateful hearts toward neighbours and
friends. Their comforting expressions
of sympathy and thoughtfulness will
always he remembered. For the beau-
tiful service, floral offerings and other
ithidnesses we are deeply grateful.
The Adams Family.
I wish to take this opportunity to
thank all who eo kindly remembered
me during my stay in Victoria Hos-
eital. Such kindness is not soon
Sincerely, Eleanore McLean.
W1ELER—In Memory of a dear
mother, Mrs. Tiles. Wieler who fell
asleep in Jesus, one year ago, No-
vember 15, 1948.
We often thick of you, dear neither..
When we are all alone;
Your memory is the only thing
That we can call our own.
Shiite day we know we'll meet again,
That day we know net when,
But we'll clasp your hand
fin a betttr land
Never te part again.
P.ver remembered by the Family.
GoWDY---Tn 4:wing memory of a
dear husband and father, Nelson I.
Gowdy, wile died November 20th,
At night a silent star looks flown
On a grave not far away,
Where sleeps a father we can't forget
And one we love so dear..
Thc. dearest Dad the world could hold,
The theerieet smile and a heart of
For those who knew him all will know
How much we lost one year ago.
liver remembered by Wife and.
WE HAVE a Complete Stock of En-
gines on hand to fit the following
cars and trucks: All models of
Plymouth, Chrysler, Dodge and De-
Soto; also to fit all sizes of Fargo
and Dodge Trucks. We also have
engines to fit all Farm Machinery
and Tractors that are powered with
Chrysler motors. Edwards' Motor
Sales, Victoria St., \Vingham.
WANTED—Flocks to supply us with ,
Hatching Eggs for 19:50 season.
Flocks culled and blood-tested free'
of charge. Guaranteed premium
plus hatchability premium paid. For
full details write Tweddle Chick
Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont.
WANTED— Gosel Timber Frame
Building 28 feet wide, any length.
Box J. X., Advance-Times.
garments of long-standing at Temple
man's Dry Cleaners, please call fur
same as we are not II:spoils:hie for
garments left after 30 days.
WE ARE NOW taking Orders for
Corsages 1,..)r the Carteslian Legion
Ruse Ball. Anyone wishing gar-
denia coreasew will please place
order not later than Thursday noon,
Nev. 17. Lewis Flowers, Tele-
phone 101.
General Sore, with living quarters,
t highway in good farming com-
mittee-, Western Ontario. State le-
•ality, yearly turreo er, price. etc.
Address re pli es to Box H. A.,
The Advance-Times.
Farmers of East Wawanosh
The East Wawanosh Federation of
Aericulture arc again sponsoring the
Sprayine of Cattle for Lice. Opera-
tem of the Sprayer will start on Mon-
day, N.,-V. ?.11,(,r 21. A lap Flit' avant ;it,'
this work done must contact the Di-
rector ei your School ...-.ection, at once'.
.Aldin Purdon, President.
Township of Turnberry
Voters' Lists, 1949, Municipality of
Turnberry, County of Huron
NOTICE is hereby given that
have complied with Section 8 of the
Voters' Lists Act, and that I have
posted up in my office, on the 3rd
day of November, 1949, the list of all
persons entitled to vote in the said
Municipality at Municipal elections
and that the list remains there for hi-
spection, and I call upon all voters
to take immediate proceedings to have
any errors or omissions corrected, ac-
cording to law, the last day of appeal
.being the 24th (lay of November, 1940
DATED this 3rd day of November,.
Clerk of Turnberry,
THE. WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, November 10, 1949
.11/1=1./11•••...1 11111.14....f.1...!
TWO SHOWS Each Night, starting at 7:15 p.m.
bat.,1014141 444 1/44.1111-0t14.1149.11{111.1306011111.,\#µ144/114144.1414011446,411041141.1
Mastic Tile Flooring
for Homes, Offices and
the undersigned on or before the
nineteenth day of November, 1949, full
particulars of their claims in writing.
Immediately after the said nineteenth
day of November the assets of the
said testator will be distributed
amongst the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to claims of which
the executrices shall then have notice.
DATED this twenty-eighth day of
October, A.D. 1949.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitors for the Executrices
THURS., FRI., SATURDAY, NOV. 17, 18, 19
"It Happens Every Spring"
11,11.401M00 0.11$11111A I $1114111.110111114.01/101-1"0111.014..11111 44444 111110/1$111,101,12011MMIC1111,1411$111101.11.11oijmigls
4.I444rILLr,4444444444 444444 44444444 At11,14, 44444444 4444444 1.11/1111144111.11011111111/10111111
Santa Claus Parade—Sat., Nov. 26—in Wingham
A SHIPMENT of Ferguson Manure " FOR SALE—Durham
Loaders have been received be ?Berk , phone 403w2,
Almost new. Also, small Jig Saw.
Belt Sander and Handle Power
Toren R. Vegan, Diagonal Road.
FOR SALE-1 Cuba Heater for coal
or wood, goed condition; 1 good
plain 4-panel Door, 11 2x6' 9"x2'9",
and Casing;. Tees Silver-tone Over-
coats, navy size 34, dark Brown,
size 36. Telephone 602J2, Wing-
[AVE YOU Electric Motors that
need repairing? if '4), call L. D.
Balser. 'phone 494.
WANTED—Boy's Skates and Boots.
Size 11. Mrs. G. Robertson, Carl-
ing Terrace.
Minnie Jane Jeffrey J.
There passed away in Wine:am.
Generel Hospital, en Friday, Novem-
ber 11th, a highly reepected resident
of Beirns•re, in the person of Miss
Minnie Jane Jeffrey, in her 74th year.
Site was the daughter of William
B. and Eleanore Jeffrey. who came
to the Queen's bush front Port Perry,
in 1861. She was one of a family of
eleven and her death leaves three eur-
viving brothers. Albert of Gilman Hot
Springs, California; Richard and Robt.
of Turnberry Township.
A valued member of the Bellmore
United Church, the W.M.S. and the
Women's Institute, she was also press
reporter for many organizations itt
Belmore and correspondent for several
weekly newspapers. She will be missed
by all who knew her as she was al-
ways willing to help others.
Funeral' services were held from
Currie's Funeral Home on Monday,
November 14th., at 2 p.m., with her
pastor, Rev, C. Martin of Belmore,
officiating. Interment was made in
Macintosh cemetery.
The pallbearers were Fleming Bal-
lagh, Roland Ballagh, Nelson Hunkin,
Stores. 1111 -t
Agent for
!! Plastic Finish
Norman Rintoul Fir ,
ley Motors in \Vingham. Order
your, e
ed Glasse Hanging Lamps, Pickle
Diehee. Cream and Suear Sets. Soup
Toureen with Ladle; Water Sets,
Cheers with horse-hair seats; on
other r.H cokred gla4s articles.
Pay -oot cash. Apply et oe W. S..
The Adeance-Times.
eembeerds made to require-
mease at only $15.00 per loot, also
othee or 'are jobs. Contact
James Kuntz, idermeea, telephone
Mildmay 3e-2.
DEALER WANTED for „Teem 'State
Sales. Clarkston. Brockway Trac-
tors and Ememnent, Freeman Hy-
draulic Leaders, Manure Spreaders,
etc.. and other manufacturers'
Apply by letter to Mel. Hunt. R. R.
4, Brantford, Ont.
FOR SALE—Singer Sewing Mach-
ines, lelectrics, Cabinets, Portable,
Treadles, Terms if desired. Reply
to Singer Sewing Centre, Hanover,
yOR SALE—No. 4 Cockshutt Sprea-
ders, lever harrows, one 30 Tractor,
two 8A mowers, two rubber tired
wagons. See us today, as dollar de-
valuation may increase prices. Also,
a Used '70" Goodison Oliver Trac-
tor in good working order. John
Burnetead & Son.
FOR SALE-8 Oxford Downs shear-
ling Rams. 'Phone 719w3, R. R. 3,
Wined:am. James H. Currie.
— -
FOR SA LE—Canariew beautiful col-
ours and songsters. Guaranteed
singers, $8.00 each. Nelson Mould-
en, Auburn, Ont.
FOR SALE—Furnace Blower with
attachments. Apply at Machan's
Hardware, Wingham.
-FOR SAI...E—One Round Walnut
DiMmz-n ,orn Table in new con-
diesel. Mae be teen appeint-
ment. Telepleme
FOR SALE—Play Pen with Plastic
Pad. Also pair of Skates, size 4,
white hoots and I pair black boots
size 1. Telephone 226.
FOR SALE-60 acre farm close to
Wiegitara, Vs miles from highway,
1 note to seized': stood brick house,
hen-no:wee bank bare, all rossfine
110,A. Spring well, five :ewes
hardwood bush. some cedar; 45
acres. good workable land. All seed-
ed. Hydro, available. Priced to
sell. Other farms large and small.
Particulars on request. Apply to
Cecil Wheeler. Realtor. Blyth; tele-
ph..ete e"8.
FOR SALE—Young Man's Brown
Worsted! . Suit. e ecellent
Grey Tweed ()vercr,at, both size
37. Rests-liable. 'Phone 62032
-- —
FOR SA LE.--!1 7eed Tricycle, and Coal
or Wood Heater, in good condition.
Telephoe, 413W.
FOR SALE—Five-roomed Brick Cot-
tame Hs de o; 2 Lose, with Garage.
Lloyd Nna. Tepsweler. tele-
phone 305.
FOR S A Snow Suit,
new. \Ian's Overt to /1'
36. Telepleme 227.
FOR SA T.E- M isses' rirey Gabardine
Snit. 34.2t'; 1 Brr,wn Twetil Win-
ter Coat, all in 'weed con ,Uti
'etre. D. Finley, 'peone 5461. —
FOR *Aide-dee) Iltishele of Oats.
Apoly Le- S'imiiinglami, telepleoen
FOR nams-400 ac re, on the Third
Line :goer's. Apply, Gordon
Walker, 'phew, 2217, Brussels.
FOR SAT E-12 Sleeks of Corn.
Apply Gordon Walker, 3rd Line of
M , rrie.
FOR SALE—Beatty Pump, Piping
and Cylinder, used 1 year. Tele-
. plione l3rnssels 7105. Chas, Math-
payz SALE-e-Alberta Coal or 'Wood
Heater, Mew Girl's 2-piete Coat Sit, age d 4 or le. good condition. Tele-
phone 682.11,
Due to Postai Regulations no eeilicial
receipts will be iesued by the
Low Branch of the Canadian Legion in
connection with their car draw, but
a complete list of all 800 tickets sold
d turned in to the Draw Coniniittet
will be published in the Luckmew
is Robert Macintosh, Pres.
Notice is hereby given as provided
by Section 41 (2) of The Local im-
provement Act, that a Court of Re-
vision will be held at the Town Hall,
Wingham, Ontario, on Tuesday., No-
vember 22nd, 1949, at 8 o'clock in the
evening to deal with complaints
against assessments for frontage for
Sanitary Sewers recently constructed
on the following streets in the Town
of \Vingham:
1. Leopold Street, from Patrick
Street to Alfred Street,
2. Alfred Street, from Leopold
Street to Minnie Street.
3. Centre Street, from Maple Street
to Alfred Street,
4. Albert Street, from Minnie
Street to Shuter Street.
5. Josephine Street, from Albert
Street to Charles Street.
6. Charles Street, from Josephine
Street to Shuter Street.
7. Scott Street, Southerly front
Victoria Street to main sewer.
8. Charles Street, from Shuter
Street to Angus Street.
9. Alice Street, from Albert Street
south 200 feet.
10. Shuter Street from Albert Street
All persons having claims against
the estate of Henry Bennett Finlay,
late of the Village of Gorrie, in the
County of Huron, Labourer, deceased,
who died on or about the sixteenth
day of August, 1949, are notified to
;send to the undersigned on or before
the nineteenth day of November, 1949,
full particulars of their claims in
writing. Immediately after the said
nineteenth day of November the assets
lof the said testator will be distributed
amongst the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to claim of which
the Executor shall then have notice,
DATED this twenty-eighth day of
October, A.D. 1949.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitors for the Executor.
NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons having any claim against the
late Josephine Nesbitt formerly Jose-
phine Rennie, who died on or about the
28h day of April, A.D. 1948, at the
City of North Bay in the District of
Nipissing, are required to forward to
the undersigned Solicitors for Ivy
Evelyn Fitzgerald (formerly Rennie)
of the City of North Bay in the Dist-
rict of Nipissing, and James Austin
Rennie of the Town of Fort Erie in
the County of Welland the Executors
of the Estate of the said deceased,
their names, addresses and full partic-
ulars in writing of their claims
AND TAKE NOTICE that after
the 26th day of November, A.D. 1949,
the said Executors will proceed to
distribute the assets of the said de-
cea sed, having regard only to the
claims to which they shall then have
notice, and that the said' Executors
will not be liable to any persons of
whose claims they shall not then have
received such notice.
DATED at Stratford, Ontario, this
26th, day of October, A.D. 1949.
Barristers, Etc.,
51 Albert Street,
Solicitors for the Executors.
All persons having claims against
the estate of Bernice Hilda Stimpson,
late of the Village of Gorrie in the
County of Huron, Widow, deceased,
who died on or about the eighteenth
clay of. September, A.D. 1949, are
notified to send to the undersigned on
or before the nineteenth day of No-
vember, 1949, full particulars of their
claims in writing. Immediately after
the said nineteenth clay of November
the assets of the said testatrix will be !
distributed amongst the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to claims
of which the executor shall then have
DATED this twenty-eighth day of
October, A.D. 1949.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitors for the Executor.
All persons having claims againet
the estate of Enoch Willits, late of
the Township of Turnberry, in the
County of Huron, Farmer, who died
on or about the 20th day of Au,ust
A.T). 1949, are notified to send to the
undersigned on or before the third day
of December A.D. 1949, full particul-
ars of their claims in writing_ . lin-
tnediately after the said third day of
December the assets of the said in-
testate will be distributed amongst tee
parties entitled thereto, having regard
only to claims of which the Admin-
istrator shall then have notice.
DATE T) this fourteenth day of No.
vember, A.D. 1949.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitors for the Administrator,
All persons having claims against
the estate of Thomas Alexander Gib-
son late of the Township of Howick
In the County of Huron, Farmer, who
died on or about the third day of Oc..
Mrs. Catherine Ma=
Following n illness of tierce years,
Mrs. R. W. Adams passed on at her
late residence on John St.. en There-
day, November 10th., in her 87th year.
Born in East Wawanosh, she was
the daughter of the'late Mr. and Mrs.
George Tervit, pioneers of Fast Wa-
s', anosh.
Fifty-nine years ago she was mar-
gied to Mr. R. Wellington Adams.
and moving to \Vingham then, had
since resided in town. She was a mem,
ber of the United Church.
Her husband predeceased her sev-
eral years ago, and one son, Clair in
Surviving are two daughters, Miss.
Maine Adams, \Vingham and. Mrs.
George MacKay (Catherine) of
Bright and one son, Arthur of Wing-
ham. There are three grandchildren
and three great grandchildren. She is
also survived by two brothers, John
and George Tervit and two sisters,
Mrs. Andrew Currie and Mrs. W. A.
Currie, all of Wingham.
Funeral services were held on Sun-
day, November 13th, at 2.30 p.m..
from Currie's Funeral Home, with
Rev. W. A. Beecroft officiating. In-
terment was made in Wingham ceme-
The pallbearers were A. Peebles, H.
Campbell, Dr. G. H. Ross, W. A.
Miller of Grand Bend, John Muir of
Toronto and J A. Wilson,
Mfr. and Mrs. Scott Paterson, Judy
and Randy of Detroit, and her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Walters of Man-
istee, Mich., spent the week-end with
Mr. F. McK. Paterson, and Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Martin of St. Marys, for-
merly of \Vhitechurch, visited there
on Saturday.
Mrs. Alex Nethery of Hamilton,
spent the past week with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Hereon Irwin. They re-
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McBurney
and sons, spent Sunday with Mr. and
We'll print your own snap-
shot as part of your Christ-
mas cards. Stop in today
and choose the card design
you want. Prompt service.
1 7 jewels
Mrs. Jas. Hardie of Turnberry.
one day last week with Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Cook of Blyth and with her
mother, Mrs. Bolt.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jackson, and Mr.
annd Mrs. Archie Montgomery of
Blyth, visited on Thursday last at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Falcon-
The baseball boys front White-
church held a social evening and box
social in the Memorial Hall here last
Thursday night, when a large crowd
gathered. Mr. Fred Newman was
chairman, and called the hoes to the
front introducing them to all, with
their new red sweaters. Afterwards
a short musical program was given,
with Mrs. Dan Tiffin at the piano
for the Community singing. Mrs.
Schultz was in charge of a make-up
contest for the young folks and Miss
Vivian Fisher won the lucky door
prize. Mr. Wellington Henderson of
Lucknow, auctioned off about fifty
boxes, and Tiffin's orchestra provid-
ed music for dancing.
Six Institutes answered the roll-
call on Wednesday last at a meeting-
called in the Memorial Hall at 10
axe. until 4 p.m., when Miss Grails
of the Home Economic Dept. of the
Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto, spoke
on Personality end Dress. The local
Institute served a hot lunch at noon.
Miss Craik gave many good pointers
on general deportment and different
dress and styles and colours, fur dif-
ferent types of figures.
Mrs. Jerry Casemore spent last
week at the home of her son, Mr.
Ernest Casemore, and Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar Casemate of Stratford., and
Mrs. Watson of Lucknow, visited
there on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Watt and
children, and Mr. Donald Watt of
Toronto, spent the week-end at the
home of their parents, Rev, and Mrs.
W. J. Watt.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Farrier anal
Wayne, and Mrs, Lorne Johnston,
visited on Sunday at Westminster
Hospital, London, with Mr, Johnston
and Mr. John Gaunt and Miss Annie
Kennedy accompanied them to visit
with Mr. Duncan Kennedy who has
been a patient at Westminster for
some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Carman Farrier of
New Toronto, and Miss Winnifred
Farrier of Toronto, and Mr, and
Mrs. Clifford Farrier and family `of
Kincardine, spent Sunday with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier.
Mrs. .Andrew Eta left on Saturday
with Miss Isabel Fox of Kincardine,
for St. Georges, where Mrs. Fox will
spend the winter with Mr. and Mrs,
Roy Patten,
Mrs. F. L. Creighton and her
granddaughter, Gail Creighton, of
Detroit, visited over the week-end
with her mother, Mrs. Kirk, at the
home of Mr. annd Mrs. J. D. Bee-
Mr, George Tiffin, reeve of Kin-
loss attended County Council meet-
ings et Walkerton last week, and
Reeve J. I). Beecroft is in Goderich
this week attending County Council
meetings there.
Mr. avel :Irs. Ed. Nicholson of
Londe, t the Wi'l-k-end at the
home, of her parent,, Mr. and Mrs,
John Hutchison.
Mr. J. W. Leggatt has sold his
farm East of the -village in Kinioss
to Mr, Robert Soloman of Grand
Valley. Mr. Soloman and his wife
and baby daughter, are moving to
their new home this week, and we
welcome them to our community.
Mn, and Mrs. j, F. McLean spent
the week.end at St. Catharines at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A,
beds and their families will be held
in the Hall here this Friday evening,
and all will gather for a pot-luck
supper at 7.15 p.m, Mr. Geo, Gear_
Agrie. Representative of Bruce, cavil"
be on hand to address the meetings
Bring a guest and come along.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Mitchel".
spent the week-end with relatives id
Torun to.
Mr. Roy Robinson is a patient io.
Wingham General Hospital, suffer-
ing with a sore back. He was riding
horse-back on Friday and fell off.
He will have to wear a cast for a
few weeks until his injured spine ie
better. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Robin-
son and son, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Robinson and son of Belgrave, spent
the week-end at the home of their
sister, Mrs. Leonard Coyne at Wind-
Mr. Mason Robinson might have
been seriously injured one day leer
week, when the tractor fie was riding
rolled into a gully at the rear of their
farm and turned over twice, He was
drawing a big stone into the gully
and the tractor and all slipped in,
He fortunately jumped clear.
Miss Leslie Mae Wall of foronto
spent the week-end at her home here.
Miss Margeret Nimmo of Toronto
spent tets \viol-end with her parents,.
Rev, awl As:- A. Ninuno.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dalgleish ot7
Hamilton spent the week-end with,
friends and relatives in town.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mason of To-
ronto were week-erid guests of the for-
mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. jolts
Mr. and Mrs. St. Clair Crawford of
Detroit spent a few days with the for-
mer's parents Mr. and Mrs. A, AI,
Mr. add Mrs. Ross MacKenzie of
The Advocate, Paisley, Ont., were
week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R.
A, Spotton.
Mrs. D. Kennedy, accompanied by-
Rev. and Mrs. A. Nimmo visited one
day last week with Mr, Duncan Ken-
nedy who is a patient in Victoria Hos., pital . London,
Mr, and Mrs. Graham Macdonald,
twin daughters Ann and Nancy, and
two sons, Stewart and Billie, of To-
ronto, spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs Graham Campbell and fam-
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Galbraith, Jack
Galbraith and Mr. Gordon Stanley of
Toronto were week-end visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Galbraith, Mr .
John Galbraith returned after a
month's visit in Toronto.
Mr. Ross A. Wilson, president and
general manager of the Ballantine DrY
Goods Co., Port Huron, Mich.. died
at his home on Thursday.
A lover of fine music, lie was bass,
soloist in St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church, Sarnia, and while visiting with
his friends, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Burg-
man of town, had on several occasions
delighted the congregation of the
Wingham United Church, with his fine
Funeral serl*eS were held not Stine
day and interment was made in Pine -
Hill cemetery, Thedford. Mr. and Mrs„
ilurgman attended the funeral.
Plastic Wall Tile
Kitchen and Bathroom I
OBITUARY Harry Mulvey, Harry Press au-I
1.1401112111111111111111111111111111211•1111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111311111111NIIIMISMI1111115' south 200 feet.
11. Boland Street from Frances
Street to Carling Terrace.
12. Carling Terrace from Patrick
Street teeth 344 feet.
Tele- 13. Catherine Street northerly from
Diagonal Road 900 feet.
Complaints from interested parties
FOR SALE-1938 For.I DeLuxe Se- as to frontage assessments or any
'1a5' conslitkel. R. V^ e'en. other matters cognizable by the Court,
Telephone 541W. will be heard.
FOR SALE-12-inch Delta Wood- , Dated at Wingham, Ontario, this 5th
turning Lathe. Suitable for home day of November. 1949. W. A. Galbraith, Clerk,
worksnop or light production work, Wingham, Ont. M
Ee 1
ROOM AND BOARD for business
girl. 'Phone 109.
LOST—On the main street, 3-etrand
Pearl Necklace. Finder please tele-
phone 448.
specializes in all types of Perman-
ents, Machine, Machineless and
Cold, also Shampooing, Finger Wav-
ing and Ogilvie Sisters Scalp Treat-.
ments. 'Phone 33 for appointment.
All types. Warren House.
band, Mr. Nethery. Mr. and Mrs.
Edmund Irwin of Goderich, also spent
the week-end there. Mr. Irwin is still
hewing treatments on his sere arm at
Melton Hospital.
The W.M.S. of Brick United Church
held their social evening last Thurs-
day night in S. S. No. 11, and played
sixteen tables of progressive creole-
Mole with Jim Irwin and Eleanore
Wightman holding high points. Mrs.
Irwin, president of the W.M.S. presid-
ed for a short program, after which
Ph one m gam ..,. the Mission Band held their bazaar.
Lunch was served and the social time
-411111111111111111111111111Slinaillin113111Millele enjoyed by all.
tober, 1949, are notified to send to
David Crompton
Certified Watchmaker
Gifts For Ali Occasions
RUBBER and tuned home on Sunday with her hus- Air. annd Mrs. John Pardon visited Miss Faye McClenaghan of Lea-
den, spent the week-end with her
parents, Mr. annd Mrs. Ben Mc-
Clenaghan. Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Mose and two children left their-
home in Bright on Saturday to mot-
or to Vancouver where they will visit
with her sister, Mrs. Stan. Leeson.
The Institute At-Home for mem-