HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-10-26, Page 2ALL MAKES OF 'Refrigerators Repaired OUR SPECIALTY Pamper your Refrigerator these days. CALL 549 at the first sign of trouble— We'll fix it immediately and ex- pertly at reasonable cost. Repair for Longer Wear T. DARLING 5...10,1•••••••••••••••••• AGE TWO THE WINGI-IAYI ADVANCE-TIMES. Wednesday, October 26, 1949 WitIlighaln Advance-Times Published at VVINGHAM - ONTARIO W. B. McCool, Editor and Publisher *Umber Audit Bureau of circulation Atathorized as Seoonu Class Mail post Office Department fitiebscrIption Rate — One year $2.00 Six Months $1,00 in advance To U.S.A. 2.50 per year Foreign Rate $3.00 per year Advertising rates on application Vol. 77 — No. 7 WROXETER Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Art Viiompsod, 2nd. line of T.urnberry, were Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Ward, Mr. *ad Mrs. Lewis Thurston, all of Strtfordvi lle, Miss Mae Davidson spent a few Says last week with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davidon, Bluevale. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Baxter, Spring- field, were week-end guests of D. S. 4nd Mrs. MacNaughton. Mr, Peter S. If =Ewen, Bluevale, and Mrs. Oliver lCampbell, Morris Township sh eet ;r11.ttr.sday at the MacNaughton home. Six members of the local Women's Institute joined with delegates trout Alolesworth, Gorrie and Fordwieb, at the latter village on fl'hursday, fur the W. L East iii ron District Health I Project. Health before and after Forty, The course was 'conducted by Miss Helen Gardiner of the Women's 1 Institute Branch. and Hume Econ- onucs Service. It will be remembered. Miss Gardiner was in charge of the First Aid 5 day project here sonic years ago. On Thursday the Fordwich group served tea and a social hour was enjoyed. The people of this district enjoyed Church on Wednesday and Thursday the hospitality of the Salem United evening, when a delicious Turkey Din- ner was served. So much food m as still on hand, following Wednesday evening's dinner, the ladies announced a second dinner. Salem United Church dinners have a reputation second to none in this community and this year's delicious meals were better than ever. Mr. and. Mrs, Harold Hamilton had 1 for their week-end guests the latter's niece, Mrs. Lynn Gordon, Mr. Gor- don and small daughter, Nancy, all of Islington. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Simm and son, Donald, also Mrs. Norman Bran- don, all of Leaside, spent the week- end with Mr. annd Mrs. Harvey Timm and other friends. Miss Jean Moffat of Toronto Nor- mal School, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Mof- fat. Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gallagher were Mrs. Ada Tait, Miss Margaret Goodfellow, both of Toronto, Mr. and grs, Tracy Par- don, Detroit, also Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bosman and Mr. Gordon Messer of Bluevale, who were Sunday guests and attended Anniversary services. Rev: Reba Hern, Varna, who con- ducted Anniversary Services at Salem, United Church, was a Sunday guest of 'Mr. and Mrs. Win. Taylor. Women's Association Mrs. J. N, Allen and Mrs. Gowing were in charge of arrangements for the October meeting of the Women's Association of thte United Church. The President, Mrs. William Hart, opened the meeting with the hymn, "Jesus, I am Resting", followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison and The Scripture lesson, psalm 102. The Tre- asurer's report showed over $100.00 net profit from the Lions' Dinner. 17 members answered the roll call, a verse containing the word Mercy. The afternoon was spent in quilting. Pot luck slipper was served at the close. Confirmation Service His Grace ArehbishOp Luxton of London, will be in St. James Anglican Churchc, Wroxeter, on Sunday, Nov. 6th., at 4 p.m. to conduct Confirma- tion Service. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Harry 'Borth also Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Krustle all of New Hamburg, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. R, Hunter. Howick Lions Plan Amateur Night Howick Lions Club at a recent busi- ness meeting appointed a committee to arrange An Amateur Contest Con- cert on the evening of November 25th. In the past this form of entertainment attracted large crowds and is a splen- did means of developing local talent. A Father and Son banquet will also be held in the near future. • Variety Fair Something new in the way of enter- tainment is being planned by mem- bers of the local W. I. for their an- will include Hobby Exhibits, Rum- mage Counter, Candy and Baking Wingham ) Stalls, Fish Pond. Supper, a floor Show and the evening will wind up with a' Monster Progressive Euchre. The_ evening's entertainment promises to be full of prizes and surprises with something to interest young ,and old. The Variety Fair will be held in the Town Hall the middle of Novembtr. Date to be announced later. Living Together In the Family Commencing Monday of this week and each afternoon nutil Thursday, Miss Irene McBride of the Women's Institute Branchc and Home Econo- mics Service is conducting classes on physiology under the title "Living To- gether in the Family." This course is open to anyone in the Community. Young People's Union Thelma Denny presided' at the weekly meeting of the Young People's Union, held in the church school-room on Monday evening. Mary MacDon- ald called the meeting to order with soft music. 0 Master, Let Me Walk With Thee" was the opening hymn, Edythe Weir led in prayer. Shirley Newton gave the Topic on Missions. Then followed, the Missionary hymn, "In Christ, there is no, East or West." Rev. U. E. Cronhielm was in charge of Bible Study hour, continuing on the Salem Anniversary Service Rev. Reba Hern of Varna, was guest speaker for Salem I,Jnited Church Anniversary Services on Sun- clay last, and delivered inspiring ser- mons to large congregations. Rev. U, Cronitielm was present at the even- ing service which he conducted, The choir, under the direction of Mrs, Morrison Sharpie with Mrs, Harvey Copeland, organist, gave special music. The Words of the morning anthem, "I Am the Way, the Truth, the Life and "In the Cross of Christ, I Glory" and in time evening, "The Church by the Side of the Road" and "I Have Left all to Follow My Saviour." The choir were ably assisted by Messrs. G. A. Wearring and Gilbert Howse of Wroxeter United Church Choir, Solo- ist,at both services was Mrs..Walter Willits, who chose in the morning, The Scottish hymn "My Ain Countrie" and at the evening service "Behold Me at the Door." The flowers which were arranged by Mrs. Charles Cathers and her committee added much to the beauty of the Anniversary services. Euchre and Bingo Masonic Club Rooms was the scene of a pleasant get-to-gether on Friday evening, when the ForRest Ladies Club, sponsored the first of a series of social evenings. Pro'gressive Euchre and Crokinole was enjoyed. Mrs. Wm. Wright held the highest score for the ladies, Mrs.Roy Hunter second. Mr, Roy Hunter won first prize for the gentlemen and Mr. Clark Renwick, second. Refreshments were served by the laadies. A few games of Bingo were played, Mrs. Harvey McMichael won the Special Bingo, "A Hamper of Apples." The newly decorated Club Rooms and New Oil Burner brought favourable comment from those in attendance. The Ladies Club have en- gaged Farrier's Orchestra, White- church, for a dance in Wroxeter Town Hall, on Thursday, NoverAer 10th. November W. I. Meeting The 'November meeting of Wrox- eter.Women's Institute will be held on Wednesday, November 2nd., at the home of Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton. Mrs. George Lane will have charge of the Motto, "An Apple a Day, Keeps ,the Doctor Away." Roll Call, "Bring your Apple and Name It." Current Events, Mrs. J.I H. Wylie, Demon- strations on Fancy Sandwich Making will be given by Mr. C. Moffat and Mrs. G. Work, also cake decorating by Mrs. W. T. MacLean. Hallowe'en Party Howick Lions Club will 'play host to the children of the Community on Monday, October 31st, at 8 p.m., in Wroxeter Town Hall, In keeping with the traditional custom all are asked to come in Hallowe'en costume. There will be plenty of prizes and refresh- ments will be served. Howick Lions Club are to be commended for their never-failing interest in the children. The annual Hallowe'en party is one of the happiest events of the year., (I.D.A.) FALL (I.D.A.) n rug Sale • • • • • • • • • • • • • • n n • • • • • • • • • • n n n n • • • • • • NOXZEMA SPECIAL • • 6 oz. jar reg. 93c (limited quantity) 79c • • • XMAS CARDS • • Get yours while the assortment is at its best • • BOXES 25c, 49c, 98c, $1.29, $1.49 • SEPARATE CARDS 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c, ,.35c, 50c • •• • XMAS SEALS, TAGS, WRAPPING PAPER • • • • • • a • • Drug Store 1 Kerr 's • "THE HOME OF FINE MEDICINALS" n TELEPHONE 18 WINGHAM MIIMEAMMINMINIMM1111111111111111MEMEMMI Mission Band Lean presented the minutes, Marilyn Thirty-two members of Buds of Smith read the Scripture. Billy Hig- Promise Mission Band, ma on Thurs- gins led in prayer. Bonny Hoffman day afternoon in the church school- favoured with a piano solo. Marjorie room for their October meeting, with Moffat received the offering. Mrs. leader, Mrs. Harvey Reidt in charge. Cronhielm told the Story from the President, Winnifred Munro presided Study Book "Watch Goat Boy". The and opened the meeting with the hymn "Jesus Bids Us Shine". Donna Mac- meeting closed with the hymn "When He Cometh" and prayer. n n n Listed below are a few of the Many OUTSTAND- ING VALUES on ,this Annual I.D.A. DRUG SALE. For a complete list of BARGAINS and SUGGESTIONS — SEE the HANDBILLS and DAILY NEWSPAPERS I.D.A. MINERAL OIL, 16 oz. reg. 45c , t 37c I.D.A. MINERAL OIL, 40 oz. reg. 89c 73c I.D.A. Halibut Oil Caps., 500s, reg. $4.79 . . . .$3.89 I.D.A. MILK OF MAGNESIA, 16 oz. reg. 3 3c 21c I.D.A. MILK OF MAGNESIA, 32 oz. reg. 55c 39c J.D.A. EPSOM SALT, 1 lb. reg. 15c 11c I.D.A. BORACIC ACID, 1 lb. reg. 25c 17c I.D.A. CAMPHORATED OIL, 3 oz. reg. 35c, 27c I.D.A. CASCARA TABLETS, 5 gr. reg. 35c 27c I.D.A. COD LIVER OIL, 16 oz. reg. 89c 67c I.D.A. COD LIVER CAPSULES, reg. $1.09 83c I.D.A. FLAXSEED, 1 lb. reg. 23c 19c I.D.A. A.S.A. TABLETS, 300s reg. 89c 57c I.D.A. A.S.A. TABLETS, 100s reg. 39c 29c I.D.A. POWDER PUFFS, reg. 10c 2 - 15c I.D.A. WASH CLOTHS, reg. 10c 2 - 15c I.D.A. TOILET TISSUE, reg. 10c 3 - 22c I.D.A. WAX PAPER, 100 ft., reg. 31c 26c I.D.A. Hot Water Bottle (4 yr. guaranteed) reg. $1.59—SPECIAL $1.19 • HALF PRICE VITA-RAY HAND LOTION, reg. $2.50 ....$1.50 DuBARRY CAKE ROUGE, reg. $1., clearing 50c POWER REGULATIONS MUST BE ENFORCED A reduction in power deliveries from one of the Commission's suppliers makes it neces- sary for all consumers to avoid wasting electri- city. The Commission has advised the municipal systems that strict compliance with regulations respecting the use of electricity is essential. Voluntary conservation is also needed. Homes, industries and farms can play their full part by reducing the use of electricity at all times, particularly during the hours of maxi- mum use, from 10 to 12 in the morning and 4 to 6 in the afternoon. w. Save Electricity At All Times! THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO Nemorrioliimmoommusi,,,, of all descriptions. We'll be glad to advise you on making the most of each material and making the most of your home, See us or Call 66. SHEET ROCK Sc sq. ft. ROCK LATH 31/2c sq. ft. ARBORITE 65c sq. ft. COLORED TILEBOARD 45c sq. ft. MASONITES and CHROMTRIM Let's Get to Work! Let's make your home story arr interesting one. by taking care of Interior Repairs — by making your room more attractive, upstairs and down. SEE THE BEAVER LUMBER CO. FOR Limber - Trim -Wallboards .,... ROE FARMS MILLING CO. ATWOOD ONT YOU CAN GET 110E FEEDS FROM: Rowan & Howson, rt 3. 1VitKenzioi neigrave Whighain illnevale Milling Co., A. C. Adams, Wirtgliath Ellttevole Beigrave C0,01),, telgrave Dobson Bros.. Wroxeter BEAVER LUMBER CO. MEN WHO KNOW iNSIST ON ROE ALL CLASSES OF MONUMENTS.- IN STOCK Most Modern Equipment for Shop and Cemetery Work Inscription Work Promptly Attended to. subject, "The Origin of the Bible:" 'The Day Thou Gayest' was the clos- inehyinn. Meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. Telephone 66 Brownlie Memorials WILLIAM BROWNLIE, Owner and Operator Alfred St. Wingham Box 373 'Phone 450 I "•••••., ,..••••• I D • • 4 I • I 4 • I 1. • 4 nE RN/ IC E STAT 0 1 was so busy getting ready for WINTER I forgot about the Car ! Ferdie (in the fur coat) would have saved himself a small bank account if he had REMEMBERED TO BRING HIS CAR IN FOR WINTERIZING For Complete Peace of Mind, have us prepare your car, truck or tractor for the cold weather that's "just around the corner". PLEASE— Don't Wait Until the Last Minute! DRIVE IN TODAY. Merkley Motors FERGUSON TRACTORS HUDSON CARS — Sales and Service Telephone 84 Wingham Quality Always Spare yourself the pain of "shopping around" for a Monument to honour your loved one. Depend on our reputation for highest quality and fair dealings. See Us First.