HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-10-19, Page 1013, East WAWA0(7$11, Mary Taylor, S. S. 9, E. W. was presented with a camera front the Robert Simpson Co., for a snapshot exhibit. Air. R. Fergu- son -conducted the spelling match. Following are the results of the con petition. Recitations, Grades 1 and 2, 'Bar- bara Coultes, 5. S. II, ENV.; Marie Johnston, S. S. 10, AlorriS; Bakke De Haan, .U.S.S. 17, E. W., Jean John- ston, S. S. 11, Morris; and Betty Rut- tan, S. S. 10, Morris; Recitati-ms, Grade $ and 4, Darlene Pierce, U.S.S, E.W., Murray Johnston, S. S. 10, Morris; Claire Chamney, U.S,S. 7, E. [?la Griffiths, S. S. 12, Morris; Beverley Nethery, Public Speaking, Grade 5 and 6, Joan Wightman, S, S. 9, E.W., Bruce Rob- ertson, S,S.8, Morris; Glen Johnston, S. S. 10, Morris; Edith Daer, 11, E.W.; Public Speaking, Marlene MacKenzie, U,S.S, 17, E.W., Shir- ley Bradburn, S,S, 13, E. W.,, Ethel Pierce, U.S.S. 3, B. W. (tie); Spelling Match, Evelyn Hislop, Ken Badley, Marlene MacKenzie, Lorne Camp- bell; Weed Naming Contest, George Procter, Lois Walker, Terry Nethery, Bert Watson, Ken Badley, Shirley Marks. Mrs. J, C. Procter was the hostess for the Historical Research meeting of the Belgrave Women's institute, Mrs, James Michie was the convener of the programme. The meeting was presided over by the President, Mrs. Stewart Procter and opened in the us- ual manner. Mrs.. Kenneth Wheeler read the minutes and the correspon- dence. Plans were made to cater to the Banquet for the Morris Federation Mrs. Walter Scott discussed advertis- ing in the papers which has been Small Set . . Big Value . . MARCONI MODEL 271 It's neat! It's compact! It's packed with features! It's Mar- coni's answer to your demand for a small space receiver that will give big set reception. A set that will "fit-in" anywhere . . . and so reasonably priced that you can buy several . . . one for the bedroom . .. one for the kitchen or den. The beauti- fully moulded bakelite cabinet conies in a choice of four solid colours—Maroon, Ivory, Green and Mahogany. And of course, Model 271 is Marconi engineer- ed throughout for all 'round per- fection. $29.95 Pit ft;$4,12 Radio lk Electric PRESENTING • a new made In FRANCE You'll love Repartee. It's so witty, so expansive and it lasts so beautifully. An utterly new and moving fragrance experience. Says such lovely things about you, and such a flattering gift. In de luxe presentations; also in purse-size flacons. From $3.60 to $30.00 Also available in Bouquet at $1.n and $2,50if Bouquet Ivith.ltcanisor $2,100 Bath Powder $2.154 McKibbons PHONE 55 t WI NONA/A TWO SHOWS Each Night, starting at 7:15 pan. SATURDAY MATINEE 2 p.m. 011,1M1,0,1,1.41,1440.1M111$1,111,1,1$14104.4 44444 WW111111.1.11..111140IMA10.14,.14,111114111,100141410 144,,IMIIIIIIi11 1 4 THURS., FRI., SATURDAY, OCT. 20, 21, 22 "Loaded Pistols" GE NE AUTRY 111.1,,..i4.......... 44444 04111,111 4444444 44444 11.01 444 I 44444444444 444444444444444444 444444 ,,,,,,,,,,,, NION„ TUES., WEDNES., OCT. 24, 25, 26 "Mother Is a Freshman" LORETTA YOUNG VAN JOHNSON S PECIAL— COMPARE THIS PRICE! Morning Cheer Coffee GROUND FRESH WHILE YOU WAIT lb. 53c •••••• •••••• .=•••• =M. MINIM MANOM ww•a• Mdllma •••••• ••••01 0.00 %MOM •••••• 4•400 OPRIMM doMINNI Milan .01• M•IMO •••.• MI=0 .1011== •••=aff MONO. •M••• o••• asp▪ .• On.1 =NNW 1•••• N▪ M. OM.= 1011.• ma▪ INNIS 0•0••• ••••mi mor..• =M. 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IMmNINO •••••• MINNY. =M. 00•0.0 vm.1•0 WW.NO woe =MOM =M. ••••=, aMm,•• •••••b =MOM ••••••• imm•• g•••••• miNMEP ommOm •NNONO Imam. •••••• MOM• •••••• MEWS MINN ••••• ve••• tm•M• •••n 110 Nage *MAO SWIMS IMMIP .▪ mmis amt. ammo ammo lora WWI =MOD =NEM ••••• MN1 MM. =MY. •••••- • V••••• 41•411=1 NO•••• =Ma 41MOSIN 41•I! emn• p••• =MIRO MEMO MEMO 4••••• ani• Wednesday, October 19, 1049 ,FAGS THE WINGHAIVI ADVANCE-TIMES a a 6 Pa11111111111111111111111111111111119111111111111N1141M1111111111111111111111111111MINIIIIIIIMinimmiumnine Mr, and Airs. Orval Newby and children of London, Mr, and Mrs. Carl Mrs. Russell Ross is a patient in Lott, Bruce and Buddy, and Mr. and Wingham Hospital, suffering from a Mrs. Henderson and two daughters, severe attack of asthma. of Ayton, visited on Sunday with Miss Wilma McWhirter of Lansing, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Lott. and Mr. Bruce Bagg of Unionville, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gaunt and spent the week-end at the home of his &Wren, and Mr. and Mrs. David sister, Mrs. E. H. Groskorth. Currie and Miss Leah, of Wingham, Mrs. Ben McClenaghan spent a tew spent Sunday with Air. and Ars. Ken- nays last week with Mr. and Mrs. neth Currie. Melvin McClenaghan at Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Westbrook of Mrs. Wm. Humphrey and Miss Lila, Komoka, spent a few days last week of St. Helens, visited on Sunday with with Mr. and Airs. Amos Cornelius and Mr. and Mrs. Len Westbrook of the former's sister, Mrs, A. Fox. Goderich, visited there on Sunday. Mr. Herbert Laidlaw was able to have the cast removed from his leg The Salvation Army last week and is able to step out again with a shoe on, after three months and a half in the cast. Mrs. Jas. Falconer, Mrs. 'I'. H. MoOre, Mrs. J. G. Gillespie, Mrs. Rus- sell Gaunt and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft at- tended the W.M.S. Presbyterial in the United Church, at Fordwich, on Fri- day, and Mrs. Stanley Snell, Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft, Mrs. Herson Irwin, Mrs. Frank Thompson, Mrs. Leslie Wightman and Miss Dorothy Patti- son, attended the meeting from Brick United Church W.M.S. Mrs. Sanders and Mrs. Basil Day- S p.m.—Prayer Meeting. idson of Toronto, were guests over the week-end with the latter's parents, A hearty Welcome awaits at the Mr. and Mrs. Leask. McGee. Salvation Army. Born—On Wednesday, October 12, ry in Victoria Hospital, London, to Mr. Smith's Economy Food Store • SPECIAL • • SPECIAL • PORK & BEANS JELLY POWDERS 2 tins 25c VANCAMPS 20 oz. tins 5 pkgs. 25c Assorted Flavours • SPECIAL • • SPECIAL • McCormick's Ungraded Standard FRANKFORT Oatmeal Granny's PEAS COOKIES 20 oz. tins 2 tins 25c, 23c lb- U I I I I Lawrence Taylor, the President, N presided for the concert, which opened with the singing of the "Maple Leaf" ri and featured a Mass Rhythm Band ; from S. S. No. 4, 6, 8, and 10 of Mor- p ris, a mass Boys' Choir sang "Across the Sea and Cockles and Mussels" and a mass Girls' Choir, singing "Sweet Afton" and ",Marianne Goes to the T. Mill." Miss Elaine Walsh was at the piano and Miss June Work conducted, N The judge for the recitations and public speaking were Rev. W. Rogers and Rev. G. Murray Wyatt of Blyth, 2 and Mr. Robt, Ferguson of the Wing- I ham High School. In giving the plac- ings, the judges said it was important that the child should choose a subject familiar to hint and to use his own words in preparing it, It should be original, interesting and have some I emotional appeal, Mr. Stewart Proc- ter announced' the grand winners and ..7= presented books donated by T, Eaton Co, to Bruce Robertson of S. S, No. 8, Aillillalli11 niiilli1008.11110111011811111111011101118611111110.01011Milignik Morris, and Sandra Rath of S. S. No, gonnutinumiuumnifinumumilifilimiiimitionmiiiminiiimilunimiuniflonilimoilm11111111111111111111111116 KING DEPT. STORE "The Friendly Store """HH,'"'m ,,, HHIHIIHIHOOHHHHIHIHmmtufitH .... H .. 0.0mmoutuommonemmuNte0mlmot Keep Them Warm and Happy in WINTER WEAR from KINGS 101,11.01 llllllllllllllllll 11111111141114 /1111111$1 BUNTING BAGS New style, Two-piece Bunting Bag with separate Coat and Bag part. Can be tightly buttoned to form one piece.. Made of softly-napped cotton eiderdown. Zipper closed bag is lined with quilted raypn satin and bound with rayon satin ribbon, appliqued and embroidered down front. Hood is trimmed with white bunny fur. Has long sleeves to enclose hands for warmth. Pink or blue. $8.95 COTTON CHINCHILLA BAG in same styli, comes in white with pink or blue trink $10.75 INFANT'S CUDDLE BAG of warmly napped Chinchilla Cloth. Attached lined hood with a drawstring to pull it snug. Styled with footed legs and arms for extra warmth. Zipper closing. Pink or blue $9.45 INFANT'S BUNTING BAG of Chinchilla cloth with no arms or legs. Made for tiny infants. Zipper closing and attached hood. Pink or blue, $7.65 LITTLE BOYS' COAT SET of Chinchilla cloth has double breasted effect 1.•••0 Oman. •••••• IMM.0 •0•••• IMMO 0•1111 •••=/0 =OWN •••••• map. ••••••• Imam. NEM/ Oen. Oimmi• wag. .••••0 •••••• •••• •••••MI Yang •••••• ••••••• ..•••• •••••• K. D. S. IM▪ ME. M=MO •••••• •••••• •••••• MM. MEMO OPOIMO AMIN* 001•1•1 21011111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111iumlloullgumun unison, Twenty two members ans- Weted the roll call, followed by the minutes of last meeting and the treas. 'titer's report, The next Meeting is in charge of group 3. The members of the Auxiliary are asked to make a donation to the W.M.S. bazaar and the mothers of the babies of the Baby Band are each to make a donation of home made candy, Mrs. Bean= led the Worship period, Several ladies assisted Mrs. Johnston and Mrs. Moores sang "The Stranger of Galilee", and Mrs. Scott had charge of the Study Book, The meeting dosed with the Mizpah hem- diction, Mrs. J. Walsh was leader of the social Period, Mrs, Bosinan, Mrs, Johnston, Mr. Scott and Mrs. C. Vital. a a a a 1.1 a a a a a a a a U a 6 g gatailanisimmonimitiniallitnitimmininzmuniottunincimanwil Et Prompt Service 'Phone 161 Free Delivery I I U Monday- 7:00 p.m.—Sunshine Hour. Tuesday- 2:30 p.m.—Home League. 8 p.m.—Youth Group. Thursday— Captain and Mrs. H. deVries Australian Seedless RAISINS, lb. 17c Shredded '/ lb. pkg. COCOANUT 30c THURS., FRI., SAT., OCT. 27, 28, 29 "Jungle Patrol" KRISTINE MILLER MICKEY KNOX 11:00 a.m.—Holiness Meeting. 2:30 p.m.—Sunday School. 7:00 p.m.—Gospel Service. Mother Parker's I/2 lb. pkg. BLACK TEA .51c McCormick's Salted KRAFT DINNER 15c SODAS, I lb. pkg. 30c Cooks in 7 Minutes pkg. Hallowe'en Hallowe'en GUM DROPS, lb, ..29c Jelly Beans, lb. 33c Hallowe'en Hallowe'en Wrapped Kisses, lb. 35c Jelly Pumpkins, lb. 29c S PECIAL VALUE DALTON'S Peanut Butter. In 16-62. Mason Jars WHITECI-IURCH FOOD SAVINGS CANDY for HALLOWE'EN a Dalton's Jolly Good DATES, 1 lb. pkg. . .29c Shelled Quarters 1/4 lb. WALNUTS 29c Maple Leaf Mincemeat, 2 lb. tin 41c 35c g top H,4,4, MO HO ,,,,, and Mrs. Bill Parker, a son. Betty, Barbara and David Parker of Lond_Jut, are visiting with their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, lien .7.11cClenaghan. Mr. and .Mrs, Albert Coultes and family, spent Sunday with Mr. and — Mrs. Norman Coultes, F.. Wawinosh, The Fall Thank Offering of the ALS. of the Presbyterian Church will be held on Friday evening, October 28th, in the church, when Rev. G. M. -Newton will show pictures on the new Study Book, "Growing with the Years" and also Mission Work in the Manitoulin Islands. Quite a number from this district took in the Plowing Match at Brant- ford on Thursday last, Alex Coulter, John Purdon, Kenneth Zinn, J. D. Beecroft, Ernest Beecroft, Mason Rob- inson„).thert Bieman, Alex Robertson, George McGee, Edward AieBorney and Gordon McBurney. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Watson of Au- burn, visited at the home of her bro- ther, Mr. Lorne Johnston on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston of Goderich, are visiting\ this week at he lionib of their daughter, Mrs. John R • n a I. a I U a a a a a a a Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vantier and Air, and Mrs. dillies of London, vis- ited on Sunday with Mrs. Jas. Cornel- 1 ins. The regular monthly meeting of the ViTomen's Institute was held on Tues- l- day last in the Memorial Hall here, with the President, Mrs. Ernest Cale- more, presiding. After the opening exercises, plans were made for the tur- key dinner to be served this Thursday at the Federation Banquet. The At- Home is to be on November 18th, when a pot luck supper at 7 p.m. will be held. The District Project, Person- ality and Dress, will be in charge of Miss Nora Crayke of the Home Econ- omics Dept„ Toronto, and all are cordially invited to attend from 10 a. in. to 4 p.m. The following program was then given, Roll Call, "If I were Prime Minister, what Law Would I Change" the answer, the Liquor Law, was predominant. Mrs. W. J. Coulter gave a reading, To our Many Friends in Business, Mrs. W. R. Farrier play- ed a piano solo; Mrs, Jas. Wilson gave a reading An Active "Member" and Mrs. Albert Walters, gave a talk on the motto, "'Who is my Neighbor," using the story of Captain Storm, who didn't sell his oats, but who passed them out to the early settlers for seed, asking that they return them bushel for bushel, in the fall. and say- ing that good neighbors were the key- note of a nation. Mrs. Ezra Scholtz sang, Juanita, and the meeting was closed by singing the National An- them. Mr. Armond McBurney of West- field, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Airs. Edward McBurney. Miss Moir and pupils of S. S. 9, are arranging a Hallowe'en party with program and games for October 26th. Reeve J. D. Beecroft, R.11. Thomp- son, Alex McBurney, Alex Robertson, and Herson Irwin, attended the school for Municipal Officials in Goderich on Tuesday. BELGRAVE Miss June Schmilt of New Ham- burg, and Mr. jack Armstrong of London, spent the week-end with Mr. David Armstrong. Edwin Armstrong underwent,a crit- ical operation in Toronto on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kelly spent the week-end in London and Dorchester. Mr. and Mrs, David .Redpath and Nellie, of Harriston, spent Saturday I U U U U a U U a a U a a with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grasby. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Armstrong, Reta Ann and Kenneth of Thorndale, spent the week-end with Mr, David Arm- strong. Mr. and Mrs. Ainsbourgh, Bell of North Dakota, Mr. George Dane, Miss Margaret Dane, of Gorrie, spent Sat- urday with Mr, David Armstrong and Mr. and Mrs. Robert •Grasby. Rev, W. J. Moores,. Jack Higgins, Marjorie MacKenzie, Muriel Ander- son and Eileen Holmes attended the Silver Jubilee of the London Confer- ence of Young People's Union in St. Marys on Saturday. Mrs. Edgar Wightman, Mrs. Walter Scott, Mrs. Gordon Rosman, Mrs. Norman Walsh, Mrs, Albert Coultes and ,Rev. W. J. and Mrs. Moores at- tended the W.M.S. Sectional Meeting in Fordwich on Friday. Belgrave School Fair Concert The annual Concert brought to a close the activities of the Belgrave School Fair for this year, The Mus- ical Festival in the spring, the fair and the concert brought a total of well over 3000 entries, which is a high re- cord, Proprnt Service 2 Deliveries Daily 'Phone 161 •••01.4 timoNia 1111.11116 111•0.101 ••••••11 OPOO111.1 ••••••I •••••011 01.•••• 44.4101.1.1 IMAM 1110▪ 1011•1111 alOomis •••••••• WM001 !NOM •OhNe ••••••• 11.0••• ••••••A ••••=1 Ma..• Mamma &a.m. UN*. Walm• •••.• M.= swam., Own••• ..••••• ..••• 01.1pas OkOmor• 00..M ,IMAmos ••••••• 0.1••• /MINIM •ma.• .0.••• OM.= M.= •••••• •••••• OMNI= ••=,••• •My••• OWIMINO 11.10ft WM= •••••• I••••• •MMI•• 0••••• BMIMON 00/.• •••Ime dO.NO AIMOPY ••▪ ••• •••.• •••••• •••1I•• 00.0•• ••••••t Wimps ••••• ISMMEN M.1•0 a/•••• N.MM• •••••• •=01.• .•••••• MINIM m••••• OW= OM▪ ISO ••••••• 1••••• •0••• 4.••• 0.•••• MMINNE 1•••••• moNMI .mn•• mg4.• OPNON• 3 ro••• •••••• alMal• •••••• ••••••1 emomi 10.01•1 ••••••• ••••.• ••••M• inOmml Moft••• NOM.••• dasym• mom. .0••=. ONE-PIECE SNOW SUIT of Chinchilla Cloth with elasticized cuffs and anklets. Belted waist. Pink, blue or green. Sizes 1, 2, 3 ....$8.95 - $9.50 GIRLS' COAT SETS of fine wool 'with leggings and bonnet. Coat is attractively fitted With gored back. Leggings have buttoned waist and zippered legs. Wine, rose, blue and turquoise. Sizes 3 to 6x $22.50 LITTLE GIRLS' COAT SET made from a cotton, rayon and wool material. Attractive coat has double breasted effect and pretty embroidered trim at front. Leggings have elastic waist and zippered leg closing. Poke-style hat is cotton lined. Pink only. Sizes 2 - 3 $14.95 TODDLERS Warm COAT SET of wool and cot- ton Chinchilla. Flannelette lined coat is single breasted and has neat turned down collar. Lined bonnet fits well down over the ears and leggings have elastic waist and zippered ankles for close fit. Pink, Blue, or Yellow. Sizes 1, 2, 3 $12.59 BOYS' THREE-PIECE COAT SETS Coat is lined and has double breasted effect. Legg- ings have elastic cuffs and buttoned waist. Helmet is warmly lined. Two slide pockets. Navy blue, sizes 4, 5, 6. Reg. $11.95—SPECIAL $9.95 GIRLS' MACKINAW SNOW JACKETS of heavy Winter Cloth. Double breasted effect with belted waist. Navy, red and brown. Sizes 6 to 14. Reg. $6.95—SPECIAL $5.19 coat with neat high-buttoned collar. Legging with buttoned closing at waist and ankles. Warmly lined helmet. Blue only. Sizes 1, 2, 3 $11.95 • meeting with disapproval of our W, members, Mrs. Earl Anderson read a memorial to Mrs. Alfred Watt, who died a year ago. There were twelve grandmothers present and four of them, Mrs. James Michie, Mrs. Herbert Wheeler, Mrs. George Jordan and Mrs. Fred Cook, sang a quartette which was greatly enjoyed, They wore beautiful bonnets with plumes and flowers and sang, "Put on Your Old Grey Bonnet" and "Seeing Nellie Home," Mrs. Cyrus Scott, a grandmother and former member was present and gave the ad- dress, She told of the woollen mills, at Benmiller. The President expressed the pleasure of the Ittatittite in having Mrs. Scott, who has not been able to attend the meetings recently. ,Mrs. Pre(' Cook was presented with a prize for having the most grand- children. A contest conducted by Mrs. Norman Walsh, "Things Grandmother Missed" was won by Mrs. Ken Wheeler, Mrs. S. Procter and Miss Agn.es Mason. The roll call was a lesson learned from experience and was well answered, Refreshments we're served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Stewart Procter, Mrs. Gordon Higgins and Mrs, Y. M. Coultes. The nekt meeting will be held at the 'home of a former member, Mrs. Norman Keating of Wingham. Mrs. W, J. Moores will be iii charge of transpor- tation. The Evening Auxiliary of the Church was held at the home of Mrs. Tom Smith on Tuesday, Otcober Ttie Meeting opened with the Dexol- ogy followed iby the Lertes Prayer its teat sh served lunch assisted by the hos. ()