HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-10-19, Page 8Telephone 139 Wingham Motors - Yes, it's true! Truck users are buying more Chevrolet trucks each year because they cost less to own, to operate, to maintain. What more convincing proof could there be that Chevrolet Advance-Design trucks give more value! Come in and let us discuss your truck requirements! ADVANCE-DESIGN TRUCKS /CH EVROL. —,....„,..„....... , „......„...,,,,,.„..,...,,,... „, A Product of General Motors 4 Preferred by more users because they cost less to own ...to operate... to maintain! tiali Qty „ Always Spare yourself the' pain of "shopping around" for a Monument to honour your loved one. Depend on our reputation for highest quality and fair dealings. See Us First. ALL CLASSES OF MONUMENTS IN STOCK Most Modern Equipment for shop and Cemetery Work Inscription Work Promptly Attended to. Brownlie Memorials WILLIAM BROWNLIE, Owner and Operator Alfred St. Wingham Box 373 'Phone 450 Coca-Cola brings you . EDGAR BERGEN with CHARLIE McCARTHY Every Sunday Evening Dominion Network and CFRB ilsk for it either way ... both trade-marks mean the same thing. • 433X Tune in CKNX 8:00 p.m. Authorized'bottler of coca-Coln under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. STRATFORD BOTTLING COMPANY TELEPHONE 78 STRATFORD, ONT. 11 111 mnimill11111H, ...... 0,011 1 fit u tip h DETROIT'S "FIRST” IN CONVENIENCE • COMFORT • QUALITY In the heart of the downtown, office, theater, and shopping area. Friendly, courteous service to make your stay in Detroit a pleasant memory. The Tuner Coffee Shop or Cafeteria for excel. lens Food modestly priced. The Hotel Tuller, Detroit's largest, is the place to stay. VISIT OUR Cocktail Zotnige ONE OF DETROIT'S FINEST 800 ROOMS WITH BATH FROM 5275 Node! FACING GRAND CIRCUS PARK Prank K. Cannon, General Manager 'rrry Inn.. ,itn0 Ii III 111 III~I In the Highly skilled tradesmen of many kinds are needed to maintain Canada's Air Force at the peak of efficiency. The Royal Canadian Air Force trains these men thoroughly, pays them well and guards their welfare constantly. Thu can take your place among these men who are Canada's pride and you will find the life purposeful, interesting and full of opportunities for advancement. Get full particulars NOW about the possibilities which exist for you in the R.C.A.F. •464•4MAIL COUPON TO YOUR NEAREST R,C.A.Pd STATION•44,4.444 R.C,A.F. Training Command, R.C.A.F. Station, or Trenton, Ont, North Wed Air Command, R.C.A.F. Station, Edmonton, M4. Please tad) me,, without obligation, full particulars regarding enlistment rapurornente And openings now Available in the Vs" STREnT 00000 ..... 1, Yount& a Canadian citizon or alio llritish subloot. You are 2. You AM gine° and betWeen 17 and 80 years, eligible to 3". You have a minimum of one year loss than Junior apply in matriculation for nadir) trades hit d .. +Oti.to far all others.. , or cuulvalcnt in both cases. AF' timer *L. a skim •hoii a a a pi* la a a al a Wad lioni 4 ••.1 fj 'AGE EIGHT 'THE WINGFAM ADVANCE-1110$ Wednesday October 19, 1949 1111111111imemmok BELGRAVE (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Allen, Wind- sor, spent the week-end with ,Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Aitken of Kin- cardine, spent the week-end with Mrs. R. J. Scott. Mr, and Mrs. Matthew Le Grow of Toronto, were guests with Rev. W. J. and Mrs. Moores. Harvest Festival Services Harvest Festival services were held in Trinity Church on Sunday last with a goodly number present at both ser- vices. The church ,was beautifully de- corated with grain, fruits and flow- ers, the symbols of God's goodness. Special music was rendered by the choir. In the morning the guest solo- ist was Miss Alice Rogerson of Blyth, and in the evening the men's quartette from Blyth- were much appreciated. The rector, Mr, Wyatt preached at the morning service and in the even- ing the guest speaker was Rev. W. J, Moores of the United Church. The Ladies Guild of Trinity Angli- can Church held their October meet-. ing at the home of Mrs. Archie Mont- gomery and her mother, Mrs. Jack- son, In the absence of the president, Mrs. Wade, the meeting was presided over by Mrs. T. Shoebottom.. Thank-you notes were read from members and friends. Christmas cards were shown and anyone wanting them should get in touch with any member of the Guild. After the business meeting a delic- ious lunch was served by the hostess. Knox United Church The W,M.S, will hold their Thank- Offering at the morning service next Suffday when Miss Margaret Scrim- geour of Trinidad will be the guest speaker. Everyone is invited to attend, A special service was held in Knox United Church on Sunday morning, when the new organ was dedicated to the memory of the late Robert Har- rison, whose gift had made it possible. Three children were presented for Christian baptism, they were Janice Lynn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cam- eron Walsh, Ian Lawrence, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler 'and Donald Ray, son of Mr, and Mrs. Harold Vincent. Women's Institute The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs.. Vorman Keating in Wingham, on Tuesday, October. 18th, Mrs. R, Procter is the convener. The" Roll Call will be to name a field of Social Welfare Work. Mrs. Albert Coultts will give the current events, and Miss Catharine Keating will give a musical number. Rev. G. Murray Wyatt of Blyth, will be the guest speaker. Refreshments will be in charge of Mrs. Geo. Michie, Mrs. J. C. Procter and Mrs. Ken Wheeler. Anyone wishing • transportation may call Mrs. W. J. Moores. Turkey Goes To Gorrie At the regular Athletic Association Dance the tickets were drawn for the poultry. Mr. Bill Bolton of Gorrie won the turkey, Wallace Bell, Blyth, the cluck, and the chickens were won by Wally Dankwardt, Kitchener, (Sherwin Williams traveller), Archie Montgomery and Edgar Wightman. Ninety-three dollars was realized for the Arena Building Fund. The com- mittee are grateful for donations of chickens from Norman Coultes and Mason Robinson. Ken Wheeler and Ken Scott were managers of the dance. The draw was made by Miss L. Cousins of Winghain, chosen by winning the spot dance. Library hours for the winter mon- ths will he from 2 to 4 on Saturdays. Mr. Marshal Bander, who is attend- ing University in Toronto, 'Miss Mar- jorie Halliday, of London ,and 'Miss Muriel Brydges of the Stratford Gen- eral Hospital, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Brydges, Mrs. Mary Wellings spent the week-end with her daughter, Mrs. Cameron McTavish, Lucknow. Mrs. W. Smith and Sheila of Hes- peler, are spending a week with Mrs. Cole. Thanksgiving visitors at their hom- es were: Miss Lois Kelly of London, Miss Dorothy Jamieson of London, Mr, and Mrs, Russel Jamieson of Tor- onto, Mr. and Mrs. George Jones and daughters of London, Mr: Jack Arm- strong and Mr. ann Mrs. Gibson Arm- strong of London, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Perdue and children of Toronto, spent Thanks- giving with his mother, Mrs. A. M. Perdue. Mr. and Mrs. P. j. Lee of Detroit, were week-cud visitors with Mr. and Mrs, L. Vannan. Miss Janet McClure of Toronto, was the guest of Miss Elaine Walsh, Mrs, A. Ballantyne of London, spent .the,past week with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller. Mr. and Mrs, .Goldie Wheeler and George, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. .Cartnatt Farrier of Toronto, spent the holiday with Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Higgins, Mr. and Mrs, Duncan Grey of Denfield, were guests of .Mr. and Mrs, R, ,T. MaeKenzie, while on their wed- ding trip, Miss Edith Procter spent Thanks. giving with Mr, and Mrs. Ed, Me- o • - 13urney in Wawanosh, Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Lennox and Tommy, Listowel, were week-end vis- itors with Mr, and Mrs, C. Hanna, Mrs, Robert Procter's mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Speak- man of Toronto, spent the week-end with she and Mr. Procter, Mrs, Albert Vincent is visiting ,Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Vincent at Byron. Mrs, Ernest Btuton and son of Lon- don, have returned home after spend- ing a week with Mr. and Mrs. C, Purdon. Mr, and Mrs, Ted McClenaghan and Percy of Whitechurch, spent Sunday with Mr. annd Mrs, Purdon. Mrs. j, T, Brydges and Joan have returned to their home in Belgrave, Mr, and Mrs. Alex Styles and son, Billie of Mimico, also Mr, and Mrs. T. Quinn and children, Merle and Taul from Toronto, spent the week, end with Mrs, John Mr. and Mrs, Fred Noble and Willa, from Streetsville, also Ross Procter from O.A,,C., Guelph, spent Thanks- giving week-end with Mr. and Mt;s, Stewart Procter. HOWICK COUNCIL The council met in the Clerk's Of- fice according to adjournment, the Reeve E. J. Farrish in the chair. All members present. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and on motion of Zurbrigg and Haskins were adopted as read. Carried. Moved by McMichael and Zurbrigg that we petition the H.E.P,C. of Wingham, to have two additional street lights installed in the Village, of Gorrie as per petitions. Carried. Moved by Gowdy and Zurbrigg that we pay the Assessor $150.00 as part payment of salary. Carried. Moved by Zurbrigg and McMichael that we remodel Township Hall as per plan and Village of Gorrie to reim- burse Township to the amount .of $1500. Carried. Moved by Zurbrigg and Gowdy that we give the North Huron Plow- men's Association a grant of $20.00 for the year 1949. Carried, Moved by McMichael and. Haskins that By-Law No. II of the Township of Howick for the year 1949 as read the third time lie finally passed. Car- ried. Moved • by Gowdy and McMichael that we instruct the Road Superinten- dent to call for tenders for ploughing snow roads in the Township of How- ick subject to cancellation any time after January 1st., 1950. Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk not later than 12 o'clock noon, November 4th, 1949, lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Carried. Moved 'by Gowdy and Zurbrigg that we instruct the Clerk to prepare a By-Law setting the date for Nomi- nation in the Township Hall, Gorrie, on Friday, November 25th, 1949, and if an election is demanded said elec- tion will be held on Monday, Decem- ber 5th, 1949. Carried. Moved by Haskins and McMichael. that the Road accounts as approved be paid. Carried. Moved by McMichael and Haskins that the following accounts be paid. John Boyd, burying beast and sheep, $4.00; Howick Agricultural Society, grant, $150.00; Howick Ag. Society grant for School Fair, $100.00; Garnet Wright, part salary as Assess- or, $150.00; North Huron Plowmen's Assoc. Grant, $20.00; Registrar of Deeds, Goderich search, 55c; Advan- ce-Times ad re cemetery, $1.95; Tor- onto Stationery Supplies, Office sup- plies, $19.79;.T. J. Schaefer, fox boun- ty, $2.00; J. Harrison, fox bounty, $2.00; Ben Gibson, fox bounty, $2.00; E. Dickert, fox bounty, $2.00; A. W. Keil, Insurance for Clerk's office, $15,00; Wm. Weir, sheep killed by dogs, $10.00; Hilbert Underwood, 1948 dog tax refund, $2.00; D. J. Rae, 1948 dog tax refund, $2.00; Norman Behrns, sheep killed by dogs, $20.00; W. E. Patterson, lawn mower for memorial park, $19.50; P. Durst, part salary, $80.00, postage, $55.00; 0. A. P., $20.00 affadavits, 50c, $105.50. P. L, Durst, E. J. Farrish, Clerk. Reeve. •