HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-10-19, Page 3LADIES: If you are considering a new Fur Coat and know that brown shades are most be- coming to you there are many lovely brown furs from which to choose, ranging from Mouton to Mink. This, year brown Alaska Seal is fashionable and available at lower prices. Government protection of fur seals has increased their numbers and such quantities of them are pelted each year now that this desirable and durable fur is no longer extravagantly priced Fur Coats designed and custom made to fit you. Allowances on Fur Coats turned in on new ones. BRING YOUR FUR PROBLEMS TO A. R. DuVAL NORTH ST., WINGHAM 'PHONE 300 Used Car Values 1949 METEOR SEDAN Low Mileage. Excellent condition. 1941 BUICK SEDANETTE with Radio and Underseat Heater 1940 FORD COACH • 1941 FORD COACH 1937 CHRYSLER SEDAN TRUCKS 1944 DODGE 3-ton ,, 1949 NEW MERCURY 1-ton for immediate delivery. .4111114141114-/ „ 10^ Gerber's BABY CEREALS, pkg. , 25c SHREDDED WHEAT 2 pkgs. 27c NIBLETS BRAND CORN -tin 16c 2 tins 31c SNACK SACKS—Ideal for school or work lunches, pkg. 10c 31c ROBIN HOOD OATS, quick cooking- 5 lb. bag 39c Weston's Golden Brown SODAS, Plain or salted, 1 lb. box 29c a r k AVOITSITSAIVITISATITAON11.11k jomwmairommiserawassasownsiimileillIMMINIONNONINW 7 quart 29c Neilson's JERSEY COCOA, 1/2 lb. tin 27c 1 lb. tin 39c ELLMAR HOMOGENIZED 16 oz. jar Peanut. Butter 32c Dr. Ballard's Health DOG FOOD 2 tins 27c Aylmer CATSUP 2 bottles 35c Bowes' MINCEMEAT 2 lb. tin 35c Brock's BIRD SEED, pkg. 23c Brock's BIRD GRAVEL, pkg. 12c Fairhaven SARDINES, tin 09c ROBIN CAMPBELL'S GARAGE WILL BE OPEN ON SUNDAY, OCT. 23 ••••••••, 40111'.MINIMM0111011011101.0.10406•11.00.011. vosou ' 44. 13107.1 41g 9p,p) 99 "itoo X PURE IT FLOATS 1g-mg,3-29C frrfaii 0068 Pare PER ir GOIS MICE As PAI AS som, MAKES SUDS UP TO 10 TIMES AS FAST WAStiss TVTITTHINO =35c 1111111101•11111, Lunchint7 oil the t? °mines catch near Port 1.07/4V4 AT THE LAKEHEAD Wednesday, October 19, 1949 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE Winn .-.1••••••xmommimallgeggernt LIERVICE -STAT t Kt I was so busy getting ready for WINTER I forgot about the Car ! Ferdie (in the fur coat) would have saved himself a small bank account if he had REMEMBERED TO BRING HIS CAR IN FOR WINTERIZING The Mission Band of the United Church met this week in the Sunday School room, All joined in singing a hymn repeating The Mission Baud Purpose and a prayer for Missionaries. Birthday greetings were sting for Jean Mercury - Lincoln - Meteor Cars Mercury Trucks Telephone 459 Wingharn, Onto FERGUSON TRACTORS HUDSON CARS — Sales and Service — Telephone 84 Crossett Motor Sales For Complete Peace of Mind, have us prepare your car, truck or. tractor for the cold weather that's "just around the corner". PLEASE— Don't Wait Until the Last Minute! DRIVE IN TODAY. Merkley Motors ammo•••••=•••••••••••odaso.•• Hall, Eleanor Smith, Nancy Taylor and Elizabeth McKinney. Miss Mar- garet Curtis told the story from the Study Book, "Dike against the Sea," showing how a Tidal Wave forced the Lang family to leave their home, using a tub for a 'boat they succeeded in getting to a tree which they got up Wingham into and stayed until the waters 'went down. Their .rice fields were destroy- ! et!, but their faith gave them courage to keep on. Mrs, J. A. Burden con- ducted the Worship service. After singing "Jesus Loves the Little Child- ren"" all repeated The ;Apostles Creed. Mrs. Burden told a story of a little girl singing "Take, my life and let it be, 'consecrated Lord to 'Thee". Site offered the closing prayer, The morning service at Knox Pres- byterian Church was conducted by Rev. Leland C, Jorgensen. He spoke on the Disobedience,. Punishment ,and Repentance of Jonah. Mr. Jorgensen announced that he had received an invitation from the congregation of Houston, Mississippi, U.S.A., which he would accept but would not sever his connection with the Bluevale and Belniore congregations until near the end of the year. The W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian Church held the Fall Thankoffering meeting in the S, S. room on Sunday evening, when Rev. Leland C. Jorgen- sen delivered a special message. He took ak his subject "Philip the Mis- sionary" as recorded in Acts, Chapter 8. He dealt with his call,, his work and his reward and applied it to all Christians especially members of the Missionary Society. Musical numbers, under the direction of Mrs. Jorgensen, were supplied by Norma and Etoille Moffatt, Marian and Norma Felker and Eleanor Smith. Shaw - McWhirter A quiet wedding took place at Knox Presbyterian Church Manse, Bluevale, when Rev. Leland C. Jorgensen united in marriage, Patricia May McWhirter, formerly of Stalwart, Sask., and Mr. Charles Forrest Shaw, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shaw of Morris township. The bride wore a pink frock and 'carried pink roses and chrysanthe- mums. The bridesmaid, Miss Kathleen Clark, was dressed in blue. Mr. J. McWhirter, brother of the bride, was groomsman: All members of the.brid- al party were from Brussels. The bride and bridegroom will reside in Brussels. A quiet wedding took place at Knox Prebyterian Church Manse, Bluevale, on Wednesday, October 12th, when Rev. Leland C. Jorgensen performed a double wedding ring ceremony unit- ing in marriage, Miss Jean Cook of Guelph and Mr. Charles Nickel, for- merly of Belmore. The young couple will reside in Guelph. When Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wickstead were returning from the Patterson- Hayes wedding in Toronto, they had an unpleasant experience, when at Brampton they ran into a deluge sim- ilar to a cloudburst. Water reached almost to .the car doors and a few miles further on they and other motor- ists were held up by an accident in which one man was killed aand two others seriously injured. Jack Bosnian, P.P.C,L.I., left this week by hus for Ottawa and then by/ plane for Vermillion, Alberta,- wlkere he will visit his cousins, Rev. and Mrs. William Blackniore, before going to Wainwright to continue his military training. During the month spent with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bosman, 2nd. concession of Morris, they visited Mr. annd Mrs. Lyle Mc- Kinney at Northville, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Arch, McKinney at Leamington, Mr. and Mrs. John Bosnian at Dutton, and Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Griffiths at Brampton. Mr. and. Mrs, Clarence Newman, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Newman of Har- riston, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Darling, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Newman have recently returned from a three month's trip to the old country where Mrs. Newman visited her former home in Holland, they also visited Belgium and France. Mr. Wilmot Gates and bride of Cherrywood, visited the groom's grandfather, Mr. Robert Shaw, and other relatives over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Gates were married on Sat- urday in the Chapel at the Whitby Ladies' College. They left here to con- tinue their honeymoon at Barrie and North Bay. Dr. Aldis of Clinton and two nurses of the Huron County Health Unit, gave diphtheria antitoxin to 50 child- ren at the Bluevale school, Mrs. Lucy Smith and son. Ross, Mrs. Edith Curtis and daughter, Mar- garet, and Mrs. Laura Kirton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Jones at Lucknow, and attended Anni- versary services at the United Church. Ralph and Allen Sieman of Willow Grove, spent Sunday in the fillage Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoffman and Joyce, visited Mr. Hoffman's sister, Mrs. Callaghan at Kerwood and also relatives at Shipka. Rev. Norman Caswell, B.A., mini- ster of Hamilton Road Presbyterian Church, London, was a recent visitor with Rev. L. C. and Mrs. Jorgensen. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lillow, Strat- ford, spent Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. Nellie Lillow and others, The executive of the Bluevale Branch of the Bible Society met this Lweek at the home of the Secretary- Treasurer, Mrs. M. L. Aitken, and named collectors for the different con- cessions and the village. The complete territory was not collected last year and a generous response would be ap- preciated this year. Mr. and Mrs. John K. McTavish and son, Bobbie, Mr, and Mrs. Alex McTavish have returned from a motor trip to 'Western Canada. Mr. and Nfrs. Charles Bosnian and son, Edwin, Morris Township, and Miss Eileen McKinney, Victoria Hos- pital, London, were Sunday visitors With Mrs. W. H. McKinney. The National Film Board pictures will he shown in the Community Hall here on Friday night, Don't miss thou. A largely attended meeting of the j3jneyale Women's Institute was held on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Arthur Ruttan, first line of Morris, with the President, Mrs. Stan- ley Darling, conducting, It was decid- ed to serve refreshments at the Health Conference which will be under the direction of Miss Helen 13, !Gardner, of Toronto, on October 20th, in the Community Hall. Miss Emma John- ston was selected as leader of the jUnior Aroup taking the course, 'C'loth- es Closets up-to-irate" in Wingham, in November, The Institute will sponsor a bazaar and concert to be given late in the fall. Miss Clara McGowan of Blyth, representing the Children's Aid Society, was the guest speaker, She enlisted the sympathy of her hear- ers in the work for unfortunate child- ren, of whom there are now 95 in the Societty's care. There is now no chil- dren's shelter in Huron, but the child- ren are cared for in foster homes and many of them adopted. Mrs. Eldred gaveNichol gave an interesting and comprehensive report ion the re- cent Area Convention at Guelph, de- scribing the business, cultural and en- tertainment features of the convention. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cochrane of Drew, Ontario, spent the week-end with Mr. and Krs, Joseph Greenaway. Visitors at Provincial Plowing Match from Bluevale were; Raymond Elliott, Bill Elliott, Eldon Kirton, Bill Dettman and Harold Grant. POTTED LIQUID Simply add tablespoon "Na.Churs" its gallon of water when watering your house plants. Results will amaze you I Used Sy Leading People who growing for a It works wonders the same for Go to your local today end ask Nothing to buy-uo Stainton E. S. Lewis, Wingham MAKE USE "NA-CHURS" CONCENTRATE YOUR PLANTS THRIVE FERTILIZER FREE AVAILABLE I of COM a 9 CENTS 4, A GALLON U4ABL ING /H IRI florists A Nurseries know-who depend on living, use "Na•Churs". for thozw.-yrill do you. GIFT "Neeniturs" dealer for your FREE gift. obligation. AT Hardware Florist - Ontario Occasional Repaired Factory Free Pick-up STRATFORD 42 Brunswick For further at R. A. UPHOLSTERING Chesterfields COMPANY and Chairs and Recovered Guarantee and Delivery UPHOLSTERING St. Stratford information inquire Currie's, Wingham LADIES— SHAW'S Upholstery Cleaners WINGHAM, ONT. Are now well acquainted here and are Taking Orders for Fall Cleaning, Shampooing, Rugs, Chesterfields Suites and Occasional Furniture We Guarantee All Our Work Shrink-Proof - Moth-Proof It is Clean - It Looks Clean It Smells Clean! Agents— Walker's Home Furnishings .......-,....., 11•11MMIN•111. I i FOR COWS HORSES HOGS According to Phone Wingham ANIMALS Ripley Ingersoll 1 ,H DEAD • - $2.50 each -$2.50 each - .50 per cwt. size and condition collect: 5 611 182 21 V II fain e? .. s 0tiOlci ,. Rev. Norman Caswell, B.A., mini- ster of Hamilton Road Presbyterian Church, London, was a Thanksgiving Day visitor with Rev. L. C. and Mrs. Jorgensen. Rev. L. C. Jorgensen, Mrs. Jor- gensen and Master David, visited at Ashfield Manse to bid goodbye to Rev. W. 0. Rhoad, Mrs, Rhoad and family. After a ministry of eight years at Ashfield, Rev. Rhoad has been called to Maryland Ave. Presbyterian Church, Baltimore, Maryland, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wickstead spent the week-end in Toronto and attended the Patterson - Hayes wedding on Saturday, October 8th, also the re- ception at the Old Mill. BELGRAVE Knox Presbyterian Anniversary Knox Presbyterian Church was beautifully decorated with flowers for their anniversary service. The service was conducted by the minister, Rev. G. Milne and the guest preacher was Rev. Alex Nimmo of Winghant. Pro- fessor Louis Thompson and his choir of Brussels were in charge of the music. Two anthems, "The Lord is my Shepherd" by McFarren and "Praise the Lord, 0 Jerusalem" by Maunder, were rendered with Miss Mary Lou McFarlane taking the solo part, A tenor solo, "The Largo" by Handel was sung by Mietch Shorouski, Mr. Nimmo chose as his tcvxt, Amos 4.12, "Prepare. to meet Thy God." Young People's Society The Young People's Society held its regular meeting on Sunday Hight with Miss Patsy Anderson in charge. Eileen Holmes read. the ScriPtme les- son, The election of officers took place with the following elected; non, President, Rev. W. J. Moores; Past President, Patsy A oiletsim; President, Clifford Kelly; Vice-Pros., 'Mildred Higgins; Secretary, Eleanor Wight- man; Treasurer, Keith Anderson. Con- venors, Christian Fellowship, Amy Smith; Missions, Barbara Irwin; ,Cit- izenship, Charlie Higgins; Cidture, Ada Dow; Social Conveners,. Ross Anderson, Elaine Walsh; Refr,?,shment CoM., Patsy Anderson, Bill MeCleri- aghan, Lloyd Anderson, Marg. ?roe- ter, Eva Dow, Marjorie MacKenzie; Auditors, George Higgins, Ross Hig- gins; Pianists, Hamm Anderson, El- aine Walsh. A special number was a trio with Mildred Higgins,- Barbara Irwin, and Eleanor Wightman singing parts. The special guest speaker was Miss .3crim- geour of Trinidad who told more of summer, can drive the new Trans- Canada Highway-allow 0 .days from any city in Southern Ontario via Highways 11 and 17. There are lots of cabins, resorts, hotels and ramping grounds along these roads. Write the Ft. William Civic Tourist Bureau, or the Pt. Arthur Chamber of Commerce for buther details on, Lakehead holidays, LIT'S MAKE IHEM WANT TO COM DA.C.K1 BLUEVALE Iher work of the land, and of the cus- toms in Trinidad, After the meeting the Young People were invited to the Manse where Miss Scrimgeour became acquainted with. each ,;:te, The evening wled with a jolly and lively sing-son ;4, Mr. and ,Mrs. Moores with Mrs. Carl Procter assisting served refreshment. Every year artists, camera enthusi- asts, bunting and fishing sportsmen enjoy the vas ried vacation opportuni- ties in tire Pt. Arthur, Ft. William area. It's a delightful two-day cruise to the takchead through the locks at Sault Ste. Marie, from Georgian Bay and Lake Huron ports. There's year-'round, 21-hour train service and it's just 6 hours .by plane from Toronto! Or the adventurous:, in In Ontario WO' ilaVv a holi- day paradiso . let's all do all we con to encourage visitors .from aeross 1,110 border. Published in sup- port of the tourist business by -John Labatt Limited.