HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-10-12, Page 10PAGE TEN on Guaranteed 3 0 Trust Certificates ISSUED for any amount .... for a term of five years guaranteed both as to principe1 and interest . . . . Interest cheques mailed to reach holders on due date, or, at holder's option, may be allowed to accumulate at compound interest. An ideal investment for individuals, com- panies; authorized by law for cemetery boards, executors and other trustees. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION 372 Bay Street, Toronto 1 38 years in Business in his garden. Mr. W. F. Vanstone has commenced work on his new house on John St. Town. Directory—Council, Mayor, Thos. Gregory, Reeve, Dr, A. J. Ir- win; Councillors, Geo. Spolton, J, W. McKibbon, H. B. Elliott, Wm, Bone, Dr, R. C. Redmond, V. P., VanNor- man. High. School Board—W, F, Van- Stone, J. A. Morton, John Wilson, C. P. Smith, W. J. Howson, J, A. MacLean, Frank Buchanan, Public School Board, Alex Ross, FL E, Is- ard, G, C. Manners, A, E, Lloyd, W. D. Pringle, Wm. Moore, Theo Hall, C. N. Griffin. Died—At his residence on Frances St., Ira C. Parker, in his 33rd. year. Howick—Married, at the home of the bride's parents, by Rev, W. John- ston, Mr, Harvey S. Snarling to Chris- tina, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Johnston of Fordwich. * • * TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO At the regular Council meeting, the assessment roll for Wingham, was returned amounting to $1,146,535. Population of the town 2421, The hospital staff held a shower at the home of Dr. Calder, at which many flower containers were received for use in the hospital. Mr. Norman Butcher of the Bank of Commerce has been transferred to Dundalk and is succeeded here by Mr. M. C. Bridge of Lucknow. A. number -of young people gathered at the home of Mrs. Ed. Jenkins and presented Miss Edith Jenkins, with a miscellaneous show- er, prior to her marriage to Mr. Robt. Powell. A marriage of interest to many in this Community was solemnized in Livingstone Methodist Church, Ham- ilton, when Dorothy Fenton, became the bride of Rev. Wesley J. Moores of Belgrave. Mrs. Moores was former- ly a Deaconess in a Toronto Church. Mr, and Mrs. Chester Hogg. have re- turned to Oakland, Calif., after visit- ing friends in town. After sixteen year? absence, one thing which amaz- ed Chester was the number of autos that lined both sides of Josephine St., on Saturday night. Belgrave—Another old and respect- Beautiful Lawns Made EASY! WITH `NA-CHURS" L IQUID FERTILIZER • Easily Applied • Odorless • No Bulky Weight • Amazing Remits Stainton's E. S. Lewist, Florist Wingham Ontario MONEY to buy and improve LIVESTOCK Improvement of your breed- ing stock now means mon- ey in your pocket in the form of bigger profits later on. You don't need to wait till you've saved enough cash to buy good breeding animals. The Dominion Bank will gladly lend you the money for this purpose, and for any other worth- while farming purpose. is Consult the nearest Branch Manager of THE DOMINIONR BANK A. YOU MAY sEE THE BIG-VALUE PLYMOUTH, THE ELEGANT NEW CHRYSLER AND THE MONEY-SAVING FARGO TRUCKS At. EDWARD'S MOTOR SALES Phone 417- Wingham YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Low•priced PLYMOUTH NO YES YES NO YES NO Low-priced YES NO NO YES Car "A" NO NO NO NO YES NO NO NO NO NO Low.prieed Car "B" PLYMOUTH QUALITY CHART I All these , features are STANDARD equipment on Plymouth THERE'S ONLY ONE WAY to judge car value, and that is— check and compare! The Quality Chart at the left shows only 10 of the many VALUE features that are STANDARD on Plymouth. Owners of Plymouth have enjoyed most of these features for years, yet only now are some of them being made available on either ear "A" or car "B". Plymouth likes to be compared But this is only part of the PLYMOUTH VALUE story! Your Chrysfer-Plyntouth•Fargo dealer has a complete Quality Chart which compares all three low-priced cars with higher Priced cars. Check this chart—you'll see that out of 21 quality features found in higher-priced cars, PLYMOUTH loos 20—car "A" has 13, car "B" has 4. Yes! "PLYMOUTH likes to be compared"—for VALUE, a t as 5 ad 11.1 g . C a. Ho tc hk i s s D r iv e C,O.D. 0 Please ship the following: n 111112 ,ems USW WM WM INN WM 1101 NM 111=1 fa MOO IIIIM MN MIN - UM WM In I ROS,AIN SHOPS, 69 MacDennell Street, Guelph, Ontario Money Order Er:dosed 0 Ros- NN YOUR NEW FALL DRESS O F TAFFETA AT $ 8 .95 SIZES 12 TO 18 • ll lll v • • Another new high in rustling taffeta; a full, un- pressed pleated skirt, with the new plunging neckline, complete with a front waist length zipper. In 6 exciting shades of black, grey, Royal blue, wine, brown and green. COLOR — lit CHOICE COLOR — 2nd CHOICE T▪ tswn ........ • We Pay all Milting thogei -Jost Remit Amount of Puichm. Sd BAN. *WI SIM NI um 101 ism ask *0 MP MI fir Um ilia • I Name (please pint) I I Addrett llllll lll .................... kultti ............. 0.111 6 ........... . .... J SIZE THE WINOHANT ADVANCE-TIMES W11111110 JJJJJJ I llllll I llllllll llllll l u p.0 llllllllllll I llllll 1111W REMINISCINfi j. FORTY YEARS AGO The line of the North Huron Tele- phone Co. from Wingham to St. Aug- ustine was completed last week and workmen are busy building lines on different concessions. The number of subscribers on the North Huron lines should be nearly one hundred before winter. Annual Thanksgiving services were held in St. Paul's Church, the rector, Rev. C. E. Jenkins, taking both services. The choir was led by Mr. W. H. Willis. Offerings for the day were $135.00. A largely attended sup per was held on Monday evening. Wingham is truly in the fruit belt ; this week, Mr. John Quirk picked 'several baskets of peaches from a tree ed resident has passed away in the person of Mrs. Wm. Wray. Bluevale—Mr. L. 0. Duff of Wel- land, visited his mother, who is in poor health. Mr. F. Black brought a car toad of cattle from Toronto, Helens—Mr, Lorne Woods has gone to Sparta to spend three weeks in the apple business. Miss Lila Hum- phrey visited with her aunt, Mrs. Fox at Whitechurel*t, * * FIFTEEN YEARS AGO The following were elected to have charge of the new Badminton Club:— H, S, Hetherington, Jim Thompson, J, H. Crawford, Jack Mason, Mrs. 0. Thompson, Mrs. W, H, Colborne. A public meeting of the Huron County Temperance Federation was held in Clinton to discover with certainty whether the Canada Temperance Act was still suspended. Mr, A. E, Lloyd and Mr. Frank Howson attended from Wingham, The Legion are again pre- senting their play "The Tide" and have secured Cameron Geddes of Dumbell Show fame to sing for them. On Thursday Walter Lockridge was operated on for appendicitis in the hospital here. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Crawford and Miss Agnes MacLean attended the World Series ball game in Detroit. Belmore—The members of the Wo- men's Missionary Society motored to Wingham and held their meeting at the home of Mrs. Wm. Mundell, Bluevale—Mr. and Mrs. H. F, Berry of Brucefield, visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith. Mr. Alex Moffatt is a patient in IGuelt3h Hospi- tal. Whitechurch—Mr, and Mrs. Hetcor MacKay held a reception in honor of the bride and groom. Mr. and Mrs. Angus MacKay who, after six months' stay in Toronto, will do deputation work for the Presbyterian Missionary Society. Mr. Gibson Gillespie is busy widening culverts, he commenced the one at John Terries last week. Gorrie---A St. Stephen's Church Club was organized with Pres., Miss ivy Lawrence, Sec,, Harold King; Treas., Miss Blythe Underwood. First meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor. I.O.D.E. Ballet School The Maple Leaf Chapter I.O.D.E., Goderich, is willing to sponsor a danc- ing teacher from the Volkoff Canadian Ballet School, Toronto, if a sufficient number of pupils are interested. Class- es arranged for both children and adults. Enroll now and gets.a good Wednesclay, October 12, 1949 Wingham Branch: G. C. Gammage, Manager foundation in a rapidly growing Art in Canada. Anyone interested can com- municate with Miss Josie Saunders, Goderich 316, or Mrs. H. M. Ford tel. no. 268J. Start Goderich Arena Sod turning for the new Goderich artificial ice arena took place at the Agricultural Park on September 29th. Grading operations started at once. It is believed the new building will be completed with artificial ice and ready for use Dec, 24th. Cost is estimated at $146,000. FORDWICH Dr. and Mrs. C. Thomas and Miss Ann, of Middleport, New York, spent a few days here last week. Medical Doctor Located Here Dr. Ford of Peterborough, is locat- ing in Fordwich. He, with Mrs. Ford and their three children will reside in Mr. Anson Demerling's home at the garage, while Mr. Demerling has moved to the new home which he erected last summer. The Fordwich sideroad north has been under construction for some time. The Sectional Meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary Society is to be held in the United Church on Friday, October 14th. Miss Margaret Scrim- geour, Trinidad and Miss Annie Bish- op, Representative of the Dominion Board, who is in charge of Relief Work in Europe, will be. special speakers, Ladies of the Fordwich Church will serve dinner. GORRIE Mir. and Mrs. John Metcalfe of Glamis, Mr. and Mrs: Harry Metcalfe and Gladys, and. Mrs. Parker of Pais- ley, were recent visitors with Misses Emily and Beatrice Potter. Mr. and Mrs. David Brown of Can- field, spent a week visiting with the Thornton 'families, Mrs. Flora Litt of Marmora, spent a few clays of last week visiting with old friends here. A large nutnber from this vicinity were at the Teeswater Fair on Wed- nesday last. Clorrie Club Wins First The "Sleepy Time Sewers" from Gorrie, competed in the Inter-County Junior Club competitions at the Tees- water Fall Pair on Wednesday and won first prize ($12.00), for their dem- onstration and first prize $9.00) for their display of work. Congratulations! This club was sponsored by the Gor- tie Women's Institute, Born—In Wingham General lios,- pital, on. Friday, Sept, 80th, to Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Louttit, a daughter. Congratulations and best wishes to Edgar Dane and his bride, the former Eleanore Taylor, of l3elgravc, who were married in Clinton, on Saturday, October 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wade spent the Thanksgiving week-end with rel- atives in Toronto, Mrs. Thabelle EartigdY of Fergus, is spending some time at the home of ' Mrs. Etta Pyke. • Tag Day For Blind Successful The Howick Lions Club sponsored a Tag Day for the Blind on Saturday, October 2nd., the day of the Howick Fall Fair. The sum of $57.04 was rais- ed in Gorrie, $21.6; in Wroxeter, and $12.37 in Fordwich, making a total of $91.05 for this worthy cause.