HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-10-12, Page 4in your
bank book
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<T,eludes,eludesall husk features for
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Operate --econontieal
to buy and use. See it
• Itattlantithe 5-speed Sulam dolts
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any other' make
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POWiteltii*1 ENGINES
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Fall tleatia51Rear Aides for lain ter life.
Give a wider tang* or trio 'kcal* models,
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No wonder Canadians use more
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The beauty of the F-47 Ford Panel
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y ticAinwsr
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NVItea the teat* must fit a wide ra.riety
of to.bs A,:14 hails, many Cattidian
oixnees '-ant: on the Ford
VITress. b4,•.:: cu. fi, body
and ttuti eapa.:itT.
Canicia's balk "buy is the fatuous
Pied .1.tort ashen it
vonirs flexibility. Choice
o•st,34. :4 8 1" irti:h w heetbaxe s--.
adtptable to practictlis ail body styles.
NAT 444/Mit'elr
If 'vow: lob stettax the ordi'n,ut-
tte.c,lX, nuke this your
trrtda Molt C.Alittliam eat the
toed k'-r%$ ..x.ttvanet than at(
oahe thike df heavy.deti ,stets:'
In the heart of the downtown, office, theater,
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to make your stay in Detroit a pleasant memory.
The Teller Coffee Shop or Cafeteria for excel-
lent Food modestly priced. The Hotel Toiler,
Detroit's largest, is the ploce to stay.
VISIT OUR etvkitill Louhtge
Frank K. Cannon, General Manager
PAGI4 11'01:J1 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, October 12, 1949
1.10111t,“ S. Robinson; bushel
5, bu„i„.‘)
Stewart Home
11.,,1 1,, •
ter' I;;;Nips; 11‘1,1i.... past
t4tti, bred 1.o. Ilt•in Alclnni 1''
DinAln1,-., Ile NI , t'"" l'‘1 "
FIlttiti \I It tli-
%out, w ,h1; l "I .11 ; N
ilibbertl; eggs, brown,. R.
Ilil)bertl, 1lrt,. ,11i1lie4;111: Dressed
chit:kill, NI is. Sall:vitt, Mrs. Eluter
Giles; Home-made suit, S. Brears,
NI rs, es, II chapel ; Best lice 'deers
cold Innelt, no liquids, Alex. Taylor;
Nit's, Milligan.
}tome 13alting
t) u. loaf of white bread, at least
Oa Mil
. 11.,°111. 41'11 br"\ul Inv;111, nt least 11 2 1k., Yeast,
I' hoer Parrish; 6 pa Lker house rolls,
Mrs. Milligan, Alt', Taylor; t; buns,
Alex Tay kMinute M lu ain ; 0
rlay t t ea biscuits, Mrs. Clark Sharply;
lour wa.)s ail SI.'i ring apples, Ale\
TaGor, Mrs. Salkeld; (3 bran muffins,
plam, U. Strong, E. Farrish;
;thole wheat xnuxfins (not date)
l'arrisht angel c akc, E. Parrish; (Choc-
olate cake, not iced, Mrs. Elmer Giles,
Ale\ Taylor; plain orange cake, not
iced, Mrs, e. Sharpin; sort ginger
brad, united, Varrish; light fruit
cake, at least 2 lbs, not iced, Mel,
Taylor, Mrs, Elmer Giles; 6 light
coolies, rolled, Mrs, Wes. Heimpel; ()
oatmeal CO)kies, rolled, Mel. Taylor,
Mrs. Milligan; (3 ginger cookies, rolled,
E. H. Strong, Mrs. Geo. Brown; 9
drop cakes, three varieties, P. H.
Strong, Mrs. Geo. Brown; 6 Scotch
short bread, Alt's. Milligan, Mel Tay-
lor; 6 doughnuts, Mrs. .Alilligan; dark
trait cake, at least two lbs., (not iced),
Mrs. Milligan, Mrs. Elmer Giles; (3
butter tarts,. Mrs. Giles, .1.%001•;
auipkin pie, F., Parrish, E. IL Strong;
ra is i n pi e, Al es; 'Baylor, Elmer Far-
visit; lemon pie, Elmer Farrish, Minnie
McElwain; apple pie, ,Airs, Milligan,
Alex Taylor; jelly fruit salad, E. 11,
Strong; Salad, combination, vegetable,
Atm Salkeld, Airs. Geo, Brown; Meat
Loaf, E. Parrish, Minnie McElwain;
Magic Baking Powder single layer
cake competition, Alex Taylor, Airs.
Bottled Goods,
Pint apples, canned, lNtrs. Wolfe,
Mrs. Sharpin; pint cherries, canned,
Mrs. Sharpin, Mrs. E. Parrish; pint
plums, canned, Ai rs. Heimpel, Mrs,
Sharpin; pint raspberries, canned,
Sharpin, Mrs. Wolfe; pint straw-
berries, canned, E. Parrish, Mrs.
lleimpel; pint peaches, canned, Mrs,
Wolfe, AIrs. Salkeld; pint pears, can-
tied. Mrs. Milligan, Mrs, Shtai'pin;
pint black currants, preserved, E.
Wolfe; glass red currant jelly, Airs,
pint strawberry I.; WWII, Mrs,
Parrish, Mrs, litimpel; pint rasp-
berry jam, R. Gibson, Mrs. H eimpel;
Sharpin, Mrs, Henning; glass 'apple
Mrs. Milli...um, Mrs. Salkeld;
Pint orange marmalade, Mrs. \\
Mrs. Shurpin; pint either pint', carrot
or other vegetable limrinitlaile, Mrs.
Sharpin, Mrs, Geo, Brown; pint con-
serve, native fruit, Mrs. Wolfe, .Airs,
Ilehmiel; pint rbiclom, canned,
l~arrisIt, Mrs. Salk chi ; pint bet'.
canned, Mrs. IkimPel, Airs, W°Ift
pint corn, canned, Mrs. Wolfe, 1‘1,
Milligan; pint tomato soup, Airs.
Mrs. Sharpin; pint tomato
juice, Mrs, Sharpin, Mrs. Heimpel;
pint salad dressing, boiled, Mrs. Geo,
Brut\ n, Mrs, MeElwain; pint peas,
;mimed, Gorrie Wom e n's; Institute,
..\13'8, Wolfe; pint tomatoes, canne d,
Airs. Sharpin, ,firs, Alilligan; pint
tomato chili sanco, Airs. Wolfe, Airs,
Milligan; pint pickles, sweet, Mrs.
Ileimpel, Mrs. Milligan; pint pickles,
mustard, E, Parrish, Airs, Milligan;
pound box maple sugar, E, Ti. Strong,
Al, Mob:he:dui. pint maple syrup, Mrs,
Wolfe, E. T1. Strong; pint strained
honey, Mrs. Salkeld; Best collection
of jelly (pint jars) or jelly glasses)
named 6 varieties, Airs. Milligan, Mrs,
Ileimpel; best collection canned fruit,
pint jars, 6 varieties, ,Mrs. Milligan,
Mrs, Sharpin; best collection of pick-
les, pint jars, 6 varieties, Mrs, Milli-
gan, Airs, Geo. Brown; School lunch
for one child, container and packing.
considered; Airs, t3alkeld, Mrs, E,
Giles; Purity Flour Mills Limited,
breath, rolls, biscuits, cake, Mrs. Mil-
ligan, Alex Taylor; best one-half doz-
en tea biscuits, Mrs, Milligan, Mrs.
Sharpin, Mrs. E. Giles.
Eleven quart basket potatoes, early
variety, any kind, named, Mrs. Wolfe,
Elmer Downey; 11 qt. basket pota-
toes, late variety, any kind, named,
Airs. Wolfe, Norman Wade; Swede
turnips, for feeding purposes, S. Rob-
inson, Airs, Milligan; Swede turnips,
for table use, Airs. Milligan, S. Rob-
inson; Mangolds, yellow, best, Mrs.
Milligan, R. Hibberd; 6 marigolds,
white, best, S. Robinson, Mrs.
gab; 6 carrots, garden, Mel. Taylor,
Mrs. Ifilliga.n; 6 carrots, field, Mrs.
Wolfe; 6 stalks fodder corn, E. H.
Strong, Elmer Downey; 3 roots celery,
Hibberd, M. A.IcElwain; gallon po-
tato onions. Mrs. Wolfe! 12 seed
onions, Mrs. Wolfe; 12 onions from
Dutch sets, Norman Wade, Airs.
Wolfe: collection of onions, 4 of each
kind, named, Mrs. Wolfe; 2 musk mel-
ons, Mrs. E. Giles, Airs. Wolfe; 2
pumpkins, Mrs. Wolfe, Elmer Dow-
ney; 2 pumpkins (pie), S. Brears, N,
Wade; 2 citrons, T. McInnis, Gordon
Brown; 6 turnip beets, R. Hibberd. T.
McInnis; 12 tomatoes, large, Mrs.
Niillizan; 2 heads cabbage. white, Mel,
Tay:or, S. Brears; 2 heads cabbage,
red, Mrs. Wolfe; 12 red peppers, S.
Brears.: 2 heads cauliflower, Mrs.. Mill-
iittan. S. Brears; 2 watermelons, N;.
Schmidt. I. Hibbard; 2 squash, yell-
Elmer Downey; 2 squash. Hubb-
' ard. Mrs. Wzife. Elmer Downey; 2
ots.:urnbers. Mrs. E. Gies, Eimer
,1),:,wttey; 6 ears table corn, T. Me-
Innis. Mrs. W.-:fe: 6 ears ficl.1 c, rn.
,N, Szkst;,:i._it, Mrs. NVo:fe; quart butter
beans. Mrs. Geo. Baker. Mrs.
fartner's basket of ve..tetables, less
elan 12 varieties. Mrs. Milligan, E. '
ez.11ectlon of field roots,
3 of each. Mrs. Milliz.an: •
best of.leztiorc of vez.etables, varieties
•b,. ttantel Mts. Milligan. E. Dow-
Winter Apples
itiintari,;,„ Airs Sall:ed. N. Sehtniiitt
S7rtltern Spy. Mrs. 'Salkell, R. Gib-1
Ritz%le Islatti Greening. Mrs.
Sttlikelld. X. Scitmlitt Wagner, i
' Sotar:St. Mrs. Salkeli: King of Temp-
kin's Co...int:4 Mrs. Staked. X.
IlSehtt;!ltz Russet, Airs. Salke'il. ,
Delizia.us, Mrs. Salkeld.
Sentnitt Bar...twin. Mrs Salkeld.
llSoiz=idt: 'Peetvanket. Mrs. Salkeldt
IiTallintat Sweet, Mrs. Salkeid. E. H.
1...,:,l'lezti7r, of winter apples, 6
i,a,-arieties. 4 eaoh. ttanted, Mrs. Salk-
Ilea S. Se-Atilt,
I Van Apple
Rtbszn Pipgin. N. SrInnidt. Mrs.
Sekell 11'..!*verts. Mrs. Salkeld.
r.S.trthit: A:exansier. IL, Came :4.
Strur Apples, Mrs. Salk-;:
ie.!. R.. Lay..tenze. Mrs..
iSalko!!. 5, Wealtity,
!Sa:keil. F. G;T.:;.1.
Szil:tatt.,.P. Gravenstein. Mrs.
Saltcellti, S. Srbrniar. Cs es Of
;‘, 10111.11., Slt041
bit,,Itel oat, ant, 1,etiet), named;
II Sttott,;„ S. IC.oltialson; hest 'bats
l atilt aticit. named; S.
WINNER 1.% Lgala
Al, elniodt, Nlittli hilt I • , s '
DAIRY PRODITCR & AleN• Itylor, Iota of Avliote
D SCIENC.V. ahem bread, not less than Pt; Ills,
:\ east, entire crust, banter Parrish;
1""11". 1 cake, Hiner Parrish; lotit
Small kitchen? This °CORPAr
telephone 237 -
cWILLIAM Wingharn, On t.
S. Brears, Mrs. Salkeld; petunias, 6,
not less than two colors, Airs, Salkeld,
E. H. Strong; phlox, perennial, 6, not
less than two colors, ,Mrs. Geo.
Brown, Mrs. Salkeld; Zinnias, 6, not
less than two colors, Mrs. Salkeld,
Gordon Brown; Marigolds, French,
E, H. Strong, Mrs. Wolfe; snapdrag-
ons, six stems, S. Brears, N. Wade;
salpyglossis, 6 stems, Mrs, Wolfe;
home-made corsage, Mrs. E. Giles,
Air, Geo, Baker; Collection of house
plants, four kinds, Mrs, Salkeld, Mrs.
Geo. Brown; begonia, Rex variety,
Mrs, Geo. Brown; begonia, other fancy
leaved variety, 1. specimen, Mrs. Geo.
Brown; African violet, -Mrs, Wolfe
T, McInnis; house fern, any variety,
Airs, Geo. Baker, Mrs. Geo. Brown; 2
foliage plants, Airs. Geo. Brown, El-
gin McInnis; hanging basket, for ver-
(Continued on page nine)
fall apples, 6 varieties, 4 each, named:
Mrs. Salkeld, N. Schmidt.
Other Fruits
5 crab apples: B,. Gibson, W. L,
Campbell; 12 plums, purple or black,
Mrs. Heimpel; 5 pears, Mrs, Salkeld,
Mrs. Wolfe.
Six asters, not less than three col-
ors, S. Robinson, Mrs, Wolfe; 6 dah-
lias, not less than three colors, S.
Robinson; 6 sweet peas-, best collec-
tion, S. Brears; One rose bloom,
grown out of doors, Gordon Brown, T.
McInnis; 6 gladiolas spikes, different,
long stems, Mrs. Salkeld, S. Brears;
bouquet for living room table, Mrs.
Salkeld, T. McInnis; bouquet for din-
ing- room, Mrs. Salkeld, T. McInnis;
basket of annuals, not less than six
kinds. Airs. Salkeld, Mrs, Wolfe;
pansies, six, not less than two colors,