HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-10-12, Page 3"iiii7moommosamassmsomisomos lkEATIOUR A • • • • BUY ECONOMICALLY. RED BIRD 300s- 411 0, 0 • Savearp Veada daee 7de eetetadeaft Vaed eammelce This Bank is pleased to offer Canada Savings Bonds at all its branches across the Dominion. You can buy these Bonds with confidence. They are full value fr your money. They are secured by all the great resources of Canada. They yield 2 34 per cent interest. This Bank will at any time cash them at their full value. There is no service charge These Bonds may be bought for cash, on a monthly savings plan or on other suitable terms. Denominations: $50 — $100— $500 — $1,000. Individual purchases may be made up to $1,000; THE CANADIAN BA INK OF COMMERCE The Bank mill make delivery of all Bonds on 17th October, or 44 soon thereafter as fall payment for them is made. OVALTINE Plain or Chocolate 8 oz. tin 58c 16 oz. tin 98c KLEENEX-200s or 300s, pkg. 18r 2 pkgs. 35c large pkg. 2 7c TillitrO Superior Food Wednesday, October 12, 1949 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE T R.Ate filly, three years old, Gordon Brown; Best heavy draw team, Norman Whe- eler, McQuarrie Bros; Best brood mare in agricultural or heavy draft classes, with foal at side, owned in Huron-Bruce riding, Spence Irears; Best three horses, any age, any** class, owned by one man, Gordon Johnston; Norman Schmidt, McQuarrie Bros. Best agricultural filly or gelding three years or under, owned in North Hur- on, shown on halter by a girl or boy, 15 years or.under, residing in North. Huron, Spence Brears; Best two hors- es owned in Howich Township, Gor- don Brown, Light Horses Single roadster, J. L. Wright 1 and 2; Team in harness, J. I,. Wright; Single carriage horse, over 15.1 hands, Norman Lambertus, 1 and 2.; Team in harness, over 15,1 hands, Norman Lambertus, 1 and 2; Best horse on grounds, in roadster and carriage classes, any age, J. L. Wright; Gen- tleman's outfit, J. L. Wright, Norman Lambertus ;Best lady driver, Norman Lambertus; Best Lady driver, Nor Lambertus; Best light horse on grounds in classes 3, 4, and 5; to be shown on halter, owned in Huron- Bruce riding, Norman Lambeth's, 1 and 2; Best span light horses to be driven tandem; Norman Lambertus, 1 and 2, BEEF CATTLE Aged bull, Jas. Smith, Turnbull 3: Son; Bull, over 1 year and under 2, Strong Bros., Jas. Smith; Bull, under 12 months, Turnbull & Son, 1 and 2; Breeding cow, milking or near calv- ing, Strong Bros., Turnbull & Son; Heifer, two years old, Strong Bros., Turnbull & Son; Heifer, two years old, Strong Bros., 1 and 2; Heifer, one year old, Jas. Smith, Strong Bros; Heifer, under 12 months, Jas. Smith, Turnbull & Son; Herd con- sisting of one male and four females, Strong Bros; Jas, Smith. Aberdeen Angus Bull, over 1 year and under 2, G. 0. Wilkin; Bull, under 12 months, G. 0. Wilkin; Breeding cow, milking or near calving, G. 0. Wilkin, 1 and 2; Heifer, two years old, G. 0. Wilkin; Heifer, one year old, G. O. Wilkin; Heifer, under 12 months, G. 0. Wil- kin, 1 and 2; Herd, consisting of one male and four females, 1G. 0. Wilkin. Herefords Aged bull, Carl Brown, Geo. Ken- nedy; Bull, over 1 year and under 2, Geo. Kennedy; Bull, under 12 mon- ths, George Kennedy 1 and 2; Breed- ing cow, milking or near calving, Geo. Kennedy, Carl Brown; Heifer, two years old, Geo. Kennedy; Heifer, one year old, Geo, Kennedy; Heifer, under 12 months, Carl Brown, Geo, Ken- nedy; Herd, consisting of one male and four females, .Geo, Kennedy, Carl Brown; Best herd of pure bred cattle, beef type, herd to consist of bull and four females, Strong Bros., Jas, Smith Geo, Kennedy; Best beef calf, under 1 year, 100 lbs., calf meal or pellets, Carl Brown. DAIRY CATTLE Holsteins Bull, over two years, Albert John- ston; Bull, under two years, Albert Johnston, 1 and 2; Cow, under four years, Albert Johnston, 1 and 2; Hei- fer, two years old, Albert Johnston, 1 and 2; Yearling heifer, Albert John- ston 1 and 2; Heifer calf, Jean Mc- Cann, A, Johnston; Herd, consisting of one male and four females; Albert Johnston, 1 and 2. Ayrshires Bull, over two years, W. F. Beirnes, W. F. Beirnes; Hiefer, two years old, 1 and 2; Cow, four years old or over, W. F, Beirnes; Yearling heifer, W. F. Beirnes, 1 and 2; Heifer calf, W. F. Beirnes, John Strong; Herd, consist- ing of one male and four females, W. F, Beirnes; Best herd of pure bred cattle, dariy type, herd to consist of bull and four females, W, F. Beirnes, Albert Johnston. Grades Cow milking, or near milking, A. Johnston, 1 and 2; Heifer, two years heifer, A. Johnston, Elmer Downey;, old, A. Johnston, 1 and 2; Yearling Heifer calf, A. Johnston, 1 and 2; Herd consisting of four females, A. Johnston; Best dairy cow, W. T. Beirnes, Elmer Parrish; Dairy heifer, 1 year old and under 2 years, W. F, Beirnes, A, Johnston, -Elmer Downey. SHEEP Aged ram, registered, Gordon Brown; Shearling rain, registered, Gordon Brown; Ram lamb, registered or eligible for registration, Gordon Brown, 1 and 2; Ewe, aged, Gordon Brown, 1 and 2; Shearling ewe, Gor- don Brown, 1 and 2; Ewe lamb, Gor- don Brown 1 and 2; Pen sheep, con- sisting of ram (any age), aged ewe, shearling ewe, ewe lamb, to be owned by exhibitor, Gordon Brown; Pen sheep, consisting of ram (any age), aged ewe, shearling ewe, ewe lamb, to be bred and owned by exhibitor, Gor- don Brown; Best pen of three ewe lambs, any breed, shown and owned by the exhibitor, Gordon Brown. SWINE Yorkshire White Boar, over 1 year, Turnbull & Son, Jas. Smith; Boar, over 4 months, and under 1 year, Turnbull & Son, 1, 2, and 3; Brood Sow, Turnbull & Son, 1 and 2, Jas. Smith; Sow, over 4 months and under 1 year, Turnbull & Son, 1, 2, and 3. Tamworth Boar, over 1 year, Geo. Douglas, 1 and 2; Boar, over 4 months and under 1 year, Geo. Douglas 1 and 2; Brood Sow, Geo. Douglas, Land 2; Sow, over 4 months and under 1 year, Geo. Dou- glas, 1 and. 2. (Howick Residents Only) Sow, over 1 year, Elmer Downey; ti Sash Complete Also DOOR FRAMES Agents fOr Johns-Mansville Shingles, Roofing and Insul-Brick Storm and Screen Sash Made to Measure Campbell [ & Gorbutt D iagonal (.. Rd., Wingham AMMEMEMEMMEate. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE The Singer Sewing Machine Co. has opened a Store in. GODERICH to Service all of Huron County and the part for- merly serviced by Han- over. We sell New Electric Portable and Cabinet Models, also Treadles. REPAIRS to all makes Write - Box 826, Goderich or 'Phone 1135 MATCHES 3 boxes 19c FOOD SAVER WAX PAPER, 100 ft. roll .. . .31c Fresh and 29c Cured Meats JAVEX, 16 oz. bottle 15c 32 oz. . .. .24c JOHNSON'S GLO-COAT WAX, pint tin . , .59c Quart tin ....98c Stokely's BANTAM CORN, Cream style, 20 oz. tin 19c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables REAVIE MOTOR SALES WILL BE OPEN ON SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 OUR NEW SCIENTIFIC Distributor Stroboscope GIVES YOUR CAR Smoother Performance More Miles Per Gallon With this new, up-to-the-minute equipment we can adjust your distributor to precision, factory "new- ness" for top performance and gas mileage. HURON MOTORS A. D. MacWILL%AM Wingham Ford and Monarch 'Phone 237 110WICK FAIR PRIZE WINNERS HEAVY HORSES Agriculture Brood Mare— Spence Brears ,Mc- Quarrie Bros; Foal, ,McQuarrie Bros.; S. Brears; Gelding or filly, one year- old, Gordon Johnston; Gelding or filly, two years old, McQuarrie Bros. Gelding or filly three years old, Gor- don Johnton; Team in harness, under 1600 lbs., Gordon Johnston, Norman Schmidt. Heavy Draft Brood mare—Spence Brears; Foal, Spence Brears; Gelding or filly, one year old, McQuarrie Bros; Gelding or filly, two years old, McQuarrie Bros.; Edwards' Motor Sales Chrysler, Plymouth Cars and Fargo Trucks PARTS and ACCESSORIES Telephone—Days 417, Winghain Now on Display - 1950 Models - PHILIPS RADIOS Console - Table - Personal - Portable The 1950 RECORD PLAYERS on Combinations feature THREE SPEEDS for All Record Playing We invite you to come in and hear the new models McGill Radio Service TELEPHONE 380 WINGHAM Gelding or filly, three years old, Nor- man Schmidt; Team in harness, each 1600 lbs., or over, McQuarrie Bros., Gordon Johnston. Percheron or Belgian Brood mare, Norman,Wheeler; Foal Norman Wheeler; Gelding; or filly, one year old, Norman Wheeler; Geld- ing or filly, three years old, Norman Wheeler. Team in harness, Norman Wheeler, Norman Schmidt; Best horse on grounds in light and heavy draft Percheron or Belgian classes, any age, Gordon Johnston; Best tandem outfit in classes, 1, 2, 2A, 5, 5A, Gordon Johnston, McQuarrie Bros., Norman Schmidt. Farm Horses (Howick Residents only) Brood mare, Geo. Harris; Foal, Geo. Harris; Gelding or filly, two years old, Gordon Brown; Gelding or TRY PALMOLIVE'S 14 DAY BEAUTY PLAIN L 4/; Sow over 6 months, and under 1 year, W. L. Campbell; Sow, under 6 mon- ths„ Irving Toner, W. L, Campbell, Irving Toner; Pen, any breed, consist- ing of 1 male, brood sow, sow under 1 year and sow under 6 months, Turn- bull & Son, Geo. Douglas, 2 and 3; Best pen of purebred hogs, consisting of one male and three females, Turn- bull & Son. POULTRY Barred Plymouth. Rocks, cock, Don- ald Brown, J. D. Douglas; hen, J. D. Douglas, Donald Brown, cockerel, D. Brown, J. D. Douglas; pullet, J, 0. Douglas, D. Brown; Barred Plymouth Rocks, cock, Donald Brown, 1 and 2; hen, Donald Brown 1 and 2; cockerel, Donald Brown, 1 and 2; pullet, T. Mc- Innis, D. Brown; Plymouth Hocks, A.O.V., cock, Cliff Ridler, D. Brown; hen, Cliff Ridler, D. Brown; cockerel, 5, D. Douglas, 1 and 2; pullet, J. D. Douglas, 1 and 2; White Wyandottes, cock, J. D. Douglas; hen, J. D. Doug- las, D. Brown; cockerel, J. D. Doug- las, D. Brown; pullet, J. D. Douglas, 1 and 2; Leghorns, S. C. White; cock, Geo. Douglas; hen, Geo. Douglas; cockerel, Geo. Douglas; pullet, Geo. Douglas; Leghorn, bred to lay; cock, 0, Brown, Cliff Ridler; hen, D. Brown, Cliff Ridler; cockerel, D. Brown, 1 and 2; pullet, 0. Brown, 1 and 2; Minorcas, Black,. cock, Cliff Ridler, D, Brown; hen, Cliff Ridler, D. Brown; cockerel, 0. Brown, J. 0. Douglas; pullet, J. D. Douglas, 1 and 2; New Hampshire, cock, J. D. Doug- las, 0, Brown; hen, J. D. Douglas, C. Ridler; cockerel, J. D. Douglas, D, Brown; pullet, Cliff Ridler, J. 0, Douglas; Any other variety, cock, I), Brown, C. Ridler; lien, C. Ridley, Geo. Douglas; cockerel, Cliff Ridler, 5, 1). Douglas; pullet, Cliff Ridler, 1 and 2; Pair geese, Toulouse, Geo. Douglas; Pair ducks, Pekin, Geo. Douglas, D. Brown; pair ducks, Rouen, Geo. Doo- glas, 1 and 2; 2 cockerels, ready for market, I), Brown, C. Ridley; Pen, 1 cock and 3 hens, (heavy breeds), bred to lay, 5. D. Douglas, C, Ridler; Pen, 1 cock and 3 hens, (light breeds), bred to lay, 0, Brown, C. Itiffler; Leg. horn, bred to lay, 1 cock, 2 hens, El- (Continued on page four)