HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-10-12, Page 1ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY AT ST. ANDREW'S The annual Anniversary services of St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wingham, will be held on Sunday, October 16th, at 11 am. and '7 p.m. The guest speaker will be Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, 111.A., M. Th s of Sea- forth. James V. Carron, tenor, of Clinton, will favour with solos at the morning and evening services. Mr. H, V. Pym, is organist and choir mas- ter. UNITED CHURCH THANK OFFERING MEETING Delegates Appointed To Sectional Meeting The Autumn Thank Offering meet- ing of the. Woman's Missionary Soc- iety of the United Church was held on Tuesday afternoon, October 4th, in the Sunday School room. Using the theme "Now Thank we all our God." Mrs. W. VanWyck conducted a very fine Thanksgiving service. The devot- ions were taken by Mrs. W. J. Greer and an appropriate reading "Mine and Willams thankoffering" was read by Mrs. VanWyck. An interesting and inspiring syn- opsis of the book "The Man Nobody Knows" by Bruce Barton was pre- pared by Mrs. E. O. Lancaster and read by Mrs. VanWyck. It exemplified the different phases of Jesus life as applied to .our present day living. The president, Mrs. N. Underwood presided for the business period. Mrs. J. Blake and Mrs. N. McLaughlin were appointed as delegates to the sectional meeting to be held in Ford- wich on October 14th, Mrs. •Under- wood closed the meeting and a social hour followed. ST. ANDREWS OURCH W. M. SOCIETY MEET Topic Taken By Mrs. R. H. Lloyd and Mrs. D. Rae The regular monthly meeting of , the Women's Missionary Society of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church was held on Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock, in the church parlour, with a good attendance. The President, Mrs. L Fortune oc- cupied the chair and opened the meet- ing with Invocation, after which the hymn "Spirit Divine! Attend Our Prayers" was sung. The scripture reading and meditation was given by Mr's. H. Aitchison, and a prayer fol- lowed by Mrs. N. Fry. The secretary's report was read and adopted and general business of the meeting conducted. Arrangements were also made for the Autumn Thank-Offering meeting to be held in November. The hymn "The Lord Shall Reign over Them in Mount Zion, from henceforth, even Forever." was sung. The topic, "Chinese Christians Face Their Task" very ably taken by Mrs. R. H. Lloyd and Mrs. D. Rae, dealt with the progress of the Presbyterian Church in China since the war, and of their Missionaries. The cry "Send Us More Missionaries, the Harvest is White, Where are the Reapers?" is heard on every Hand. The offering was received and the offertory prayer was given by Mrs, T. C. King. The Treasurer's report was read and adopt- ed. The hymn, "Arm of the Lord, Awake, Awake" was sung and Mrs. G. Godkin closed the meeting with prayer. Reception at S.S. 2, Culross A reception in honour of Mr. and Mrs. John Norman (nee Elda Bal- lagh) Will be held at S. S. No, 2, Cul- ross, Thursday, October 13th, Ladies please bring lunch. \/ractured Ankle Mrs. Arthur Lawlor was the victim of a painful accident last week when she slipped on the pavement on Jos- ephine St., fracturing her ankle.YlIer friends will be pleased to know she is resting comfortably. Attended Fur Fashion. Show X A, R. DuVal attended the Fur Fash- ion Parade presented by the Kivvaitis Club in the Royal York Hotel last week3aoronto reports this the larg- est show of fur fashions in the history of their city. BINGO Reserve Friday, October 28th for the Bingo at I.O,O.F. Hall, Wingham, 20 games for 50e. Three Specials. Choke of mites. Doors open at 8 p, ENGINEER ASSURES. COUNCIL OF ACTION RE HIGHWAY DUES Early Clos'ng By-Law To Be Strictly Enforced A regular meeting of Wingham Town Council was held on Monday evening, October 3rd,, at 8 o'clock with all members present, His Wor- ship, Mayor Reavie in the Chair, Minutes of last regular and special meetings were approved as. printed on motion of Coun/Gurney and Coun. Clark. A letter was read from Mi'). Arthur Sedgwick, Chief Bridge Engineer of the Department of Highways in re- spect to action to be taken with the bridges south of Town on Highway Four. Mr. Sedgwick assured Council that action would be taken so that contracts would be let next spring, Council instructed the Clerk to express their thanks to Mr. Sedgwick. A letter waas 'read from the De- partment of Municipal Affairs drawing attention to a one day school to be held at Goderich, on Tuesday, October 18th., at which officers of the Depart- ment would give a series of lectures on municipal questions. A letter was read from Mr. N. "v.V. Miller, Secretary of the Huron County Municipal Association inviting Town officials to a dinner to be held on the 18th of October at noon. It was agreed that the Clerk and any other officials who can attend on that date, do so. The Clerk presented the new con- tract with the Department of Nation- al Defence for the heating of the Wingham Armoury at a 50% increase in rates over the old contract. A clause protects the Corporation in case of any further increases in the price of Coal. The Clerk reported receipt of • a cheque for $2419.16 from Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation as a payment for this year in lieu of taxes on the houses in the Hillcrest area. Two letters were read from the British Empire Assurance Company in respect to claims and in both cases, the claims were rejected, , The Clerk reported receipt of the need. from Central Mortgage and HOOsing for two lots had been duly registered to the Town. A report of the Street Committee was presented in respect to the con- tract for the laying of concrete side- walks in the HillcreSt Area. This con- tract had been awarded to Mr. Leslie Greenaway of Bluevale, Ontario, at the rate of 35c per square foot. Condi- tions of the contract were read and a marked cheque had been deposited in the sum of $200, The report was ap- proved by Council. His Worship, Mayor Reavie report- ed for the Executive Committee that since the contract for sidewalks had been let, work should now proceed rapidly in the Hillcrest Area. The Finance Committee reported a number of accounts properly certified and recommended payment, Moved by Reeve Johnson seconded by Coun. Campbell that the accounts as read be paid. Carried. Coun. Campbell reported for the Street Committee that the drain at the foot of Hillcrest Area was being installed, Scott Street had been level- (Continued on page seven) Dance At Whitechurch In the Community Hall on Friday, October 14th. Music `by Farrier's 5- piece Orchestra, Lunch Counter. Ad- mission 50c, Golf Course For Wingham? There'd a drive underway to revive a golf course for Wingham. A number of properties are under consideration as a location for the links, This Fri- day night it 8 o'clock in the Town Hall Council Chambers, a meeting will be held to further the move, Over 150 invitations to this meeting being mailed but if you are interested and don't receive one, please tome, RUMMAGE SALE The Ladies Auxiliary to Winghatn General Hospital are holding their Fall Rummage Sale in the Armouries on Saturday afternoon, October 22nd., at two o'clock. The purchase of a Nurses' Residence means extra expen- diture fee the Auxiliary so they are asking everyone for donations for the rummage Sale, Anything can be sold, clothing, hats, Sleets, disheS, ett. Look through your tupboards and Make up a box. Please ,leave articles at the Armouries on Friday, October 21, as •everything has to be Sorted and mark- ed. Parcels will be called for by phon- ing Mrs, W. S. Adams, number 312, Afternoon tea will be served. EDITOR'S MOTHER DIES ON SUNDAY Death came peacefully to Mrs. John McCool late Sunday evening.' She had been in failing health for the past year and for many years an inval- id, She was in her 84th year. Formerly Mary Ann Hopper, she was born on the 3rd. line of Morris, the daughter of the late William Hop- per and Margaret Pryre. Sixty-three years ago she was mar- ried to John McCool and lived for a short time in Belgrave and Zetland, before coining to Wingham where she has since resided. She was a devout christian and a faithful member of the United Church and before failing health prevented, was an ardent worker in the Wom- an's Missionary Society and 'Women's Association, Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. George (Luella) Schaefer of Goderich, one son, William, B., of town, one brother, Mr. Harry Hopper, Brussels, four grandchildren and one great grandchild. Her husband, predeceased her nine- teen years ago, also one sister, Mrs. Charles Procter and one brother, John Hopper of Wingham. Funeral services will 136 held this afternoon (Wednesday), October 12th,. at 2.30 p.m., from S. J. Walker's Fun- eral Home, with her pastor, Rev. W. A. Beecroft officiating. Interment will be made in Wingham cemetery. The pallbearers will be her nephews, Lyle Hopper, Carl Proctor, and Char- les HopfSer, her grandson, John Schaefer, Jack Tudor and Gordon Walter. Sympathy is extended to her son, who because- of illness, is unable to attend his mother's funeral service. WAS S.A. SIX MAN RUM SCHEDULE Rugby, which has been a dormant sport in this section of Western Ont- ario, has been revived among the High Schools in Wingham and surrounding towns, and the progress of , the local entry, the first in some time will be closely followed by Wingham High School District fans. Mr. J. A, Jack- son of the W.H.S. staff is the coach of the local team; Mr. Gordon V. Thornicroft, Kincardine, is convener of the group. Game time at Wing- ham is 3 p.m. so be on hand and en- courage the boys. The schedule is as follows: Oct. 14—Kincardine at Wingham " at Hanover " 21—Hanover at Kincardine " 24—Hanover at Wingham " 26—Wingham at Kincardine " 28—Kincardine at Hanover Don't forget to stop at ,McKibbon's this week for the Rexall 1-Cent Sale. Belgrave School Fair Concert The annual concert sponsored by the Belgrave School Fair will be held in the Forester's Hall, Belgrave, at 8 p.m. on Friday, October 14th. Adults 25 cents. School children free. News Omitted Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, many items of news reached this office too late to be published this week. These will appear next week. Saturday is Scout Apple Day Help the local Boy Scouts and Cubs, by buying their apples on Sat- urday of this week. Receipts from this are used solely for their important work, Institute Euchre, Oct. 14th. The Women's Institute will hold a Progressive Euchre in the Wing- ham Armouries, on Friday evening, October 14th. Admission 35 cents, Lunch served. Two for the price of one, At the Rexall Sale—McKibbons, Oct. 12, 13, 14, 15. KNOW WINGHAM I wonder if Winghamites far 'away on these lovely October days are thinking lovingly and longingly of their old home town? To-day, I re- niembered how Some. of us, when stud- ents at Wingham -High, would often in Autumn climb the stairs to the As- sembly Hall to gaze from the western Windows upon the panorama of beauty stretching away to the . West. can still dreamingly see the brightly paint- ed houses and shops, between us and the green prairie,and, even from that distance, the little blue. river shone and sparkled as it, wound through the green pastures and passed the old fair grounds; the magnifitieitt trees their glorious autumn foliage gleaming, and far off, the hills dappled by sun and shade. Wingham Represented At Regional Chamber Of Commerce Conference Chamber of Commerce President W. T, Cruickshank and Secretary, Vin Dittmer, were the delegates appoint- ed to the First Ontario Regional Con- ference in Mount Forest last Wed- nesday. The meeting was attended by Chamber of Commerce representatives from towns within a sixty mile radius of Mt. Forest. A beneficial discussion of common problems was the purpdse. HOWICK Lios ANNIVERSARY DINNER Third Vice-President Of Lions International, Guest Of Honour Edgar Elbert, of Magwood, Illinois, third Vice-President of Lions Inter- national was the guest of honour when Howick Lions Club celebrated their Charter Night Seventh Anniversary, with a dinner in the Town Hall, Cat- ering were members of the Women's -Association of the United Church. The tables and hall were tastefully decor- ated with purple and gold, the Lions colours. Those present 'numbering 110 in- cluded groups from Teeswater, Palm- erston, Arthur, Harriston, Myth, Wingham and Brussels. Seated at the head table were District Secretary, Lion Bruce Malcolm, Toronto, Past District Deputy Governors, Pat Brown, Arthur; Bert Gray, Blyth; Gor don and Mrs. Hargrave, Howick, Present Deputy District Governor, Rev. Jim Caley and Mrs. Caley. The first Howick Lions President, Howard and Mrs. Wylie, Reeve-"of • Twsp. of Howick, Lion Elmer Farrish, Secret- arS, Howick Club, Lion Hector Knight and Mrs. Knight; Lion Tamer of the Wingham Club, _tack McKib- bon and President of the Howick Club Lion Ken Edgar and Mrs. Ed- gar. The guest of honour was presented with Hudson's Bay blankets, a gift from Zone 16. Howick Lions Club consider it a great privilege to have Lion Edgar Elliert visit their Club, as he is making five appearances only in Canada. ITuring the evening a draw was made for three prizes. The lucky nam- es were 1st., Mrs. Gordon Gibson, Wroxeter; 2nd., Bill Harcourt, Wing- ham; 3rd., Eph. Gray, Palmerston. An auction sale with Eph, Gray, an ex- cellent auctioneer, provided mvuse- meat for all present. Following an able address by the distinguished guest of honour. The Peppers of Stratford, mystified every one wiht their clever tricks of Magic. Lion Dick Carson of Gorrie, sang a solo, a quartette composed of four charter members of Howick, G. Har- grave, Gord. Gibson, Ken Edgar and Howard Wylie provided a number, President of Howick Club, Ken Ed- gar, spoke words of appreciation to all, who had in any way helped to make the evening an eventful one and a special word of thanks to members of the Association, United Church, for the Fowl Dinner so well served. The Lions Slogan—L-Liberty, I-In- telligence 0-Our N-Nations S-Safety. Missionary Films On Monday, October 24th, at 8 p, m, Rev. George Wylie of Otterville, will bring to the United Church two films, "Western Hands Are Sure and films, "Western Hands Are Sure" and also a Missionary Film from China, Everyone is cordially invited to at- tend, Sunday Dinner At Brunswick Hotel Served from 12 to 1.30 and 5 to 6.30. Three choices of meat, one fowl. New Manager At Beaver Lumber Mr. G. F. Miller, formerly of Hag- ersville, has been appointed manager of the Beaver Lumber Co., here and assumed his new duties the first of the month, Mr, A. Loucks, former manager, has gone to his home town of Napanee, where he has started in business• for himself making sash.' MEETING The monthly meeting of the Cath- elk Women's League, was held on October 4th, at the home of Mrs. 3. Brent, The meeting was opened by prayer, led by the President, Mrs. C. Newman, The mitattes of the last meeting was read by the secretary, Mrs. T. Rafferty and adopted as read. The correspondence was read and dis- cussed. The remainder of the meeting was taken up by preparation for the annual Harvest Tea to be held Oct. 20th in the Legion Halt, After the meeting was adjourned, a lovely hutch was served by the hostess, The Nov- ember meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, J, McDonald. With Which is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News 11......mere......•••••Noopows* Single Copies — Five Cents. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1949 Subscription, $2,00 a Year in Advance 1 PUBLIC SCHOOL JUVENILE COURT Following an investigation of the breaking of . 28 panes of glass in a house owned by U. Moore, near the, Wingham cemetery last week, Chief T. W. Platt, took into custody faun teenagers, the oldest being fifteen, from Lower Wingham, and they are scheduled to apitear in Juvenile Court. It is alleged they were in possession of air rifles with which the damage was caused. No doubt stern methods of correction will be administered by the parents whose lot it will he to pay for the damage. WILL APPEAR IN KINSMEN PLAN MINSTREL SHOW Dr. Geo, W. Howson, Guest Speaker The regular meeting of the Wing- ham Kinsmen Club was held last Fri- day evening at the Queen's Hotel, with a good attendance. President Bab Ferguson was in the chair for the earlier part of the meeting, but prom- ptly handed over proceedings to Vice- President Scott Reid when dinner was served. President Bob was upbraided for setting such a dangerous preced- ent, and was fitted accordingly. While dinner was being served and immed- iately after Kin Cy Scott led the boys in -a community sing, On the business agenda were some important matters which include the proposed nfinstrel show. Kin Vic Loughlean gave a re- port in this connection, and Kin Cy Scott gave his committees thoughts on the Jenkins Fund which the Wing- ham Kinsmen undertook earlier in the year. It was decided to give Mr. Jen- kins the sum of $300.00 and the mot- ion was carried. After the few matters of business were done with, the guests were introduced, and Initiation Night for new members was decided for Fri- day night, Noveinber 4th. The guest speaker for the evening, Dr, George Howson was. introduced by Kin Andy Scott. Dr. Howson gave an impressive word picture of his trip this summer to the British Isles and the Continent. Many members made the comment following his talk, that they felt they were with him on his trip, so vivid was the description. Dr. Howson was thanked by Kin Bud Cruickshank, and the remark was also made that since Dr. Howson was Tail- twister for the LionS, he was immune to fines in this meeting. No further business was contemplated for the evening, ,and President Bob, ,who by this time had again taken over the reins of office, called for adjournment. The next regular meeting, of the Wingham Kinsmen Club will be held at the Queen's Hotel, on Friday, Oct- ober 21st., at 7 o'clock. The usual good attendance is requested. WINGHAM HANDED THIRD SETBACK Port Elgin Lakesiders continued their winning ways in quest of the W.O.A,A. Intermediate "A" Softball title, whipping Wingham Mercurys 10-4 at Wingham last 'Wednesday night. A fatal sixth inning gave the visit- ors the needed margin and netted six runs. Wingham chalked up three in the second with Loughlean starring at bat, clouting a triple, one of his three hits for the night, On Monday night in the local park, the Crossett Mercurys again went down to defeat at the hands of the Port Elgin team, by a score of 9-4. The fourth game of the series will be played at Port Elgin on Wednesday, weather permitting. In Victoria Hospital Miss Eleanore McLean is at present a patient in Victoria Hospital, where she underwent an operation for the removal of goitre. Hospital Group Met The So Sew Group met at the Hos- pital on Monday, October 3rd., for their monthly sewing meeting. After the work period, lunch was served by Mrs. Alton B. Adams and Mrs. John P. McKibbon. Attended Opening At Wiarton The official opening of the Wiarton Red Cross Hospital was held on Thursday, October 6th. It is an up- to-date 28 bed hospital which includes the baby ward. Those attending from WinghaTh were Mr. and Mrs. Murray Johnson, Capt. and Mrs. W. J. Ad- ams,Mrs. W. J. Greer, Mrs. W. Van- wyc and Mrs, C. Hinde, The time, Wed., Thurs., Fri., and Saturday this week. The place, Mc- Kibbons—for the Rexall 1-Cent Sale. Dance To Fred and Evy With their Cedar Valley Cowboys, in Mount Forest Odd Fellows Hall, every Saturday night, starting .Oct. ober 15th. Modern and Old Tyrne dancing, 9 p.m. Admission 50c. Thank You! The Management and Staff of Xing Dept. Store take this opportunity of publicly thanking Walker Stores Ltd., Wingham, C. E. Richey, Manager, and 13etmett & Casentore, Builders, Roy Bennett, Robert Casemore, for the beautiful baskets of flowers re- ceived from them on the occasion of the opening of King. Dept. Stores new Ladies' Wear Progress Dept. A. O. Garrett, Manager. RALLY DAY HELD EST. ANDREW'S Rally Day was observed on Sunday, in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Three certificates were given to the following Sunday School pupils for memory work, John Congram, Nancy Fowler and Douglas Davidson, Mary Rae, Barbara Merrick and Helen Ford sang a Thanksgiving hymn. / The Sacrament of Baptism was ob- served when'c7fie following children were baptized: Jean Elizabeth and Join Stephen, twins of Mr. and Mrs,, Ncrinan Welwood; Laura 1Gracey, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Borden Spears; William Harold, son of Mr, and Mrs. Jack Pym; Kenneth Grant, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Currie; Ileen Doris and Bonnie Ann, daugh- ters of Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Baker; Mary Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woods; Kay Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hardie; Linda Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hastings, and Anis Ruth, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Eidt. GODERICH YOUTHS ARRESTED AT WINGHAM Will Appear In Court October 17th Two Goderich Pouths face. several charges as result of a week-end row- dyism venture in town, Night cpnstabie Ted Whitby picked up the youths on Friday night when they were alleged to have accosted several teen-agers in town, inviting them to fight. Arrested were John Thurlow, 17, of Goderich, who faces a charge of bringing liquor into Huron County, contrary to provisions of the Canada Temperance. Act, and another of dis- orderly conduct and creating a distur- bance. Joseph McAdam, 16 years old, of Goderich, faces a similar charge, of disorderly conduct, and is alleged to have wielded a small knife during the evening. McAdam is also ;faced with a further charge of theft. Lodged in jail, the youths were later released on bail, and will appear in Wingham police court on October 17th. Dance At Royal T. You are welcome at the Royal T on Saturday night for your dancing pleasure from 9.30 to 12. Garnet Farrier's 5 piece band. Five Generations Last week the arrival of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson of Caledonia, made five' living genera- tions. Robert Anderson, is the son of Mrs. G. Anderson of Caledonia, grand- son of Mrs. J. J. Brown, and great grandson of Mrs, Tracy Ludington, both of Wingham. Celebrated 59th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. John Tervit celebrat- ed their 59th wedding anniversary on Friday, October 7th, at their home, Turnberry Township. During the day they received messages of congratula- tions from many- friends. Junior Farmers' Open Night The Junior Farmers will hold their open night Thursday, October 20th, at 9 p,m,, in Forester's Hall, Bel- grave. Every one interested is visited to attend. Mr, Clark of the O.A.C. at Guelph Horticulture Dept, will give an illustrated address. POULTRY *En Howsott & Howson are sponsoring a Farmers Poultry Meeting of special interest to the farm women as well as men, to be held in the Town Hall, Tuesday, October 18th, at 8.30 p.m. Mr. Frank King, a former Culross boy and partner of the K. & G. Poultry Plant of Aurora, and Asst. Sales Manager for Canada of - the Ral- ston Purina Co. will conduct the meet- ing. Remember the date, Tuesday, October 18th, at 8.80 p.m. in Town FIELD DAY HELD Children • Field Day for Wingham Public School was held on Friday afternoon, September 30th. The weather was. ideal which made the day most pleas- ant fur the scholars. Below is the iist of events with the winners; GRADE I Running Race—Girls Group A— Greer Dunlop, Gloria MacDonald, Jane Hetherington; Group B—Eleanor Goy, Joan Colvin, Ruth Stone. Boys, Group A—Barry Fuller, Douglas Davidson, Byron Adams; Group B, John White, John Fryfogle, Frank Riehl. Three-legged Race—Girls, Dianne Crossett and Lois MacDonald; Jane Hetherington and Carol Murray; Ann Rae and Sharon Montgomery. Boys—Byron Adams and Bill Young; John Fryfogle and Paul Rin- toul; Frank Riehl and John Mitchell. Skipping Race—Girls, Jane Heth- erington, Anne Rae, Frances Caskan- ette, Wheelbarrow Race—John White and Murray Kerr; George Skinn and. Frank Riehl, Paul Rintoul and John Mitchell, GRADE II Running Race—Girls, Group A, Sharon Lewis, Carol Murray, Nancy Slosser; Group B—Shirley Armstrong, Joyce Crothers, Helen James, 'Boys—Group A, David Carr, Wal- ton McKibbon, Douglas Lockridge; Group B, Douglas MacDonald, John Merkley, Brian Rider. Three-Legged Race—Girls, Helen. James and Shirley Armstrong; Nancy. Slosser and Betty Purdon; Mary Lou Moffatt an'd Joyce Crothers; Boys— Laurie Stuckey and Jim Wild; Doug- las- MacDonald and John Merkley; Douglas Lockridge and Joe Clark, Book-on-head Race—Girls, Betty Purdon, Nancy Slosser, Shirley Red- man, Wheel-barrow Race, Boys—John. Merkley and Douglas MacDonald, Jim Wild and Douglas Lockridge; Walton McKibbon and David Carr. GRADE 3 Running Race, Girls, Group A— Irene Saint; Judith Lunn, Dawn Sin- amen; Group B—Ann White, Marilyn Riehl," Verna Griffith. Running Race, Boys, Group A-"— David Rutledge, George Murray, Bob Rintoul; Group B—Billie Henderson, Donnie Simmons, Kenneth James. Three-Legged-Race — Girls, Ann White & Sandra Strong; Jean Froome and Mary Stone; Sarah Skinn and. Verna Griffith; Boys, Billie Hender- son and Charlie Rintoul, Billy HoW- son and George Murray, Peter Na- smi.th and Bob Rintoul. Skipping—Girls, Ann White, Irene Saint, Karen Swanson. Wheelbarrow—Boys, George Mur- ray and Kenneth James; Billy How- son and Kent ,e'-h Fitzpatrick; Jack Hotchkiss and Charlie Rintoul. Book on Head—Girls, Norma Ruth- erford, Irene Saint, Judith Lunn, Boys, George Murray, Bob Rintoul, Peter Nasmith. GRADE IV. Running Race—Girls, Muriel Gow- dy, Gail Denyke, Marianne McKibbon, Boys, George Chettleburgh, Henry Skinn, Bill IVfcIntyre. Three-legged. Race—Girls, Muriel Gowdy and Marykae Newman, Gail Denyke and Joan Arthur, Mary Gibbons and Mary Skinn. Boys, Rae Hetherington and Bill McIntyre, Jim Howson and Mur- ray Campbell, Barry iGibson and John Waine, Skipping Race—Girls, Fran- ces Dawson, Ruth Fryfogle, Mary Gibbons. Wheelbarrow Race—Boys, Barry Gibson, and John Waine, Jim Howson and Murray Campbell, Rae Hetherington and Bill McIntyre. Book-nn-heat!—Girls, Mary Gibbons Claudia Haselgrove, Merle Gowdy. Boys, Barry Gibson, 'Rae Hethering- ton, John Moffatt. (Continued on page nine) Anniversary At Belgrave Anniversary services will be held in Belgrave Presbyterian Church at 2.30 p.m., on Sunday, October .16th. Rev. A, Nimnio will be guest speaker, Spec- ial music by Melville Church choir, Brussels. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held in the Council Chamber on Thursday, Oct. 20th, at 2,30 pan, The toll call will be answered by "Grandmother's Birth- place and Maiden Name." The motto, "In the light of the past, we live in the future" will be taken by Mrs. W. J. Henderson. The program will be in charge of Mrs. Fred Fuller. Hos• teases will be Mrs. W. Field, Mrs, A. Comts, Mrs. T, Lewis, Mrs, .1, DuVal, Mrs. Fraser and Mrs. Alton. Had Perfect Weather For Their Events