HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-09-21, Page 8.efoaa 61orneemz let Ca/nada JOIN THE RESERVE FORCE NOW 4' THE .CANAPi.ANs ARMY "INSURANCE FOR PEACE" CITIZEN-SOLDIER 4/4 KNAVE SCHOOL FAIR SUCCESSFUL (Continued from page seven) Sutton; scabiosa, June Richmond, Robinson, Patsy Logan, Rose Marie Lutz, Gwen McDowell, Ethel Machan, Dorothy Shaw; African Marigolds, Bakke de Haan, Lyman Jardine, Mari- lyn'' Gall; snapdragon, Isabel Scott, Shirley Patterson, Billy Lutz, Gordon Charter, Jimmie Scott, Mary Lou Wright; petunia, Raymond Walker, •3300 Jefferson; French marigold, Keith Ivan Walsh, Jim Smith, Lloyd Seott, 1111=111111111 Np IN,00' DETROIT'S "FIRST" 4111 11111111'. 1 , ,11114114,1111,01111!1,1: DII 11'111111 4 '1111411 Rotel 1,110 Pi/ 1 '1"; 113'' ,d111 r 111111:1.k The Tulle, Coffee Shop or Cafeteria for excel- IN CONVENIENCE • COMFORT • QUALITY .1111 r.„„,„..... VISIT OUR Cocktail ,C 011ilge 800 ROOMS WITH BATH FROM '2" tent Food modestly priced. The Hotel Tulle,. 11111 to make your stay in Detroit a pleasant memory. 11 DetroWs largest, is the place to stay. and shopping area. Friendly, courteous service In the heart of the downtown, office, theater, 1111' III ONE OF DETROIT'S FINEST F tI~~W ill 11111, .11 111,;1:111111111"iIilili,\viiiiIiIiiiti ."1 1 111 11 .null null " P:. III 111111 411111 „,, „, 4 111. „„, Frank K. Cannon, General Manager FACING GRAND ND CIRCUS PARK '11 1. 11111 rIllitli§11111; III l'111111.11 tar" I 'ilk rr ALL MAKES OF Refrigerators Repaired OUR SPECIALTY Pamper your Refrigerator these days. CALL 549 at the first sign of trouble-- We'll fix it immediately and ex- pertly at reasonable cost. Repair for Longer Wear T. DARLING Time Table Changes Effective Sunday, Sept; 25, 1949 Full information from Agents • OVIMPSE • 6WeleGa6 *(1.W THE DOM PAGE EIGHT THB VVINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, September 21 1949 Alice Nesbit, Kay VanCamp; Yvonne Rath, Bobby Cook, Margaret McCutcheon, Annie Nesbit; zinnia, Carol Armstrong Audrey Hackwell, Reid Hackwell, John Buchanan, Billie Smith, Shirley Lutz; cornflower, Mur- ray Scott, Mary Harman, Betty Blake, gladioli, Lane Hazelwood, Lloyd Scott, Jack Colwell, Joan Machan, Joyce Harman, Donald Haines; dahlias, Keith Robinson, Roger Bieman, Isabel Scott, Kay VanCamp, Bernice Adams, Patsy Logan: dining table bouquet, Kay VanCamp, Jimmie Scott, Joan Johnston, Bernice Adams, Donald Haines, Raymond Walker; asters, senior classes, Donna Anderson, Lloyd Machan, Joy Lutz, Donnie Kelly, Freda Cook, Lois Mason; cosmos, George Procter, Eileen Nesbit, Bruce Robinson, Alan Scott, Donald Coultes, Hugh Cook; scabiosa, Ken Patterson, Margie Achilles, Harry Brydges, Iona Griffith; French Marigold, Ruth How- att, Alan McBurney, Larry Cook, Bessie Campbell, Sheila Black; Afric- an Marigold, Arlene Richmond, Clay- ton Wilkinson, Patricia Yungblutt, Bill Coultes; snapdragon, Richard McCutcheon, Sandra Rath, Donald McMurray; petunia, Lois Campbell, Doreen Howatt, Keith Montgomery; phlox, Reta Bruce, Ruth 'Procter, De- lla Armstrong; zinnia, Marie Wright, Marlene MacKenzie, Gordon Smith, Lois Goll, Lois Bone, Jim Spivey; cornflower, Joan Wightman, Lois Walker, Edith Daer, Bobby McMur- ray, Laurie Black; stocks, Donald Jar- dine; gladioli, Shirley Badley, Shirley Bradburn, Donnie Kelly, Bobbie Mc- Murray, Donna Anderson, Gordon Smith; dahlias, Marilyn Moores, Geo. Procter, Lillian Bruce, Donnie Kelly, Clayton Wilkinson, Ruth Procter; dining table bouquet, George Procter, Ruth Procter, Marilyn Moores, San- dra Rath, Lois Walker, Harold John- ston; decoration, Thanksgiving table, Marilyn Moores, Sandra Roth, Donald • WAIT FOR . A. Ried Registered Optometrist Coming to Wingham CROMPTON'S Jewellery Store, Wed., Sep. 28 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED McMurray, Bobbie McMurray, Mary Scott, Donald Coultes; bouquet for living room, Gwen Walsh, Claire Cha- limey, Douglas Machan, Elizabeth Pipe, John Cronyn. INSTITUTE SPECIALS Collection of pictures of 10 animals, Harold Johnston, Bill Coultes, George Procter, Bruce Robertson, Lorne Campbell, Don Craig; four-legged milking stool, Bobbie Higgins, George Bacon, David Hanna, Bobby Scott; best geranium, Mary Harman, Flor- ,ence Bacon, Elizabeth Pipe, Lorna Bolt, Joan Govier, Lorena Armstrong, most tastefully wrapped gift Ruth Procter, Lois Mason, Joan Wightman, Elaine Bolt Marlene MacKenzie, Donna Anderson miniature home, boys, Clayton Wilkinson, Allan Camp- bell, James Spivey; safety poster, boys, Don Craig, Ken Sholdice, Dale Car- diff, Carl Falconer, Jim Watson; Lorne Campbell; memory gem book- let, open, boys, David Nesbit, Billy Lutz, Alan Scott, Lorne Campbell, Alan McBurney, Gordon Gross;' sew- ing card picture, Lewis Cardiff, Ralph Watson,John Pipe, Bobby Machan, Dirk larkema, Joan Howatt; mech- anical toy, George Armstrong; what- not, Donald Coultes, James Spivey, Bruce Robinson, Jerry Higgins, Ron- ny Ennis, Ken Carter, miniature house, Elaine Bolt, Marilyn Bolger, Shirley Marks; safety poster, girls, Marilyn Bolger, Wanda Rintoul, Donna Mc- After, Elizabeth Pipe, Louise Smith, Elaine Bolt; memory gem booklet, Margaret Appleby, Olene Dundas, Ar- lene Richmond, Dorene Kelly, Lillian Bruce, Velma Agar; tie rack, boys, Lorne Campbell, Bobbie McMurray; model airplane, boys, Ken Carter, Robert Charter; any other woodwork, boys, Jim Bolger, Ken Carter, Donald Coultes, Bruce Robertson, David Hackwell, Alan McBurney. BAKING, Muffins, Yvonne Rath; Joan Wight- man, June Pierce, Marilyn' Goll, Dor- een Howatt, Alice Nesbit; drop cook- ies, Joan Govier, Joan Shortreed, Mary Taylor, Ruth Howatt, Evelyn Math- ers, Barbara Smith; light layer cake, Eileen Nesbit, ,Phyllis Ann Fear, Louise Jefferson, Margaret Dalrymple, Grace Thompson, Mary Louise Hal- lahan; school lunch, Joan Wightman, Doreen Howatt, Lois Walker, Doris Johnston, Lois Goll, Marlene Mac- Kenzie; apple pie, Donna Anderson, Ethel Pierce, Marlene MacKenzie, Shirley Bradburn, Lorraine Hanna, Donna Gow; cabbage salad, Elaine Bolt, Lois Goll, Ethel Pierce, Ray- mond Walker, Donna Anderson, Mar- lene MacKenzie; fancy sandwiches, Claire Chamney, Ruth Procter, Donna Anderson, Elaine Wolt, Doris John- ston, Marlene MacKenzie. Sewing card picture, Barbara Gaul- tes, Ruth Taylor, Betty Blair, Delores Bell, Lois Cook, Margaret Wightman; doll's mat, spool knitting, Mary Tay- lor, Shirley Lutz, Marjorie Rinn, Gwen Walsh, Helen Whitehead, Carol Cameron;_ pot holder,' Elaine Bolt, Doris Johnston, Wanda Rintoul, ;ion- ise Jefferson, Mary E. Scott, Phyllis Ann Fear; tea cozy, Joy Lutz, Wanda Rintoul; dress a doll, Ruth Cook, Lois Mason, Carole Cameron, Joy Lutz, Joan Wightman, Elizabeth Pipe. ART Grades 1. and 2, Lewis Cardiff, Ralph Watson, John Pipe, Bill Smith, Ronald Jones, Bruce Campbell; grad- es 3 and 4, animal in crayon„ Dale Car- diff, Billie Lutz, Barry Watson, !Mur- ray Johnston, Ken Sholdice, Glen Coultes; grades 5 and 6, bird, Jerry Higgins, Jimmie Spivey, Clayton Wil- kinson, Alan Campbell, Ronald Gross, Larry Cook; grades 1 and 2, crayon, Anne Shortreed, Bernice Smith, Betty Blake, Eleanor Walsh, Gwen Walsh, June Richmond; grades .5 and 6, flow- er, Sheila Black, Velma Agar, Claire Taylor, Wanda Rintoul, Donna Mc- ;After, Marilyn Moores. Canadian Scene, Bill Coultes, Char- lie Fraser, Lorne Campbell, Donald Brown, Alan McBurney, Austin Cook; any subject, open, Bert Watson, Dou- glas Kirkby, Mac Sholdice, Ella Wat- son, Bobby McMurray, Donald Cool- tes; Canadian scene, grades 7 and 8, Joy Lutz, Barbara Bird, Shirley Brad- burn, Della Armstrong, Iona Griffith, Ethel Pierce; open, any subject,. Joy Lutz, Bessie Campbell, Donna Shiells, Ella McLean, Leota Souch, Florence Dawson; grades 1 and 2, boys, cray- on, Lewis Cardiff, Ralph Watson, John Pipe, Bill Smith, Ronald Jones, Brace Campbell; grades 3 and 4, any animal, Dale Cardiff, Billy Lutz, Barry Watson, Murray Johnston, Ken Shol- dice, Glen Coultes; grades 5 and 6, any bird, Jerry Higgins, Jimmie Spiv- ey, Clayton Wilkinson, Alan Camp- be11,0 Ronald Gross, Larry Cook; grades 1 and 2, any work in crayon, Anne Shortreed, Bernice Smith, Phy- llis Riley; grades 3 and 4, illutt'ated, booklet, boys, George Bacon, Bill Souch, Tommy Brydges, George Arm- strong, Bobbie Higgins, Lloyd Scott; grades 5 and 6, illustrated booklet; tan Griffith, Alan Scott, Clayton Wilkin- son, Jim Spivey, Alan Campbell, Grant iflolmes; grades 7 and 8, illus- trated booklet, David Nesbit, Lorne Catimbell, Douglas Bruce, Alvin Pen- gelly, Gerald McDowell, Alan Mc- Burney; grades 3 and 4, illustrated booklet, girls, Gwen Walsh, Shirley Linz, Lois Goll, Rose Marie Bolger, Gwen McDowell, Edna Daer; grades 5 and 6, illustrated booklet, Arlene Richmond, Velma Agar, Lois Bone, Rita Bruce, Edith Daer, ,Joan Math- an; grades 7 and 8, illustrated booklet, Margaret Appleby, Marlene MacKen- zie, Lorraine Hanna, ,Marilyn Bolger, Della Armstrong, Betty Rodgers; special, boys or kids, photos, Mary Taylor, Elaine Bolt, Lorna Bolt, Mar., lene Maeltenzie, Jean MeArter, Don Craig; grades 3 and 4, any book, Shirley Lutz, Helen Whitehead, lila Griffith Eleanor Walsh; grades 5 and 6, any book, Lois Walker, Velma Ag., ar, Mary Scott, Edith Daer, Marilyn: Moores, I4elen Marks; grades 7 and 8, any book, Marlene Maeltenzie, Joy Lutz, Donna Shiels, Margaret Apple- by, Donna 'Anderson, Marilyn Bol- ger; grades 3 and 4, any book, boys George-Armstrong, Billy Lutz, grades 5 and 6, any book, Bruce. Robertson, Alan Campbell, Jimmie Spivey, Clay- ton Wilkinson, George Procter, .Ian Griffith; grades 7 and 8, any book, • Douglas Bruce, David Nesbit, Lorne Campbell, Billy Coultes. Grade 1, print writing, girls, Betty Ann Ruttan, Marie Johnston, Rose Marie Lutz, Thelma Cowing; grade 2, print writing, Lois Cook, Kay Fraser, Jean Whitehead; grades 3 and 4, any work book, Shirley Lutz, Lois Coll; grades 5 and 6, any work book, Velma Agar, Lois Walker,, Bessie Campbell, Marilyn Mobres, Helen Haines, Agnes Finelon; grades 7 and 8, any work book, Donna Shiels, Margaret Apple- by, Marilyn Bolger, Della Armstrong„ Joy Lutz, Lois Mason; grade 1, print writing, boys, Bobby. Marks, John Campbell, Nelson Armstrong, 'Ross Peacock, George Armstrong, Freddie Armstrong; grade 2, print writing, boys, Bruce Campbell, grades 5 and 6, any work book, Bruce Robertson, Donald McMurray, George Procter, Lorne Campbell, Alan Campbell, Jim- mie Spivey; grades 7 and 8, any work, Cook, Billy Coultes, David Nesbit, Donald (Glousher, Bob McMurray. In towns and cities across the country, Canada's Citizen-Soldier is enthusiastically engaged in an all-importarit job. The spare evenings he devotes to training help to assure the well-being of Canada, because the Reserve Force forms an important part of this country's defence forces. The new Reserve Force offers many personal advantages:- trade and technical training; Active Service rates of pay for time spent in training and summer camp; a full programme of sports and social events for men who get a kick out of working together. Visit the Regiment or armoury of your choice for complete details. You can help yourself and Canada by joining the Reserve Force. "SALADA" COFFEE is now available in most grocery stores. it is of extra fine quality, and we believe that you will consider it the best coffee you have ever tasted. Ask for "SALADA" COFFEE SALADA TEA COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED You will find that necessary building and repairs and new equipment are important in maintaining production and earnings from your farm. ESTA8L181.1ttt. 1871 Winghatt Branch: G,/C. Gannage, Manager 50.9 S ....................................... • • • . • MEN WANTED . • • • ., • • . . 0 El MI IN • BOTH SKILLED and UNSKILLED. al a is a a • Particularly young men desirous of learning • • .• to be craftsmen in a highly specialized • • • • industry. • • • • • Interested only in those who wish • • • Permanent Employment. • • a a a • D. P. Emigrants welcome. • • • ,, • • • APPLY TO: • • • • • • ••i I n III Sherlock.Manning Pianos Ltd. Clinton, Ontario • mma II g t I • • , III It