The Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-09-21, Page 414th Anniversary SALE IS CONTINUING! 15% DISCOUNT on HOTPLATES, RANGETTES, and Two-Burner RANGES Ask to see the NEW RANGETTES (plug-in, 110 volts) which permit you to use BOTH TOP and OVEN Burners at the SAME TIME! Special Prices on Other Appliances do Pfiffit AI RADIO & ELECTRIC $125 Anal" a., Naas BOOKK EEPER WANTED—Male or female, apply in person to Ed- wards Motor Sales. FOR SALE—Lumber, timbers, posts, slabs, wood, etc., reasonable prices. See us and save money, Kennedy & Gaunt, Phone 466 or 401-W2. FOR SALE-1(J0, 4 months old pul- lets, Hampshire and Wyandotte, Apply Billy Wain, Carling Terrace,' Phone 482W. FOR SALE—Massey-Harris Grain Grinder, 10 inch plate, like new, Ford Ferguson tractor with plow and cultivator, in good condition. A few Tie W Cackshutt tractor plows, and rubbertired wagons. W e a re al- so dealers in Viking Cream Separ- ators, Gem Oat Ratters and Viking Hammer Mills. Phone 455, John Burnstead. & Son. FOR SALE-100 acre farm situated on good road, close to school and genera] store. There are about 70 acres of 1st. class tillable land, good 7 roomed red brick house, large L shaped bank barn. Concrete drilled well with concrete supply tank, also spring creek. All roofs and outside fences in good condition, This farm can be ;bought at reason- able price on easy terms, for fur- ther particulars, apply to Henry Johann, Delmore-. FOR SALE—Fordson Tractor with Pulley, priced for quick sale. Earl Hamilton, Phone 608j3. FOR SALE—Brown Gabardine, tur- quoise coats sizes 14, Brown fur coat size 16. Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE—$190 Aero Oil Burner suitable for hot air or steam fur- nace. Used 4 months, original cost $365. Complete with 8 thermostats, 200 gallon oil tank, etc, Reason for selling leaving Wingham midwin- ter, 63 Carling Terrace. — — FOR SA LE-2 fancy handmade ap- pliqued quilt tops. 2 new pair goose feather pillows. Apply Box. M.H., Advance-Times. FOR SALE —Gilson 13 inch Silo Fill- er in good running condition. Apply Alvin Mundell, iGlanannan. FOR SALE-9 piece Dinette Suite, Walnut Veneer. Apply at Campbell Gorbutt, Diagonal Road, Wing- b am. FOR SA I.E—Jacket Heater and tank. Phone 387. FOR SA E—Percheron Mare, '7 years, General Purpose Mare, 4 years, 4 good Milk Cows. Walter Lott, Phone 626W4. FOR SA I. E—Ladies' Grey Tweed Coat, size 16, Boy's 2-piece Stip,w Suit, in blue, practically new. Mrs. Pete McDonald, above McKibbon's. - -•• FOR SA 1,1S—Blue roan mare, 4 years old, brown horse, 6 years old, both sound. Apply Louis Dalton, Luck- now, R. R. 1, phone 62852. FOR SALE—Browning 22 calibre repeating rifle, safety catch, popu- lar take-down sporting style. Phone 223. FOR SAT,E.--(1004 1.00 acre farm, 21/2 miles from Bluewa iv r highway, un- der grass at present, e.acelleut barn, 60' square, rock well. Apply Louis Halton, Lurknow R, R. 1, FOR SAI.E---7 Kitchen Stove and liot Water Tank, best offer, also coal scuttle, wash tub, Sinai] pile of wood. R, Diagonal Road. FOR SALE —Girl's green tweed suit and brown fitted tweed coat, size 12 years, 1 pair of men's brown oxfords, size 7, all in good condition Telephone l!'ordwich 31r23. FOR SALE-423 New Hamp X Rock Kitchener Big 4 bred pullets, 41/2 months old, Apply 'J'cd New tot phone 0 riag 3, Wroxeter, FOR SALE—Ross Rifle 303 four shot repeater, min case, cleaning rod, and thirty-five rounds ammun- ition, $35.00. Phone 652W3. saa • • FOR SALE—Princess Pat Coal and Wood IS;iitee, with Reservnir, gond as new, Apply Mrs. C. Bondi, Phone 207. , ..„. FOR SALE—Wealthy apples splen- did for cooking or eider, Will be sold by inishel, tree or orchard, Cus- tomers bring containers. Phone 121 72. tions," he explained, "but if the wea- therman is kind to us and sends us plenty of rain, particularly in the North and in the Ottawa Valley, we might not have to declare the restric- tions effective Oct. 1". Restrictions, when they do come, will be much the same as last year. They cover -water heaters, except those thermostatically controlled and thermally insulated; space heaters, grates, radiators and boilers or any other electric device for heating hotels, tourist cabins, shops, offices and com- mercial premises. Lighting of store premises during business hours will be limited to one watt per gross square foot, Not more than 10 watts per lineal foot will be permitted for show windows. Exterior electric signs are prohib- ited along with flood and outline light- ing for decorative purposes, Plastic Wall Tile Kitchen and Bathroom ESTIMATES FREE CUSTOM BUILT Kitchen CABINETS I A •aas_ Plastic Finish n RBORITE WALLBOARD •11—= Agent for Norman Rintoul 'Phone 251 Wingham For Sash Complete Also DOOR FRAMES Agents for Johns-Mansville Shingles, Roofing and Insul-Brick Storm and Screen Sash Made to Measure Campbell & Gorbutt Diagonal Rd., Wingham Memorials We realize our obligation when we fill your order for a Mem- orial—and we provide only ma- terials of unending serviceability. Design and workmanship are of the finest, and our prices are Most moderate, CEMETERY LETTERING Promptly Done All MODERN EQUIPMENT Wingham Memorial Shop 'Phone 256 A, spotton Welwood's "Where Your Dollar Buys MORE" 'Phone 414 "Quality - Service" Wingham YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Our 25 point Scientific Examin. non enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable Vision, F. F 110MUTH Optometrist Phalle 118 Harriston 1 ••••••••••••••••••11,..., ANNOUNCING THE AGENCY for new, modern pianos made by well known Canadian manufac- turers. Many attractive models from which to choose, including the new sensation of the day, "Miniature Cameo" PIANOS If you are interested in turning in your old piano on .a new one, or buying outright, get in touch with Garnet E. Farrier WHITECHURCI-1 Telephone 71151 Wingharti inquiries Appreciated PAGE FOUR THE WINGHAM APVANCE-1,`IMES Wednesday, September. 21, 1949 CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE —White Brick House, large garden, $600.00 full price. Ap- ply E. Finley, Box 167, Wingham. FOR SALE—Weanling pigs, 2 ton baled hay, purebred white Pecan Ducks. Apply Norm Shiels, Bel- grave, Ontario, 'TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO 1 Mayor W. H. Willis underwent an operation for appendicitis in Wing- ham General Hospital on Tuesday. The following were the prize win- ners at the Labour Day 'Bowling Sin- gles. R. Vanstone, Wm. Holmes, Robt. ;Allen, J. Mason, J. Hanna, T. Mc- ;Donald W. H. Willis, ,j. H. Christie. Mr. Win Morden, the St. Thomas li star pitcher, is spending two weeks at his home here. FOR SALE-1931 Chev. Coupe in .— l Dr. McKinnon of Toronto, is taking good running order. Apply Ross - 1 the practice of Dr. Irlma Kennedy, Orvis. Phone 327, while the latter is doing post grad- FOR SALE—Classic Buffet Stove„ l rate work in New York. excellent condition, radio, 6 piece I Belgravc L.O.L. No. 462 held De- breakfast suite, Moffat Handi-Chef. coration Services on Sunday last. Phone 471W. 1 Belmore—The W, I. met on Satur- day afternoon at the home of- the FOR SALE — Brantford 3-legged i Windmill, 30 ft. tower. Apply Jas. president, Miss Agnes Darling. a Purvey, Illuevale. 1 Whitechurch— School reopened FORTY YEARS AGO Mr. David Lougheed, who was ins .itired so seriously nine years ago in Regina, returned home on Friday night.. The following artists performed at the Labour Day concert held in the .•Town Hall. The McDonald sisters, Miss Alice Mann, Miss Pearl Duncan, 'Mrs, W. H. Willis, Jas.. Duncan and Piper McDonald. Dr. and Mrs. Kennedy returned on 'IMonday from their Western trip. Wroxeter—The Wroxeter Rural ITeIephone Co., has been incorporated rvith a share capital of $10,000, ' Mr. Thos. Bower was a successful prize winner with his poultry at the Toronto Fair. Armour-Cody—On Wednesday al- 1 ternoon at the home of Mrs. Cody, Patrick St., the marriage took place of her daughter, Carrie Beatrice and Mr. Wm. J. Armour; produce mere's- ; ant. At Syracuse, N.Y., on Tuesday, Dar key Hal, owned by Mr. J. E. Swarts, ; won first money in his race and low- : ered his record to 2.0211. Bluevale—Rev. W. J West attended the Maitland Presbytery last week. Mekris—The 100 acre farm of J. N. Nethery has been sold to Henry Ma- 6 thers, whose farm adjoins it. JI . * * 50 r Mrs. Gordon Ledgley, Listowel, in — . orchid taffeta, was her sister's mats I. • ron of honor, and Mra. Jo ho McMils 1 Listowel, in iuschia taffeta, was bridesmaid, Fashioned alike, thei: gowns were designed with lona full skirts gathered to a fitted bodice, with low neckline outlined with a double tiered collar. Their sweetheart head- dresses were trimmed with -ostrich tips in shades or orchid, fuschia and pur- plc. Mrs. Ledgley carried an arm bouquet of yellow mums. Mrs. Mc- Millan carried bronze mums Miss Judy McMillan, niece of the bride, was flower girl. She wore .a dress of baby blue taffeta, with matching rufs fled bandeau headdress, and carried a colonial nosegay of mixed flowers. onto. r st man was James Waddell, Tor- Following a reception, the couple left for a wedding trip to Manitoulin Island, the bride wearing a tailored suit of slate blue with navy accessories and a mauve orchid corsage. The couple will reside- in Listowel. The bride is a granddaughter of the late air. and Mrs. Richard McGrath, Gorrie. (Continued from. page one) Wilkinson, Billie Nahgrang, Bobby McMurray, Donna Gow, calf race, grades 5 and under, Donald McMur- ray, Ruth Procter. Market lanzb (ewe or wether) Ron- nie Nicholson, Gordon Smith, Lyle Smith, Bobby Carter. Vegetables Field Corn, Clarence Walker, Aus- I tin Cook, Arnold Mathers, Bill Coul- tes, Doii Craig, Glen Coultes, sweet 1 corn, (6 ears), Elizabeth Pipe, Mar- garet Ann Dalrymple, Robert Stevens, Mary Oster, Yvonne Rath, Bruce Rob- ertson; field corn, (6 ears husked), John Pipe, John Cronyn, Sandra Rath, Gerald McDowell, Garth Wal- den, Barry Fraser; three tomatoes, Jimmy Scott, Murray Scott, John McDowell, Douglas Thomas, Bobby Davis, John Pipe,; six onions, Donald Procter, Lyle Smith, June Pierce, Mary Kelly, John Pipe, Murray Scott, six carrots, (table), Lyle Smith, Dor- othy Howatt, Garry Reavie, Marilyn Goll, John Pipe, Florence Dawson; white beans, Murray Scott, Barbara Smith, Yvonne Rath, Keith Robinson, Glen Coultes, Alice Nesbit; colored beans; John Gaunt, Murray Scott, Elizabeth Pipe, Barry ,Machan, Isabel Scott, Raymond Walker; pie, pump- kin, Reid Hackwell, Donald McCool, Wayne. Fear, Donald Scott, Ruth Tay- lor, Bobby Davis; citron, Helen Yungblutt, Douglas Thomson, Jimmie Carter, Larry Fear, Ronald Nichol- son, John McDowell; sunflower, Mur- Vi Gow ray Scott, Jain Pipe, o et ow; collection of vegetables, Sandra Rath, Edythe Rhin, Lois Walker, Ruth Proc ter, Gordon Smith, Louise Jefferson; white beans, Billie Coultes, Sandra Rath, Allan Scott, Ruth Cook, Velma Agar, Lyle Yungblutt; coloured beans, Barbara Coultes, Jimmy Thompson, Donna McArter, Lois Campbell, Ar- lene Richmond, Margaret Dalrymple. Grades 1 and 2, five onions, from Dutch sets, Raymond Walker, Max- ine Machan, Cameron Robinson, '7, • \ 4....5 a AL, WANTED—Male Clerk for retail store au.. Wingham. Good opportun- ity for right person. Apply by letter to Box A. J. Advance-Times WANTED—Second or Third Class Stationary Steam Engineer Apply in writing to The Andrew Malcolm Furniture Company, Listowel. AUCTION SALE Of Farm, Farm Stock and Imple- ments at Lot 42, Con. 14, Hullett Township, 1i2 mile east of Auburn, at 1 p.m., on Monday, September 26th. Special. attraction at this sale is 20 young horses. Terms on chattels, cash. Farm terms made known day of sale, subject to reserve bid. 'l', J, McMichael, Harold Jackson, Prop. Auctioneer. IN MEMORIAM GOWDY—In loving memory of John Gowdy, who passed away one year ago, September the twenty-first, "Love(' in Life, an living yet, In the hearts of those who cannot forget, Beautiful memories are treasured ever, Of the days when we were all to- gether, —Always remembered by wife and family IN MEMORIAM McNEIL—In loving memory of Mar- garet Hazel McNeil, who passad away four years ago, September 23t1, nineteen hundred and. forty- five, Lover.; and not forgotten by Mother and Father, MeNEIL—In loving memory of a dear sister, Margaret Hazel 1VIcNeil. Dear sister bow we miss you, Though on earth. you are no more, Days of sadness still come o'er us, Tears of silence often flow. So all, whir, have a sister, Cherish her with care, You'll never know her value, Till you find she isn't there, Some day we hope to meet again. Sonic day, we know not when, To clasp her hand in the better land, Never to part again. —Ever remembered by Mary, Alvin and children, CARD OF THANkS Miss Laura M. Dodds of Somerset, England, who spent four months hi Wingham, left for her home on the Empress of France. She wished to thank all neighbours and friends for their extreme kindness and hospitality, also to the hospital and Dr. Connell for kindly aid at the time of a nasty fall and a badly bruised ann. CARD Or THANXS Mr, and Nil's, John Finlay and Ster- ling wish t,, express their appreciation to' their neighbours and friends for the Mildness and sympathy shown in their recent sorrow. Such kindness and thoughtfulness can never be for- gotten. at Park Head relieving the agent there for a couple of weeks. * FIFTEEN YEARS AGO Won Western University Scholarship Miss Bernice Blake, who made such a splendid showing in the Upper School Examinations, was awarded a scholarship of $100.00 tuition for each of two years in Western University. Made Hole In One While playing on the Bruce Beach Golf Course recently Mrs. J. W. Mc- Kibbon was successful in making a hole in one, Home From England Mr. W. J. Henderson Jr., who has been attending Cambridge University, England, is visiting with his father, W. J. Henderson, Wingham junction. Hetherington - McArter—The mar- riage of Dorothy Helen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 3, M. McArter, Bramp- ton, Ont.,, to Dr. Hubert Harold Heth- erington, sou of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hetherington, Bluevale Road, took place on Thursday afternoon at Mus- koka. Entertained their S, S. Classes Mrs. R. H. Lloyd and Miss Doro- thy Lloyd entertained their Sunday School Classes at Bruce Beach on Sat- urday. Whitechurch Institute to Entertain Local Branch. The local branch of the W. I. are invited to meet with the Whitechurch branch on Friday, Sept. 14th, Gorrie — St. Stephens Church was beautifully decorated for the annual Harvest Home services on Sunday. Rev. Mr, Roberts of Petrolia, assisted by Rev, Leggatt, were the special speakers, Wroxeter—Congratulations to Miss Mildred Cathers who won the Strat- ford 'Beacon-Herald Quebec and 1000 Islands Tour, Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Ross spent the week-end with the former'a parents in Brussels, on the occasion of their fif- tieth wedding anniversary. Mr. Adam Halliday, Huron's oldest resident, died at the home of his daughter in Clin- ton. Miss Audrey Reid entertained at her home in honour of Miss Violet Mellor, bride elect. Mr, Morley Coun- ter has been appointed Postmaster at Clinton, his wife was the former Miss Mabel Swarts of Wingham, POWER IESTRICTIONS MAY BE NECESSARY October 1st has been designated as the date when the restrictions on the. use of hydro for commercial and in- dustrial purposes take effect Last week's rain, however, caused Premier Frost to wonder whether it would be necessary to put on a cm-b• at that time Tim point came tip when. he was asked whether the regulations, provid- ing for the restrictions, would he pass- ed by the cabinet "Ti is necessary to pass the 'order- in-council to give effect to the regtita- DIAMOND AND WEDDING RINGS oftANs.rvel'osnkr••"+".4.• David Crompton JEWELLER Certified Watchmaker Gifts For All Occasions WINGHAM PHONE 59 ial1111111•1111111111111•111111111111111111111111111111111g o RUBBER and o Mastic Tile Flooring I for Homes, Offices and a Stores. a a a E • • = FORDWICH Forman - McMillan An arch of evergreen, flanked with baskets of late summer flowers, ferns and white candles formed. the setting for the marriage of Agnes Mina, (laugh ter of Mrs. McMillan, Listowel, and the late Robert'MeMillan, to Harry Clayton 'Forman, son of Mrs. Forman, Listowel, and the late Arthur For- man. Rev. W. B, Kelley officiated at the ceremony, which took plate at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Alex Brisbin, Listowel, played the wedding music, amid Fred A, Graham, Atwood, Sang "Because." Given in marriage by her brother, John McMillan, Listowel, the bride looked charming in a wedding gown of white slipper satin, with bertha 'arranged in bow effect at the front, the floor-length skirt fashioned with a turtle • affect at the back. Her mousseline de sole von, doubled to the shoulder and .ending in a train, was caught to a sweetheart headdregs of satin and net, and earriei an arm. bouquet of white iritims, centred with a single mauve orchid. Yvonne Rath; Patsy Logan; thanks- giving table, Yvonne Rath, Bobbie Higgins; largest potato, Marie Adams, June Pierce, Dorothy Cook, John Pipe, Murray Scott, Mary Kelly; on- ions, Tommy Brydges, Fay Fraser, Donald McCauley, Barrie Machan, Ruth Cook, Jack Caldwell; parsnips, Gwen Walsh, Isabel Scott, Nelson Armstrong, Edith Davis, squash, Glen Coultes, Edith Davis, Ethel Machan, Douglas Machan, George Oster, grand white mangels, Freddie Armstrong, Michael Hallaban, Waype.Fear, Laur- entian (table) turnips, Garry Badley, Bruce Richmond; Detroit dark red beets, Darlene Pierce, John Rinn, Maxine Machan, Bernice Adams, John Pipe; cabbage, Lyman Jardine, Lois Gall; carrots, Kathleen McCutcheon, Lloyd Scott, Claire Chamney, Shirley Patterson, Marilyn Gall, Alice Nesbit, cucumber, Bill Reavie, Jimmie Scott, Murray Govier, Bruce Campbell, Evelyn Mathers, David Hanna; musk- melon, Rose St. Marie, John Govier, Jame Richmond, Lois Fox, Fred Cook, V. L. A. Griffith; mangels, John Wightman, Murray Scott, Margaret McCutcheon, Lillian Campbell, Ron- nie Nicholson, jack Caldwell. Potatoes, late (a), Yvonne Rath, Donna Walden, Gwendolyn McDow- ell, Bobby Cook, Jack Caldwell, Ray- mond Walker, potatoes, (a), Jean Whitehead, Yvonne Rath, John Gaunt, Isabel Scott, Lloyd Scott, Bruce Rich mond; potatoes late (b), Sandra Rath, Arlene Richmond, Eileen Nesbit, Joan Wightman, Ruth Cook, Gerald Mc- Dowell; potatoes, early (b), Sandra Rath, Mary Louise Hallahan, Doris Johnston, Bobbie McMurray, John Rinno Donald McMurray; turnips, stock feeding, Betty Blake, John_Wig- htman, Jack Caldwell, Bobby Pitblado, Murray Govier, Joan !Govier, largest pumpkin, John Wightman, Yvonne Rath, Jimmie Carter, Margaret Wig- htman, John Gaunt, Betty Biggerstaff, turnips, Ken Badley, Ian Griffith, George Procter, Ruth Procter, Phyllis Fear. Muskmelon, Clara Fraser, Bruce Barrie, Ralph Sawyer, Lawrence Nes- bit, Bobby Carter, Freda Cook, man- gels, Sanda Rath, Clare Taylor, Dons tta Gow, Gordon Smith, Alan Smith, Ruth Procter, largest pumpkin, San- dra-Rath, Donna McArter, Big- gerstaff, Mildred Marks, Bobby Car- ter, Agnes Fisher; mangels, Bessie Campbell -Diatel-1 McMurray, George Procter, Bruce Robertson, Della Arms strong, David Nesbit, beets, Gordon Smith, Robt, Charter, Alan Scott, Rich and McCutcheon, Bob McMurray, Eil- een Nesbit, cabbage, Wanda Rintoul, Lloyd Machan, Parry Brydges, Phyl- lis Fear, Ken Batiks', Marlene Mac. Xenzio; carrots, Clayton Wilkinson, Edythe Ri1117, Ruth Howatt, Joan 'Machan, Charlie font, Donald Cont. tcs;.ettcumbers,notig. Bruce, Sandra Rath, Joan Wigh tman, Ken Sholdice, REMINISCINli BURAVE SCHOOL FAIR SUCCESSFUL I here on Tuesday with Mr. Angus Mc- PERSONALITY BEAUTY SHOP iKay as teacher. specializes in all types of Perman-, The Bluevale School Fair was a ents, Machine, Machineless and grand success in points of exhibits, Cold, also Shampooing, Finger Way-1 attendance and receipts, ing and Ogilvie Sisters Scalp Treats! Mr. and Mrs. P. Gowans have re- meats. 'Phone 33 for appointment. I turned after spending two months in WANTED—A used tricycle, large or i the Canadian West. medium size. Telephone Wingham Whitechurch — Miss Edith Peddle 711W4. returned to Edmonton on Saturday to Deaconess work in that city. WANTED—Companion housekeeper Bluevale—Mr. Eldon McKinney is for elderly lady and working daugh- ter, Small home in London, central, moderate duties, sleep in. Apply Box H.C. Advance-Times. • DISTINCTIVE! GRACIOUS! OUTSTANDING! Our newest collection of frocks for .5 and after! Gleamingly lovely - - - femininely detailed with ever-flattering peplum and draped effects - - gen- erous button accents - - - face becharming plunge and high surplice necklines. Long or three-quarter cuffed sleeves. Come, see these gala beauties today —choose them in the colour of your preference. Lois Dawson, Lois Walker, onions, Donna Anderson, Ken MacKenzie, Donald Jardine, Lorna Balrie, Lois Mason, Margaret Dalrymple, parsnips, Lillian Bruce; squash, Russel Fear, Reta Bruce, Nancy Carter, Ken Car- ter. GRAIN Medium and late oats, one quart, named, Bobby Cook, Eldon Cook, Patricia Yttngblut, Elaine Bolt, Betty Blair, Jimmy Carter; early oats, San- dra Rath, Yvonne Rath, Doris John- ston, Jim Glousher, Donald McMur- ray, Bobbie McMurray; barley, any name, one quart, Saadra Rath, Yvonne -Rath, Elaine Bolt *Arnold Mathers, Lynn Yungblutt, Evelyn Mathers, oats, sheaf, any variety, Bobbie Hig- gins, Elaine Bolt, Allan Scott, George (Continued on page seven)