HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-09-07, Page 5tomonnainninnnunioninsaminmansaiW n n re n n n n n n n m • • • • • • • • n n n • • n • • n U n • • • • • • • • StOkelYs Fancy Pumpkin • 28 oz. tin • 2 for 25c • • n 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.1l 111111131111111111111,111.101,././11111,..,1 llllllllllllllll I llllll I lllllll llllllll Fr°nt " r rocery Free Our Prices Are Lower 'Phone Delivery We Keep Down Th'e Upkeep 590 ,1111111 1,,,,,, ..... 1.111stmitiMmimmlOMI,M14440,0;0t14,1,1,4..1C4.1W 101#00,11.10111.041111011011.0..111,11ps 13ISSETT'S ICE CREAM BRICKS 25c All Flavours !armful! ........ Hm!ilinfil.10,1110 ..... )”.1111.4.0.AMIltMmumWifill11010111.mitimoill,fltniflO10110111111.1114poisk York Brand FROZEN FISH NEW LOW PRICES SALMON FILLETS, lb. 49c SOLE FILLETS, lb. 45c PERCH FILLETS, lb. 39c COD FILLETS, lb. 37c WAGSTAFFE RASPBERRY JAM 24 oz. jar 33c S E I NN I OI NI M PA RI N IN NI N BETTER MEALS WITH HALF THE WORK HERE'S • HOW- Yes, Madam, the Essotane gas range you see illustrated here is the way to easier, quicker, bet- ter cooking. ES-20 (McCLARY) And it's economical tool If people who slave over old-fashioned coal and wood stoves knew how little it costs to have a time- saving, work-saving Essotane gas range they wouldn't wait long before making the change! Come in and get the facts. One of these ranges will bring new happiness into your home-not only for you but for all the family. Range prices are very moderate and the Essotane gas they burn is very economical. Stainton's Girl's Diagonal: Strap Pump • • Boy's Supple Moccasin Boy's Toughened Oxford RHYS POLLOCK Fine Quality Shoes for Boys and Girls Wednesday, September 7th, 1949 THE WINOHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE vire 4100111010014•111004411101111101imminnomiliiiiiiingisolin011001111100110101 4111 6 in. 1i • 1 • • 1 • •• rokTY Y5ARs ,A0.0 es Duncan - Ilaviser- Married at the • MI M a. ethodist Parsonage, Kamloops, B. II al C., on August 17th, 'by Rev, Lb. M. •IIII Sanford, 11 r. John Cs Duncan, of Ver- • • • lloa, B. C., to Miss Margaret, (laugh- • ter of the late George Backar of Urns- ' III sels. • , 1•a» - Ross-Married at the Dover- • • • IN court Road Presbyterian Church, Tor- • c.r.mmtwofAiss,r ist-mst III onto, on Tuesday, August by • • the Rev, Dr, John Ross, of Port 24th,Dal- • • housie, assisted by Rev, Jas, Wilson, • Beatty VACUUM CLEANER, complete with fittings- in pastor, of the chureh, Mr. Charles Law, • _ , .$79.00 in • IN rii Regular $99.50-SALE • son of Mr. W. S. Law, Tilsonburg, to A.' ii Miss Jessie 'Morrison Ross, daughter • 1111 of the late Robert Ross, formerly of • ' '1.i.: ',. WOODEN BUSHEL BASKETS' 25c • Brussels. •I 104 • Second Aunnal Bowling Tourna- • - • LARGE SQUARE WASH TUBS , . .$2.35 • • ...„„0.16,.,.,n meat-The second annual bowling, - n • • • • n n n n n • n n n • 96 pieces $55.00 66 pieces $37.95 n 32 pieces $13.75 Large CUPS and SAUCERS - white and red jr • (SPECIAL) 35c n 111 See the Latest in 'TOYS for Christmas n • ait • • • ROOF COATING-1 Gallon 89c ▪ ROOF COATING-5 gallons $4.25 NEW STOCK OF English DINNERWARE WATER BOWLS, reg. $6.15-SALE $5.50 Green Enamelled Used GAS WASHER, only $115.00 ORDERS TAKEN FOR STORM SASH n m • • • • n n n n n tournament under the auspices of the Wingham Bowling Club opened on Monday afternoon with twenty-six rinks, twenty of them being from out- side points. Hoover's Clinton rink won the Trophy competition and Rob- inson's Orangeville rink the Associa- tion event. Monday the weather was ideal for bowling but Tuesday after- noon rain followed by cool weather gave poor conditions for the balance of the tournament. The Consolation doubles and singles were not com- pleted in time to report in this issue. Wingham Rinks At Local Bowling Tournament-Rev. Jenkins, Dr. Irwin, R. Allen, A, H, Musgrove, skip; J. W, Gibson, W. A. Campbell, Thos. King and L, Kennedy, skip; J. Mason, C. G. VanStone, C. Dallas and G. C. Manners, skip; B. Leary, A. E. Smith, B. Cochrane and A. M, Crawford, skip; C. A. Rintoul, J. W. Orr, D, L. Dinsley and Alex Porter, skip; K, Rae, J, Robson, D. B. Porter and D. Hol- mes, skip. St. Helens-Mr. Will Todd is ex- pected home soon. Mrs. Stalker," of Wingham, was visiting at Robt. Tay- only son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jas. lor's, Mr. A. E. Durnin left last Tues- Gill, with the Rev, Fr, Egan officiat- day to look after his interests in the 111 g% West, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Woods and Bowling Tournament Sets Record- little Vera, spent Saturday evening The Merchants' and Manufacturers and Sunday under Mrs, Wood's par- Bowling Tournament, which was stag- ental roof at Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. ed by the Bowling Club on Thursday Thompson of Sault Ste. Marie, accom- evening, was the largest and most sue- panied by Mrs, Thompson's mother, cessful tuornament ever slaked on the Mrs. T. Todd, left on Tuesday morn- local greens, Two years ago a similar ing to visit in Toronto and take in tournament was held and there were the exhibition. forty-eight rinks entered which was a * '* e,1 record, but on Thursday evening there TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO were 52 entries. Two hundred and a Monument Unveiled-Most impres- eight players competed and the McCoy • sive were the ceremonies at the unveil- rink from Lucknow won first prize. • ing of Wingham Memorial Monument • IIII in honor of those heroes who gave up NI their lives that. we might have liberty N and British Freedom. A great record MI of people witnessed the ceremonies. • General Sir Arthur Currie, G. C. M. • Ile G., K. C. B., unveiled the monument, • • • II • and in a clear voice gave a most ap- propriate address. Pocock - Walton-A pretty wed- ding was solemnized at Ossington Ave. Baptist Church, Toronto, on Wednesday, when Miss Josephine Walton, of San Antonia, Texas, be- came the bride of Mr. G. E. Pocock, eldest son of Mrs. R.-Pocock of Wing- ham, with the Rev. Dr. Allen officia- ting,. Qca -c ,xxat;K r6 GK Personals-Mr. and Mrs. Tinos, Gaunt and family spent a clay last week at Eugenia Falls. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Henderson and family have re- REM1NISCINfi turne,41 from a motor trip to Guelph. Hamilton, Niagara Falls, Norwich and London, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Moo dy awl babe, Norman, accompanied by Miss Elsie Iliackhall, nnaored to Sarnia ou Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Walker are on a motor trip to Tor- onto, Hainilton, Niagara Falls and, Buffalo. Trustees at St. Andrews-On day, August 18th, at 2.84 p.m., at a public meeting of time congregation St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, which was duly called and advertised, the former trustees, viz„ Wfn, Isbis- ter, Wm, J, Henderson and John An- derson were reselected for a term of three bears. Gorrie-Wallirton Longue and wife are visitors with W. D. and Mrs. Williams, Dr. N. L. Whitley was in Toronto. several days recently. Mr. and Mrs. Beesy of Kitchener, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Shera, Mr, and Mrs. James are hall- (laying at Toronto, Mrs. Elles of Drayton is visiting her uncle, James Shera, Mrs. Fergusgn and her daugh- ter of Mangester, Maine, are visiting Mrs, John Hyndman, Glenannan-Miss Nellie Doig of Carrick, a former school teacher at Glenannan, spent Sunday with her friend, Miss Mabel Stokes. Mr, and Airs. Fred Wilton of Walkerton, visit- ed recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilton, Among those who attended the big picnic at Strat- ford last Wednesday were Mr. mid Mrs. John Metcalfe and son, Torn, Mr. -Wm, Breceknridge, Mr. and Mrs. David Breen, Mr. and Mrs Sam Mar- shall and Mr. and Mrs. Fred John- ston of Wingham, spent Sunday at Mr. Arthur Lincoln's. * * * FIFTEEN YEARS AGO Gill -Weishar-The Sacred Heart Church, Teeswater, was the scene of a pretty wedding, when Margaret Ven- etia, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weishar, became the bride ,.f Thomas Joseph Gill, of Walkerton, St. Helens-Messrs, Frank and Tom Todd left on Saturday with their Poi- led Angus cattle for the C.N.E. at Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Torrance And- erson and Mary Josephine of Toronto, are vacationing with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Anderson, Mrs. McFarlane and Walter, also Mrs. Sellers and son, Kenneth of Bluevale, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McPher- son and with Miss G. Webb. Mr. Stan- ley Todd is visiting in Michigan, Miss Florence McQiullan is visiting in Tor- onto. Wroxeter-Mr. ayd Mrs. ,Geo. lifer- kley were in Kitchener one day last week. Mrs. Jas. Stutt and Miss Ann Munroe, who have been visiting in Cleveland, returned home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Jack,son and sons, Edward and William, Mr. and Mrs. Fitch and children, Carl, Gladys and Lyle, also Mrs. E. Higgins, were Sun- 2-ply ROOFING, per roll Combination STORM and SCREEN DOORS complete with GLASS, $13.95 • • • • • n • • FLY TOX (containing DDT) In • 8 oz. 25c • $119.00 16 oz. ....45c 32 oz. . . . .75c • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ra FLY COILS, dozen SILO FIBREEN I N3 • • 25c PAPER 7 • • in in • CROCKS-1 gallon . .50c • 48" wide; 666 sq. feet • • 2 gal. $1.15 3 gal. $1.50 Per roll $15.00 • , • 4 gal. $2.25 5 gal. $2.50 ',ISM • • • • • • Ei • Wide, 100 ft. roll $15.00 SNOW FENCE, 48" 111 111111111111 \ • • • in Red BARN PAINT, 111111!11111111111ri a • 0 1 (i A sekto) • • IAN" IIIIN • • M 80 rod roll . . $5.75 t 1 il,iii 1101111,1111011111 ii • ni gallon .$2.95 • • IN BARB WIRE, per • 161 • • NI • 1 GI RL'S BICYCLE, balloon tires 59.95 Child;en's LUNCH BOXES 30c • m ni • • III NI • 5TAINTONAARDWARE a m e m m m ni • • in a ;FA 1,,,:tsil E R5 H 0 U SE- MI • • • Pk/ONE ; $1.NeRAM • IIII M el • • NI NI fainillial11011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111M111111111111111111111111km • •MINUTE RICE • • lil NEW-ALREADY COOKED 51/2 oz. pkg. • inni 2 pkgs. 35c ... N a in a is CESEEMINTEERIEEKSIUMINEMMEMEHIESEINEMIUM day guests at the home of Mr. Thos. on Mr. Jolla Finlay on Sunday. Missed' Bertha and Minnie Jas,. Pritchard spent a few days irx. Smith, visited in Brussels one day Listowel. (Smith, last week Gorrie-Afrs. J. A. Day, Mr. Cecil Day and daughter. Miss Bernice, spent Sunday at Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Deyell of - Wingham, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank King. Mr. and Mrs. F. Coles spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Schaefer in Fordwich. Mr. and Mrs. Hanford Irvin also Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Short, sepnt Sunday in Torontto. Mr. Harry'King spent time week-end at Brace Beach and Kin- cardine. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holmes 1 , ,c5f„ and Miss Perkins left on Monday f,s• 1 SHERBONDY a week's visit in Toronto. 12th Line Howick---,Mr. and Mrs. COFFEE SHOP L. Wassman visited his sister, Mrs. Cleve Stafford on Sunday. Mr. John Hayes, also Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Fin- Next to Lyceum Theatre lay, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. Thos. Vittie. Mr. Alex Finlay, Miss Finlay and Mrs. Fennell, called • • is • • t. • • • • • n n n • n n n n n n n 401 • • • n • a • • n n n m n • • m • • n • Quart • • • • • ▪ Ivory with Gold and Green Trim, 49c Quart English CUPS and SAUCERS- Easy WASHING MACHINES, Gyrator type, reg. $137.50- SALE ALARM CLOCKS $2.65, $3.50, $4.95 RUBBER RINGS, pkg. 03c OVERHEAD GARAGE DOOR SETS $19.95 BLACK CAULKING 45c Gallon $1.19 GREY CAULKING 98c Gallon $2.95 n • • • • • • ALUMINUM ROOFING (In stock) Reg. $12.00 SALE PRICE $11.00 3 and 1 SHINGLES- Green or Red, per square, $8.75 STEEL CABINET SINK- Reg. $159.00-SALE . . .$139.00 ESSOTANE 4-burner GAS STOVE, fully enamelled only . . . $115.00 UsecfRoyal COOK STOVE, white Enamel $65.00 Used McClary Heavy Duty RANGE, Green Enamel $85.00 COD LIVER OIL, 200D, reg. $3.25- SALE PRICE, per gal.. . $2.50 $2.75 GIRL ANTED FULL TIME. WORK •